Fates' Destiny (18 page)

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Authors: BD Bond

BOOK: Fates' Destiny
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Chapter 30


Destiny rolled over in her bed with a soft moan of contentment and reached for him. Her eyes popped open when her hand fell onto empty sheets. He was gone.

She sat up, holding her comforter up to cover her naked body, and looked around.

The daylight illuminated the room brightly. The bathroom door was open, the bedroom door closed. His clothes were gone from the dresser and his shoes were gone from the floor.

There wasn’t any indication that he’d stayed the night with her anywhere in the room.

At first she was confused and then a logical reason popped in her head. He went back to his room before the children woke.

She smiled as she fell back on her pillows. The night played through her mind making her want to hunt him down and pull him back in there with her.

Once they got to her room he’d done exactly what he said only this time he took his time with her. She could still feel the gentle touch of his fingertips across her skin. The soft kisses and nibbles on her neck and breasts.

Damn, she didn’t think she’d ever feel this happy.

After another minute or two reminiscing she decided she would go find him instead of just fantasizing about him. Plus, she needed to get the kids off to school.

Oh, there’s a thought. The kids go off to school and he could work from home today. They could recreate what happened in his office last night.

The idea excited her and she couldn’
t wait to run it pass him.

She quickly got dressed and made her way down the stairs a little faster than normal.

Upon entering the kitchen she saw the three children at the table eating, Dela and Richard both in the kitchen, but no Adam.

“Good morning.” She said to
Richard and Dela. “Adam hasn’t came down for breakfast?”

“He left early this morning.” Richard informed her.

“Oh.” She felt a ping of disappointment and a little angry. He didn’t tell her he was leaving early. He could’ve woken her and told her or something.

Don’t worry about it
. She told herself.
You’ll see him later.

But she couldn’t help but feel a little bothered. After all, he didn’t have the best track record with her. Is it possible he regrets what happened? He didn’t seem to be regretting last night after he made love
to her. No, he’d pulled her into his arms and held her as she dosed off into the best sleep she’s ever experienced.

Destiny had to shake her thoughts from her mind. If she didn’t she’d drive herself crazy.

You’ll see him later.

With that thought in mind she got started with her day.


              ~              ~


Adam had something he needed to do.

He stood solid in front of
the glossy, black headstone at the base of a huge oak tree.


Elizabeth Marie Fates

Loving mother, wife, and best friend


The words his mother-in-law and mother had engraved on the stone couldn’t have been truer. She was a loving mother to their children and a loving wife and best friend to him.

“Hey Liz.” Tears clogged his throat as the memory of the last time he was there played through his head. The day he laid the love of his life to rest.

Her mother must have been out there recentl
y because there were fresh daises resting in the planters on each side of the stone. Liz loved daises.

“I know I haven’t been around like I should’ve been but this,” He motioned to the stone insinuating her death. “
hasn’t been easy on me. Truth is I just haven’t been able to let go of you. I haven’t been able to move on. That is until now.” He felt a smile curl the corners of his lips. “I’ve met someone and she’s simply amazing. The children are absolutely in love with her… And… I think I am too.” Actually he was almost sure of it. “With that being said, I want you to know that even though I’ve moved on that you will always hold a special place in my heart.” He did the one thing he never thought he’d do. He gripped his wedding ring with his thumb and index finger and slid it off. “I’ll always have my memories and this,” He held up his ring. “to keep you in my heart. I love you Liz.” He felt a single tear escape and roll down his cheek. “Goodbye.” And with that he palmed the gold band and walked back to his car, feeling as though a dark cloud had finally lifted.


              ~              ~


After the children were gone and Dela left to go to the grocery store Destiny found herself sitting at the island, sipping her coffee, lost in her dreaded thoughts.

She was almost certain she would’ve heard from him by now.
Something… anything. A call, a text, an email, a smoke signal. Something but she hadn’t heard a single word and her anxiety increased with every passing second.

She glanced down at her watch
again and sighed when she saw only a minute had passed. If felt like an hour. She checked her phone to make sure she didn’t silence it even though she knew she didn’t.

This wasn’t mentally healthy she told herself but she couldn’
t control herself. She wanted this to be right. She wanted it more than she’s ever wanted anything in her life.

Suddenly her cell phone rang out and she damn near jumped out of her
skin. Excitement sparked as she quickly scooped the phone up but dimmed when she saw Kenna smiling at her.

