Falling Into You (Geek to Chic) (20 page)

BOOK: Falling Into You (Geek to Chic)
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Derek ran a
hand through his hair, coming out with his hand smeared with crap. Roni cuddled
her face into Netty to hide her smile.
“Um yeah, I think that’s a great idea. Roni you’re a life saver. Thanks
for coming to my rescue.”
He disappeared
down the hall after that.

Netty was no
longer screaming, but giving small whimpers. “I know baby, I know men are just
You’ll find that never changes.”
She snuggled the baby, close again.
Realizing the baby smelled too, she went in
search of the diaper bag.
She didn’t
know Caroline well, but she knew she was a dedicated mom and would have packed
for every situation.
Digging through the
bag she came up with some baby soap and clean clothes.
“Come on princess, let’s find the spare
bathroom and see if we can’t get you smelling good again.”

Ten minutes
later she had Netty playing in the tub.
The baby actually looked happy.
Derek walked into the guest bathroom as she sat on the floor in front of
the tub keeping an eye on Netty.
looks happy again.
How did you do
Derek said with awe.

She turned to
see Derek dressed in Star Wars pajama bottoms, a tight fitting shirt with dark
blue letters that read
Trust me I’m a
and bare feet.
He had ditched
his contacts for black wide rimmed glasses.
He made nerd look hot.
jammies. “
She giggled.
The giggle was more to cover the instant heat
that bloomed in her from seeing him, than it was laughing at him.

“I know Star
Wars is the best right?”
He smiled down
at her and twirled like a model would.
She laughed more.
“Seriously, how
did you calm her down?”

“Didn’t you
notice she was biting her fist and anything else that came near her
He looked at her like she was
nuts. “She’s teething you doofus.
was some medicine at the bottom of the diaper bag for her gums.
A little of that, a little lavender bubble
bath, and a bottle and she should be ready to crash.”

“It didn’t even
dawn on me why she was chewing everything in sight.
You are the baby whisperer, you know
He looked so relieved to see his
niece calm again. “I thought maybe she didn’t like me or something.” A sad look
passed over his face.

“No worries, I
am sure you are still her favorite uncle.
Let’s get you dressed and in bed little one.” They spent the next few
minutes dressing Netty.
Roni handed her
to Derek so she could make a bottle.
Netty snuggled right into him now that she was feeling better and clean.
Derek smiled.
A smile that showed how much he loved his niece.
A smile that melted Roni’s heart.
Damn him, she really wanted to stay mad at
him for being a complete ass at work all week.

“How about I
grab the portable crib and put it in the living room so we can be comfortable
on the couch while we watch her?” Derek questioned, she nodded in
Her voice suddenly lost.
Her heart skipped a beat and she was thankful
for the baby they had to watch.
meant her hormones had to stay in control. She was still mad at him after
Ravaging his body would probably
not convey that message well.
handed her the baby as he went to grab the portable crib.

She sat on the
couch with Netty cradled in her arms, happily enjoying her bottle.
Netty’s eyes fought to stay open as Roni
rubbed her small arm in a comforting manner.
In a matter of minutes Netty let the bottle slip from her mouth, a small
amount of milk spilling from her mouth.
Roni continued to rock her to be sure the child was out for the

As her own
eyes started to close, Derek took Netty from her. Roni’s eyes opened in time to
see him kiss her gently on the forehead, whisper something that sounded like a
riddle and place her in her crib.
He sat
next to Roni on the couch.
Laying his
head against the back of the couch, he gave a loud sigh and rubbed his hands
over his face.
“Caroline has earned my
undying respect for being able to care for that creature all by herself.
I can’t imagine doing that night after night
by myself.”
He laughed, shaking his
head. “Hell, I didn’t even make it through one night.
You Roni, are my hero.
I know I was a massive jerk at work
She snorted in response. “Ok
all week.
I’m sorry.
I told you I have two personalities, the laid
back guy you see before you and the super uptight always in control nerd. At
work I am anti-social and obsessed with perfection.
I am really sorry I took it out on you.
Please come back on Monday.
I promise to be nicer, to you anyway. Or are
you planning on taking the position Alex offered?
I understand if you do.”

Roni looked
deep into his blue eyes.
What she saw
was remorse, true remorse.
Something she
had never seen in a man’s eyes.
leaned her head on his shoulder.
All the
anger she had in her towards this man was gone in that instant.
“He told you about his offer?
I wasn’t sure how serious he actually
I would like to take that position,
I would be better at it.”
Derek nodded
his head sadly in response.
“I will make
you a deal.
I come back on Monday, and
stay until your assistant gets back and then move over to work for Alex.
If that works for both of you?”
He started to speak, but she placed her hand
up to halt him.
“But you have to promise
to not only be nice to me, but to the rest of your staff as well.
You know they all talk about you behind your
back right? There is even a rumor that since you have no personality you are
actually a cyborg rather than a human.”
She thought a few of his employees even believed that particular

“Yeah, I heard
something along those lines last weekend from the security guard when he
delivered my pizza.”
Derek appraised her
looking at his hands instead of her.

