Fate Forgotten (13 page)

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Authors: J. L. Sheppard

Tags: #paranormal, #Witches, #Demons-Gargoyles

BOOK: Fate Forgotten
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Valerie stilled, terrified to move, to speak, to breathe, so sure she’d already lost the job. Worse, she was sure Jake would forbid her from seeing Annie. She couldn’t blame him.

He took a hesitant step in her direction. His gaze probing yet soft, then he wrapped his arms around her. One snaked around her back, the other around her shoulders; he cupped the back of her head and cradled her against his chest.

She tensed, but then let go. Softening against him, she wrapped one arm around him, gripped his shirt with the other, and let him hold her. It felt amazing, not just because he felt amazing—the strength of his body, the scent of him around her, his lips resting against her forehead—but because for the first time since she lost her family, she felt safe. Feeling that, she let tears trail down her cheeks.

Maybe not such a wise idea. “I’m sorry…I—”

“Shh-shh…” He laced his fingers through her hair, then cupped the back of her neck, holding her more firmly against him. “It’s okay. Everything’s going to be fine.”

Exactly what she needed, someone, anyone to hold her like she belonged, tell her everything would be fine even if it never would.

Her arm around him tightened. “I’m sorry, please…don’t fire me. I care about Annie a lot and…”

Pulling away from the embrace just enough to meet her gaze, he sighed. “Valerie, I’m not going to fire you. God, I wouldn’t do that because you…you…” With his strong, big hands, he wiped her tears away. “You must think I’m a monster.”

Taking a deep, pained breath, she closed her eyes. Val had been so angry when he assumed the worst of her, yet she’d just done the same. And despite her assumption, he wasn’t angry. He held her, comforting her, speaking to her so softly.

“I just thought because—”

“We can’t help what we feel or when we feel it.”

“But Annie can feel it, and I’m supposed to—”

“Val, sweetheart, it’s okay.” He dragged her to him again and held her for several moments, without a word, without blame.

Burying her face in his chest, she let him until he soothed the ache inside. Only then did she pull away and whisper, “Thank you.”

Close enough the heat of his breath warmed her skin, he combed his fingers through her hair and smiled. “No need to thank me, Val.”

She didn’t want him to let her go—ever. She shook the thought aside. “But…I should…I’m sorry—”

“Tell me what happened.”

No, she couldn’t. She didn’t want to talk about it, not to anyone, especially him—the man she feared falling for, the man she needed to stay away from, the man who could comfort her with a single touch. Talking about it, she’d relive it, and that was the last thing she wanted to do. It’d make it worse.

Unwrapping her arm from around his waist, she brought it to his chest and with both hands, pushed.

He didn’t budge. His arm around her waist tightened; the other on her back held her to him. Even then, he didn’t get angry. As if he had all the time in the world, he pleaded, “Please, tell me.”

She fought the urge to stare into his eyes, knowing if she did, she’d cave. Yet her gaze unconsciously drifted to his. “Why don’t you know?”

Jaw clenched, his eyes hardened. He swallowed and some of that hardness faded. “I was with—”

“Annie.” Not surprising. Nathan knew little about her, and he’d been entrusted to guard her.

Looking away from him, she made a decision she could come to regret. “The Guardians rescued me. You can figure out the rest.”

His body tensed. Eyes flared, tinting their dark depths crimson. The muscles in his shoulders and chest bulged. She had reason to fear. A demon’s red gaze signaled he was close to turning, but she couldn’t move, too captivated and enthralled staring into those eyes.

His hand at her back went to her cheek. Softly, his fingers caressed her, and yet the fire in his eyes never faded. She didn’t know how he managed it.

“What did they
?” His voice tinged in restrained anger.

“It doesn’t matter,” she whispered.

“It matters
to me
. Tell me.” His eyes burned deeper, still she read them—anger, regret, pain—but he held every emotion in check, shielding them from her. “Tell me. Did they…did they t-touch you?” He choked on the word.

“We had powerful spells protecting our home. They couldn’t get to me, but…they found a way to hurt us anyway.”

After a long moment, she said, “I’m the lone survivor of my coven.”

The next moment, she was once again pressed against him. One hand in her hair, the other so tight around her waist she could barely breathe. Face buried in her neck, breathing deep. His lips firm against her pulse. Her skin erupted in goose flesh, she shivered.

