False Pretenses (21 page)

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Authors: Cara Bristol

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: False Pretenses
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That it was Dan, the man she loved, made it bearable, this thing they now shared. The act of discipline forged an invisible tie. With each strike of the paddle, the band of intimacy wound tighter, drawing them closer, until she and Dan formed two parts of the same whole.


"Thirty-two.” Seconds after the final searing blow fell, the paddle clattered to the floor as if Dan had thrown it.

Her ass burned so viciously, she barely noticed when Dan lowered her skirt over her behind. He knelt and untangled her hands from her death grip on the leather straps. Her skin had gone white where she'd cut off circulation.

Bent over as she'd been, the blood had rushed to her head, causing the room to spin when Dan helped her stand. He wiped her cheek with the back of a finger, and she realized she'd been crying. She averted her face from the mirror, shamed by her weakness in front of the men.

"It's done.” Dan glared at the mirror, then at Jordan.

The proctor flipped a switch on the wall panel. “The sound is off,” he said and then closed the thick, heavy drapes over the mirror. He exited.

Dan hauled her into his arms, permitting no space between them. Emma buried her face against the soothing warmth of his chest and leaned on his strength. She could hear his heart race with the emotion. He pressed his lips to her hair.

For the longest time, he held her.

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Chapter Twenty

Even though Emma insisted she could drive her own car, Dan buckled her into the passenger seat of his SUV, handling her as if she were delicate porcelain and could shatter at any moment. She curled her mouth with the irony: she'd proven she was unbreakable.

Dan headed out, and after a couple of turns, Emma said, “This isn't the way to my house."

"No, I'm taking you to mine.” Dusk had fallen, so she could not read his expression, but authority teemed in his tone; he wasn't asking permission. “I'll arrange to get your car later. It will be fine where it is."

"Okay.” Emma leaned to one side, easing direct pressure on her buttocks and the tops of her thighs. Her heart thumped, its pounding beat matching the throbbing in her ass. She understood they were a couple again, but their relationship had altered. Exactly what the difference was, though, she couldn't put her finger on.

"We need to talk, but let's do that after we get home, okay?” Dan laced his fingers through hers.

"Okay,” she said.

He held her hand until he needed both of his to negotiate the winding roads. The silence that descended wasn't awkward, but it wasn't fully comfortable either, as unresolved issues and unspoken explanations weighed on Emma's mind.

Dan cut the engine outside his house, and he bounded out and rounded the SUV to open her door. With as much care as when he'd put her into the vehicle, he helped her out.

She downplayed the fierce ache. “I'm fine. Just a little sore. You act like I'm coming home from the hospital,” she joked.

"It seems that way.” He looked grim under the streetlight. “Only it feels like I'm the one who put you there."

"No!” she denied with a vigorous shake of her head. “None of this is your fault."

"Let's talk inside."

Night shrouded his house, and Emma waited until he flipped a switch and chased the shadows from the room. She faced him then and shivered at the sight of the piercing hunger in his eyes. All traces of ice had melted; what she saw now was pure heat, but his touch was gentle as he slid his hand underneath her hair to her neck and tilted her head. “You're mine, Em,” he said and brought his mouth to her lips, communicating better than words ever could that he still wanted her, that she remained a part of his life.

He didn't tease or coax, but claimed possession with a tender command, the roughened hardness of his jaw scraping a raspy trail with the movement of his mouth. Emma clung to him, easing her need by satisfying his.

Dan broke off the kiss. “Come.” He clasped her hand. “I want to take care of your ass."

He led her to his bedroom. “Take off your skirt and panties, and lie down. I'll get the stuff.” He disappeared into the bathroom.

She kicked off her shoes and stripped the clothing off her lower half, but because it felt awkward to be half dressed, she removed her blouse and bra also. After setting her glasses on the nightstand, she stretched out naked on the bed crosswise.

Moments later, the mattress depressed, and Dan held out a bottle of green gel. “Aloe vera,” he said. “It will soothe the burn.” He uncapped the lid and poured a generous amount into his palm. “This will feel cold."

Despite the warning, she yelped when a dollop of icy gel touched her overheated flesh. Dan massaged the lotion into her cheeks, both cooling and reigniting the sting. She wiggled under his gentle touch. They had issues to settle, explanations to make, but she couldn't imagine a more perfect moment.

