Falling for Sarah (14 page)

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Authors: Cate Beauman

BOOK: Falling for Sarah
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He dialed Collin Michaels’s cell number on the way through the lobby.


“It’s Cooke.”

“I picked up some activity at Sarah’s house.”

“What do you have?”

“Not much. The guy must know the house is wired. You can see someone put a rose on the step but he’s careful. He’s completely covered from head to toe in black, and he’s hunched, making it impossible to get a height and build on him. He peeked into a couple of windows, but he’s masked. By the time I called the cops and got over there myself, he was gone. The note, same style as the others, said, ‘I count the days until we meet’.”

Rage rushed through Ethan’s veins. “Have you contacted Austin?”

“Yeah. Everything’s quiet.”

“I want you to replay the video until you find me something we can use.”

“I’m on it. There was another rape tonight, Ethan. He killed this one; strangled her to death.”

“Why are you telling me this?” He already knew. He’d come to the same conclusion himself, but the thought made him so ill, he had to hear Collin confirm his worst fear.

“I can’t help but notice that every time Sarah gets a flower, the ‘Blue Chip Rapist’ assaults someone first. I talked to the cops, and they didn’t like it.”

“I don’t like it either. Put another guard on Kylee, but make it discreet. I don’t want Hailey or Sarah’s mother panicking. I’ll be back on Monday. Call me if you come up with anything.”

“Will do. Ethan, I don’t think he’s figured out she’s not home yet.”

“He will soon enough.” He closed his phone.

Hunter stood next to him.

“The fucker left another rose.”

“I gathered that. What did Michaels get on the video?”

“Not a goddamn thing. This guy’s smart, Hunter. The boys downtown are starting to think there might be a connection between this and the rapes. I know there is. He killed his victim tonight, Phillips. When we get back, Austin will cover her full-time, round the clock.”

“If Morgan and I didn’t have to go to D.C. for more interviews over that fucking mine, I’d do it myself. Why can’t you?”

“Because I’m too close to this. I want to find the bastard and kill him. That means I’m not thinking clearly. I won’t risk her.”

“Austin and most of the team will be assisting the secret service detail for the next two weeks. You can’t pull him from that, or any of them for that matter.”

“We’ll figure something out. I don’t want to tell her about this. She’s finally relaxing.”

“I agree. There’s going to be hell to pay, though. If we’re not telling Sarah, I’m not telling Morgan.”

“Let’s let them enjoy the weekend. They can hang us by our balls on Monday.”

After saying goodnight to Morgan and Hunter, Ethan and Sarah took the steps to the shore. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, breathing in her shampoo. She locked her hands around his waist as they walked barefoot in the sand still warm from the sun.

Sarah let out a long sigh. “What an amazing day. Everything has been wonderful—the rooms, the food, and my friends, of course. What a perfect birthday present. After the spa tomorrow morning, I might have to call and have you carry me back to the room. I’ll be a puddle of relaxed mush.”

Ethan looked into calm blue eyes, smiled. The call an hour before wasn’t going to ruin their weekend. She was safe here, and they were alone. Roses and rapists could wait until Monday. He kissed her hair. “I think that could be arranged.”

“Let’s go back and sit out by the pool. We can look at the stars, wait for one to fall.”

“I can definitely get behind that.” He didn’t care what they did as long as he was with her.

They wandered back down the beach and picked up their shoes at the bottom of the steps. As they approached Sarah’s room, she took the keycard from her purse. “Come on in. I’m going to put my pajamas on if you don’t mind. Then we can bring a blanket out with us and sit in the big hammock.”

“Yeah, sure. Take your time.”

Ethan wandered around the suite after Sarah went in the bathroom and closed the door. He opened the glass slider, breathed in the ocean air as he stared into the sky, watching the stars wink.

This was just what they needed: a quiet evening to just be.

He took the fleece blanket from the couch and stepped outside. He lit the fireplace tucked in the corner of the large patio closest to his suite, pulled the two-person hammock closer to the flames.

He eyed the flimsy bunk, gave it a testing wiggle before he lay back on the dark blue and white striped fabric, surprised at how steady it was. He rested his head against the navy pillow, stared at the rush of waves beyond the pool as Sarah stood in the doorway.

