Falling for Sarah (13 page)

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Authors: Cate Beauman

BOOK: Falling for Sarah
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“Kylee’s not the target, Sarah.” Ethan met her gaze across the table. “You are.”

“Jesus, Cooke,” Hunter said with disgust.

“I didn’t get to finish.” He stood, walked around the table, rested his hands against her tensed shoulders. “We booked this a couple months ago, before all this started. Your mom’s planning to take Kylee. Hailey’s going to help out. Now that there’s a need, Austin’s assigned to go with them. He’s one of the best men I have. He won’t let anything happen to Kylee or anyone else.”

Morgan took the seat next to Sarah. “If you’re really uncomfortable, we can change the dates. It’s not that big of a deal.”

Hunter squeezed her hand again. “The only reason we didn’t change the dates ourselves is because this could be a good thing. If Kylee’s away somewhere safe and so are you, we can run surveillance and see if we can figure out what the hell’s going on. Once the guy figures out you’re not there, he might relax a little and make a mistake. Our cameras would pick it up.”

“You’re sure Kylee will be safe?” Doubt trickled through in Sarah’s words.

Ethan knelt down until they were eye to eye, taking her chin in his hand. “Nobody loves her more than the four people in this room. We wouldn’t suggest it otherwise.”

Staring into Ethan’s eyes, trusting what he said, she nodded. “Okay then, let’s go.”

Chapter 9

HE SATURDAY MIDMORNING FLIGHT FROM L.A. took less than an hour. By late afternoon, Sarah lay in a lounge chair by the private pool, sipping an iced tea heavy on the lemon. “You were so right. I really needed this.”

Morgan rolled to her back. “I couldn’t agree more. You were pretty stressed the other night.”

Sarah grinned. “Stress? What stress?”

“I’ve enjoyed watching you decompress over the last six hours. By the time we leave, you’ll be a whole new woman.”

“Oh, I hope so. You might have to hide my phone though. I’ve already called my parents three times. My mother didn’t sound particularly happy with me when we hung up. I was told that if I call again before Kylee’s bedtime, she’ll disconnect the phones.”

“Kylee’s fine, Sarah. Try not to worry.”

Hunter came from one of the three adjoining suites dressed in trunks as Ethan closed the slider on the other.

Sarah’s gaze trailed down Ethan’s naked, muscular chest, and she blew out a quiet breath. She pushed her sunglasses up the bridge of her nose, afraid he’d seen her. She tried for a casual smile. “Did you enjoy your golf game?”

“Not as much as I’m going to enjoy this.” He and Hunter grinned at each other before Ethan scooped her up.

She only had time for a quick breath before he cannon balled into the water with her in his arms. Sarah surfaced, choking. She wrapped her arms around his neck, trying not to drown in the twelve-foot depths.

When she had her breath back she glared into Ethan’s grinning face as her sunglasses floated by. “You jerk. I didn’t want to get wet. We’re supposed to go to dinner in less than an hour.”

He grinned again. “You’ll dry.”

A drop of water glistened on his bottom lip in the setting sun. Sarah fought the urge to move in and capture it with her tongue. Surprised by her own thoughts, she was suddenly conscious of how close they were. Her breasts pressed against his chest in the skimpy pink biking top she wore while she held him. Ethan’s powerful arms moved back and forth, treading water as their legs, slippery from the water, tangled together as they kicked to stay afloat.

Sarah’s mind flashed to the moonlit night when his eyes stared into hers moments before he took her mouth. What would it be like to lay under him, to feel the weight of his smooth, muscled body over hers? Desire churned and she pulled away.
Dear God, what is wrong with me?

Swimming for her sunglasses, she struggled to clear her head. As she made a grab, Ethan’s hand snaked up from under the water, snatching them first.

“Damn it, Ethan.”

Hunter, sitting in the chair next to Morgan, roared with laughter.

Ethan surfaced, grinning. “If you want these, you’ll have to come get them.”