She swallowed back her disappointment and answered.

“Hey girl.”

“Ok,” Kenna started. “So Luke just called me and told me the funniest thing.”

Destiny wasn’t really interested but asked, “What?” anyway.

“He told me that when he saw his brother this morning he had to tell him to button the collar of hi
s shirt to hide the bite mark on his neck. You wouldn’t know anything about that now would you Destiny?”

Destiny felt her entire face turn red as she dropped her face into h
er hand and closed her eyes, an uncontrollable grin stretching her lips.

Ohmygoodness.” She breathed. She didn’t remember biting him. Of course, she’d been so caught up in the moment she didn’t remember anything she’d done.

“So I take it you guys worked everything out?”

Destiny took a second to calm her embarrassment and said, “I’m not sure. I haven’t talked to him today.”

“You haven’t talked to him?” Her humor replaced with curiosity.

“Nope.” She hooked her fingers around the handle of her coffee cup. “He was gone when I got up this morning and he hasn’t called.”

“Awe, I wouldn’t let that bug me. Luke told me they were very busy. I only talked to him for a minute.”

Well, that made her feel a little better but she didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

“How was your date last night?” Destiny changed the subject as she lifted her cup to her lips.

“Fun.” Kenna giggled. “We didn’t do anything fancy. By the time we left you we were both tired so we just went back to his condo, ordered a pizza, and watched movies.”

“Did you guys… you know?” She didn’t want to come right out and ask her if they slept together. It really wasn’t her business but she was curious.

“No.” Kenna giggled again. “We curled up together in his bed and fell asleep. It was nice.”

Destiny smiled. That did sound nice.
Romantic. Perfect for someone like Kenna.

“That’s good. I’m happy for you Kenna.”
And envious. They seemed to be having such a smooth, normal relationship and here she was sleeping with a guy who was clouded with uncertainty.

“Thanks.” She chirped. “I just got to work so I’m going to have to give you a call later.”

Destiny told her friend goodbye, hung up, and turned back to her coffee determined not to let this bother her all day.



The day passed by slowly and miserably. Destiny about drove herself out of her mind being alone with only her thoughts. So much for not letting it bother her.

Finally, she’d decided to go see her mother. She knew it would be annoying but at the moment she’d rather be annoyed than depressed and worried.

She was right. Her mother annoyed the hell out of her with her smug comments about her career change and her gossip. It was blah and did nothing to take her mind off Adam.

He hadn’t called her. She’d sent him a text message of a smiley face hoping she would get some kind of response but that was a waste.

By the time she was home her paranoia had completely taken hold of her and it was like déjà vu. She felt the same dirty, used, barren feeling she’d felt when she was 16 all over again knotting her gut, twisting her heart. This was a nightmare but she wouldn’t let it interfere with her job.

She swallowed back her tears, put on her best smile, and waited for the children to get home.

She didn’t have to wait long.

She was surprised to hear Jason yell for her instead of Anna.

Before she could respond he darted into the kitchen, his young face beaming with excitement. He dropped his backpack and equipment bag the moment he spotted her, darted for her, and threw
his arms around her waist. The force caused her to stumble but she caught herself before she tumbled back against the island.

“Jason?” She wasn’t exactly sure what this was all about. “Is everything ok?”

He lifted his head but didn’t release her. “She said yes. I asked her and she said yes.”

Oh. He was talking about Jasmine.

“That’s great Jason.” She hugged him back. “You’re going to have to find out what color her dress is so we can have a corsage made for her.”  

“Ok.” He released her and made his way back toward the arch. Destiny was just about to remind him to pick up his bags but to her surprise he stopped, bent down, and picked them up.

“I’m going to put my stuff up.” He said over his shoulder and disappeared from the room.

Destiny smiled triumphantly as she glanced over at Dela.

“You heard that right? I’m going to need a witness when I tell Adam he lost our bet.”

She let out a laugh as she nodded and turned back to
the dinner she was preparing.

Anna came in and told Destiny all about her day. Ali had even came in and said ‘Hi’ without her cell phone.

Destiny was coloring with Anna when Dela informed her that dinner was finished.

“Where’s Daddy?” Anna asked as Destiny rose out of her chair to call Jason and Ali down.

“I think he’s still at work.” She answered.

Anna frowned, her little eyes dim. “Will you call him and make sure he’s ok?”

Oh, she really didn’t want to do that. If she did that and he didn’t answer she was sure she wouldn’t be able to hold together.

