Fallen Star (14 page)

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Authors: Morgan Hawke

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Fallen Star
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She arched her entire body and howled, grinding up into his ruthless and brutal thrusts. He released her head and she twisted sharply, rolling him onto his back.

He stared up at her in surprise, then grinned as she proceeded to slam down onto his cocks. Her head dropped. Her teeth scored his breast, and her tongue lashed across the rings that pierced his nipples.

He gasped but pressed her head against his breast.

She bit down.

He shouted, then pulled her head back and leaned up to take her nipple into his mouth. He sucked it into his mouth, then opened wide and bit down on her breast.

She screamed and raked his chest with her claws.

The smell of blood and arousal mixed in a potent perfume.

The fire in the back of her skull was suddenly eclipsed by a red heat that burned up her spine. She released a scream that raised the hairs on her entire body. The perfume of arousal changed to the rank scent of violence -- and fear.

“Isabeau?” He rolled her under him and grabbed for her wrists. His eyes were fire bright with passion, but his mouth was hard. “Isabeau, stay with me!” He thrust hard into her body and struggled to hold her. “Stay with me, pet!”


Chapter Twelve


She snarled up at the male holding her and writhed to escape his hands as the fire in her mind triggered a rage that hungered to tear the heart from his breast and drink the blood that raced under his skin.

A shadow fell over them. “Isabeau?”

She snarled at the second male, then screamed with the lightning stabbing through her mind.

Yelling, shouting, struggling ... The scent of freshly spilled blood, and sex.

“Isabeau, please ...!”

She knew that voice. A warm, familiar scent curled around her. Need, want ...

Fallon blinked up at Sobehk, down on one knee at their side. She leaned toward him, searching for his scent. “Sobehk?”

Sobehk sighed and pressed his palm to her cheek. “I’m right here.”

“Don’t ... go away.” She turned her face into his hand. Tears streaked down her cheeks. “Don’t ... don’t leave me.”

Khan snarled. “Sit down before you fall down, Sobehk; in fact, why don’t you go get your mattress and lie down here with us?”

Sobehk frowned. “Are you sure?”

Khan rolled his eyes. “You just pulled her out of
. What do you think?”

Fallon whimpered and writhed as the fire in her mind surged. “It hurts ...”

Khan focused on Sobehk. “She is not talking about my dicks.”

Sobehk groaned as he rose to his feet. “I’ll get the mattress.”

“Ignore it, pet.” Khan began ruthlessly thrusting. “Pay attention to your body.”

Fallon closed her eyes and arched up in an effort to erase what was happening in her head. Sobehk’s rich perfume covered her, and she opened her eyes to see him stretching out on a mattress alongside theirs.

Khan released Fallon’s wrists and groaned. “You may as well be useful. Push up your sleeve and give me your wrist.”

Sobehk’s brows rose, but he shoved up his sleeve and leaned close, presenting his wrist.

Khan lunged at him, lightning fast, and sank his fangs deep into Sobehk’s forearm.

Sobehk shouted in shock. “Khan!”

Khan pulled back and licked his lips. “Lick the wounds. I need you hard.”

Sobehk hissed in obvious pain. “What are you thinking?”

Khan smiled sourly as he ground into Fallon’s body. “I’m thinking that there’s a
that needs to drink a load of cum. Get busy.”

Sobehk’s eyes opened wide. “Are you serious?”

Khan bared his teeth. “Did I, or did I not, just bite you?”

Sobehk licked the wounds on his arm and yanked at the ties of his robe with his free hand.

Fallon writhed, caught between the agony in her mind and the cocks grinding harshly in her body. The base of his cocks began to swell into a ball of rock hard flesh sliding in then out, passing deliciously against her clit. Liquid heat flared in her core and began to build. She gasped in surprise, then moaned under the rising wave of bittersweet and agonizing pleasure.

Khan grinned down at her and thrust in earnest. “You better hurry, Sobehk. She’s rising.”

Sobehk rolled his eyes as he tore the robe from his shoulders. “I would find one that likes pain as much as you do.” He dropped onto his back, grabbed his cocks, and stroked them, groaning. “How did I get so lucky?”

Fallon leaned up and nipped at Khan’s nipples.

Khan hissed as her teeth raked him. “I have no complaints.” He grunted with his thrusts. “Are you hard yet? I’m just about to knot.”