“I’m sorry…so sorry. I should’ve been there. I should’ve…”

God, why? She wanted to scream in frustration. Why did she feel better after telling him? Why did his reaction make her feel like she wasn’t alone? Why did it feel so right to be held by him?

“Jake, I’m fine…I promise. I can watch Annie.”

He chuckled, but it lacked humor. “Fate’s a cruel bitch,” he mumbled, then pulled away, stopping to kiss her forehead, lightly. “I know you can watch Annie. I trust you.”

She didn’t know why he trusted her. She had no experience with children, clearly wasn’t the most suitable, and he barely knew her. She lifted a brow. “Do you?”

“Yes, I do.” He turned away from her momentarily then faced her. “I should’ve been the
to save you. I should’ve been there. I’ll never forgive myself for that.”

Her jaw dropped. She had no idea what to say. “Jake, I mean Jacob—”

“I like it when you call me Jake.” He smiled.

Her mind went blank, completely forgetting what she meant to say. Not good. It took her a moment to think. “Okay, Jake. Thank you for…”
holding me

As if he heard her thought, understanding shone from his eyes. “Don’t thank me for that.”

After a moment, never losing sight of her eyes, he said, “I have to go.”

He said it like he wanted to stay, and it made her pause. She remained frozen in place. Jake walked away, then came back with Annie. They said their goodbyes. The whole time, Val wondered if she’d dreamed up everything that had just happened.

“I’ll see you later.” He then walked away.

She unfroze, realizing something she avoided thinking about until that moment. He wasn’t just leaving, but leaving to fight an enemy, the same who killed her coven, her family. She bit the side of her lip, then moved straight to him. A couple of feet away, she blurted, “You’ll be safe?”

He angled his head to her and kept walking. “Yes.”

She walked faster. “But you have weapons and—”

“Yeah, I do. Plenty.”

But what if something bad happened to him? “What if I need to get in touch with you?”

He paused, faced her, grabbed her hand, and drew it to his lips, then softly kissed her palm. “My cell number’s on the counter.”

For the second time that night, she froze.

“I’ll be fine, Val. This is what I do, the only thing I’ve ever been good at.”

She trusted him, he’d been a warrior for centuries, but she couldn’t help worrying. And even with his assurances, she couldn’t keep those worries away. “But…sorry. I just—”

His hand cupped the side of her face. Without thought, she leaned against his palm, the touch sending shivers through her.

Bending to her, he then pressed his lips against her cheek, pausing briefly at the nape of her neck. “Thank you, Val.”

She hadn’t done a single thing except lose it in front of him and worst, in front of Annie. But she couldn’t find her voice. Before she could say anything else, he disappeared.


The second Jake materialized in his living room, a quarter after two in the morning, his gaze gravitated to her sleeping figure on the couch.

On her side facing the television, her head rested on a decorative pillow. Face relaxed in sleep, breathing deeply, soundlessly. Her long auburn hair spread out in waves around her.

Absolutely. Beautiful.

“Mine,” he whispered, in awe. He still couldn’t believe it.

She moved slightly, and a strand of her hair fell onto her face. Carefully, he rested his weight on one knee and pulled her hair away from her face. He could stay there and watch her sleep forever.

Not hours ago, he felt every ounce of her pain and grief as if it were his own. It tore into him, shredding his composure, his resolve. His demon promised vengeance. His very soul cried.

He should’ve expected it. His life had been filled with bittersweet moments. His sister’s death brought Annie into his life, while his fated’s grief had done the same.

He hated leaving them both. He
to spend every second he could with them, but that wasn’t possible. A warrior, born and bred, it was all he knew, and now more than ever, he had to fight, to try to create a better future for them, a future where they could live without the threat of Malums.

That night, his duty took him away, and because of him and his brethren the world was short ten Malums. He had the honor of killing two. And he did it without hesitation, knowing they wouldn’t hesitate to hurt his mate or his niece. He did it with pride, not avenging himself like he’d done for centuries. He killed in their honor—vengeance for all they’d lost, for all they deserved to keep.

