Fateful (9 page)

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Authors: Cheri Schmidt

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #paranormal, #young adult, #fairy

BOOK: Fateful
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Ethan seemed a little troubled.

Great, he doesn’t like
, she worried.

“Why is she so sad?”

She held it out in front of herself, smiling
at the distraught girl while she considered her answer. “I don’t
know…” She stroked her finger across the two dimensional cheek. “I
love her though. Haven’t you ever felt like that?”

“Hm, actually, yes I have.” Ethan seemed
surprised to admit it. “I see why you like it now. You want to
comfort her.”

“Yes, that’s it.” Danielle was thrilled he

“May I see another one?”

“Well, the others aren’t finished.” Danielle
disliked sharing unfinished work way more than finished work.

“I don’t mind.” He aimed a grin at her.

It was the kind of grin Danielle could
never resist. She sighed and pulled another painting out. She must
like him a bit too much already, she thought while finding herself
too easily persuaded. She lifted the sketch of a lonely, gnarled
tree up for him to see. It had branches arching out into a mushroom
shape, and the style was distinctly
. It was only half painted.

Ethan tipped his head to the side as he
studied it, glancing ahead at traffic only briefly. “I like that
one too.”

“Really?” She was genuinely surprised.

“Yes, I rather like your style.”

“Thanks.” Was he just saying that to be nice?
Or did he really feel that way? She always wondered when people
said they liked her work. She put the piece away and realized they
were now pulling into a parking spot near Tea Manor.

The restaurant was very small and narrow, and
the decor was a simple, clean elegance. It wasn’t exactly what she
was expecting with “manor” in the name. The hostess led them to a
table near the window. They sat across from each other. Ethan kept
his eyes guarded, as before. Even though he was very sly about
it—still she noticed. But with this being only their second date,
she feared bringing it up.

Passing her gaze over the menu selections,
she realized they had many more choices for tea than the other
restaurants she’d been to so far. There were two fruit infusions
that tempted her. The Precious Peach, of course, and the Enchanted
Forest, which was a mixture of berries and hibiscus. She chose the
Precious Peach to be safe, but was then very surprised when Ethan
ordered the Enchanted Forest. He also selected the Manor Tea for
both of them, which consisted of an assortment of finger
sandwiches, scones with clotted cream, jam, and a selection of
cakes. She was fearful that he’d ordered more than she could eat
again. It appeared to be a pattern with him.

“I see your favorite tea is peach,” Ethan
mentioned casually. Danielle had ordered it both times she’d had
tea with him, it was pretty obvious.

“Yes, but I’ll admit, I was tempted by that
Enchanted Forest one.” The corners of his lips moved up into a soft
smile, as if he knew something she didn’t. “Do you have a


“Oh.” Danielle thought it bizarre that he
knew about this place, but didn’t have a favorite. Or maybe it was
because he liked too many to have just one.

While they waited, he resumed questioning
her. “So what’s your favorite color?”

Danielle exhaled, relieved he was now
searching for easy, trivial information rather than the more
penetrating questions from yesterday.

“This may sound strange, but I think white is
my favorite color.”

Ethan chortled. “That
a bit peculiar coming from an

Danielle shrugged her shoulders.

“Favorite gemstone?” he continued.

“Probably my birthstone. I guess.”

“Which is…?” he prodded.

“Aquamarine.” She paused and then added,
“Well, I do like diamonds too.”

“Right, because they’re white.”

A smirk sprang to her lips. “You’re getting
to know me so well.”

Ethan chuckled and then continued, “Favorite

She bit her lip. “Hmm … chocolate dipped
strawberries.” It came out like a question. “But … that could
change depending on my mood or craving at the time,” she added.

“Favorite movie?”

“I don’t think I have a favorite. But I do
like chick flicks.”

“Of course you do.” Ethan was playing with
his watch, running his finger around and around the glass face.
“Music?” he went on.

