Fated Magic (The Wolf Pack) (15 page)

BOOK: Fated Magic (The Wolf Pack)
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Ruby was
just pissed off, there was no other way to say it.  There was no doubt that her daughter was a powerful witch, but she was also a self-centered bitch who had forgotten what it was like to let the people around her be self-determining.  She had let her power go to her head and had forgotten long ago how to be gracious.  For the most part, everybody just let her do as she pleased because it was the path of least resistance and much easier than listening to her incessant complaining.  But this time Ruby was just at her wit’s end with Carla’s bratty behavior and she wondered for about the millionth time how on earth her even-tempered son-in-law dealt with her. 

Leaning forward just enough to bring Carla’s full attention to her, Ruby snarled, “Enough.  You are not going to make this all about
, because quite frankly, it rarely is.  You were late on purpose and by design because that is what I requested.  Cecil is in the kitchen as we speak so if you have an issue with how I’ve handled things today, then by all means feel free to take it up with him.”  Ruby knew full well Carla wouldn’t make that mistake.  It was no secret the members of the Supreme Council were sharply divided about how to deal with Carla Harris.  She was a gifted witch and could easily be promoted to Sorceress if only her attitude was in line with her gifts. 

Ruby watched as fire danced in her daughter’s expression before she pulled her emotions
back under control.  Carla turned and smiled at Jameson, “Well, since it seems we’ve missed this evening’s main event, I believe I’ll head up and play with the children a bit if that is alright with you.”  At Jameson’s nod, Carla walked regally from the room. 

As soon as the door closed behind her parents, Kit started giggling and before long
, Ruby had succumbed as well and then they were both laughing hysterically.  She knew both Jameson and Trevlon were watching them with a puzzled expression, probably questioning their sanity.  In truth, it was a reasonable question, but Ruby just couldn’t seem to make herself care. 

Chapter Eighteen



out the back door of the mansion, Kit felt the cool redwood planks under her feet and a surge of energy slide up through the soles of her feet.  Standing in the moonlight, Kit stretched her arms above her head and felt a shiver of anticipation race through her.  The anticipation of a moonlit run in her wolf always sent a rush of adrenaline racing through her, and as Kit looked out over the back meadow, her senses were already intensifying and kicking into high gear.  Feeling her skin tingle as her wolf began pressing to the surface, she was glad she had left her sandals inside.  Reaching up to stretch out the muscles that had tightened up during dinner with her mother, she sighed as strong arms encircled her from behind.  “You weren’t going to shift and start without us, were you, baby?”  Trev’s voice had the low, gravelly tone that was pure promise and erotic seduction wrapped up in one sweet package.  His touch alone was enough to send moisture rushing toward her sex in anticipation.  His tongue licked up the side of her neck in a slow, moist trail.  “I can smell your arousal and if we’re actually going to shift and run before I fuck you senseless, we’d better get to it.” 

Kit felt his hands push under the soft sweatshirt she’d worn
and the calloused tips of his fingers were just rough enough to light up the sensitive skin under her breasts.  Kit’s back arched pressing her nipples against the fabric before his fingertips feathered over the tight peaks.  Instinct began to take over and she felt her whole body respond in a cacophony of mixed signals that quickly pulled her under his spell.  Seeking more of his touch, her body and mind were definitely operating on different levels.  She wanted to run, hell, she
to run.  The tension in the mansion had been almost oppressive the past few days and running under the stars would go a long way toward relieving her stress.  But her body’s desire to submit to her mate was quickly shoving logic aside. 

Moaning as his fingers closed over her
tightly drawn nipples, he pulled and rolled them between his thumb and forefinger in varying degrees of pressure.  The inconsistency was keeping her enough off balance to assure him she wouldn’t come before he was ready for her to.  And while she craved his dominance over her, she still growled in frustration.  She felt herself sliding down that steep slope into the place where she easily lost herself in the sensations he was bombarding her with and her empty pussy clenched in anticipation of being filled with her mate’s cock.  She could feel his hard length pressing against her lower back and wiggled her ass left and right as she pressed back against him in a move that was a part of the mating dance as old as time itself.  Her moans were coming on panted breath as her breathing became more and more shallow and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. 

sweet body prepares itself for me in the sweetest ways, baby.  I can hear the blood rushing through your veins, and knowing your honeyed pussy is swelling and flowering open like a rose meeting the morning sun is sweet torture because I can feel how badly you need this run.”  Peeling her shirt over her head in a smooth, practiced move, his hands shackled her wrists over her head.  The move was one of pure dominance and it ramped her need for his touch right off the chart. 

