Falling for the Other Brother (7 page)

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Authors: Stacey Lynn Rhodes

BOOK: Falling for the Other Brother
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“Her. That’s right, I keep forgetting you haven’t met her yet.” She paused. “I guess you’ve only been here about a week—it seems like longer.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” The question in his head left his mouth before he could prevent it.

“Oh, a very good thing. You’re… I just really get along with you. It’s nice.”

Nice? Uh-oh
. That was the kiss of death. He laughed at his wayward thoughts. “Well, I feel the same way about you.”
Although I wouldn’t use the word nice
. “Which is why I wanted to spend some time with you tonight.” And that was the honest truth. Sexual attraction firmly aside—where it should be, by all rights, since she was taken—he felt very comfortable and in tune with Erica. She was a pleasure to be around.

Oh yes, a definitely pleasure…

He gripped his cock again, lightly massaging it, the sound of her voice adding to the enjoyable sensations.

“I’m so glad you called. I’d better get back to it. But I’ll be in touch later on and see you soon.” The smile was back in her voice. He loved that he could tell her moods so easily.

“Bye, Erica.”

“Bye.” The call disconnected and he laid the phone on the dresser before quickly crossing to the bathroom.

He started the water in the shower and when it had warmed, he stepped in and did a quick rinse. There was no debate needed—before anything else, he squeezed out a dollop of conditioner into his palm then stepped slightly out of the spray and slicked his semi-erection.

It didn’t take much to coax it to a full stand. Colin began an easy rhythm as he closed his eyes. His mind went straight to Erica and her voice, her creamy skin and beautiful pale pink nipples…the way her mouth had been so warm and soft around his cock…and the incredible way she’d welcomed him into her body. No awkwardness, they’d moved together like they’d been partnered for years, in perfect sync.

He lingered on that memory of surging into her with her beautiful eyes focused intently on him, watching as he came…

Breathing hard, he threw his free hand up to brace himself on the wall as he jetted his cum onto the floor of the shower. He took a minute to recover and during that time, Erica’s smiling face lingered in his mind.


* * * *


“Hi!” Erica opened the door wide for him. “Let me take that.”

“Actually take this bag instead.” Colin held out a reusable shopping bag to her and kept his firm hold on the warm, foil-covered casserole dish containing the enchiladas.

She accepted the bag and stood to the side to let Colin in then closed the door and trailed him into the kitchen. “Oh my God, whatever that is, it smells fantastic. My mouth is watering.”

Colin grinned then impulsively turned and leaned to kiss her cheek before he walked over to set the dish on the stovetop. “Green chicken enchiladas. They’re done—I just need to melt a bit of pepper jack on top. I wasn’t sure if you had sour cream or other fixings, so I brought them along.” He nodded towards the bag she still held.

“You’re amazing. You’re going to spoil me.” She gave him a warm smile then began to unpack the contents of the bag. She paused before she lifted the small chili pepper plant out. “Is this for me?” she asked, examining it with delight. “It’s so sweet. Are those edible?”

The plant had been an impulse buy for him. He’d gravitated towards the floral section when he’d gone shopping earlier, but he wasn’t sure whether it was too romantic to bring a bouquet. So when he’d spotted the little pepper plants with the bright orange fruits hanging from them, he’d decided to keep to the Mexican theme. “Yes, I imagine they are, though they’re kind of pretty just as décor.”

“Oh definitely. I know just the place for you,” she crooned to the plant and carried it over to the sink, above which was a kitchen window of the type made exactly for housing plants to maximize sun. It was exactly where Colin had pictured it going when he’d chosen it. She moved a few things around and gave it a place of honour then stepped back and admired it with a pleased expression.

“Thank you so much. I love it.” She threw her arms around Colin and pressed against him for a tight hug. His eyes closed and he held her to him for several seconds, inhaling her already recognizable scent, before he reluctantly released her.

She stepped back with a hint of awareness in her eyes and her lips parted. Then she closed her mouth and turned away, breaking the spell. “So what can I do to help?”

