Falling for the Other Brother (2 page)

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Authors: Stacey Lynn Rhodes

BOOK: Falling for the Other Brother
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She raised her head enough to take him in and ran her hands up his thighs to his extremely tight ass cheeks, cupping one in each hand to urge him forward.

He gently fucked her mouth as she worked her tongue around him, loving the heaving of his chest as he watched every move. Trev was extremely visual and she tapped into that in their bedroom play. She was used to being on-camera and aware of how she looked, as was he, so when they turned up the effort for each other, it was way hotter than any porn she’d ever seen.

A burst of salty pre-cum on her tongue and his increasingly taut facial expression signalled an end to the playful side of things. She knew from past experience he would need to be inside her any second. As soon as that registered, he pulled out and manhandled her on to her hands and knees.

The crinkle of a wrapper hit her ears as she waited and Erica smiled in satisfaction. It was going to be a fun ride. “Any day now,” she taunted. She was wet with anticipation to the point where she could feel it on her pussy lips.

Without fanfare, he plunged into her, taking her breath away. “How’s that?”

“Good,” she managed.

“Just good?” He set up a rhythm that had her panting to keep up and thinking she might have to start working out harder. Trev adjusted her position a few times to perfectly fit his needs, and hers. He was the most incredible lover she’d ever had. His self-awareness of his body and its potential definitely translated to him using it to full effect.

“Very good?” Physically, things between them couldn’t get better. If only their emotional connection carried the same weight.

Damn it

She shut off her brain and gave herself over to the sensations coursing through her. He rested one hand on her lower back, just teasing at the top of her crack, and reached under with the other to use her slickness to stroke her clit. Just that little bit was enough to send her tightly-wound body hurtling over the edge.

She gasped as she came hard. Trevor swept her knees out from under her so she was lying flat on the mattress, then he sped up his thrusts a handful of times until he groaned.

“Oh God, yeah.” He held her tight against him as he joined her in completion then rocked slowly in and out, prolonging the sensations for them both. He ended up curled over and around her protectively, lightly kissing her ear, her neck, her hair.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed his attentions. His body was an increasingly heavy weight atop hers and she wriggled until he got the hint and shifted to the side, pulling out. He lay there for a moment then rallied to stand and go back into the bathroom to clean up and dispose of the condom.

She heard the shower come on and knew he would make it a quick one—he liked to go to bed clean, something she agreed with completely. Erica managed to roll over and used the momentum to carry her to standing. She went straight to the shower and entered. Trev shifted to allow her to join him under the water for a quick rinse. No shenanigans this time, both of them just efficiently cleaning up.

“Done?” he asked and she nodded so he turned off the taps and they got out, dried off then went back to bed.

Erica stripped back the covers and they climbed in, each on their own side. She settled back to try to calm her mind, to pause it enough to sleep.

Trev assumed his usual sleeping position on his stomach and she turned her head on her pillow to smile at him.
He must be exhausted

His voice emerged from his pillow as a low rumble. “See? Speechless.”

Erica had to laugh. She was tempted to say something just to instigate, but let it go so he could get some rest. Instead, she patted his sheet covered ass then turned on her side away from him.

He soon settled into sleep, as evidenced by his rhythmic breathing, but she lay there for a long time after, trying in vain to reconcile their relationship in her mind.

Awake with only her thoughts to keep her company, Erica finally gave up on getting her turbulent brain reined in enough to sleep. She slipped carefully from the bed, giving a heavily sleeping Trevor one last fond perusal before stifling a sigh and padding naked to her closet.

She eyed her ‘comfort’ robe and some warm slippers before admitting that it wasn’t just a quick cup of tea she was going downstairs for. After dressing instead in yoga pants and a long-sleeved tee, she grabbed some wool socks and tucked them in her pocket, then descended to the kitchen to fix her drink. The cool wood floor under her feet reminded her autumn was here and bitterly, she couldn’t help but equate that with her own declining fertility.

Not much time left.

