False Colors (38 page)

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Authors: Alex Beecroft

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction

BOOK: False Colors
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I’d also like to thank my husband, Andrew. This must seem like a strange choice of career to him, but he’s never been anything other than proud and supportive. I’m proud of him, too.

This is becoming a bit mushy, so I’ll wrap it up quickly. Thank you to my internet friends who have been wonderful. Especially thank you to Ruth Sims, author of
The Phoenix,
and Erastes, the author of
who put me in touch with Running Press in the first place, and urged me to submit
False Colors
for this series. Without them you wouldn’t be holding this book now.

Thank you, to them and to everyone else who I have rudely forgotten to mention!



Alex Beecroft
exists only intermittently in the real world. She can fight with spear and battleaxe and has helped to construct a Saxon manor house from the ground up. She has worked in an 18
Century kitchen, sewn her family a full set of Georgian clothing, can spin and weave and light a fire from flint and tinder. But she still can’t operate a mobile phone.

Please visit her at www.alexbeecroft.com.


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