Fated Magic (The Wolf Pack) (8 page)

BOOK: Fated Magic (The Wolf Pack)
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Trevlon Wolf was, according to most people, the more affable of the two of them.  Jameson was the Wolf brother most prone to simply demanding the compliance of others.  Trev understood that Jameson usually dealt with things in that manner more as a matter of expedience than in an effort to exercise his power, but it was still the way he was seen by others. 
Trev, on the other hand, was seen as the charmer.  He and Jameson had learned early on that playing the opposite sides of the stage usually offered them the best chance of reaching the entire audience.  It was a complete fallacy that he was the “more lenient” of the two of them as Kit was about to discover. 

He’d been listening to her rant upstairs as she had paced restlessly during the meeting and understood immediately what the problem
was and precisely how they could rectify it.  But he hadn’t known until just now how long it had actually been an issue, and that information didn’t sit well with him at all.  Trev agreed with Jameson that she shared the blame by not addressing it with them, but Trev also understood there were several factors at play.  First, their relationship was so new they hadn’t been able to build the level of trust that sort of soul baring probably required, and then she’d been so ill for several months that treating her as if she was fragile had become more habit than necessity.  But ultimately, the blame rested squarely on their shoulders because as the pack Alphas and as sexual Dominants they were more than adequately trained to read the needs of the people around them.  And the realization that they’d misread the person who was usually standing right between them was uncomfortable and humbling. 

Stepping forward
, Trev tunneled his fingers in her long, wavy red tresses and pushed her hair over her shoulders as he brushed his lips against hers.  “I’m going to braid your hair so it doesn’t get caught in anything while we are in here, baby.”  He’d already put a thin strip of leather in his pocket as he’d pulled various toys out of the armoire when he’d first entered the playroom.  Walking around behind her, he sectioned her hair and began weaving it together as Jameson tossed his shirt aside and toed off his boots and socks.  They both preferred being barefoot in this room so their footsteps were silenced.  Not knowing exactly where a touch might come from added to a submissive's mind set and also gave their Dom the added advantage of surprise, and with their mate, they needed every edge they could get. 

He and Jameson had both tuned in on her thoughts as soon as they crossed the threshold because something about the playroom had sent all Kit’s mind link shields into tatters and everything she’d been thinking had suddenly been theirs for the taking.
Trev was glad they had blindfolded her even though it didn’t appear it had been necessary because they sure as hell hadn’t concealed the location of the room.  But it made it easier for them to use hand signals and when Trev looked up at Jameson, he noted his brother’s expression reflected his own sense of wonder.  How they’d managed to neglect her so much that she had found time to wonder this far inside the bowels of the estate was incredible and now Trev wondered what other interesting things she had discovered. 

Chapter Seven



While Trev took care of Kit’s hair, Jameson stepped in front of her and licked around and around her nipples in slow torturous circles
, stopping every few rounds to blow a puff of cool air over the tightly peaked buds.  “You know, my lovely mate, we have been waiting for these beauties to become available to us again.”  Jameson could smell her arousal and knew if he ran his fingers between her legs he would find her soaking wet.  Watching her breasts swell under his touch brought a sense of satisfaction Jameson found hard to describe.  Knowing his mate found pleasure in his touch and fulfillment in his domination was pulling the beast in him closer to the surface with each passing moment.  “What is your safe word, kitten?”

“Red, sir.”  Her voice was already filled with lust and Jameson could hardly wait to begin. 

Are you ready?  Hold her hands, I’m going to clamp these little beauties.’ 
Trev had already tied off the leather at the bottom of the braid and Jameson watched as his brother slowly slid his hands over Kit’s shoulders and followed a slow sensual press of flesh against flesh until his hands shackled their mate’s wrists.  Just that simple act of restraint caused an audible catch in Kit’s breathing causing Trev to smile over her shoulder.  Jameson could hear his brother speaking softly against her ear. 

“Baby, I know you don’t consider this punishment
, but I assure you it is coming.  And when your sweet body is desperate for release and it’s just a half of a heartbeat out of your reach remember why you are being denied.” 

Jameson found himself growling in agreement at Trev’s words because they perfectly echoed his own sentiments even though he probably wouldn’t have phrased it nearly so eloquently.  But knowing she had not been satisfied and had hidden that fact by basically lying about it brought his mind back to what they’d planned for her.  Slipping his hand into his pocket as he closed his teeth tight enough over the tight bud of her nipple
, Jameson pulled back enough to make her gasp before letting it pop free.  He immediately slipped the tension clamp over her nipple and smiled when she moaned softly.  “We’ll see how long that sweet moan lasts, love, because I’m going to tighten this up a bit because I don’t believe it is quite living up to its potential just yet.”  Then he started slowly turning the small black cylinder at the base of the clamp and watched as the pulse at the base of her neck kicked into high gear.

As wolf shifters
, their hearing was keener than that of their human counterparts so Jameson knew Trev was also able to hear the slightest changes in Kit’s body, and right now his brother had his lips pressed against the pulse point below her ear so he was no doubt hearing and feeling her blood being pumped frantically through her veins.  When Kit finally cried out Jameson backed the cylinder off just the slightest bit so she was left panting as she tried to move past the pain into the pleasure she knew waited on the other side.  They had only used clamps a couple of times and then they hadn’t used anything with quite this much
, but she had more than earned this.  Just before she started to work through the haze of pain, Jameson repeated the entire process on her other nipple and this time her scream echoed off the stone walls just before her knees folded. 

