Fate Forgotten (14 page)

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Authors: J. L. Sheppard

Tags: #paranormal, #Witches, #Demons-Gargoyles

BOOK: Fate Forgotten
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From there, his gaze went to Val. He watched her hips sway with each move. Perfect. Every inch of her. It didn’t change the fact he had to take his time with her. He couldn’t mess up more than he had already. It would be hard, the hardest. He wanted her the minute he laid eyes on her. As an immortal, she was
his fate
. It went against nature to take his time. His demon, who wanted to claim her just as badly, further complicated it.

In an effort to keep his craving at bay, he focused his attention on Annie. “How did you sleep, pupa?”


Had she slept through the night? He made a mental note to ask Val about it later.

Valerie served Annie first then, to his surprise and delight, she served him a plate of eggs, bacon, and sausage. Last, she served herself, then sat on the other side of Annie.

As they ate, Annie chatted happily, telling him all she and Val had done the night before. When Annie finished, she asked if she could play with her dolls. He agreed, but made sure he told her to wash her hands and brush her teeth.

When Annie slipped away, Valerie reached for his plate. “I’ll help with the dishes.”

He snatched his away, then grabbed her plate, stacked it on top of his, and did the same with Annie’s. “You cooked. I clean.”

He moved around the counter. “Did she wake up last night at all?”

“She didn’t. We fell asleep on the couch,” she admitted. “I moved her later.”

He stopped and faced her. “She didn’t wake at all? No nightmares?”

She shook her head.

He set the plates in the sink, then quirked a brow. “What did you do? I mean…how did you manage it?”

She smiled. “Do you want a play by play?”

“Yeah,” he said, instantly. “She keeps having nightmares and…” Feeling the heat of her hand on his forearm and wanting to savor it, he trailed off.

“We watched a movie. She started getting tired and laid her head on my lap. By mid-movie, she’d fallen asleep. I was scared of moving her at first, so I waited until the movie was over. When I did, she mumbled a little, so I stayed with her for a while, and then I came back to the couch and fell asleep.”

He thought perhaps she’d done something else, something out of the ordinary he wasn’t aware of—a trick to keep the nightmares away. But this was better. It gave him hope. Maybe Annie had adjusted to her new life with him. Or maybe it was just Valerie. Maybe she was as special to Annie as she was to him, soothing with her presence.

She removed her hand, then blurted, “I should go.”

He didn’t want her to go. He wanted her to stay—forever. She was his, belonged with him. But he knew the best course of action: let her get to know him, slowly.

He had to think about what was best for them, too. Valerie grieved for the family and life she’d lost. Annie had begun to adjust to living with him. How would she feel having Valerie around all the time?

“You’ll be back tonight?”

She smiled. “Of course.”

Chapter 16

The sun shined high in the cloudless blue sky. Nothing Valerie loved more than a beautiful day, but she didn’t enjoy it. Biting the side of her lip, she wrung her hands together.


Her gaze met Nathan’s.

“It’ll be fine,” he assured. “I’m here. I’ll protect you.”

She forced a smile. “That’s not why I’m nervous.”

“I know you’re anxious about breaking up with him.”

Her brows drew together.

He smiled. “You told me yesterday. I listen. Yet I have no advice to offer in that respect.”


“Why would you—”

She narrowed her eyes, playfully. “Oh, Nathan, are you one of those guys?”

Lifting both brows, he asked, “One of what guys?”

She smiled. “You know self-conscious…”

He chuckled. “Touché.”

“Come on, you can’t be serious?”

“I told you I never know where I stand with women.”

“And I didn’t believe it then either. You’re attractive in a very obvious way.”

He tensed, then looked away from her.

“I’m not hitting on you,” she said, “I’m being honest.”

He relaxed. “I get it. You’re jesting.”

“No, I’m not,” she assured. “I
being honest.”

His eyes widened briefly, and he took several steps away from her.

She laughed aloud. “I’m a virgin,” she blurted. Her face heated. She slapped her hand over her mouth. “I meant to say…I’m not coming on to you. I’m really just being honest.”

He flushed. “Um…Thank you.”

“Most importantly, you’re noble.”

His gaze fell away from hers. “I’m glad you think so,” he whispered.

“I know so.”

