Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series (26 page)

BOOK: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series
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They stopped to watch one of the brightly
lit party boats glide past them, Eve standing with her hands resting on the
stone balustrade that separated the pathway from the river bank. Paul stood
close behind her, his hands next to hers, his chin resting on her shoulder
wishing for all the world they could join the party. She pushed back against
him as she made to walk on but he only gave her enough room to turn in his
arms. She looked up at him as she turned and he cupped her face. She pressed
her hands against his chest in protest but he shook his head.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, his voice soft,
his eyes searching hers.

Hands still firmly on his chest, she could
clearly feel the steady beat of his heart beneath her palm. “I just don’t like
to kiss with tongues, it’s nasty.”

“Ah, that’s because you’ve never been
kissed properly before. Just let me try this one time, if you still don’t like
it, I won’t do it again.” He pressed a soft kiss to the tip of her nose, “I
have skills Eve, I’m not just going to plunge my tongue straight down your
throat although sometimes that’s pretty hot in the heat of the moment.” He
grinned as she giggled slightly and bowed his head. She sighed as his lips ever
so softly caressed hers in the barest hint of a kiss.

The rigidity of her hands on his chest
softened and he pressed his lips more firmly to hers, taking a step closer,
sandwiching her between the balustrade and his body, he let his tongue trace the
seam of her lips before returning to gentle kisses on and around her mouth. She
was beginning to sigh with each breath she took and one hand slid into his hair
as his tongue finally made it into her mouth with gentle caressing strokes to
the roof of her mouth, tongue and lips, she gradually relaxed against him, one
hand now firmly grasping his hair while the other had slipped around to his

Her tongue tentatively touched his. Soft,
hesitant touches at first as she fisted his hair. He moved one hand to her
waist and pulled her against him as he cupped the back of her head with the
other and deepened the kiss. His t-shirt tightened against his body as she
wrapped it around her hand in the small of his back and he groaned into her
mouth. Just as she began to get really into it and things were becoming heated,
he withdrew. He returned to pressing feather light kisses to her lips before
pulling back and running his tongue over his own lips while looking at her. She
stood with her eyes closed, her cheeks were flushed and her lips still slightly

Opening her eyes, she gazed up at him,
taking in his features, his beautiful eyes, rimmed with thick dark lashes,
straight nose and full, beautifully formed lips now swollen from kissing her.
Oh hell, she was a goner. She wasn’t supposed to fall for him but she had never
been kissed like that before. She would very much like to be kissed like that

He didn’t say a word; he knew he’d won her
over from the way she was looking at him. He turned, took her hand and they
continued to walk. He was thankful for the chill in the air as his brain was
ticking over the possibilities of finding a hotel room and really pushing her
boundaries and his cock was in full agreement although with the loss of her
body heat against him, little Paul was rapidly deflating and going into hiding.

Chapter Twenty


Paul insisted that they get some food and
take a break from the chilly London air and walked her to a quaint Bistro in a
side street. She was impressed when the owner came to greet him upon learning
of his presence in her compact Bistro. She enthusiastically kissed him on both
cheeks and gabbled away in a language that certainly wasn’t English. She was
shocked when Paul responded in the same language and was impressed by his fluency,
there was no hesitation in his speech and his accent matched that of the Bistro
owners perfectly.

Sitting opposite her at a somewhat rickety
table, Paul knew she’d never in a million years be caught dead in here if it
wasn’t for him but she wasn’t protesting, in fact, she was looking around at
the decor with interest.

“Sorry about that, we’re old friends.”
Noticing her hands were a little blue, he wrapped his own around them to warm

“I didn’t know you spoke....What was that
you were speaking?”

“Spanish. I’m half Spanish on my Mothers’

She nodded, of course, she remembered
reading that fact somewhere and his looks were a dead give away to his
heritage. “You are fluent.” She stated.

“I’ve spoken it all my life. It’s actually
my preferred language. Didn’t go down too well in English speaking schools.” He
smiled and released her hands.

“Thank you.” She blushed, placing her
hands in her lap.

Paul ordered for both of them. Not
something he would usually do but he could see she didn’t have a clue about the
reasonably artisan menu. She surprised him by tucking into the simple meal with
gusto, moaning with delight as her taste buds lit up. He’d very much like to
hear her making those noises while she was naked and sweating beneath him but
one step at a time. He’d got some tongue action; he’d be satisfied with that
for now.

Pulling up in front of her house, he lent
towards her wanting just a chaste kiss but it was her tongue that invaded his
mouth this time. Clasping her head in his hands, he took it a step further,
kissing her deeply, thoroughly enjoying himself when there was a tap on the
window shortly before the passenger door opened and a face appeared.

Eve gasped as she wrenched herself away
from him, “Daddy! What are you doing?”

“I was about to ask you the same thing.
Come inside darling. You too young man” 

Eve shot him a look of apology before
following her father. Paul climbed from the drivers’ seat knowing full well
that getting caught cleaning a girls tonsils by her father was not a good introduction.
Locking the car, he refrained from putting his hands in his pockets as he
joined them in the hallway.

“Daddy, this is Paul Jensen, remember, I
told you I was seeing him.”

Looking over the tall young man in front
of him, Niles Fitzpatrick smiled. His daughter had done very well indeed. “Come
with me.” He gestured to the drawing room, turning to his daughter as Paul
passed them. “Eve darling, I think perhaps some cocoa would be pleasant.”

Niles had planned to let her daughter draw
this young man in slowly but his financial situation was such that he needed
help and he needed it now. He wasn’t so desperate as to go through the usual
channels. He needed outside help and rumour had it Paul Jensen was an extremely
astute business man. He smiled when he noticed him standing stiffly in the
middle of the room. Paul obviously thought he’d be getting an ear bashing for
mauling his daughter. No doubt that would come but for now, it could wait.