Kit had been so lost in Trev’s seduction that she hadn’t realized Jameson had stepped in front of her until his mouth closed over her left nipple.  “Oh God
, it feels so perfect and I want you both so much I can barely think.”  Both of her mates growled deep in their throats and she could feel a cracking in the air around them that let her know they were communicating with each other but blocking it from her.  Ordinarily she found that habit beyond annoying, but right now there was no question they were planning for her pleasure and she felt her body slipping even further under their influence. 

The entire pack had spent the evening celebrating Braden’s birthday and would be joining them for tonight’s run.  Turning
sixteen was a major milestone in the life of most young men, but male shifters were able to change when they reached puberty, so tonight wasn’t about that for Braden.  No, tonight was a celebration of the fact his magical abilities would only be fully manifested at the precise moment he turned sixteen in a couple of hours.  Tristan and Nick had only agreed to let him run with the pack tonight after being assured by Cecil that there would be no adverse effects for him if he were in his wolf when the clock struck midnight. 

Kit had spent the afternoon with the young man practicing and she knew he was wired for sound about tonight’s run. 
Then she had watched as he had pushed his dinner around on his plate in a useless attempt to convince Angie he was actually eating all the high protein foods she’d piled on his plate.  He’d even turned down cake and ice cream, and that had caused the pediatrician in Angie to surface full-force.  Kit had shaken her head when Angie had taken his temperature right there in front of everyone.  To his credit, Braden had been a good sport and had admitted that turning down either of the special treats certainly wasn’t
for him.

“I’m sorry, Sir.  But if I don’t change soon, we’re going to be in a very compromised position when tonight’s gues
t of honor walks out on this deck.  And even though he is considered an adult by the magical community at the ripe old age of sixteen, I’m not sure my mind is quite ready for him to see me naked and riding your cock as my other Master slides balls deep into my ass.”  Kit knew her words were crude, but she knew they’d had their desired effect when both men went completely still for several seconds before erupting into action. 

Jameson slid her yoga pants down and moaned when he saw she wasn’t wearing panties.  He leaned forward
, nuzzled her waxed mound, and flicked his tongue over her clit causing it to push further from under its hood seeking his attention.  Running his tongue slowly through her dripping folds, he lapped at her…reminding her she wasn’t the only one barely restraining her wolf.  Her legs parted on their own volition giving him more access and she was trembling in mere seconds, so close to climax that she felt her inner walls begin to flutter. 

Trev’s hands grasped her shoulders and turned her into his arms and Kit felt her heart kick into a full gallop when she realized he’
d stripped and was now standing before her gloriously nude and fully aroused.  Running her hands over his broad chest, feeling all the dips and ridges of his well-toned body, might not have been the biggest help to maintaining her control, but it was doing wonders for her soul’s aching desire for her mates.  “I want you, Sir.  I want to feel your body sliding against mine as you take ownership of my pleasure.” 

“Fuck me.
”  The strain in his voice let her know he was as close to the edge of control as she was.  “Come on, let’s go.  The others are already on their way and we are a split second from giving a live porno show to everyone who walks out onto this deck tonight.  Kit knew Jameson was already nude because she could hear the popping and cracking of bones changing as he shifted behind her.  Trev’s hands left her and she launched herself off the deck and was fully shifted before she’d landed in the soft dew-kissed grass.  They had discovered early on that she was actually able to shift faster and had attributed it to the fact she was a witch.  She didn’t really care
it was true, she just used the skill shamelessly as she dug in and took off in a dead run as soon as the pads of her feet connected with the soft grass. 

The feeling of the cool
, crisp night air ruffling her fur made her push herself to run even faster.  The tingling tickles as her body came to full sensual awareness told her that her mates were closing in on her quickly.  She might be able to shift faster, but their larger sizes and greater muscular strength always allowed them to catch up quickly.  Kit enjoyed the run and the easy rhythm they found together as they explored the trails through the woods surrounding the pack’s large estate.  When they entered a small but secluded meadow, Jameson reached over and nipped her shoulder.  Kit knew exactly what he was demanding and she was more than happy to comply. 