Colin shook his head at himself and turned on the broiler. “Do you want to eat inside or out? Hmm, I guess it’s getting a bit dark out there…”

“Why don’t we eat inside, but maybe we can go sit outside and enjoy the evening afterwards?”

“Okay, that sounds good.” He opened the pepper jack, which he’d bought pre-shredded to help minimise the prep, mindful of his earlier wish to not make a mess in her house, though he fully planned to do the few dishes too. After sprinkling the pan with cheese, he popped it under the heat to melt and meanwhile opened the sour cream and pico de gallo. “We’ll keep this simple rather than dirty more dishes.” He got out two spoons and plopped one each into the containers.

“Perfect.” Erica grinned. “Believe it or not, I don’t mind casual dining.” She lowered his voice conspiratorially. “I even eat out of the carton sometimes.”

They shared a laugh, Colin loving the image of the usually put-together Erica hunkered over a take-out container with a fork.

“So—do you have a plan for what to drink? I can get something out.”

“Actually, I was just thinking we’d have a couple of those Dos Equis Ambers I saw in your beverage cooler. I brought some sliced limes.”

“Oh, that’s what the limes are for. I thought they were a garnish.” She made a silly face. “Because I’m all about the accessories, of course.” Erica walked over to the under counter glass-front fridge, opened it and pulled out two bottles of beer. Then to his surprise, she did something under the counter’s edge to open them and neatly caught the tops in her hand.

He walked over to take a look at the mounted bottle opener then took the two open bottles from her. “Wow, that’s handy. Very clever. More of Rhonnie’s work?”

“Yes.” Erica nodded ruefully. “I bought this place new and they were still finishing it, so she took over the kitchen plans and had them include this small fridge and the wine fridge in the pantry. And the window box. And the extra oven. And the bottle opener.” She waved her hand around the room as Colin laughed.

He took slivers of lime and popped them into the bottles. “Cheers,” he toasted and they clinked bottles. After a quick drink, he set his down then pulled the enchiladas from the oven. He set them on the stovetop and turned the broiler off. “Perfect timing. Do you want to grab some plates?”

Erica set two plates out then stood back and watched as Colin plated their helpings and garnished them with fresh cilantro, sour cream and the pico de gallo. “See? I did plan a garnish, just not the lime.”

He carried the plate to the table and followed her lead as she set her bottle on the placemat at the head of the table, then put his next to hers in the same place he’d sat the other night.

It struck him how effortless it was to be with Erica. The camaraderie they shared was true and easy. He tried to thrust away the wishes he knew had no place in their lives and just enjoy his time with her.

They ate their meal, both of them going back for second helpings, and talked about various topics. The conversation never really lagged, though they didn’t fill every single moment with chatter, sometimes content to simply enjoy the food and company.

After they’d cleared the kitchen—together, in spite of Colin’s protests that she should sit and relax—they made cups of coffee and moved to the balcony. In addition to the chairs and table set, there was a loveseat glider, and it was there that Erica sat. Colin started to move towards a chair, but Erica beckoned him over, patting the seat next to her.

“Come try this out. It’s really smooth and comfortable.”

Colin changed direction and set down their coffees on the low table in front of the seat, then sat next to Erica. His weight set the glider in motion. “Wow. Doesn’t take much to get it going, does it?”

“No, which is fine. I like rocking. It’s very soothing to me.” She sort of wriggled down into the cushion and lifted her feet to tuck them to the side up on the seat, angling herself in Colin’s direction.

The moment just seemed to call out for him to hold her and he raised his arm along the back. She instantly settled in against him, and Colin wondered with a touch of bitterness whether this was something she did often with Trevor and if Colin was being used a substitute while he was gone. Immediately he tried to banish the thought, but he must have communicated his turmoil through tension in his body, because Erica lifted her head.

“I’m sorry, is this uncomfortable for you?”

“No, it’s fine.” He tried to relax.

She regarded him closely and began to sit up. “You seem tense.”

Colin hugged her back to him with his arm, sorry that he’d let his petty thoughts ruin her enjoyment of the evening. “Really, it’s okay. I just had one random thought, but I’m perfectly comfortable like this. I could sit here this way all night, actually.”