, my naughty little mate, stand right back up here and take your punishment like a good girl.  We have decorations for these lovely chains you know.  Lovely diamonds because I do believe I have heard you mention how fond you are of them.”  With that quick warning, Jameson clipped the extenders with the large stones they had chosen at the very tips of the chains so they would swing freely with each breath Kit took.  He’d been careful when he’d attached them to keep them still, but as soon as they were in place he flicked them both at the same time with his fingers so they started swinging, and he smiled as her entire body went rigid just before she started trembling.

This time Trev
growled as he bit down on the tender spot where her shoulder and neck met, “If you come without permission, mate, it will be the last release you get for the rest of the night so you better pull yourself right back from that ledge.  I believe you have a punishment to get out of the way before you get a reward.” 

“Oh God, if this isn’t the punishment I’m in…fuck a duck in a big yellow truck I…I don’t
…” Trev made sure she didn’t have to finish the sentence because the swats he landed on each ass cheek had definitely been meant as punishment and they had their intended effect.  “God damn it to hell, Trev, that fucking hurt you asshole.”  It took everything in him not to laugh as Jameson watched Kit’s mouth fall open when she realized what she’d said. 

Oh my love, you have played right into our hands. 

Kit had been so lost in everything happening to her that she had barely registered Trev’s admonishment not to come until one of them gave her permission.  But the blistering swats he’d given her had pulled her back from the edge and then some.  And it had been the denial of pleasure more than the pain that had rocketed her from arousal to anger and the words had flown out of her mouth before she’d had a prayer of calling them back.  The men’s reaction had been immediate and before she had even had a chance to apologize she found herself bent over a cool leather padded device that she knew was the spanking bench she had seen earlier.  With an almost technical efficiency the men worked together to secure her to the device.  Kit had been floating in a strange place between fear and anticipation and hadn’t taken stock of just how vulnerable everything was until one of the men walked behind her, and just that small movement of air drifting over her soaking wet pussy caused her to jerk against the restraints. 

She realized every inch of her pussy was spread wide for their view and use, and her rear star was also nicely peaked and spread open
as well.  The padded board pressing between her breasts kept her from folding in two, but the semicircular cuts allowed her breasts to move freely.  Even the smallest sway set the chins dangling from the nipple clamps swinging so the weight of the diamonds Jameson had attached were tugging against her tender flesh.  Hell, even breathing was lancing white hot sparks of need through her entire body.  Each one of those sparks faded into pure need that was quickly moving from a dull throbbing ache to a renewal of the soul deep connection that she had longed to feel again, that driving need to submit and feel safe in their love and care.  The promises of the sexual sea that she could just fall into beckoned and she responded because she knew Jameson and Trev would catch her.  She didn’t have to be the responsible one, the daughter, granddaughter, employee, friend, wife, or mother.  All she had to do was submit and let them lead her to the release that right now looked like a very small light at the end of a very long tunnel. 

The first crack of the wooden paddle over ass cheeks was more of a surprise than true pain and Kit shrieked in response.  Jameson’s words caused her focus to zero in on his words and off the flames dancing over her ass.  “Why are you being punished, mate?”  Kit knew he had called her mate rather than kitten or love on purpose and the fact he was deliberately drawing attention to that
made her sad even as she recognized the manipulation. 

“I faked an orgasm.”  She barely leas
hed in the rest of the comment because adding “I knew your ego wouldn’t appreciate knowing how unsatisfying our sex life had become” wasn’t likely to win her any Dale Carnegie awards for making friends and influencing people. 

“And?”  This time it was Trev’s growled words that sounded in her ear.

“Ummm, I don’t really know anything else. And in all honesty, I have been trying to tell you that I wanted to go back to the way things were and you just kept blowing me off.”  Kit felt both men go still and she wondered if they really believed that she really was such a coward that she wouldn’t have addressed the issue. 

Kit finally felt the air around her stirring and then the blindfold was pulled up so she was left blinking against the light even though
the room itself was actually fairly dim.  Trev was leaning down on one knee and gently stroking his fingers along the bottom side of her jaw.  “Explain,” was all he said, but she understood immediately that they hadn’t heard anything she’d said these past several weeks and that hurt her far worse than any punishment they could mete out. 

“Did you really think I would just fake my satisfaction the first time I felt like I’d bee
n left at the edge of a release that I knew would only strengthen our bond?”  There was a part of her that was angry because they’d assumed she was that incredibly selfish and deceitful, but there was a larger part that now understood just how little they knew about each other.  Their relationship had gone from zero to full immersion in a matter of hours so it stood to reason that they would still be discovering things about each other as mates for a long time.  Taking a deep breath and releasing it in a rush, Kit looked into the baffled expression on Trev’s face.  “I’m really sorry.  I wasn’t trying to be disrespectful or deceitful.  I was just reaching…and trying to wish something into existence that obviously just isn’t meant to be.” 

Kit drew in a deep breath and tried to still her galloping heart.  She didn’t break her gaze with Trev, nor did she try to stop the tear that now rolled silently down her cheek.  She knew the only way to survive the heartache that was ahead was to step back and give her heart and mind a chance to re-group.  Pulling in a deep breath and hoping she seemed more confident than she was, Kit tried to sound confident in her words, “You are punishing me for the wrong reason you know.  Red.”

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