Fate Forgotten (10 page)

Read Fate Forgotten Online

Authors: J. L. Sheppard

Tags: #paranormal, #Witches, #Demons-Gargoyles

BOOK: Fate Forgotten
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He rubbed Annie’s head then, shifted slightly. Valerie did, too. Everyone had stopped and stared his way, so when Jake snapped, “What?” She knew why.

Ashley handled Jake like a pro. Demeanor cool and calm, she neared him and, using that soft voice of hers, she said, “You forget you haven’t been to meals for a while, not since before…”

He relaxed. “Yeah.”

Ashley looked at Annie. “How are you today?”

Annie’s brows drew together. She turned away, burying her face in her uncle’s chest.

“She had a rough morning,” Jake told Ashley. “Pupa.” His voice soft and tender, he said, “You want to meet some people?”

Face buried against his chest, she shook her head.

He pressed a kiss to her forehead then coaxed, “They’re my friends, and they’re all really nice. They’ve been asking to meet you for a while.”

“No,” came the muffled response.

He moved her slightly, then whispered, “Don’t be shy. We’re just going to spend a little time here and eat breakfast. I think Jenna and Ashley made French toast. Don’t you like French toast?”

She nodded and slightly pulled away to look at her uncle. “Jenna…the queen?”

He nodded. “Yep, Queen Jenna. She’s Ashley’s sister.”

From where Valerie stood, she saw Annie’s eyes go wide. Annie turned fully in her uncle’s arms and looked around the room.

Hesitantly, Jenna approached. “Hi, Annie.”

“It’s really you…I remember when you got married. You had a…white dress and you looked so pretty… I saw it on TV,” Annie said, quickly.

Jenna smiled. “Thank you very much. One day when you get married, if you still like it, I’ll let you borrow my dress.”

Jacob’s arms tightened around Annie. His jaw hard, his whole body strung tight.

A big smile spread across Annie’s lips. Her eyes widened. “Really?”

Jenna nodded.

Annie turned to look at her uncle. “Uncle Jake, can I?”


“Can I borrow Queen Jenna’s dress when I get married?”

He released a breath. “That’s a long time from now, Annie. Why don’t we worry about—”

“But Uncle Jake, please. I’ll be good forever. I won’t give you any trouble.”

A pained expression flashed across his face, his eyes going stark with it. “Pupa, you don’t give me any trouble.” He released a breath. “If you like, you can wear Jenna’s dress when you get married…a long, long, long time from now.”

Annie smiled.

Valerie relaxed. She feared him, and so Valerie couldn’t understand why seeing his anguished expression pained her.

Embarrassed she had watched their interaction so closely, she glanced around the room and noticed everyone doing the same, except shock marred their expressions.

Not a moment later, Jake introduced Annie to those she didn’t know: Lucas, Nathan, Benjamin, Cain, and Olivia. Annie shyly greeted each of them. Ashley and Clyde briefly entered the kitchen and returned with an array of food: French toast, eggs, bacon, and sausages. Jenna rushed to get the booster seat. Jacob settled Annie into her seat.

“I want to sit next to Val,” Annie announced.

Val smiled.

His gaze hit her. “I’m sure she’d love to sit next to you.”

She avoided his stare, focusing her attention on Annie, then took a seat beside her. Jake plated French toast and eggs for his niece, cut her toast, and set the plate in front of her. He then proceeded to load another plate to the brim. He dug in like he hadn’t eaten in days.

“Did you miss my cooking?” Ashley teased.

“Yeah.” With a mouth full of food, a wonder she understood.

“Uncle Jake, how come you don’t cook this good?”

Valerie couldn’t help but look their way, so she caught when Jake stilled for a moment, then out of nowhere he threw his head back and laughed. The quiet chattering around the table died suddenly. All eyes shot to him.

“What?” he barked.

“I hear Uncle Jake is a lousy cook.” Cain grinned. “If you need some lessons, I’m available. Or well, I guess you should get lessons from the pro. Right, Ash?”

“You’re a pro, too.”

“Uncle Jake makes good mac and cheese,” Annie defended. “And he cuts my steak for me like Daddy used to.”

Throwing his arm around her shoulders, Jake kissed the top of her head then shoved another forkful in his mouth.

“Will you join us for dinner tonight?” Jenna asked Jake, and the second she did, Valerie felt his stare. So many people in one room, but she felt
. She fought the urge to look into his dark, expressive eyes.