Sobehk sighed. “Yes. Your venom is fucking potent!” He sat up on his knees, framing Fallon’s head.

“You think I’m bad?” Khan snorted. “Wait ’til
bites you.” He caught Fallon’s chin. “I need you to suck cock, pet.”

Fallon tilted her head back to see Sobehk’s rigid cocks only a breath away from her mouth. The scent of his arousal washed over her in an irresistible wave. She opened her mouth and stroked the underside of the swollen head of his larger primary cock with her tongue, then opened wide to suck him in.

Sobehk hissed. “Shit!” He dropped, his hands framing her chest, arching over her body, and spread his knees to get lower.

Fallon tilted her head back to get more of him and lashed him with her tongue. He became even more rigid against her tongue. She moaned and suckled.

Sobehk groaned and thrust into her mouth. “Damn ...”

Khan pushed up onto his hands, his thrusts slower, but hammer-stroke hard. “That good?”

Fallon moaned and sucked hard as Sobehk thrust into her mouth even as Khan ground his torturous cocks into her body.

Sobehk moaned and panted. “That enthusiastic. And I’m just as hard-up as she is.”

Fallon growled and let him slide against her teeth.

He flinched. “Watch it with the teeth!”

Khan chuckled. “Can you cum first?”

Sobehk groaned. “Not going to be a problem; just about there.” He sucked in a breath. “In fact ... there.” He groaned and shuddered. “Swallow it, kitten; drink me down.”

Fallon felt him pulse on her tongue. Salty, musky cream filled her mouth, even as his second cock pulsed against her neck, spattering hot cum across her breasts. She swallowed, but there was so much of it, it dribbled past her lips.

Khan snorted. “She’s missing some.”

“Got it.” Sobehk caught her jaw, tilted her head back, and thrust his entire length down her throat. He gasped.

She couldn’t breathe past the long cock jammed down into her throat. She whimpered and reached up to push him back.

Khan caught her hands. “No, swallow, pet.”

Fallon struggled against his hold while cum pumped and pumped straight down her throat.

Sobehk moaned. “Mother Night, yes ...” He sighed and pulled from her throat.

Fallon coughed and sucked air.

Sobehk fell on the mattress beside them and rolled onto his back, smiling. “Mmm, I needed that.”

Fallon struggled to swallow what was left in her mouth and scowled at Sobehk’s grinning face. “Dirty ... trick.”

“Is that so?” Khan dropped over her and thrust brutally hard. “My turn.”

Fallon gasped as the metal at the end of his cock bumped something inside, something exciting and deliciously urgent. He struck it again, and then again ... She groaned and shivered, arching up to meet him.

Sobehk rolled up on his side, set his chin on his hand, and grinned. “I love watching you fuck.”

Khan flashed him a smile, then groaned while twisting his hips hard.

Fallon felt something swollen pass into both her ass and cunt, filling them brutally tight. She gasped.

Khan released a harsh breath. “I’m tied.” He ground into her and moaned. “Mother, she’s tight ...”

Fallon felt something spark, and shuddered as pleasure rose hot and fast. She writhed to reach it.

Khan smiled down at her. “Ready to fall, pet?”

Fallon panted, and a small sound escaped her lips. She ground up against him. He was pressed right up against that delicious spot, but something was missing. “Please?”

Sobehk raised his brow. “Oh, begging? I like begging.”

Fallon bucked up hard, but got no closer. A whimper escaped. “Please ...? I need ... I want ...” She writhed and bared her teeth. “Bite me!”

Sobehk looked at Khan.

Khan smiled at Sobehk. “Bite her.”

Sobehk’s brows shot up. “Doesn’t she have enough venom in her by now?”

Khan shook his head. “She doesn’t need the venom; she needs the bite. She needs the pain.”

Sobehk rolled his eyes. “Pain junkies ...” He leaned over Fallon. “Where do you want my teeth, kitten?”

“Her breast, around the nipple.” Khan grinned. “I took the other. Make them match.”

Sobehk’s brows rose as he stared at Khan.

Fallon squirmed as climax coiled in a boiling morass of threatening intent. She was right on the damned edge and they were talking! “I don’t care where; just bite me, damn it!”

Sobehk’s mouth dropped over her nipple. His mouth opened wide and he sucked hard, his long teeth pressing into her skin.

“Maker, yes!” She grabbed Sobehk’s hair to hold him and moaned as his sucking mouth burned a trail of delight from her nipple straight down to her clit. Her gaze locked on Khan’s blood-orange eyes.

