Falling for Sarah (10 page)

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Authors: Cate Beauman

BOOK: Falling for Sarah
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Tatiana laughed. “You’re a terrible liar, Sarah.”

Sarah smiled. “I’ll be there.” She glanced at her watch. “I really have to get back to the hotel. The limo will be by to pick us up in a couple of hours.”

Tatiana stood as Sarah did. “Make sure you bring Kylee next time.”

“She and Hailey are playing at the indoor water park. It’s quite impressive. I won’t be shocked if I have to go down and drag her up to our room myself.” She hugged Tatiana. “Enjoy your precious boy.” She stroked a finger over Ryan’s cheek.

“I certainly will. I’ll see you next week.”

Sarah grimaced

Tatiana laughed. “If I have to suffer, so do you.”

In the week since the photo shoot, Celebrity Magazine flew off the shelves faster than it could be printed. Sarah’s usually hectic schedule turned chaotic shortly thereafter. She juggled her time between shoots, proofing, and Kylee, which left barely a moment for anything else. It was only when she lay in bed, before exhaustion took her under, that she thought of Ethan. He’d never called her back. She hadn’t seen him since the morning of their argument.

Sarah stood in front of her bathroom mirror, securing the last pin into the shiny, loose curls piled on her head. Wispy trendles, pulled at random, framed her face.

“Sarah, you look amazing,” Hailey said as she bent forward, applying clear gloss to Kylee’s puckered lips.

Sarah met Hailey’s gaze in the mirror and smiled. “Thanks.” She turned from side to side, examining the full effect of her hair and makeup. “I’m ready for my dress. Will you help me so I don’t mess up my curls?”

“Of course.” Hailey plucked Kylee from the bathroom counter and set her on her feet.

Sarah took the black spaghetti strap evening dress from the bag. She pulled it over her head with Hailey’s help. As she smoothed the fitted satin against her waist, both Kylee and Hailey stared in silence.

She stood before the three-way, full-length mirror, turning. “Do you think it’s too much? My entire back is exposed.”

“Mama, you so pretty.”

She brushed a hand over Kylee’s pigtail. “Thank you, honey.”

“Seriously, Sarah, Tatiana Myers has nothing on you tonight. You’re stunning.” Hailey fixed a wisp of Sarah’s hair as she spoke.

“That’s very kind of you. Hopefully people will ask where I got this dress so I can plug my mother’s shop. I have to go.” She walked over to her jewelry box, selected the square-cut diamond earrings her parents gave her for Christmas. After fastening them in place, she misted perfume into the air, stepped into it.

“Me too, Mama.”

“Okay, but close your eyes and hold your breath.” Sarah sprayed the wildflower scent again.

Kylee walked into the mist, giggling.

Sarah knelt down to Kylee’s level and nuzzled her neck, making Kylee laugh. “You smell beautiful. You be a good girl for Hailey tonight.” She kissed Kylee’s slippery lips and stood, looking at Hailey. “I’ll be back as soon as humanly possible, I promise. Arm the system when I leave and don’t open the door for anyone. Austin’s working the premiere tonight but another one of Ethan’s men, Jackson, will be in the area. He’ll be doing drive-bys every twenty minutes or so. If you even think you need him, hit the panic button on the panel and call the police.”

“You’re freaking me out, Sarah.”

Sarah touched Hailey’s arm. “I’m sorry. The crime going on around here is pretty scary. The last ra—” She stopped herself, glancing at Kylee. “The last couple of incidents happened three blocks away. That’s worth freaking out about. Do you want me to call my mother? You can take the car and go to Malibu. Dad is doing rounds at the hospital tonight. You know my mom would love to have you both.”

“No, we’ll be fine.”

Sarah hugged Hailey. “You know where the keys are if you change your mind. See you in a bit. I think the limo’s here.”

Sarah stepped from the limo into pandemonium. Fans screamed as camera bulbs flashed continuously, blinding. Looking down, she walked ahead, following the high heeled feet in front of her. Someone called her name, and she glanced up into flashbulbs. She scanned the frenzied crowd as someone shouted to her again. Her gaze landed on Tatiana, waving, as she stood in front of a massive banner showcasing the title of her new movie, Final Hour.

Sarah waved back and made her way through the chaos. When she finally reached the redheaded stunner, she was enveloped in a hug. She returned the embrace and smiled—until she looked over Tatiana’s shoulder. Ethan, handsome in his tuxedo, stood to the side. He was all business as he spoke into his earpiece. Although he wore sunglasses, she knew he focused on her.

Tatiana eased back. “You look beautiful, Sarah.”

Sarah tore her gaze from Ethan, struggling to keep up with the conversation as her heart pounded. “Thank you. So do you.” She focused on Tatiana’s form-fitted gown. The forest green accentuated her shiny mane of hair. “It’s hard to believe you gave birth last week.”

“My nutritionist has been evil.” Tatiana rolled her eyes, bent close to Sarah’s ear. “So, are we having fun yet?”

She glanced at Ethan again, feeling the waves of tension radiating from his body. “Uh, not so much.”

“Tatiana, we should keep moving,” Ethan said. “The fans are getting pretty restless.”

“Okay. Sarah, you can walk with me.”

Tatiana waved and stopped to sign an occasional autograph as they moved past throngs of reporters and fans kept back by metal blockades. Ethan stayed glued to her side.

“Tatiana, how’s Ryan? Where’s Kevin? Is he meeting you inside?” journalists shouted, reaching their microphones over the large barriers.

Mobs of eager fans shoved at the barricades, breaking through. Ethan pulled Tatiana back, yelling into his invisible mike as he put an arm around her shoulder. He snagged Sarah, enveloping her against his other side. Within seconds, people were everywhere—screaming and crying, shoving papers and pens in their faces. Somehow, Ethan kept them moving toward the door.