“He’s a dangerous man,” Morgan said, smiling. “Go show him what girls are made of.”

Determined to do just that, Sarah dove under the water. She came up for air, knowing Ethan would be ready for her. As she reached for her glasses, he held them above his head. Sarah maneuvered around him, grabbed the waistband at the back of his shorts, yanked up—hard.

His swear was drowned out by Morgan’s long peal of laughter.

Hunter fell off his chair, hysterical. “Christ, Cooke, if you could’ve seen your face,” he said in between fits of mirth.

Still chuckling, Morgan grabbed Hunter’s hand, helping him up. “She showed you, didn’t she, Ethan? We’re going to get ready for dinner. We’ll meet you two in half an hour.”

Sarah gave Morgan a triumphant grin as she swam to the side. She hiked herself up using the cement lip, and was quickly pulled back into shoulder-deep water.

“That wasn’t very nice,” Ethan said as he turned her toward him.

“You deserved it.” A giggle escaped before she could prevent it.

He grinned. “I probably did.”

“No, you definitely did.” She started to laugh.

“I guess you want these back.” Ethan unfolded the glasses and rested the lenses on top of her head.

“Thank you. Now, we need to get out or we’re going to be late.”

“I think we can spare another couple of minutes.”

Sarah recognized the hungry look in his eyes, knew she should pull back but didn’t, couldn’t. Her heart pounded and heat curled deep in her belly as he clutched her waist, moving her more truly against him. His mouth met hers, barely touching, and she closed her eyes, no longer able to deny her need for him.

He traced his tongue over her bottom lip, tugged with his teeth, sending a shiver down her spine. He captured her lips again with more heat, slid his tongue against hers, changing the angle, going deeper.

Sarah wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing her breasts against him. He skimmed his fingertips up and down her waist, sending rockets of need—long dead—soaring through her system.

Caught up, she ran her fingers through his wet hair, tugging him closer, pressing his mouth more firmly to hers. He groaned and framed her face with his hands. His tongue dove once, twice, before he eased back, breath ragged. “God, Sarah, please don’t tell me that can’t happen again.”

She rested her palms against his shoulders, catching her own breath. She wanted him like she hadn’t wanted in a long time. “This isn’t exactly figuring things out. We still haven’t talked this through.”


“I don’t want to be a tease, Ethan, but I need time. This is so new. It has to be right for both of us, for Kylee too.”

He brushed her hair back from her face. “You can have all the time you need. I just want to be with you.”

She wanted to give him everything he asked for but thought of their tension-filled conversation at her kitchen table not that long ago. “What if this doesn’t work? Look how rocky the last few weeks have been for us. We’re too much a part of each other’s lives. You mean too much to me to risk it.”

“You mean too much to me not to try. Let’s take things a day at a time and see where we end up.”

Sarah stared into his eyes and realized they could never go back to where they’d been. They had to move forward. “Okay.” She rested her forehead against his chest, wrestling with the weight of her decision. There was so much at stake.

Ethan slipped a finger under her chin, and she met his gaze. “One day at a time, Sarah.” He kissed her again, and they got out of the pool.

Morgan pulled the poolside door open, gasped, closed it again, quickly, quietly. She would get her cover-up later. She moved to the large glass window, parted the curtain—just a hair—to confirm what she thought she just saw: Ethan and Sarah in one hell of a lip lock.
Oh, shit.

A lot of things made sense now. The undercurrents between the two had been different the last few times they’d all been together. She’d thought it was the stress of the situation back home, but this new development was certainly more…interesting.

Ethan and Sarah had the potential to be a great couple, she could see it, but they also had the ability to damage a friendship few people could say they had. Ethan wasn’t known for his long-term relationships, and that’s what Sarah would want, would need. She still struggled to move past the life she’d shared with Jake, and Ethan would have to know she could love him enough to be the only one.

Morgan peeked once more before she closed the curtain. She would watch and hope for the best, but she was also going to worry for the both of them. They meant the world to her and Hunter.