Khan held her gaze and ground his metal laden cocks into her. “Now.”

Raked by the delight within her body, Fallon arched up on a wail. Sobehk’s teeth sank into her breast, delivering sharp slices of pain that pushed her over the edge into an exploding spiral of mind-shocking pleasure. She stared into Khan’s eyes and shrieked.

Khan choked, his eyes went wide and he shook. “Bloody Chaos.”

* * * * *

Fallon moaned; every part of her hurt. But the burning in her mind was gone.
Hot damn.
She opened her eyes and stared blearily at the steel gray ceiling overhead. Khan’s warm but heavy steel and titanium weighted body was stretched out full-length on top of her and nestled between her thighs. His breath feathered the left side of her throat.

Someone had pulled the pale gray blanket over them. It was actually fairly cozy, if it weren’t for the fact that she was cuddled up with one of the scariest men she’d ever met.

And he owned her.

Her mind immediately shied away from that line of thought. She pushed at his shoulder. “Are we done?”

Khan opened one copper eye and tightened his arms at her sides. He snorted against her throat. “We’re tied.” He moved his hips and the swollen base of his cocks tugged at the more than tender flesh he filled to capacity. He moaned in obvious enjoyment. “Tight.”

She hissed and grabbed his bare butt to stop his movements. “I meant with whatever you were doing in my head.”

Khan growled. “Be still.”

Fallon froze, then scowled. “I’m not the one that’s moving!”

“No, you’re the one that’s talking. Be still.” He opened his mouth and pressed his teeth against her throat in clear warning.

Fallon’s breath stopped. Apparently that pleased him. His wet tongue stroked where his teeth had been. She relaxed and fumed.
Just what I need, another bully.
She turned to look over at Sobehk ... but he wasn’t there. The mattress he’d been on was missing, too. She tilted her head back to see if he’d gone back to his bed. The hospital bed was missing. The hair rose on her body. She was alone with Khan.

Khan’s hand slid down the standing hairs on her arm. “What?” His tone was clearly annoyed.

Fallon flinched and promptly became annoyed with herself. “Sobehk ...?”

“Has been moved to my ship. We’ll join him later.” He nuzzled against her throat and ground his still-hard cocks into her. “Go to sleep.”

Fallon winced and shifted under him. Great Maker, he was tight in her.
She rolled her eyes.
Right, sure, like that’s going to happen like this?

He growled.

She stilled, expelled her breath, and tried to relax. His heart beat against hers in a slow, even rhythm. She found herself listening to it. Oddly, she found herself matching his slow breaths. Odder still, her eyes became heavy and she slid into sleep.

* * * * *

Fallon felt the weight on top of her move and opened her eyes to find Khan up on his elbows staring down at her. A slight smile curved his lips.

She blinked up at him in sleepy confusion.

He hooded his eyes and lowered his head slowly. His lips touched hers.

She opened her mouth to him, and his tongue brushed against her lower lip. The touch was surprisingly gentle. She touched his tongue with the tip of hers, and he stroked lightly but more boldly against her. He tasted of warm male and slightly of copper. He tasted ... familiar.

His head turned slightly and he joined his mouth more fully to hers, his kiss slow and exploratory. She answered his kiss without thought. It just seemed ... the right thing to do.

A sound vibrated in his chest. It was the strangest sound she’d ever heard. It wasn’t a growl; it was more comforting in its rumbling, like a gigantic feline purr. The idea of Khan purring made a smile curve her lips.

He pulled back, releasing her mouth. Amusement softened the harsh lines of his face. “What?”

“You’re purring?” Fallon couldn’t help but smile more fully.

He snorted but smiled. “I do that when I’m pleased.”

“Oh ...” He was pleased. She’d pleased him. Something warm and alarming shifted in her heart. She flinched back from that warmth and her smile fled.

His brows shot up. “You don’t want to please me?”

Fallon opened her mouth and then closed it. She did. She did want to please him. She looked away in confusion. This needful feeling was completely different from the protective urge she felt for Sobehk. It was more like she wanted
protection, as though she wanted comfort from
 -- Khan. She needed the comfort of knowing that Sobehk was safe, but the thought of wanting Khan to be comforting ...? The idea was alien, and alarming. Her heart pounded in fright and she jerked under him. She needed to get out from under him. She needed to get out ...

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