Tonight, as always, Trevor had made sure he used protection, driving home the fact that he was not ready for a family. Was adamantly against it. The fleeting thought had occasionally crossed her mind that one of these times the condom might fail, but only in the depths of her secret hopes. Hope that what she’d found with Trevor would somehow morph from a committed relationship into something more long-term. Hope that she would somehow conceive without having to move on and use the final resort she had resisted for so long. Hope that Trevor would change his mind…before it was too late.

Hope he would give to her what he’d once been willing to give to anyone who chose him.

As she sipped her tea, she punished herself with the memories of her first meeting with Trevor and the hopes she’d once had.


Chapter Two




Five months earlier


“I’m telling you, you have no time to lose. Statistics aren’t pretty for gals our age.” Her friend Rhonnie leant forward and braced her elbows on the table. Her café-au-lait complexion thankfully looked a lot less sallow now that her morning sickness had passed. “If you don’t have a friend-with-bennies you can ask to do it, you’ll have to do the sperm bank thing.” She reapplied herself to her mac and cheese.

Erica shuddered as she pushed back an errant lock of hair and looked at her once-appealing Chinese chicken salad. She wished she could trade—that cheesy mess looked really awesome, actually. “It gives me the willies thinking about the kind of guys who donate to something like that. Ego-maniacs with delusions of populating the earth, or guys who can’t get dates on their own and live vicariously through the thought of women dosing themselves with their sperm. No thanks!”

“Ouch, that’s harsh. I was perfectly willing to go that route if Barry hadn’t stepped up to the plate. Well, figuratively anyway.” Rhonnie’s eyes sparkled at her as she took a sip of her herbal iced tea.

Erica found herself giving a reluctant smile at the humorous thought of her lesbian neighbour having actual sex with her gay best friend.

“And you’re straight,” Rhonnie continued. “You can get it hand-delivered, so to speak.”

Erica snorted and irritatedly flipped her hair back once more before scrounging through her handbag for a clip. It was breezy today in the outdoor café they had met for lunch and she happened to be sitting with the wind at her back. “Hand-delivered.” She snickered. “It’s not actually the hand that does the trick, Rhon.”

“Well, you know I don’t have much experience with the body part that does.” Rhonnie tried to look serious and they both ended up laughing.

Erica continued to fruitlessly search through her purse for something to pull her hair back with. If she didn’t need it long enough to look decent on-air, she’d chop it all off. Finally giving up, she stood and started moving all her lunch items to a different seat. She was scooting over to the better positioned chair when a deep voice intruded from behind her.

“Pardon me, ladies. Do you mind if I join you?”

Erica turned her head just as she sat and looked up to see a tall, rugged dark-haired man standing behind the chair she’d just vacated.

She exchanged puzzled looks with Rhonnie, who shrugged and nodded.

“Sure.” Erica indicated the empty chair, giving the stranger an appreciative once-over as he sat. “I’m Erica, and this is Rhonnie.”

“Trevor,” he introduced himself then settled back, totally comfortable, as though he chatted with complete strangers every day. On closer inspection, he looked younger to Erica than he’d first appeared, perhaps in his twenties. Though he was tanned, he didn’t have any crinkling going on at the corners of his eyes yet.

“Sorry to intrude on your lunch, but I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation about sperm donors.”

“Oh God.” Erica closed her eyes as she thought back on what she’d said. Her face flamed, then she pinched Rhonnie under the table as she heard her friend laugh.

“It’s okay. I just wanted to give you some insight. You see, I’ve been a donor.”

Erica’s eyes flew open and she again ran her gaze over the gorgeous, muscular man, not missing one positive attribute, from his warm brown eyes, to his naturally wavy, full head of dark brown hair, to his very fit form. No glasses either. “You’re a sperm donor?” she asked incredulously.

A little part of her mind was rubbing its hands together in glee.
He’s perfect
, it whispered to her.
Sign me up. For the ‘hand-delivery’ option, please

Rhonnie laughed yet again and Erica shot her an irritated glance. Bad enough she was pregnant—now she was laughing at her? Rhon was so off her speed dial.

“So I take it you don’t fall into either the ego-maniacal or the dateless-loser category?” Rhonnie asked innocently.

“Not last time I checked,” he teased back as he turned his amused gaze on Erica.

