Far Away (Gypsy Fairy Tale Book Two) (11 page)

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Authors: Dana Michelle Burnett

BOOK: Far Away (Gypsy Fairy Tale Book Two)
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“Please,” Alastor begged.  “Please, you asked me to give you this one night.  I’m asking you to give me this one moment.”

My heart fell with his request and the tears came to my eyes.  I trembled in his arms.  How could I refuse him?

“What do you want me to do?”  I asked.

“Close your eyes.”  He whispered over my eyelids.

I did as he asked.  “Now what?”

“Just be.”  He said and lowered his face so our cheeks touched.  “Just be.”

With my eyes closed, I forgot all about Jonah.  I was dancing safe and secure in Alastor’s arms with my body remembering his touch even my mind sometimes couldn’t.  As long as I didn’t open my eyes, it was Alastor that was holding me close.  This is where I belonged.

“Kiss me again.”  I requested in a whisper, longing for the sensation of him touching me, of crossing that breach between life and death.

He took my face into his hands.  I kept my eyes shut tight as I reached up and covered his hands with mine.  The earth shifted beneath me as I remembered standing just like this the day that we were married over a century ago.

Alastor’s lips met mine, soft at first and then harder.  He was real.  He was alive. 

I wanted to feel his skin against mine.  I wanted his lips on my throat.  I wanted him.  It was a feeling that only the most primal part of me seemed to understand.

I kissed him again and again.  I kept my eyes shut tight and was afraid to let go.  I couldn’t breathe, part of me was still terrified and another part wanted to sob uncontrollably.

“I’m sorry.”  I whimpered, trying to hold on tighter.  “I’m so sorry for everything.”

He kissed me again and I knew that there would never be another.  There was only Alastor.  It was only Alastor that I loved.  It was only Alastor to whom I belonged.  It was Alastor to whom I was lost.



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