"Am I red?” she asked.

"Pink,” he answered. “I tried not to keep hitting the same spot, but Rod and Cane paddles deliver maximum sting, so you'll be sore for a few days."

"I can handle it.” After their naughty-girl game, she'd been quite achy but had thrived under the sensation. This, however, differed dramatically in intensity and the emotions it evoked. The soreness would not dissipate as quickly, nor would the memory, which she would file under experiences to not repeat.

Dan extended his reach and ran his hands over her back and shoulders, then swept them down her body. Tender. Assessing. Possessive.
You belong to me
, he communicated with every stroke of his fingers.

A misaligned gear suddenly clicked into its proper groove, and a core-deep contentment settled over Emma. Dan would care for her, love her, provide the guidance she needed. And she would care for him, love him, respect him as he deserved. The stars had certainly been in sync the day their paths had crossed. Emma smiled, thinking of the role her ginger fur ball had played. And her own negligence in allowing Jinx to escape, which hadn't happened again since Dan had spanked her for it. Emma sighed, her thoughts and muscles relaxing under Dan's magic touch. She parted her legs to allow him to massage her inner thighs.

"Mm,” she moaned. “That feels...good.” Right. Perfect. Complete.

He worked his way to her calves. She jerked and giggled when he touched the arches of her feet.

"Ticklish, are you?” He captured her ankle and grazed his fingernail across the sole.

"A little.” She attempted to wrench her foot out of his grasp. “Dan!” she shrieked when he made another swipe across the bottom.

He chuckled but released her, and moved his hands to her waist. “How about here?” He tickled her side.

Emma took a breath and confessed, “No, only my feet."

"Nowhere else? Are you sure?” He stroked her tender ass and snaked his hand between her thighs to home in on her clit. “How about here?” Emma moaned in pleasure and lifted her hips slightly to accommodate his touch. He drew small, tight circles, and Emma thrust against his hand as desire kindled. Moisture trickled from her pussy, and Dan used her wetness to lubricate the engorged, tightening bud.

Her pussy quivered, aching to be filled, and he must have read her mind, because he inserted two fingers, and Emma reared up to take him deeper.

She clenched her muscles around him, but it wasn't enough; she needed to be totally filled. “I need you inside me, Dan. Please,” she said, emotion craving its physical counterpart.

Abruptly he released her, and she heard the rustle of clothing being torn off. She rolled over to watch him, but winced as her ass connected with the bed. His eyes blazed with self-recrimination, and she knew he was thinking about his having to have spanked her to satisfy Rod and Cane.

"No,” she said. “Don't go there. It was my decision. We'll talk later. Right now all you need to do is fuck me."

His cheeks dimpled with that adorable, lopsided grin. “I can do that."

The remainder of his clothing hit the floor in record time, and he was naked, his body ripped and ready for action. He stretched out onto the bed and pulled Emma on top of him. She lowered herself onto his cock and worked his thick rod into her pussy, sighing with pleasure at the delicious stretch. Dan raised his head and sucked a nipple, gently at first, then with increasing vigor. Sweet, hot sensation flowed through Emma, and she moaned, raising and lowering herself onto his cock, forcing him deeper and harder with every downward stroke.

She needed this man. Craved not just his touch, but his presence, his love, his mastery. Her longing, physical and emotional, built to fever pitch, searing hotter than any strike against her ass, and she came, thrusting herself onto his cock like a woman possessed.

Growling, Dan grabbed her hips as his cock contracted inside her, and he spilled himself.

Emma collapsed atop his chest, going limp with satisfied exhaustion. His spent cock slipped out of her, and his chest rose and fell with his respiration, his heart beating soothingly against her breasts. He smelled woodsy and male, and she filled her lungs with his scent.

He caressed her back, his touch featherlight as he grazed her aching cheeks. His body tensed. “Why did you do it, Em? You didn't have to."

Emma lifted her head and met his serious gaze. “I
have to. I wanted to make amends. I still think Rod and Cane is a hot story, but I should have been honest and told people what I was doing."

"No one would have talked to you."