“I’m not sure yet. I’ll let you know.”


Jake pulled the clothes out of the washer, ran his hands through his hair, and cursed. Why he assumed he could accomplish this task without help, he had no clue. He should’ve asked Ash. He had been close to, but stopped himself. As of late, he asked a lot of her, and it made him feel like he was taking advantage of her friendship. She’d never think it. No, she was the epitome of selfless, but it didn’t stop him from feeling guilty about it.

“Uncle Jake?”

Dropping the wet clothes on the floor, he materialized outside the laundry room in front of Annie, a doll clutched against her chest.

She drew a curl away from her face. “Are you angry ’cause Valerie’s not here yet?”

Valerie, even her name calmed him. Annie knew. He hadn’t told her what Valerie meant to him, but as a demoness, Annie had the ability to feel what he felt for Val. He had no plans to explain any of it to her, not just yet. First, because he and Val were nothing but acquaintances at the moment. Second, because even at four years old, Annie understood more than she realized. Her parents were mates. What he felt for Val, her parents felt for one another. She knew what they felt and knew he and Val were the same. The reason Annie assumed his anger and frustration related to the fact Val hadn’t yet shown up as promised.

Smiling, he cupped her cheek. “No, pupa. I’m not.”

“When is she coming?”

He and Val hadn’t agreed on a time, but he figured she’d show up around noon. Now close to one, he didn’t know what to think, except
she arrived period. He wouldn’t let Annie know he was worried. To keep his mind away from that worry, he attempted to distract himself with laundry.

“In a little,” he said and hoped he hadn’t lied.

“You apologized, right?”

Kneeling in front of her, he assured her. “I did. I got on my knees, too.”

Her eyes went wide. She gasped, then giggled. “You did?”

“I was mean.”

“Well, did she forgive you?”

“Yeah, she said she did.”

She ran a comb through her doll’s hair. “You can’t do it again or she may not forgive you again. She’s scared of you.”

His Annie was smart. “I know.”

“Then why did you scream at her? It wasn’t very nice.”

“I was upset because…” His voice trailed off, knowing he shouldn’t tell her. She may know how he felt for Valerie, but she was too young to fully understand why he’d snapped. “It’s grown-up stuff. I’ll tell you about it when you’re older.”

“Get her a present.”

He chuckled. “I invited her to have lunch with us.”

She smiled. “What will you make? It has to be something special.”

“I’m thinking about it as we speak.”

She nodded. “Good.”

Striding back into the laundry room near the elevator, he took one look at the clothes he’d ruined and his frustration flared anew. He retrieved a garbage bag from under the kitchen sink and began filling it with the ruined clothes. Hearing the sound of the elevator ascending and the doors parting on his floor, he turned and spotted Valerie, her scent hitting him a moment later.

He grinned.

“Val!” Annie screeched, rushing to her. Her small body hit Val’s with force, making her step back to steady herself. Annie immediately wrapped her arms around Val’s waist.

She looked down at Annie smiling, her arms around Annie’s shoulders. “Hi, Annie. Did you miss me?”

Annie nodded.

She tapped the tip of Annie’s nose. “Not as much as I missed you.”

“Thanks for coming.”

Her head snapped up, and then her eyes met his. “No problem.” She refocused on Annie. “Are you ready to learn how to braid your hair?”

“Yes, but do you think I’ll learn by today?”

“I’m sure you’ll be an expert in no time.”

They headed into the living room and sat on the couch beside one another.

“I’ll show you on this doll, then you can practice on her, and when you get the hang of it, you can practice some more on me.”

She must’ve felt his gaze. Not a moment later, she lifted her head, her eyes met his. “Is everything all right?”

Yes, perfect, in fact. Valerie and Annie nestled together on the couch. Valerie teaching Annie how to make a braid like mother and daughter. His sister could never be replaced, like he could never replace Annie’s father, but he loved the thought that when Val accepted him, Annie would have a woman around to teach her everything he couldn’t.

Grinning, he nodded.

“Uncle Jake, will my pink dress be clean tomorrow?”

Damn, the laundry. He hoped he hadn’t ruined her pink dress. She had several pink dresses, but he knew the one she wanted because it was her favorite. Jenna bought it for her, and Annie had fallen in love with it, worn it for two days straight until she spilled chocolate milk on it.

Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he dialed and brought the phone to his ear. When he headed back into the laundry room, Ashley answered.


“Jake, what’s up?”

He heard a growl in the background and ignored it. “I kinda need some help. Do you mind swinging by?”