She took his
cheek in her hand, forcing him to look her in the eyes as she continued.
“Seriously, all you have to do is come out of
your office and oh, I don’t know smile when you grab a cup of coffee.
You’re a great guy, but you hide that from
the world.
Afraid that they will judge
you for how smart you are.
Derek, you’re
not in high school anymore. The genius you are is no longer a liability.
People look up to you now.
You are the coolest kid because of all the
great things your amazing brain can do.”
She tapped his temple with her pointer finger for emphasis.

Derek grabbed
her hand, kissing her knuckles. “I know you’re right.
Trust me, in my head, I know that high school
is over and I am no longer that super nerd.
It’s taking that insecure teenager in me time to catch up.”
He still held her hand, running his thumb
over the pulse in her wrist.
Such an
innocent act, yet one that was erupting a firestorm in her belly.

“Well you tell
that teenager nerd that he is so cool, that he is now dating the girl who was
the head cheerleader.”
Roni smiled and
Derek laughed.
He spared a glance at
Netty before taking her mouth with his.
Suddenly she was on her back with him on top of her.
Her hands were tangled in his hair, holding
him close.
Derek leaned on his elbows to
keep his full weight off of her.

When a moan
escaped her, Derek took the opportunity to push his tongue into her mouth.
Resulting in another moan.
Her hips involuntarily pushed forward meeting
This time, it was his turn to
His left hand slid down her body,
stopping to cup her breast.
His hands
were magic on her body.
Waking every
nerve in her body.
Roni’s right leg fell
to the floor.
Their cores were perfectly
a lined.
Derek pushed his pelvis into
hers beginning to dry hump her.
guessed his inner teenager was now in full control.

When he pushed
his hard flannel clad length into her core, she broke the kiss and moaned out
Roni’s head fell back, exposing
her neck to him.
Once again, he took
advantage of her movement.
Kissing and
sucking her neck.
Her hands slid down
his muscled back ending at his taut behind.
She squeezed, making him moan again.
“Oh, Roni.
I need you like I have
never needed anyone before.
I need more
of your touch, I need to touch more of you.”
He ended his speech by sliding his hand under her shirt.
Slowly skimming his hand along her flat
She really needed him to move
either up to her now heavy breast or down to her weeping mound.

“Wow, I guess
making out is part of a babysitting gig no matter how old you are.”
A female voice laughed from behind them.
Roni, embarrassed and shocked, sat up quickly.
Head butting Derek and rolling them both off the couch.

Roni landed on
She looked up to see Caroline,
laughing as she walked over to her suddenly crying daughter.
“Oh Shhh, baby girl.
It’s ok, your uncle was just trying to get
The baby quieted her cries the
minute she heard her mother’s voice.

As Roni and
Derek scrambled to their feet, Caroline picked Netty up cuddling her.
“Caroline, you’re back already?”
mumbled fidgeting with his shirt.
held in a laugh when she realized he was trying to hide his erection.
“How... how was your night out?” Derek
continued, positioning Roni in front of him.

importantly, how was yours? Did the demon child show up?
Is that why Roni is here to save you from
your niece?”
Caroline was openly
laughing at him. Roni had to smile.

“Um… no of
course… …yes, yes she had to save me.
I had no idea what to
At one point I thought her head was
going to be spinning around and green vomit was going to start spraying out of
her mouth!”
Derek said all too
Caroline and Roni started
laughing hysterically.

Roni wiped her
eyes of her laugh tears.
“You see Caroline,
your lovely daughter decided to not only have a massive blow out on her dear
Uncle Derek but also started teething.
No you tube video could have prepared him for that combination.”

“Are you two
done laughing at me?
What did you end up
doing with your free time?”

“First, thank
you Roni for saving my brother from this tiny demon.
Kelly, Stephanie and I went to dinner at this
place downtown.
We ended up having to
wait at the bar for an hour for our table.
Of course, while we were waiting a couple of hot guys came over.
Immediately ignoring me and talking to Kelly and Stephanie.” Caroline
“At least one of the guys took
pity on me.
He sat and talked to me while
the others got hammered and left together.
Poor guy, got ditched.”
She smiled
at the end.
Before Roni could ask
“Well, we will get out of your
Thank you thank you thank you for
giving me a few hours of adult time. Come on baby girl, let’s go home.”
Derek handed her the now packed diaper
He kissed his sister and niece on
the cheeks and they were out the door.

“Roni, now
that the children are gone.
Where were
She smiled.
Dying to get back to where they were she
moved to meet him in the middle of the living room.

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