Suddenly, he grabbed her arm and hauled her behind him. The quickness of the action dizzying. She heard her name called out, poked her head out from behind Nathan’s towering frame, and saw Glen rush over to them.

She pulled away from Nathan. “It’s okay, Nathan. It’s Glen.”

The next instant, Glen’s arms encircled her. His familiar sandalwood scent hit her. When it did, she couldn’t help but snake her arms around his waist and bury her head in his chest.

She needed a friend more than ever, but with his arms around her, even as familiar and as wonderful as it felt to reconnect with someone from the beautiful life she had before, she couldn’t help but notice Glen didn’t soothe her like Jake did, not even close.

“Jesus, it’s you,” he whispered against her ear. “It’s really you.”

Pulling away from her briefly, his hands at her cheeks, she managed a weak smile.

“I couldn’t believe it when you called. I just kept thinking I’d imagined the whole thing.” One hand at her neck, the other drifted to her back. He crushed her body to his again. The breath swooshed out of her. He then buried his face in the crook of her neck and chuckled.

“Watch it,” Nathan barked. His tone fierce, unyielding and quite frankly, scary.

Glen drew away from her. His face and stance hardened. His eyes narrowed, showing no fear in the face of a demon who towered a good five inches over him. “I would
hurt her.”

It made her realize several things. First, Glen could get as angry as Jake and Nathan. Glen either hid it from her, or he’d never had reason to be angry around her. Second, she realized she really didn’t know Glen all that well. And last, from seeing both their reactions and being around Jake and Clyde the last several days, she started to believe immortal males had issues with their tempers.

Placing herself between the two men, she said, “Please, don’t.”

Nathan and Glen’s gazes shot to her, and then they relaxed. Likely, only to appease her, but she didn’t care.

“Nathan, please let me have a minute alone with Glen.”

He hesitated. His eyes hardened and narrowed on Glen, but then he relented with a statement that sounded a lot like a warning. “I’ll be watching.”

Glen watched Nathan until he was out of earshot. His attention shifted to her. He smiled. “I still can’t believe it. Do you have any idea how relieved I was to hear your voice yesterday? How relieved I am now to see you in the flesh?” His gaze grew distant. He rubbed his palm against his chest. “I thought you were dead. I thought I’d never see you again…God, I’m so sorry. I should’ve been there. If only—”

“You would’ve been hurt or killed.”

He shook his head.

“Yes. It’s quite possible I would’ve been captured if it hadn’t been for the Guardians, and…”

“How are you? I mean I know…” He shook his head. “No, I don’t know. I’ve never lost my coven, and I can’t imagine what you’re going through.”

“I didn’t get out of bed for several days.” She fought the tears welling her eyes. “I know I should’ve called you before. It’s just—”

“Don’t you dare apologize for not thinking of me. You were grieving, still are.”

Truth. “I try to keep myself distracted as much as I can. The Guardians have been great to me. They’ve tried their hardest to make me feel welcome, and I’m…okay.”

“Nathan?” His gaze lifted, shooting behind her. “He’s a Guardian?”

She nodded.

“He may have a crush on you.”

She smiled, shaking her head. “He’s just good at what he does.”

He gave her a disbelieving look. She didn’t want to talk about that though, so she asked, “How are you?”

His shoulders slumped, slightly but enough for her to notice. “Guilt-ridden.”

She grasped his hand. “Glen, there’s nothing you could’ve done…nothing at all. Please—”

His eyes held hers, he sighed. “You didn’t know this, Val. Your sisters didn’t want you to know because you’re so young, but the war with the Malums has been escalating for some time now. Our covens agreed to fight them side by side. To the Malums, to achieve what they want, everyone’s a target. Knowing that, doing what we were doing, fighting them, we should’ve expected something like this to happen, and we should’ve taken better precautions.”

Stomach turning, she looked away from him. “How long…When…”

“Four years.”

It had been years, and she hadn’t had a clue. She noticed some of her sisters leaving at night and returning in the early morning, but they’d lied, told her they were going out for dinner and drinks or a late movie. As a homebody, she never cared to go. Knowing the truth now, she couldn’t help but feel hurt.

“Don’t do that.”

Her gaze shot to his.

“They loved you, and they lied, but they did it to protect you. They wanted you to enjoy life, and all it had to offer. They didn’t want you living in fear.”

