Fated Magic (The Wolf Pack)

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Fated Magic by Avery Gale

Fated Magic

The Wolf Pack

Book Two



by Avery Gale




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Edited by Caroline Kirby

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I wish magic didn't have rules and wishes didn't have karma.

– Cathy Bryant –

Chapter One



Leaning back and watching the sunlight dance over the water in the swimming pool,
Kit looked down at her well-rounded belly and chuckled as tiny feet appeared and then disappeared beneath her taut skin as the twins nestled safely inside seemed to battle for position.  “The sunshine looks like diamonds.  Lord love a leper but I do love diamonds.”  When she looked over the top of her sunglasses at her friends, they were all staring at her as if she’d just grown another head.  “What?” 

It wasn’t a surprise
her friend, Libby, was the first to speak, “Are you fucking kidding me?  This is newsworthy information?  Fuck me, you are annoying sometimes.”  Libby’s giggle betrayed the fact her words were spoken in jest.  Libby Wells was a fully tenured professor of chemistry and neuroscience at NYU and Kit’s best friend.  The petite blonde with sparkling blue eyes and a wicked sense of humor was also the reason Kit had met Jameson and Trevlon Wolf last year.  Libby and Kit’s night of dancing had quickly led Kit to exactly what she had always tried to avoid…her mates.  

“Agreed.  Her husbands spoil her shamelessly and I’d be plotting her demise if she wasn’t knocked up.  I can’t kill babies, that just wouldn’t be right…killing a diamond slut is something else entirely.
  And calling her a witch is just plain anti-climactic since it’s true.” Julie Wolf-Edwards, one of the other women whose attention zeroed in on Kit.  She was also cousin to Jameson and Trev and one of the most outspoken women Kit had ever met.  She was a Harvard trained lawyer who handled all the pack’s legal work and Kit had never seen the woman miss a single detail in anything she’d tackled.  She was also a classic beauty with chestnut colored hair that she kept cut in a stylish bob and glorious hazel eyes that were always filled with mischief.  Her cheekbones were perfect and she carried herself with an air of grace and elegance that reminded Kit of so many of the professional dancers she’d known. 

was married to Lance Edwards the enormously popular television actor and one of the few non-shifters living on the Wolf Pack’s estate about two hours north of New York City. Kit knew Lance did occasionally stay at their loft in So-Ho on nights when he was working late.  But more than once, Kit had seen Lance coming in during the wee hours of the morning.  Just recently she’d asked him why he’d driven so far at that time of night and he’d smiled conspiratorially.  “Are you kidding?  My wife is fucking
and brilliant and my best friend.  Why wouldn’t I want to be in her bed?”  Kit had fallen a little bit in love with him herself at that moment.  She’d always liked him as an actor, he reminded her of Robert Redford in “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.”  And finding out what a genuinely nice man he was had only made her a bigger fan. 

When the last of the crew hadn’t weighed in, Kit turned to Angie Wolf
-Michaels.  “Well?” Kit inquired expectantly.  “Aren’t you going to add anything to the peanut gallery’s litany of sarcasm?” 

Angie tilted her head back
, adjusted her enormous sunglasses, and flipped her blonde ponytail over her shoulder.  “Nope, they’ve got this.”  Angie was a pediatric surgeon and researcher, she was also a cousin to Kit’s husbands and the wife of Tristan and Nick Michaels.  At five foot seven, she towered over the rest of them and her willowy frame and long blonde hair framed rich dark chocolate eyes.  They teased her that she was going to meet herself at the door one of these days.  Between her surgical patients and research, Kit didn’t know how the woman functioned.  This was one of the few times Kit had seen Angie sit for longer than it took to gulp down a meal.  Tristan, the head of the pack’s security detail, had been growling after Angie had been called away from dinner for the fourth straight night a few evenings ago that he was going to have to intervene before she wore herself completely out.  After his comment, Kit had noticed that Angie did seem awfully tired and she’d certainly lost a lot of weight.  Now Kit wondered if that wasn’t part of the reason her friend had agreed to join them to enjoy some very rare, but much needed, down time. 

They all giggled
at Angie’s blasé attitude and settled back to enjoy a few minutes where the only sounds were those made by the small waterfall at the other end of the pool and the breeze whispering through the nearby trees.  Suddenly Kit felt like someone had thrown a bucket of ice water over her and steel bands were tightening around her chest.  The feeling was oddly familiar and before she could even process everything her subconscious was already starting to panic.  There didn’t seem to be any logical explanation for the sudden change or the strange electrical charge that seemed to be buzzing all around her, but then her mind realized she was actually hearing words being spoken in the wind.  When she heard it again, she knew her subconscious had already registered the words whispering on the wind even when she hadn’t noticed them the first time. 


Soon… We’ll meet again, soon.  I’m coming for you, Kathleen.  Joining me will make you a Princess of the Darkness and the pleasures of the world will be yours for the taking.  Your children belong to me.  Our combined power will be unstoppable.  Don’t fight this, Kathleen; it is your destiny.  Are you willing to sacrifice your friends to deny me what is mine to take?