“I like a little bit of everything, but I
usually listen to rock or alternative the most. I suppose that’s
another thing that’s dependant on my mood.... If I’m upset, I
usually like angry alternative, I find the screaming mixed with
melody soothing for some reason. I guess it’s like hitting a

Ethan laughed. “Actually, I think I
understand that.” Moving on to the next one quickly, he said,
“Favorite subject in school?”


“Well, obviously.”

Before he could ask another question
Danielle jumped in, “Hold on, this is all about me again. What’s
your favorite subject? What’s
major?” And yes, she meant for it to sound cliché.

“Right now, I’m
in music. I’m learning to play the
violin, and the cello.”

What did he mean by, right now? “So you like
stringed instruments?”

“I love them.”

Interrupting the conversation, the server
brought out a three tiered plate stand; each level was filled with
delicate little finger foods. She also brought out a tiny teapot
for each of them with hot water already in it, an empty teacup, an
infuser, and a little dish filled with loose tea. Able to see
pieces of whole fruit and flowers Danielle decided these herbal
infusions were actually very beautiful.

Ethan added the infusion to the tea infuser,
and then placed that into her little teapot. “This takes longer
than tea bags, but it makes a considerably better tea.”

How did he know she’d always just used bags?
“I’d guess that’s why my aunt likes it so much?” Charlotte loved
the loose leaf stuff and always pulled a face when Danielle reached
for the pre-bagged kind.


When it was ready, Ethan chuckled as she
sweetened hers with a lot of honey, and cream before she was
willing to drink it. “What? I like it sweet,” she said, feeling the
need to defend herself.

“I noticed,” he replied, still chuckling. But
then he doctored his exactly as she’d done. Danielle gave him a
curious look, but he didn’t acknowledge it.

She did like the Precious Peach, but
eyed his Enchanted Forest with curiosity. Maybe she should have
been brave and tried something different.
Oh well, too late now
, she mused as she watched
him sip from the edge of his cup.

“Would you like to try this one?” he offered,
sliding his teacup toward her.

“Okay, thanks.” She tasted it, then said,
“Mmm, that’s good too,” and tried to slide it back to him.

“No, you finish it. I’m done.” He leaned back
casually in his chair, again fingering the watch face.

“Are you sure? You hardly drank any.”

“Yes, please, you keep it,” he insisted.

Again she felt like the only one eating,
while Ethan only nibbled. He kept encouraging her to try sandwiches
and cakes he thought she would like, and was right every time. When
she tried a couple of things he hadn’t suggested, she was
displeased. How did he understand her taste preferences better than
she did herself? And why did he eat like … a bird? Maybe he’s a
steak and potatoes man, and this dainty lunch didn’t appeal to him.
That had to be it.

As Danielle munched on the finger foods and
drank tea, her mind wandered back to the conversation she’d
overheard between him and Beon. She was still very curious about
it, but she didn’t dare bring it up with him. Because he would then
know she’d been eavesdropping. Danielle swallowed the question
along with the cucumber sandwich she was chewing on.

While he continued to fiddle with the
timepiece, Danielle noticed the time. It was getting close to four
P.M. If he followed the same pattern as before he’d be taking her
home soon.

Her phone rang. Ethan chuckled at her
ring-tone choice, but she ignored him.

Reading Brianna’s name on the screen, she
pressed accept and said, “Hello.”

“Hey, Dannie, would you like to go to a
picture tonight?”

thought, then remembered that “picture” means movie in America.
“Yeah, that sounds fun.”

“Are you still with Ethan?”

“Yes.” He glanced at her, and she wondered if
he could hear Brianna. Her cousin was speaking rather loud.

“You can invite him if you think he’ll

“All right.” She pulled the phone from her
ear to ask. “Bri wants to go see a movie tonight. Would you like to
join us?”

A sad smile curved his mouth, and she knew he
was going to say no. “Sorry, I can’t tonight. But you have fun with

Danielle returned the phone to her ear. “He
says he can’t. Is Will coming too?” Or in other words, was she
going to be the third wheel again?