Wishing the earth would just swallow her up, Erica gritted her teeth and put on a semblance of a self-deprecating smile while she waited for the duo to stop laughing together as if
were the old friends.

“Seriously,” Rhonnie directed at Trevor, who looked completely at ease with the whole situation. Erica was forced to admire his self-confidence and personable nature. “Why would you ever donate to a sperm bank?”

Trevor met the question calmly. “My brother and I were fathered by a donor. And I really have no desire to ever be a parent myself, but I believe in the system, so I thought, why not?”

Erica’s eyes widened in shock. Trevor’s mom had apparently hit the donor jackpot.

Rhonnie frowned slightly. “How could you donate if you didn’t know your paternal information? That’s all protected, right?”

He grinned. “Works just fine when it’s the same sperm bank.”

Rhonnie nodded as if considering. “Which one did you use?”

Erica leant forward in anticipation of the answer to Rhonnie’s million-dollar question.

He named one well known to them both, one they’d even discussed as a possibility for Erica—Rhonnie had done plenty of research before she made the decision to go with Barry as the father of her child. Excitement built in Erica as she wondered at the kismet that he brought Trevor past their table while they’d been talking about this topic.

Then he crushed the newly budding germ of a plan in Erica’s head by adding, “But I’ve withdrawn my donations from public use.”

“Why?” Erica and Rhonnie chorused, and Trevor looked uncomfortable for the first time.

“It’s a long story.” He almost looked as though he was considering sharing, then Erica saw the veil come down. “Personal reasons.” His tone made it clear there would be no more information forthcoming. After a brief awkward pause, he continued, “But when I overheard what you were discussing so passionately, I still felt as though I should reassure you that the system is a good one and can be the right choice if you’re looking at it for solid reasons.”

Rhonnie nodded. “That’s what I keep telling her.” She ran her hand over her almost non-existent baby bump. “I actually have a friend who donated for mine.”

Trevor grinned. “So I heard, and with no hand-delivery, even.” His eyes sparkled with humour as Rhonnie finished shovelling a bite of her lunch into her mouth and coughed out a laugh. “Congratulations.”

The waiter came over and Trevor ordered a chipotle steak wrap and ice water without consulting the menu.

Rhonnie’s eyebrows went up. “Do you eat here often?”

He shrugged. “Not as frequently as I used to.”

“Oh?” Rhonnie bristled slightly and Erica braced herself. Rhonnie was the restaurant’s manager and understandably biased to love her baby. That said, she knew Rhon didn’t mind constructive feedback. She just hoped that Trevor was nice about it.

“I’m out of town a lot and I need to keep my boyish figure for my job. So, depending on my schedule, I either can’t indulge or I’m rolling through at odd hours.”

“Boyish figure, huh.” Erica sat back and gave him a long assessment. “Doesn’t look all that boyish from where I sit,” she flirted.

Trevor wasn’t in the least embarrassed by her intense perusal, grinning appealingly back at her. If anything, he seemed to welcome it. “What I mean is, I use my body to make my living, so I have to watch the unnecessary calories.”

“What is it you do? Actor?” Rhonnie queried. Her plate was empty and she was eyeing Erica’s salad. Becoming accustomed to her friend’s ravenous appetite, she shoved it over and silently indicated for her to help herself.

“Not exactly. I’m a fitness model and demonstrator, so I do print and video.”

Rhonnie immediately pulled out her iPhone and Googled him. She scrolled through the images.

“Wow, look at some of the magazines you’ve scored covers for!”

Erica found herself peering over Rhonnie’s shoulder at the bounty his currently clothed state only hinted at, and her one-track mind gave her another pointed nudge at the genetics on display.

The waiter brought Trevor’s meal and more bread for Rhonnie. As the others ate, Erica found herself relaxing in his company. They continued the conversation when Trevor asked the ladies about their respective occupations. Trevor gave Erica an intense once-over when she admitted to her career with their city’s major-market network affiliate, but the barrage of questions and fawning she sometimes received never materialised. Instead he only commented that he’d thought she looked familiar, and moved on to question Rhonnie about her own work.

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