“You look comfy,” she said.

He turned his head and his thoughts disintegrated. Her peach cotton camisole and matching pajama pants were simple and sexy. Her hair, pulled back in a ponytail, left her neck and shoulders unframed.

She smiled. “Can I join you?”

He stared. “Why did it take me six years to realize you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen?”

Her smile disappeared as her hand moved to her hair in a self-conscious gesture. “I-I don’t know what to say to that.”

“There’s nothing to say. It’s the truth.” His need to be with her consumed. He sat up, intending to go to her, but stopped. She’d asked him for time, and he would give it to her. When she was ready, she would let him know. He held out his hand. “Come keep me company.” Playing it casual cost him, but he was determined to do this right.

She laced her fingers with his, sat next to him on the hammock. They lay back and the swing rocked wildly.

“Yikes.” Sarah’s eyes grew wide as she gasped and clutched at Ethan’s shirt.

“Shit,” Ethan said at the same time. His arm wrapped around her waist as he kicked his leg and other hand over the side to keep them from toppling.

When the hammock settled, Ethan moved his leg back, crossed it over the other. He pulled Sarah against him, chuckling. “Well, that was a moment.”

Laughing, she moved her head to look down at him and sent the hammock swinging again. “Oh,
, Ethan,” she squealed.

Despite his efforts, the taut fabric dumped them over. Ethan landed on his back with a thud as Sarah crashed against his chest.

“Oh, oh my God, are you okay?” Sarah attempted to sit up but ducked as the hammock swung in their direction.

Ethan’s hand shot up, caught the swing, steadying it. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Did you hit your head?”


“That’s good.” She looked away. Seconds later, she snorted out a laugh. “I’m sorry.” She covered her mouth as another fit of laughter escaped.

Ethan grinned up at her. “So, you think this is pretty funny, huh?”

“I’m afraid so.” She let out a full-throated hoot as she got to her feet and extended a hand. “The least I can do is help you up.”

He reached out to take it and she collapsed forward, hands on her knees, fighting to catch her breath. “Oh, oh, that was so funny. If your eyes got even half as big in the pool when I gave you that wedgie...” She swiped at her cheeks, brushing away happy tears.

Ethan stood, enjoying Sarah’s mood. He couldn’t remember the last time he heard her laugh like this. “You know what they say about payback, right?” He started toward her and she sobered up, walking backward.

“Ethan, I don’t want to go for a swim, and you better not even
about returning the wedgie favor.”

He grinned, wiggled his brows. “I think you should be afraid, Sarah; very, very afraid.”

“Ethan,” she said in her warning tone. She glanced behind her quickly when she banged into the wicker couch. “I’m serious.”

“Oh, so am I.” He lunged forward, making a grab for her, and she pivoted toward her room. He snagged her arm and pulled her body over his shoulder in a fireman carry. “I’m pretty sure you’re at my mercy.” He spun her in two fast circles as she laughed.

“Yeah, until I lose my dinner all over your backside.”

Thoroughly enjoying himself, he stopped. “You bring up a good point.” He walked to her room. “You do realize you’re in the perfect position for an ultimate wedgie, right?”

“You wouldn’t
.” She pounded against his back. “Ethan, don’t you dare.”

“There’s really only one way out of this.” He tugged up gently on the elastic of her pants with his opposite hand.

“Damn it, Ethan.” She tried to bite his back, but he moved her out of position.

Inspiration struck as he remembered his childhood fights with his sister. “I’ll give you a choice—the wedgie, or you have to call me King Ethan for the rest of the night.”

She stopped struggling. “
Ethan? You’ve got to be kidding.”

He tugged on her pants again. “It’s your choice, Sarah. I’ll give you to the count of three. One, two, th—”

, King Ethan, put me down.”

He set her on her feet and grinned as she glared at him. This wasn’t exactly what he’d had in mind for their evening, but it worked. “So, what should we do now? Don’t say lie on the hammock.”

Her glare dissolved into a smile. “No, I think once was enough.”

“I can order champagne, and we can sit on the
by the fire.” He took her face in his hands as he emphasized couch. “Stargazing still isn’t out of the question.”

“You’re a real sport.”