“Yes, William will be there … with one of his
buddies,” her cousin admitted with audible nervousness.

“Um, Bri, is this what I think it is?” She
glanced at Ethan carefully. He met her gaze, almost daring her to
be truthful. It seemed that Brianna had managed to plan a double
date for her without her consent. Danielle considered not telling
Ethan about it. But what if he found out and she hadn’t told him?
She wanted to go out with Ethan again more than anything, so she
decided to confess it when she hung up.

I’m sorry, Dannie, Will already told
his friend before you ever met Ethan. Please, just this

Danielle realized Brianna had already made
promises in her behalf, and she wouldn’t be able to get out of it,
at least not without offending someone. “Fine, but no more…”

“Very well.” Brianna sounded remorseful
enough. “So have him drop you off near the cinema instead of taking
you home. We’ll be waiting for you there.”

“Okay.” She peered at Ethan again, but then
dropped her eyes guiltily when she shut the phone.

So, I felt I should tell you, Brianna
has planned a blind date for me.” She lifted her eyes to his
apprehensively. The look on his face made her think he already
knew, but was pleased that she’d actually come clean. Again at the
eye contact—that he’d been very careful with until just now—she
sensed familiarity skating along the strings of her heart. Is that
why she felt guilty? It’s not like they’re exclusive or anything

“I get the impression you don’t want to go,”
he said, like the thought was gratifying to him.

“Well, not really. I hate blind dates.”

“What if you find you like him?”

Danielle scoffed, “That’s unlikely.”

“How so?”



Those eyes ... how could she want anyone else
with the way he looked at her? “I’m not interested in getting to
know anyone else,” she blurted. Then felt embarrassed for saying
such a thing on only their second date. “Can we just go now?” she

“Sure, let’s get you to your date,” Ethan

Danielle groaned as he chuckled.

“Thanks for lunch. I’ve had a really good

“It was my pleasure. Truly.”

He purchased one tin each of the fruit
infusions they’d sampled for her to take home. “Think of me when
you enjoy those,” he suggested.

“I will. Thank you.” Danielle hoped he didn’t
notice her silly smile and blushing cheeks.


Ethan pulled up to the movie theater. She
thanked him again, and reached for the door handle to let herself
out. His steel fingers seized her arm suddenly. “Danielle?”


“Don’t get separated from Brianna, or
your date.” He seemed resentful as he said the last part. “And get
home as soon as the picture is over. This city is a very unsafe
place for
.” With a
serious voice, drenched with intent, his words of caution caused a
sense of foreboding to uncoil itself within her chest. Did he know
something about her safety that she didn’t?

And why was it necessary for him to remind
her of that night? “I-I learned that lesson already.” Silently she
really wished he’d stop bringing it up.

“I just couldn’t take it if something
happened to you.” The soft words were almost too quiet for her to
hear, but she
hear him.
Strange sensations twisted inside her stomach as she stared at him
in awe. The feeling was much more intense than fluttering
butterflies, and she wondered if he was actually saying he cared
about her?

Ethan released her arm. “Enjoy the picture,
I’ll see you later.”

“All right, see ya later,” she replied as she
reluctantly lifted her satchel and stepped out of his car.

Truthfully, Danielle wanted to stay with him.
Ethan made her feel safe, and his warning reminded her that she was
still frightened after the attack from Lucas. She was a black belt;
she should have had confidence in that. In the past she did, but
her confidence had faltered when she failed against Lucas. And
somehow she knew Lucas couldn’t get to her with Ethan around.

She realized Ethan was watching as she walked
up to Brianna and their two dates. Brianna made the introductions
and her date, Peter, took her hand. She checked with Ethan again,
but was saddened to find that he’d already left.

They went to an action spy movie which
Danielle liked. Even so, she was diligent in following Ethan’s
wishes, remaining close to Brianna and Peter the entire time.
Ethan’s admonition had her extra paranoid, making her more aware of
anyone who even looked at them funny.

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