“I’ll be right there.”

Moments later, she walked through the elevator doors with Clyde in tow. The angel’s eyes like daggers aimed at him.


“Sorry if I interrupted…”

“Sure you are,” Clyde retorted. “What do you need assistance with this time?”

Temper flaring, he swallowed a nasty retort. “Laundry.”

“Haven’t you done it before?”

“Both of you calm down,” Ashley interrupted. “Annie’s here.” Walking into the laundry room, she gasped, bent over, and picked up a dress from the floor.

He recognized it instantly because of the pink layered tulle, Annie’s favorite. “Damn.” His jaw went hard. He ran a hand through his hair. “Please, tell me there’s a way to fix it.”

She shook her head. “I’m sorry, Jake.”

Clyde rubbed his brow. “How have you lived five centuries without learning to do laundry?”

Another reminder he was a poor replacement for the parents Annie lost. He fisted his hands, let his anger swarm around him, and took a menacing step toward Clyde. “I usually send it out.”

“Why didn’t you this time?”

Because he wanted to do it himself, prove to himself he could care for Annie on his own.

“Uncle Jake?”

His gaze darted to the door. Annie stood at the threshold. Instantly, he hid the anger. His gaze then shot to Val, standing beside Annie. Reading the fear spilling from her, he fought not to flinch.

“What’s wrong?” Annie asked, softly.

“I…” He sighed, heavily. “I ruined your favorite dress…I’m sorry. I’ll buy you another, pupa. I promise.”

She smiled. “It’s okay.”

He materialized in front of her and kneeled. “No, it’s not okay. I’ll learn to do laundry. I promise.”

Valerie pointed to the dress in Ashley’s hand. “Is that it?”

He stood and turned, looking up to her. “Yeah.”

“May I?” she asked Ash.

Ashley nodded and handed Valerie the dress. Valerie held it in one hand, then flicked her wrist, muttering a spell. A shimmer of light glided over the garment, slowly restoring it to its original color and form.

Annie gasped. “Wow! That was so cool! Uncle Jake! Uncle Jake!” She tugged on his shirt. “Did you see? Did you?”

He smiled. “Yeah, Annie.” His gaze on Valerie, shot down to Annie, a beautiful smile spread across her lips.

Caught in the moment, feeling overwhelmed with gratitude, he didn’t think. He acted. Carrying Annie, he materialized in front of Val, then wrapped the arm not holding Annie around her, and buried his face in her hair. She was warm, smelled great, and felt perfect. “Thank you,” he whispered against her ear.

Valerie tensed.

Annie, too, wrapped her arms around Val. “Thank you so much, Val.”

Val’s body softened, melding against them. He didn’t want to let go, but he had no other choice. Reluctantly, he released her.

Inches from her, his eyes found hers.

Cheeks flushed, she handed Annie the dress. “Y-you’re welcome.”

“I’m going to put it on right now!”

The second he placed Annie on her feet, she sprinted out of the room.

Chapter 14

Valerie stood motionless, still shocked by Jake’s blatant display of gratitude—a simple embrace. His body enclosing hers, every muscle of his broad chest warmed her skin. Nice, sweet, insanely amazing, and it terrified her.

One embrace had her imagining his lips on hers. She released a sigh, then bit the side of her lip. She couldn’t explain how or why
created such contrasting emotions in her, just minutes apart.

Only a moment ago, she’d been afraid of him, of the anger he projected, which she felt a room away. She had every intention of grabbing Annie and taking her outside or into her room or anywhere as long as it put distance between her angry uncle and her. But the four year old had no fear where Jake was concerned. Annie rushed to him, leaving her with no choice but to follow.

Shocking, one glimpse at his niece—all it took. He quickly and effortlessly blanketed that fury. More stunning, who and why he’d been so angry: at himself for ruining Annie’s favorite dress.

Valerie did what anyone would’ve in her shoes, for Annie. She used magic to repair the pink tulle dress, telling herself it was the least she could do.

“Well, I suppose you didn’t need me after all,” Ashley interrupted Val’s thoughts.

“No, he didn’t,” Clyde snapped. “I suppose Valerie can help you figure out how to wash clothes without ruining them. That is, if she’s up for the task of teaching a five-hundred-year-old demon new tricks.”

Why would Clyde volunteer her? And why would he give Jake an excuse to get angry? The angel may not be terrified of a demon’s wrath, but she sure as hell was.

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