Falling In (33 page)

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Authors: Andrea Hopkins

BOOK: Falling In
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He finally releases my legs, but grabs my hand in its place, pulling me to the couch. Jake watches with amusement, shaking his head back and forth.  

“Are you trying to steal my girl, little man?” Jake asks, sitting on the other side of me.

“Nooooo! We’re just friends. Right, Miss Evie?” he says bashfully.

“Right, Ben.” I tell him, placing a light kiss on his forehead.

As I lean back into the couch, Jake leans in and whispers in my ear, “
Where’s my kiss
?” His warm breath tickles my neck, causing my whole body to shiver. He laughs, knowing exactly what he’s doing to me.

“Just start the movie.”

“Yes ma’am.”










Chapter Seventeen


I never thought I could find this. Never thought I even wanted to.
Until her
. Until she walked through my door like she owned the place with wild hair, bare feet, and a cake in her hands. And now, now I’m terrified that I’m going to lose her.

              Can you even lose someone that isn’t really yours?

I don’t know
. But I do know that I’m going to fight like hell to have her. To

              She fell asleep about thirty minutes into the movie. I’m guessing whatever happened between her and Cole hit her pretty hard.

I fucking hate that guy. He doesn’t deserve her. You don’t let someone like Evangeline slip through your fingers.

              I stare down at her, studying every feature, and I swear my fucking heart stops every single time I look at her. The light dusting of freckles on her cheeks, her button nose that is probably the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, and those full lips that I want to spend my entire life kissing the hell out of. But it’s not just her beauty that has me, it’s her
. She’s a breath of fresh air, and she breathed life back into Ben and me. She’s all light and love.

Holy fuck, I love her

              I fucking love her. And Ben loves her—I can see it. His face lights up whenever she comes around. He’s cuddled up to her right now. He needs someone like her, and so do I.
I need her
. It will crush us both if she stays with him.

              I’m in so deep, I don’t think I could recover from that blow.

              I can’t. I can’t let him have her.

              I can’t lose her.

              I won’t.



              The clang of pots and pans rouse me from my impromptu nap. It takes me a minute to remember where I am. But then the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen jogs my memory.

              Once I sit up, my eyes zero in on a large glass of red wine waiting for me on the coffee table, and my smile could not get any bigger. This is the way to wake up.

              This man.

              I snatch that glass right up and take a long, drawn out gulp, savoring the strong oak and berry taste. Cabernet Sauvignon.
My absolute favorite
. I take another sip, feeling more at ease, which after the whole thing with Cole earlier today, is much needed. I rise from the couch and follow the intoxicating smell through the hall, stopping right before I reach the kitchen. I peek my head around the corner and see Ben standing on a stepstool, stirring something in a pot over the stove. Jake is right next to him chopping up vegetables. They look so damn cute, and so much alike. I almost feel like I’m intruding on their special routine, but I can’t help but to watch. It only lasts a few more minutes before Jake turns around to put the cutting board in the sink.

              “Hey there, sleepy head. I see you found your gift.” He says with smirk.

              “Hey, Miss Evie! I’m making sauce!” Ben says turning his head to see me.

              “Hey, Ben. That is awesome, and it smells absolutely amazing! And yes, I did get your gift. Thank you. It was exactly what I needed.” I take another sip as he gives me a wink before walking around the counter to meet me.

,” he whispers, caressing my cheek.

,” I whisper back leaning into his hand. He places a kiss on my forehead.

              “You hungry?”

              “I am very hungry. Starved, even.” I declare, taking another sip.

. Are we talking about food here?” he asks with a smirk, taking the glass from my hands. He keeps his eyes on me as he takes a giant gulp.

“I am.” I say with my own cheeky smirk, snatching the glass back from his hands and downing the rest as I walk around him and into the kitchen, joining Ben at the stove. I look back at him and giggle as he shakes his head in amusement.

That giggle turns into a squeal when he comes up from behind and picks me up, setting me on the counter behind me.

“Sucks being so small huh, pixie?” he laughs, and Ben joins in.

“Hey, little buddy, you aren’t so tall yourself. Us shorties have to stick together!”

“You’re right, Miss Evie. That wasn’t very nice, Uncle Jake,” Ben scolds. And I smile and stick my tongue out at him for good measure. Jake comes back over to me, grabbing my chin.

“You better watch it, girl!” he warns before kissing me softly.

              “Shut it and finish making me dinner!” I say with a wink. He kisses me once more before turning back to the stove. I pour another glass of wine and watch them finish cooking together. Jake shuffles between the stove and where I’m sitting, stealing sips and kisses every time he comes over to me. 

I can’t get over how right this feels
. Throw in Cady and Dyl, and I can picture us doing this every night.
doing this every night. Like everything I do with Jake, it feels like we’ve been doing it our entire lives. Together. I don’t know what to make of that.

Shit, that’s a lie

              I do. Deep down, I do. I’m just not sure I’m ready to admit it out loud. To do what needs to be done, if that is even the right answer.
Is there a right answer here?
A part of me, a big part, knows what must be done, but there is still that lingering chunk that wants to hold on, is afraid to let go and be honest with myself and everyone else.

              “Hey, you ready to eat?” Jake asks, standing in front of me, tearing me away from my thoughts. From the look on his face, he’s been standing here for a while. “Where’d you go?” He drags the front of his index finger down my cheek.

              “Nowhere. I’m still here. Just—thinking.”

              “About what?”