She relaxed against him once again and let out a contented sigh. “Good. I love to sit outside and drink in the peace and quiet of this time of day. I hardly ever get to do it with company, though, and there’s something about sharing the moment with someone else that’s hard to replicate alone.”

Colin debated for about two seconds before he asked the obvious question. “What about Trevor? You must do this with him, right?”

Erica let out a very unladylike snort. “Trevor?” She shook her head against his shoulder. “That would be like expecting a puppy to be still. You should know how he is. The only time he’s not in motion is when he’s asleep. It can get a bit—” She cut herself off abruptly and reached for her coffee.

He lifted his hold enough to allow her to reach the right angle to drink easily then smoothed his hand along her arm as she set her mug down and he accepted her back against him. What she’d said was true, now that he thought about it. Trevor seemed to be a bit of a wrong choice for a boyfriend for someone who seemed to relish quiet, companionable moments. He appreciated for Trevor’s sake that she’d caught herself complaining about him and stopped, so while he really wanted to delve into it a bit more, he knew it was really none of his business and he let it go.

They rocked and sipped their coffees mostly in silence, with the occasional observation about the sunset and fading shadows playing across their view. Erica’s weight seemed to gradually increase until Colin felt certain she’d fallen asleep, though he couldn’t see her eyes to check. She was practically lying on him—her head had moved from his shoulder to his chest and when he put his other arm around her to embrace her, she reflexively snuggled against him in her sleep, breathing deeply.

It was the definition of bittersweet.

I am falling hard.

He swallowed and pressed his lips together.

What the hell am I going to do



Chapter Eight




Erica dropped her robe before appreciative eyes that boldly roamed over her exposed body. Walking slowly towards the bed, she made sure to put a bit of extra seductive movement in her walk for her audience.

“Coffee?” she offered, stopping short of the bed.

He shook his head, watching her intently.

“Tea?” she teased, running her hands up her sides to cup her breasts and offer them forward.

A sexy smile and another shake of the head.


He answered her by surging forward and grasping her upper arms. She stood quiescent in his firm yet gentle grip as he leant forward to whisper in her ear.

“Hell yes.” Then he dipped to take one of the proffered, peaked nipples in his warm mouth.

She moaned and let her head drop back, giving herself over to his attentions…



Erica drifted in sleep, though she began to surface. Something didn’t seem right. It was as though she was chilled and utterly warm and cosy at the same time.

She burrowed into the warmth and felt the movement of a hand on her arm. Frowning—wasn’t Trevor out of town?—she managed to open her eyes then blinked as she realised she wasn’t in bed, but outside on her balcony.

Gasping, she bolted upright, only to be soothed back into place with a shushing sound.


She remembered now, swinging together and having coffee, then she must have conked out on him. Her cheeks heated up as she remembered her vivid power dream and she hoped she hadn’t given any indication of what had gone on in her head. It was stupid to feel guilty about fantasising over Colin. After all, she had no control over her sleeping mind.

The whole situation was just a hard one to keep black and white. She knew first-hand exactly how Colin tasted, the feel of him exploring her body—with Trevor’s full knowledge and blessing, no less. Why wouldn’t her mind go there, especially when she’d been practically sleeping on top of him?

Grow up
, she chided herself.
You’re all adults

Maybe it was time to make Trevor talk about why he’d encouraged the scene to continue beyond the first unintentional mistake. She’d broached the subject one evening last week, but he’d just shrugged and changed the subject.

Colin shifted and she winced as she moved and prepared to stand. “Ohh… You must be stiff—I know I am. How long have we been out here?” It was now fully dark, so at least an hour.

He stretched his arms over his head then flexed his hand. “Not sure. And I’m not too bad, but my arm’s asleep.” He grinned at her as she blushed.

“Crap. Sorry about that. Hey, I can’t help it if you’re a really comfortable bed.” She stood up and gathered their empty mugs, then walked towards the door to the living room. Erica could sense Colin moving behind her but what she saw in the reflection of the door made her laugh.

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