It was a hard won battle to break Damian’s hold on her mind, but she finally snapped the mind link and sagged at the effort. 
Why is he back so soon?  Mother said it would take him years to regroup. 
When she was able to refocus on her surroundings, Kit realized she was shaking like a leaf and covered in a sheen of moisture that appeared to be sparkling.  She looked up into the concerned faces of all three of her friends, but she couldn’t shake the fear that kept pulling at her.

was just superstitious enough to know it was a curse to even entertain the thought that things couldn’t get any worse, because the Universe always seemed all too willing to prove her wrong whenever she’d made that mistake.  But just as she was wondering how things had gone wrong so quickly her phone played “Witchy Woman” by The Eagles, the ringtone she’d assigned to her mother. The sound caused Kit to groan at how quickly the fates had responded to her momentary lapse.  She was still debating whether or not to answer the call when both Jameson and Trevlon ran around the corner, their eyes wide with the terror felt by those who uncertain about the safety of someone they love.

tried not to let her the soul deep fear of Damian’s threats and the icy hot spikes of fear his words had sent through her show in her expression, but she doubted she was doing a very good job of concealing the emotion since she was still trembling.  Through the haze Kit could hear Angie talking to Jameson while Trev squatted down in front of her and ran the backs of his fingers down the side of her face.  It was a gesture of pure affection and so typical of Trev.  He was the charmer of her two husbands and she always appreciated the way he could center her with just a touch.  Where Jameson demanded, Trev persuaded.  His gentleness touched her soul…always. 

“Baby, are you alright?”  His words were soft and it was a perfectly reasonable question, and she cursed the damned pregnancy hormones when she felt the tears start to fall.  He didn’t even wait for her answer, he just scooped her up and headed into the house.  Kit knew she was awkward to carry now, but neither of her men ever uttered a complaint.  She laid her head on his shoulder and hoped she’d be able to pull herself together before Jameson made his way upstairs. 

“I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to cry.  I hate to cry.  Crying makes me feel weak and out of control.  And I do it all the dratted time.  But you are just so sweet.  And I love you so much, it scared me, Trev.  The voice.  He’s back.  He said—” She didn’t get to finish because Trev sat her on the cool counter in the master suite’s bathroom and then pressed his lips to hers. Kit was sure that Trev had meant for the kiss to be short and sweet, but just as it always did, his kiss sent her from zero to fully aroused at the first sigh. 

She could feel him reaching out and touching her mind with his own and she just let him in.  One of the greatest gifts of being a mated wolf shifter was the ability to link to your mate’s mind.  The ability to feel the emotions of others and to speak telepathically had taken Kit a while to adjust to, because
in the beginning it had felt as if she didn’t have even the smallest bit of privacy.  But once she’d learned how to shield herself from some of the intrusion, she’d quickly come to understand the real value of being able communicate without speaking. 

Since she’d become pregnant immediately after being claimed she
’d only gotten to shift into her wolf once.  But that had been enough to convince her the experience was like none other.  The exhilaration she’d felt running alongside her mates felt as they ran free under the full moon that night had been addictive and she had made sure their mind links were open each time they’d run since then so she had been able to enjoy it through them.  Feeling the wind rush over their fur, the scents that filled the forest and the joy of running all came through loud and clear and Kit couldn’t wait until she could run with them again. 
Come back to me, baby.  I’ve gotten what I needed and I’m glad you enjoyed your little side trip.
Trev’s voice whispered through her mind like a warm caress to her sensitized skin and she sighed with regret but pulled herself back to the moment.

“You sent that to me, didn’t you?  It was a distraction so you could find out what happened down by the pool, right?”  She felt the tears start to fall again, but this time they were tears of love.  Because he and Jameson were twins, they’d had a lifetime’s head start on telepathy and even though there were times their abilities made her feel totally inadequate, she was certainly grateful for their skills today. 

“You aren’t inadequate in any way, baby.  You just haven’t learned everything yet.  And heaven help us when you do.”  His boyish grin lit up his whole face and Kit was so drawn in that she hadn’t even realized he stripped her out of her shorts and t-shirt.  He leaned down
, pressed a kiss to both sides of her pregnant belly, and smiled as he ran his fingers over the tightly stretched skin.  “They know I kissed them.  They moved toward me.  I’ve seen them do it before.  Watch.” 

Kit watched in absolute wonder as Trev moved from her left side to her right, and the babies shifted and wiggled right along with him.  “Oh my stars and streamers, they are following you like you’re a magnet.  That is absolutely amazing.  Is this normal with shifters?”  Kit was completely
stunned and her heart almost melted at the self-satisfied grin on Trev’s face.

“No clue
, baby, but I can tell you this much, Damian isn’t taking those babies anywhere.  They belong to us…all three of us.”

“And that is exactly where they will stay,
kitten.  Never worry that we won’t move heaven and earth to protect you and our children.  And that protection applies to your friends and family as well because if they are important to you, then they are important to us.”  Jameson was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest and his legs spread wide.  He looked every bit the Alpha and pack leader that he was and he’d used a softly spoken tone of voice she had likened to velvet covered steel because if might sound seductive, but there was absolutely no allowance in it for argument. 

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