She winced when she thought of how her husband would take the news that his two best friends were...involved. That was another mess they were all going to have to sort through. She would have to find a way to tell him.

“Did you get your cover thing?”

Morgan turned quickly. “Uh, not yet.”

Hunter stood by the bathroom in a blue shirt and khaki shorts. “What are you waiting for?”

Inspiration struck. “For you.” She walked toward him, smile spreading, as she unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall to the floor.

He grabbed her around the waist. “Right now?”

She skimmed her finger over his lips. “Right this second.”

“We should call the restaurant, tell them we’re going to be late.”

She nibbled at his jaw as she unbuckled his belt. “I don’t think we need to do that. I think we can make quick work of this. It’ll be like an appetizer. We’ll get to the entrée later, when we get back.”

He grazed her ear with his teeth before he stared into her eyes. “What about dessert?”

She smiled. “You’re so ambitious.”

Ethan sat on the wooden bench close to the connecting suites, waiting. The sound of waves rushing the shore a short distance away kept him company. Sarah opened her door, smiled, and his mouth watered. Her hair, still damp from her shower, hung loose to her shoulders. The deep blue backless top she wore complemented snug white pants, showing off her excellent figure.

“I thought I was running behind. I’m glad I’m not last.” She sat on the bench next to him.

He breathed in her floral perfume and wanted her. “You look amazing.”

She smiled again. “Thanks. You look pretty great yourself.”

Ethan glanced down at his watch. “They said thirty minutes, right? We’re coming up on forty-five.”

“They’re running a little behind.” Mischief twinkled in her eyes. “I’m sure they’ll be out soon.”

“Maybe I should give a knock, make sure everything’s okay.”

She raised her brow. “Don’t be dense, Ethan.”

“What’s that—”

Morgan and Hunter’s door opened. Rosy cheeked, Morgan licked her lips as she smoothed down her skirt and stepped from the room. Hunter shut the door, swiped an arm over his sweaty forehead before he took his wife’s hand. “Sorry we’re late.”

Sarah stood, biting her cheek. “Not a problem.”

“Let’s go eat. I’m starved,” Hunter said.

Catching on quickly, Ethan grinned and winked at Sarah. “I bet. You missed a couple buttons there, Phillips.”

Sarah elbowed him as Morgan and Hunter stopped in their tracks, both glancing at Hunter’s shirt.

“Just kidding. So, I wonder what’s good to eat around here.” He rested his hand against the small of Sarah’s back as he pulled the door open to the restaurant.

“You’re a real bastard, Cooke,” Hunter said as he walked in after Sarah and Morgan.

The maître d’ smiled. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.”

“Good evening. We have reservations. Cooke. Four of us.”

“Ah, yes. We saved a lovely spot for you out on our deck. Please follow Maura to your table.”

“Thank you.”

Surrounded by candlelight and the sounds of ocean surf, Ethan watched Sarah. The breeze played with her hair as she took a sip of her pinot nior. Her tongue swiped her top lip as she set her glass down. When the wind pushed at her hair again, she brushed it behind her shoulder, laughing at something Hunter said.

He wanted her like he’d never wanted another.

Sarah was worried about messing up what they had, and he couldn’t blame her after the shaky three weeks they’d had since he kissed her. Despite it all, he didn’t share her concerns. The tension and arguments of the past few days had been road bumps. There were bound to be some. At the end of the day, what they had meant too much to screw up.

Spending his life with someone had never been in his plans. He’d never believed in a lifetime with one person, but then, he’d had terrible role models. When his feelings for Sarah changed, he started to think permanent, which had shocked the hell out of him.

They could move as slow as she needed because they’d get where he wanted them eventually. Now that he had her, he wasn’t letting her go.

She glanced at him, smiled fully, and his heart melted as he smiled back.

Ethan’s phone vibrated against his hip, and his light mood fell away. He knew Sarah had another flower at her door. “Excuse me for a minute.” He met Hunter’s gaze before he walked off.

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