From out of nowhere, Austin’s linebacker frame plowed through the crowd, taking Tatiana from Ethan’s hold. Fans pushed and shoved as they grew more frantic. Austin shoved back, yelling for people to move out of his way, as he hurried Tatiana into the safety of the Wyman.

Within seconds, Sarah and Ethan were swallowed by the mass. Ethan continued to holler into his mike as people thrust pen and paper at Sarah. She put her arm up defensively, shielding her face while her other arm held firm around Ethan’s back, her hand clutching at his jacket. Did they realize she was just a damn photographer?

“Put your head down, Sarah, and keep walking,” Ethan shouted close to her ear.

She could barely hear him over the din of chaos. His death grip tightened around her waist as he carried more than guided her, using his shoulder to propel them through. As they approached the door, Austin opened it, pulling Sarah in by her arm.

Tatiana moved forward, gripping Sarah in a hug when Ethan turned to help Austin and five of his men, along with several police officers, shove people away from the entrance.

“My God, Sarah, that was awful.”

Sarah’s heart galloped as she tried to catch her breath. “Yes, it was.” She eased back from the trembling star. “And no, I’m not having fun yet.”

Tatiana’s eyes brimmed with tears as she attempted a smile.

Sarah took Tatiana’s hand and led her to the bathroom. She hugged her friend again when the door closed behind them. “Are you okay, honey?”

“I’ll be fine.” Tatiana brushed a tear away with unsteady fingers. “I’m a little shaken up. That has only happened once before and it was just as scary. I love my fans, and they love me, but they get so crazy. I think they would love me to death without my security.” She let out a laugh strained with nerves.

Sarah took two cloths from the toiletries stocked in the luxury restroom, ran them under cold water. She wrung the excess from the soft, white cotton, handing one to Tatiana. “Let’s both take a deep breath.” She dabbed the blessed cool against the back of her neck.

Tatiana did the same as the star took deep, steadying breaths.

“Does it ever get to be too much? Do you ever get sick of constantly being followed and watched?” She wouldn’t be able to stand it.

“Yes, all the time now that Ryan is here. I used to love the attention when my career started taking off, but now…” Tatiana shrugged, shaking her head. “My baby will never want for anything but a normal life.” Regret filled her eyes. “I’ll never be able to give my son that.”

Sarah took her hand. “You and Kevin are wonderful parents. You’ll find a way to make it work. I’m glad you’re taking some time for just the three of you.”

Tatiana gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Me too. I’m counting down the hours until I can hold my baby.” She glanced down at her chest. “So are my boobs. They’re so full they hurt.”

Nerves eased and they both chuckled.

After several minutes of light conversation, Tatiana fixed her makeup and smiled. “I’m good now. I need to get to the party. Everyone’s waiting. Are you ready?”

“Go ahead. I want to call and check on Kylee and Hailey real quick.”

Tatiana hugged her again. “Thanks for everything, Sarah.”

“Anytime, honey. I know I missed the movie portion, but from what I hear, I look forward to photographing you with your newest Oscar.”

Tatiana laughed as she opened the door. The bubbly sound faded as the door closed behind her.

Alone, Sarah took her phone from her bag. She stopped dialing when someone knocked on the outside door.

Ethan stuck his head in, scanning the room before he stepped in the rest of the way. He’d removed his sunglasses. His earpiece dangled at the collar of his shirt. “Hey. I just wanted to be sure you’re okay.”

Sarah’s heart beat wildly as a myriad of emotions flooded her—happiness, longing, confusion. She dropped the phone back in her bag and walked forward. “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you for helping me. That was pretty scary.”

“It got out of control fast.”

Tension filled the room when that appeared to be the extent of their conversation. Sarah played with the zipper on her purse as she searched Ethan’s face, her eyes pausing on his firm, full lips before meeting his gaze. “Ethan, I know this isn’t the time, but I want to apologize again for—”

“I don’t need an apology.” Temper snapped into his voice.

She hesitated before she took his hand. “I hate that things are like this between us. I miss you.”

His grip tightened on hers before he looked away.

She nibbled her lip before she continued. “Kylee misses you too. She’s been asking for you. Why don’t you come over—”

He dropped her hand. “I can’t do this, Sarah. You want things to be the way they were. They’re not the same. I have feelings for you.”

Because she wanted to wrap her arms around him, she turned away from the heat of his gaze and closed her eyes. “I don’t know what you want me to say. I told you I can only be your friend.”

The fabric of Ethan’s jacket brushed her naked back as his breath feathered against her neck, heating her skin. She glanced up, her gaze meeting his in the mirror. Her photographer’s eye recognized the picture they made. There was no denying they were stunning together.

Ethan took her hands at her sides, lacing his fingers with hers. He kissed her neck once, sending shivers down her spine. Gray eyes burned into blue. “I have feelings for you, Sarah,” he repeated, his teeth grazing her ear. “You feel something too. I see it every time you look at me.”

A tear slid down her cheek. “I can’t do this, Ethan.”

He turned her toward him and their breath mingled. His calloused fingertips traced gentle circles along her back as he pulled her close. “Sarah,” he whispered.

She moved forward, captivated, wrapping her arms around his waist, ready to give into her needs, into his. Her necklace brushed his shirt, and her wedding rings pressed against her skin like a shock, reminding her that this was wrong. She pulled back, shaking her head. “No, Ethan, I’m sorry.”

“Goddamnit, Sarah. Why are you doing this?” He walked to the door, yanked it open and left her staring after him.

Sarah leaned back against the marble countertop as guilt and confusion careened through her system. She covered her face with her hands as she fought to keep her breath steady and tears at bay. She didn’t know what to do. As her feelings changed, she dishonored Jake’s memory and caused Ethan pain.

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