Stopping in the small clearing
, the three of them circled the small opening in the trees to be sure they were alone before giving in to nature’s demands and their own soul’s deep need to mate.  Those feelings had been pushing them all ever since the foreplay on the back deck, and there was no pushing them back now.  They didn’t always mate in their wolf form because wolves were notoriously distracted during mating so it was often dangerous.  Male wolves totally focus on possessing their mate so they are often not aware of threats to their safety until it is too late.  Anything that leaves them that vulnerable was a concern.  Lowering the front half of her body and presenting her sex to her mates was almost as satisfying as the act itself…

Feeling Jameson’s tongue move over the sensitive tissues
, checking her readiness, sent a shiver of pure desire racing up Kit’s spine.  ‘
Oh that feels so incredible.  It lights up every part of me and makes me lose focus on everything but getting you inside me as quickly as possible.’

Kitten, nothing short of the apocalypse is going to keep me from sliding my cock inside your sweet body.’ 
When she felt him poised at her entrance and heard his growl, she let herself fall into the submissive state that let her mind prepare itself for the trip into oblivion she knew was coming. 

Baby, the only thing better than fucking you is watching my brother take you.  Feel how much he wants you?  His desire is only matched by my own.  Feeling your wet heat as we push into your waiting warmth is as close to heaven as we’ll ever find on earth.’ 
Kit knew Trev had taken over the communication because Jameson was totally distracted as he pumped his hard length in and out of her dripping pussy.  He’d been holding her firmly with his teeth clamped over her mating mark and just before he exploded inside her, she felt him tighten the hold just enough to puncture the skin and the sting was exactly the push she’d needed to send her careening over the edge into pure bliss.  Lights flashed behind her closed lids and she marveled at how similar an orgasm in her wolf was to that as a human.  Evidently, endorphins worked the same no matter which brain they were bathing in pleasure.  After withdrawing from her body, Jameson licked her tender outer lips and cleaned her sex tenderly before howling his claiming for all his pack to hear. 

Trev moved in behind her and licked her for long minutes letting her body settle
before he began pushing her toward the summit again.  ‘
You smell so sweetly fucked, baby.  I can hardly wait to send you right back to heaven.  I want you to envision a snowball being pushed down a mountain.  Your body is going to gain speed and swell with desire as I take you, and at the bottom of that steep slope is a large boulder that is going to explode that beautiful snow into a million pieces.  That is how your release is going to feel…like an explosion of pure white…crisp and clean.’ 
Kit wasn’t sure her release was going to hold off long enough for that damned snowball to get to the bottom if he kept talking to her like that. 

He curled his tongue
into a still roll and fucked it in and out of her for several seconds and her body ramped back up so quickly she was panting and shaking so hard she wasn’t sure her hind legs were going to hold her up.  ‘
Please, Sir.  I need you inside me…NOW!’
  She heard his chuckle drift through her lust-laden mind just before he slammed into her with enough force to push her nose into the soft grass.  His body launched into a frantic pace as she envisioned the snowball he’d mentioned.  The visual was a powerful one and as he fucked her with barely restrained strength, she saw that ball of snow grow in her mind until it collided with the boulder just as he’d described and disintegrated.  Her entire body clenched as she screamed his name in her mind over and over.  Each of the hot jets of his seed pumping in to her sheath pushed her further and further into oblivion.  She wasn’t sure how long their mutual release lasted, but it was the most drawn out orgasm she had ever experienced. 

Collapsing under
Trev’s weight, Kit could feel her muscles quivering from the exertion of being tensed for so long.  All those happy dancing little endorphins flooding her mind were making her almost giddy and she might have actually danced for joy right along with them if she had been able to make her body cooperate.  Trev’s voice finally penetrated the fog she’d been floating in.  ‘
Baby, I think you just stole my soul.  Fucking hell, you have owned me since the moment we met, but this?  This was just so far beyond description I can’t even begin to sort it out.’
  Kit’s heart swelled at Trev’s words and she was overwhelmed by the depth of her feelings for them. 

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