Valerie shivered. Acting instinctively, he carefully snaked an arm around her neck, the other under her knees and lifted her, effortlessly. Draped across his chest, she mumbled incoherently. Jacob found himself smiling. He walked the short distance into his room and laid her in his bed, pulling the covers over her. He had no qualms about lingering to watch. Only when he couldn’t fight sleep any longer did he leave her.


Stretching, she buried her head into the pillow, and the scent of the man Valerie dreamt of invaded her senses.

. Her eyes snapped open, landing on unfamiliar blue pillows and sheets. She shot up in bed and frantically glanced around. The large room decorated in blue tones. The bed, huge, bigger than a king, and no doubt custom-made.

Jake’s room
. Everything in the room reminded her of him. The sleek dark wood furniture, the pile of clothes laid astride a couch to her left, not to mention the scent of him. She had no idea how she’d gotten there. Last night, she watched Annie for the first time, and after Annie fell asleep, she watched TV. She must’ve dosed off then. He must’ve moved her. Though it meant he’d made it home safe, she wondered why he hadn’t woken her. She could’ve gone to her own bed.

Annie stepped into the room, then rubbed her eyes. “Val? Are you awake?”

She kicked the covers off. “Good morning, sweetheart. Are you okay?”

“I’m hungry.” On cue, her stomach growled.

Valerie was too, starved, in fact. She’d skipped dinner the night before. “Where’s your uncle, honey?”

“He’s sleeping. I think we should let him sleep because he never does.”

He never slept? How did Annie know? “We should. I can make you something. Do you want to help me?”

Her eyes gleamed. “You’ll let me?”

She smiled. “Sure.”

Her excitement died a split second later when she said, “I don’t know if I should. Uncle Jake says I’m not allowed to cook because of the fire. He’s afraid I’ll get hurt.”

Such a sweet girl. Most children her age would’ve taken her up on the offer without mentioning they weren’t allowed. Tucking her hair behind her ear, Valerie smiled. “You can be my assistant, and you won’t go near the stove.”

At that, a bright smile lit Annie’s face, and she giggled.


Jacob awoke refreshed for the first time in more than a week. He glanced at his watch, nine in the morning. Startled, he jumped off the white couch in Annie’s room where he slept. His gaze darted to her empty bed. Her room was empty, too.

Walking out of her room, he shouted, “Annie?”

“We’re in the kitchen.”

His heart started pounding louder and louder. When he reached the kitchen, it stopped dead.

Valerie, wearing the same clothes, her hair in a messy knot at the top of her head, exposing her neck and the curve of her jaw, stood at the stove cooking bacon, from the smell of it. Annie sat at the counter on a stool, a whisk in hand beating eggs.

Damn, but what a way to wake up: his mate and his niece looking right at home and happy.

He smiled.

“Uncle Jake, I’m helping make breakfast.”

“Don’t worry, she hasn’t gotten near the stove,” Valerie said without sparing a glance in his direction.


“You should’ve woken me. I usually don’t sleep this late.”

Val removed strips of bacon from the frying pan. “If you did, then it’s because you needed it.” She paused a moment, then still engrossed with making breakfast, asked, “Did you move me last night?”

He sensed it. She kept her emotions in check, but he caught it in her voice. She wasn’t thrilled he’d moved her into his room. Running a hand through his hair, he admitted, “Yeah. When I got home, you were asleep on the couch.”

“You could’ve woken me. I would’ve gone to my place.”

Yeah, he could have, but he didn’t want to wake her. He hadn’t wanted her to leave either. “You could’ve woken me, and you wouldn’t have had to make breakfast.”

Placing the pan on the burner, she faced him.

He smiled, so she’d know he meant it lightly.

She returned his smile. “I don’t mind.” Her gaze shot up to his hair.

His hair was a mess, always was in the mornings, especially when he left it longer like it was now. The reason why he tried to keep it short, no fuss, no muss. As of late, he hadn’t had time. But it wasn’t an excuse, considering even before he had Annie, he always found reason to put it off.

Self-consciously, he ran his fingers through it trying to tame it.

Valerie’s smile widened, and then she turned to Annie. “Are those ready?”

Annie nodded.

“Did you add a little salt?”

Annie handed her the bowl of eggs. “Yep.”

Valerie turned and dumped the eggs in the pan. He walked the short distance to the counter. Kissing the top of Annie’s head, he whispered, “Good morning, pupa,” then took a seat beside her.

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