              “That I’m happy. I probably shouldn’t be. I feel guilty that I am. But I can’t help it.
make me happy.” I say with a small smile, which grows rapidly once I see his face. He’s beaming. Full of jubilance and pride. He grabs my face, pulling my mouth towards his. The kiss is loving and sweet, packed with emotion. If the elongated sigh he releases after we kiss is any indication, he doesn’t want it to end. We’re in the same boat. I could kiss him forever.


              “C’mon, let’s eat before Ben devours it all.” He whispers against my lips. 

              Sure enough, once we retreat out of our bubble, we find Ben chowing down on what looks and smells like ridiculously mouth-watering and delicious homemade pasta. And after one bite, I can say confidently that yes, it is
of those things.

              Throughout dinner, we take turns exchanging glances and smiles while Ben rants about Harry Potter between bites. We laugh and pass food around, liberally pouring wine. It’s all very family dinner-like. It actually feels like we’ve been doing this for years. I can tell how happy it’s making Jake, seeing Ben be so open and animated. The loving look he has for his nephew is gut-wrenchingly sweet. I’m guessing dinner isn’t always like this, and I’m honored that I get to be a part of it.

              After we finish eating, I’m about to start the dishes with Jake when Ben asks if I can go to his room with him and read some of
The Chamber of Secrets
with him. We both look over at Jake with hopeful faces, waiting in anticipation for his answer. He laughs and tells us to get out of there.

              For the next hour, Ben and I cuddle on his bed as I read from where Jake left off. I’m so immersed in the words, I don’t realize that he fell asleep until he starts to lightly snore in the crook of my arm.

              I quietly ease out of his bed and place the book on his side table. Then I skillfully remove his shoes, setting them down noiselessly on the floor and cover him up with his solar system blanket. Once I turn around, I instantly jump back, letting out a thankfully small yelp as I find Jake standing in the doorway. I place my hand over my heart, hoping to calm it down and give him a dirty look. He’s trying to hold back his laughter. I place my index finger on my lips, shushing him to stay quiet, and turn out the light before tip-toeing out of the room, shutting the door behind me.

              Once I’m in the safety of the hallway, I hit Jake in the arm. He just laughs; apparently, I don’t pack a mean punch.

              “How long were you standing there?” 

              “Oh, about a half hour. I didn’t want to interrupt. And I was going to stop you once he fell asleep, but you were so into it and you looked so damn adorable, I just wanted to keep listening.” He grabs my hands and pulls me into his wanting embrace, encasing his arms around me, tight and comforting. “You’re so good with him. My sister was a great mom—it came naturally to her. I never thought someone would be able to make him smile the way she could, until you. You’re bringing us back, pixie.”

              “I don’t know what to say.”

              “You don’t have to say anything.”

I listen and say nothing, but let my actions speak for me. Let my body say what my mind is too scared to. I pull away slightly, just enough to see his face. I snake my arms through his and wrap one around the back of his head. Standing on my tippy toes, I press my lips to his. Our mouths connect lightly at first, almost teasingly and hesitant. They move together, letting only the tips of our tongues graze each other. We’re in no rush; our movement is languid, like we’re savoring each second, each swipe of the tongue. His hand begins to move down the small of my back, while the other is deeply clenched inside my hair. As our lips begin to pick up their pace, I push him against the wall, needing more balance and to feel him more thoroughly. But even that isn’t enough.

Damn, my lack of height really sucks right now.

As if he can sense my frustration, his hands move to my ass, squeezing tightly before lifting me up. Instantly, my legs wrap around his waist. My body knows exactly what to do when I’m this close to Jake.

“I think, from now on, I’m just going to carry you wherever we go,” he murmurs against my lips.              

“I didn’t say to stop kissing me.”

, I love feisty pixie.” He says before attacking my lips harder. I tug on his hair a bit, loving the moan and “fuck” that follows. I’m so in the moment, so focused on what his lips on mine are doing to other parts of my body that I don’t realize we’ve moved until he eases me onto his bed. Our lips part as he hovers over me, staring down at me with hooded eyes.

“Stay with me.”


              “The weekend. Stay with me and Ben for the weekend.”

              “Jake, I don’t know—”

              “We don’t have to do anything. I would never pressure you to do anything you’re unsure of. I just—I want to know how it feels to wake up next to you in the morning, to see you in my bed when the sun comes up.” He admits, brushing wandering tendrils from my face. Some of the lust has left his face and has been replaced with vulnerability. And his eyes, his eyes say everything he’s holding back. Everything he wants to say but doesn’t want to for fear of scaring me away.

              I’m just about to answer him when my phone goes off, playing Cole’s song. Keeping my eyes trained on Jake, I slip my hand into my pocket and pull it out.


              “Hey, Mama!” Cady practically screams, excitement pouring out of her little voice.

              “Aw, hey, baby girl!” Jake releases what sounds like a relieved sigh and smiles. He kisses my forehead before pushing himself off and over me, only to lay down right next to me, our heads resting side by side.

              After the first five minutes, Jake grabs my hand and starts playing with my fingers, occasionally kissing the tips. We stay this way for at least twenty minutes while the kids tell me about the rest of their day, and how much fun they’re having. After another five minutes, I hear Cole in the background telling them it’s bedtime, so we say our goodbyes. I feel a pang of longing and guilt as I end the call without speaking to Cole directly.

Are you okay
?” Jake whispers.

              I nod my head, then crane my neck to look at him. I smile at the genuine concern written all over his face and I just have to kiss him. I lean in and place my mouth gently on his. “
.” I whisper back between kisses.


              “Yes, I’ll stay with you.”

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