“How about you call him?”

She grabbed her phone off the table, dialed his number, and handed Anna the phone. Once she was sure she had it Destiny quickly made her way out of the room, not wanting to know if he would answer or not.

She called Jason and Ali and once they were coming down the stairs she slowly made her way back to the kitchen.

“He said he would be here shortly.” Anna cheerfully informed her and it took a moment for it to sink in. Once it did she smiled genuinely for the first time all day. He answered her phone number. A little of her paranoia eased but not all. He still wasn’t home and he still hadn’t talked to her.

Dinner consisted of lots of conversation. Anna talked more about her day. Jason told Destiny about asking Jasmine to the dance. He told her it was easier than he thought but she was pretty sure he was a mess when he did it. Even Ali chatted about a project she aced and about her gymnastics coach telling her she was her best student.

The conversation kept her occupied but Adam was still on her mind.

After dinner the children went to bathe and get ready for bed and Destiny decided she needed some fresh air. She stepped out on the back porch, sat down on the steps, and had just let her mind run free.

Now the memories of last night didn’t make her happy. They made tears form. She fought them back as she stared out into the darkness.

The same questions ran through her mind. What if
he was regretting what happened? What if he was going to turn cold toward her again?

Oh god. This not knowing shit was killing her.

“What are you doing out here?”

She jumped at the sound of his question, her heart rate picked up, but she didn’t turn to him.
She didn’t want to look at him at the moment.

“I just needed some air.”

She heard his steps cross the wood porch. She tensed as he claimed a seat next to her, propped his elbows on his knees, and laced his fingers together in front of him.

“It’s nice out here. Good place to clear your head.” He said casually.

“Yes it is.” She agreed impassively.

“Are mad at me?

Mad? No she wasn’t mad. Worried… anxious… paranoid… hurt… But not mad.

m not mad.” She answered again without taking her eyes away from the beautiful view.

. Then why the cold shoulder?”

That made her turn
to him. She momentarily lost her breath at the sight. The memory of him last night flashed through her mind. Those dark eyes admiring her, those full lips kissing her… She had to take a deep breath to calm her pulse.

“I’m not giving you the cold shoulder. I’m just a little hurt but it’s ok.
I get it. You regret what happened and I get it. It’s cool… I’ll get over it.”

He snapped up, straightening on the step. “Hang on a second. Who said anything about regretting what happened? I don’t regret it and I don’t want you to think that.”

“You don’t?”
She gasped in astonishment.

“No,” He snorted.
“Of course not. I’ve wanted to do that to you since the first day I met you. I just didn’t realize it until the other day in your bedroom.”

She asked and he nodded. Ok, she felt a little sheepish. “Then why did you leave early this morning? Why haven’t I heard from you today?”

I went to the cemetery this morning. I know it’s going to sound crazy but I felt like I needed to tell Liz that I was ready to move on but assure her that she’d always hold a special place in my heart.”

She asked, feeling even more foolish.

hu.” He nodded with a smile. “And the reason you haven’t heard from me today is because my day was chaotic. The lawsuit settled. I had to go out to the site where Elizabeth Meadows is going to be built and go over a few things with the contractor. Oh, and the detective in Miami called and said that Wilson is finally in custody somewhere in California. He should be back in Miami sometime next week. So, my day was insane. But let me assure you I wanted nothing more than to hear your voice.”  

Awe, that was sweet.
She started to tear up.

“So,” He playfully bumped her shoulder with his. “You
wanna give this a try?”

“This?” She gasped mockingly. “We’re a ‘this’?”

“Us.” He laughed. “I meant us.”

“Um, well… I guess we could.” She teased.

“You guess?” One of his dark brows rose in question and she had to admit she loved when he did that. It was beyond sexy.

” She said on a laugh. “I want to give us a try.”

“There’s the excitement I was looking for.” He grinned as he inched toward her. She felt like she was melting the moment his lips claimed hers. The kiss started soft and sweet but it quickly grew into something more.

“Adam,” Breathless she tried to push him back when he started to press her to lay on the porch. “I have to get the kids to bed.”

He was dazed for a second and then he smiled.
“Of course.” He let out a soft laugh. “You do something to me that makes me forget where I am or what’s going on around me.”

She let out a laugh as she rose to her feet, feeling a happiness she never thought she’d ever feel.

“That’s nice to know Adam. Really nice to know.”

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