She knew with every breath she took they loved her, the reason she was still alive. Shari may have been her adoptive mother, but they all mothered her and protected her to a fault. They lied and it hurt, but those lies compared to the beautiful life she’d had with them for twenty-three years were insignificant.

He paused. “This is my fault.”

She shook her head. “No, this isn’t your fault. Don’t ever—”

“Even if I believed that I have plenty more reasons.” He took a breath. “I’ve been a lousy boyfriend. You aren’t mine. We both know that, but I haven’t been what you deserved regardless.”

No, not lousy. Now that she knew he’d been fighting Malums, it dawned on her why he often cancelled plans on a whim. “Glen, I don’t hold—”

He cupped her cheek. “No, you wouldn’t hold it against me because you are better than that, but I know.”

Dragging his hand through his hair, his gaze fell from hers. “There’s nothing like death. It makes you realize your every mistake. All the things you should’ve done when you had the chance and didn’t. That’s what hurts the most…Thinking you were gone and knowing I should’ve been better because you

His eyes misted. “I won’t ever forgive myself. I’m sorry.”

Her heart clenched. “Glen, there’s no need to apologize.” She loved Glen as a friend and accepted him with his flaws. Her only regret was not breaking things off, knowing they were only ever meant to be friends.

“Yeah, there is, but again…you’re…you, so you wouldn’t think there is. You’re too kind to say anything, too wise to hold grudges, and beautiful beyond words.”

Her jaw dropped.

He shook his head. This time, clearly in frustration. “I never even told you that, did I?” His eyes, sorrowful, he whispered, “Forgive me, Val.”

“There’s nothing to forgive,” she added, quickly. “If it happened this way, then it was meant.” She said it to comfort him, but didn’t believe it. She’d never believe it. To her, there would never be a reason for her sisters’ deaths.

“The night I met you, I prayed you were mine. I knew better, but I wanted it and I prayed for it.” He smiled a sad smile. “You’re too good for me.”

Too good for him? No, he was a good, kind man regardless of the fact he often cancelled their dates. “Don’t say that ever again…It’s as much my fault. I knew I wasn’t yours, and I never ended things.” She shook her head. “I was scared. I’d never been in a relationship. I didn’t—”

“I know, and I was too selfish to end it myself because despite everything, I wanted you. I acted the way I did because every time I looked at you, I was reminded you weren’t mine, no matter how much I wanted you to be.”

Touched by his honesty, her eyes watered. “Oh, Glen, I don’t—”

“I don’t want you to say anything. I wanted you to know the truth. Thank you for thinking there’s nothing to forgive.”

She smiled softly, sadly.

He leaned in and kissed her.

She stilled. Instinctively, she lightly placed her hand over his chest to push away. He pulled away.

“Forgive me again for stealing one last kiss.” He smiled. “I envy the man destined for you. I hope he is everything you deserve and much more…I know you’ll be safe.” He glanced in Nathan’s direction. “But if ever you need anything, you call me. No matter what happened, you call me. Promise.”

“I-I promise,” she whispered.

He caressed the side of her face. “I’ll miss you, Val.”

He walked away, and she stayed frozen in place. Surprised and confounded with everything he said, everything she’d learned.

Nathan’s hand on her elbow, he cleared his throat. “Val, we have to go.”


He led her away, glancing around them. “Don’t be so surprised.”

“He couldn’t have—”

“He was honest and brave for telling you. If he ever hurt you, it was to protect himself. He feared falling for you knowing you’d never be his.”

Who would’ve known they’d shared the same fear?

Nathan confirming it, she lost control of her tears.


A breeze swooshed past. Jacob caught her scent. He stiffened, scanning the area around him. He found her. His heart jolted in his chest.

Smiling, her long auburn hair loose shining in the sun, the breeze making her white skirt swirl around her. Moving in her direction, his gaze roamed, not far, just to look at what held her undivided attention.

A male warlock.

Jacob stopped dead in his tracks. His jaw clenched. He fisted his hands unable to look away.

His fated with another male, but they were just having a conversation. He had no reason to rip the warlock limb from limb. He believed that down to his soul, but it didn’t make the jealousy souring his gut fade, not one bit, so he stood like a stone and watched, aware he’d drawn the attention of his niece, Ashley, and Clyde.

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