Emma shrugged one shoulder. Most likely not. Aside from their desire for privacy, Rod and Cane members would not have violated the confidentiality agreement. “I'd had reservations about the story before you spanked me, but that cinched it in my mind."

She stared into Dan's eyes. “I didn't send in the column. My ex did. He had dropped in uninvited and snooped around on my computer. He got jealous that I had started seeing you, and I suspect that was his way of getting even."

Emma rolled off Dan and sat up with a wince. “I didn't know you were a Rod and Cane member until Melania Traynor mentioned it the other day. I was going to tell you I was in the Wives Auxiliary, but before I could, well, the shit hit the fan."

Dan reached out and stroked her nipple. It hardened immediately. “I'm sorry I wouldn't let you explain. If I had, maybe you could have avoided a public punishment.” He cupped her breast, captured the hard tip between his thumb and forefinger, and squeezed gently. “I got the impression you agreed to the reprimand, at least in part, to prove to me how sorry you were. I shouldn't have put you through the humiliation."

Emma shook her head and arched into his touch. His cock thickened again, and her pussy grew moist. “I did want to make things right between us, but mostly I wanted to wipe the slate clean and start fresh with Rod and Cane.” She swallowed. “I need discipline."

Dan stopped stroking and looked at her with a serious expression. “Discipline is different than spanking for pleasure."

Emma chuckled. “You don't need to tell me. But now it's over, and I feel relieved. The matter is settled, and I don't need to worry anymore.” She stared into Dan's eyes. “I was willing to abide by the board's decision, but I can't imagine what it would have been like if anyone but you had spanked me."

"I would have torn apart any guy who touched you,” he bit out, eyes blazing. His vehemence thrilled Emma down to her toes. Dan captured a nipple into his mouth and sucked. When it stiffened to his satisfaction, he attended to its twin. The peaks of both breasts were engorged and achy by the time he released her. Leaning on one elbow, he studied her face. The tip of his erection pearled with his desire.

"I opposed the paddling, not because I didn't think you deserved one—because frankly, I think you did—but it shouldn't have been conducted in view of the board. At home, I would not have been as hard on you."

A nervous excitement curled in the pit of her stomach. She swallowed. “You're saying you would have spanked me anyway?"

"I've only practiced spanking for erotic pleasure. But after what happened, I see its disciplinary merits.” He paused, his gaze intense. “Especially after we get married."

Emma widened her eyes. Her heart thumped so hard, it threatened to burst out of her chest.

"Will you marry me, Emma? I want to hold you for the rest of my life, protect you, love you forever."

"I love you too. Yes!” Emma flung her arms around his neck, hardly able to believe how her future had turned around in a few short hours. She vowed to spend the rest of her life making this man happy.

Dan sealed the deal with a possessive kiss, the hardness of his erection pressing against her abdomen, but when she attempted to stroke him, he grasped her shoulders and pushed her away.

Emma frowned.

Dan raised his hands, palms open. “Before you commit, I need to know if you can accept a domestic discipline marriage, with all it means.” His gaze caught and held hers.

Emma wet her lips. Melania had shared with her how the domestic discipline arrangement worked in her marriage. “So, you're saying you'd be the head of our household, would set expectations, and make the final decisions?"

"I'd never make an important decision without consulting you. We'll talk things over, but in the end, if we can't agree, I'll settle it. And yes, I'll set some boundaries, rules, if you will."

"Like what?"

"That will be decided later, as situations arise, but it could be things like calling if you're going to be late or keeping the door closed so Jinx doesn't get out."

"And if I break your rules, you'll spank me?"

"I'll consider all factors and decide on a case-by-case basis. But yes,” he said, nodding. “I will spank you if I think you'll benefit from it."

Emma of old would have been shocked and would have refused to consider it. The new Emma smiled as contentment curled in her tummy. She knew where she stood. She knew where she fit. They loved each other, tomorrow and forever.

There would be erotic spankings, but there would also be disciplinary ones. At his discretion, she would feel his hand on her ass when
it would benefit her
. She had a hunch she wouldn't always agree with his discipline and could foresee being on the receiving end of spankings she didn't want, but she would trust him because he had her best interests in mind. Why shouldn't he rule their home—he already commanded her heart.

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