She kissed him quick, and he let her go with the contact, stepping back. He needed her with a desperation he could hardly handle.

Her smile disappeared as she stared into his eyes. “Ethan,” she murmured. She took a step forward, and they were toe to toe. Her palms rested against his cheeks. “I want to kiss you first this time.”

He wrapped his hands around her wrists. “I don’t think that’s a good idea right now.” He wanted this, but he wanted her more.

“I do.” She moved in hesitantly, until her lips warmed against his.

Unable to fight any longer, Ethan took her face in his hands again and plundered, savoring her sweet flavor. Her fingers moved to his hips, hanging on the waist of his slacks, until her hands slid under his shirt, slowly moving up his back—her cool skin, tracing circles over his, making him shiver.

He ran kisses down her neck, over her shoulders, before he met her gaze. His need for her was staggering. “I have to touch you, Sarah. When you want to stop, we can, but please let me touch you.”

Eyes dark, cheeks flushed, she nodded.

Ethan took her hand as he led her to the bed. He pulled the tie from her hair, watched her golden locks cascade to her shoulders, surrounding him in the scent of her flowery shampoo. He ran his hands through her silky tresses and kissed her softly, sensing her nerves.

He moved his mouth to her cheekbones, feathering kisses along her skin. Her breath shuddered out, and she closed her eyes as he traced her earlobe with his tongue. He wandered back to soft skin—where neck meets shoulder—and nibbled. She tipped her head back in surrender.

He wanted to give her more, wanted to watch as he gave her everything. He moved his hands down her waist, under her cotton top. He skimmed his fingers along hot skin, wandering up until fingertips met naked breasts.

Sarah snagged her bottom lip with her teeth, moaned when he brushed his palms over taut nipples. He crushed his mouth to hers, frenzied, ready to explode.

She unbuttoned his shirt, parting it. Her mouth left his, wandered. Lips and tongue moved across his chest, driving him mad.

“Sarah,” he whispered as he lifted the camisole over her head. He pulled her against him, wrapping his arms around her, reveling in the feel of her pale, firm breasts pressed to his skin. He took her mouth again, devouring.

He tugged her pajama bottoms down, leaving a swatch of frilly peach lace behind. “My God, Sarah.” He tugged on her lip with his teeth, fighting the need to free himself and take what they both wanted.

He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her into his arms. Long, smooth legs wrapped around him as she pulled his shirt free, tossing it to the floor.

“I want to taste you.”

Ethan didn’t give her a chance to respond. His mouth was at her breast, flicking, tracing, suckling, then the other, until she gasped and clutched at his shoulders.

She snagged his ear, her breath heaving as she said his name: “Ethan, Ethan, Ethan.”

He lifted her arms above her head, running his hands up, capturing her fingers between his. His eyes burned into hers. “Be with me, Sarah. Will you be with me?”

“Yes.” She captured his mouth.

Ethan collapsed back, taking her with him. He set her hands free, snuck beneath her panties, grabbing at the smooth, firm skin of her ass, pulling her against him, heat to heat.

She let loose a long, throaty purr as she fumbled with his belt. “I want you, Ethan.”

He reversed their positions, more than ready. He yanked her panties away and she stiffened.

Ethan stopped, breath heaving. “What is it? What’s wrong? Am I being too rough?”

“No. No, it’s not that. My phone’s ringing.” She yanked her panties back up and scrambled from the bed, grabbing her cell on the nightstand. “It’s my mother.”

Instantly tense, he waited for his own phone to ring.

“Mom, is everything okay?” Sarah closed her eyes and let out a long breath. “She did? Oh, poor thing. Yes, put her on.” She glanced over, mouthed ‘nightmare.’

He breathed his own sigh of relief and sat back as Sarah soothed her daughter, standing in nothing but panties by the bed. Knowing they were finished for tonight, he got up, put a blanket around her shoulders. She smiled at him and continued to talk to Kylee.

When she hung up, Sarah gripped her hands together. “I feel so guilty right now. Kylee had her first nightmare, and I wasn’t there.”

Ethan took her hand, pulled her until she sat on the bed next to him. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck. “It won’t be her last, and she’s fine now, right?”

“Yes, but I should’ve been there.”

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