Encouraging the young man to sit, he was
about to launch into his spiel when his daughter entered the room carrying
three mugs of cocoa. Thanking her and then quickly dismissing her, he sat
beside Paul and opened a lever arch folder, quite clearly piquing Paul’s
interest as he sat forward.

“It’s come to my attention that you and
your, shall we say partner, are in the habit of purchasing struggling
companies.” Niles began.

“If they are in some way financially
viable, yes.” Paul answered. His first glance at the papers in front of him
told him this company was in deep shit. “I won’t touch a company if it means
people lose their jobs or one where I don’t get any recompense from it.”

Nodding, Niles revealed further financial
documents. “I wonder if you would cast an eye over these and let me know your
opinion on the future of this company.”

“Is this your company?” Paul asked.

Niles stood and began to pace, he hadn’t
counted on Paul being quite so perceptive or quite so blunt. “Yes although I
don’t own it outright, my partners are as yet unaware of the position we are

“So you’re the money man? The one
responsible for making it work, paying the bills etc?”


“Looks like you’ve messed up.” Paul
commented as he flicked through the papers. “Tell me, how do you intend paying
your staff at the end of the month?”

“I was hoping you could tell me that.”

Paul took a sip of his cocoa; it was
decidedly good so he took another few sips before standing and facing the older
man. “What is it exactly you want from me?”

Stammering at being presented with such a
forthright attitude, Niles eventually managed to spit out that he would very
much like Paul to buy his share of the company.

“Hmmm, I’m presuming that you would prefer
this to be done quickly and quietly and that you are still the one in charge of
the purse strings in the eyes of your partners?”

This boy was quick, he hadn’t counted on
that. “Yes that’s preferable. As you pointed out, paying the staff this month
will be a challenge, I need something to happen quickly.”

“What’s in it for me?” Paul asked.

“I should hope a healthy profit and of
course, continued access to my daughter.”

Paul chuckled. “If, after I look over the
paperwork, I decide this isn’t financially viable for me then there’s no way
I’ll take it on.” He stooped to pick up the folder. “As for access to your
daughter, she’s over eighteen, she can decide for herself who she sees and
besides, she gives me nothing I can’t easily get elsewhere so don’t think that
threat holds any sway with me. I’ll look this over and have my partner give me
his opinion; I’ll come back to you in a few days.” He moved towards the door.

“I was hoping you’d get back to me
sooner.” Niles commented.

Paul turned, “If you want this done
correctly, you’ll give me a few days. Don’t forget, I’m going to try put right
what must have been a monumental fuck up on your part so let me work on this,
don’t hassle me or ask Eve to. If that happens, I’ll hand all this back to you
and let you sink. Then I’ll pick your company up for a fraction of what it
could potentially be worth, break it up and sell it on at a huge profit.”

Eve was hovering in the hallway when he
left the drawing room and Niles behind. He beckoned to her and drew her into
his arms after dropping the folder on the hall table. “I hope you deciding to
date me wasn’t as a direct result of pressure from your old man.”

Shaking her head and linking her arms
behind his neck, she looked him squarely in the eye. “I know there is something
going on but I have no idea what. I started to pursue you months ago before I
even had an inkling anything was wrong. You ignored me, remember?”

“Yeah, I remember.” He lowered his mouth
to hers. She accepted his kiss and deepened it, kissing him properly. “I have
to go.  I’ll call you.” He dropped in on Norman on his way home and they had a
brief shuffle through the paperwork he had with him. Norman seemed to think the
company was still salvageable and although Paul’s initial investment in it
would be vast, he did a few quick calculations that made Paul very happy

He woke early the following morning fully
intending to hit the gym before hashing out the final details of the deal he
was going to present to Niles Fitzpatrick. When he heard female laughter
through the closed door of his bedroom, he though perhaps his Uncle had
actually bought one of his conquests home for a change.

What he found on entering the living room
was his Mother and siblings. Too bright and chirpy for so early in the day. “It
should be a crime to be so happy and loud at this time of day.” He grouched as
he poured a glass of orange juice, downing it in one before switching on the
kettle and reaching for a tea bag.

Matt boomed “Morning bro.” While pounding
on the work top.

Paul’s muttered “Arsehole.” Earned him a
stern look from his Mother. “What the hell are you all doing here?” He asked.

Tessa hopped up onto one of the stools at
the breakfast bar, “We’re discussing the arrangements for my twenty first.”

“Do you have to do that here?” He sniped.

“I do. You’ll come won’t you?”

“Depends what you’re planning sis.”

“Well.” Tessa pulled out a place setting
map and a menu. “I don’t want a party like Suzanne had; I thought the family
and maybe just a few of my close friends could have a nice meal together.”

“Sounds good. Will Dad be there?” Paul
turned away as the kettle boiled and concentrated on smooshing his tea bag. He
missed the scowl both his sister and Mother shot him.

“Of course he will, he’s family.”

“Sorry, count me out.” Paul threw the tea
bag away and added milk to his mug.

“But Paul...” Tessa began to protest.

“But Paul nothing.” He turned on her and
held his hand up, it still clearly showed the scars from his last encounter
with his sperm donor. “Remember when this happened? Remember that I moved out
of home as a result of it? I love you sis but I can’t spend an evening in his
company. Between his attitude and mine, we would ruin your birthday.”

Tessa spread out the table plan. “Will you
just take a look at this before you give me a categorical no?”

Coming around the breakfast bar, dropping
a kiss onto his mothers cheek as he slid onto the stool, he looked over the
table plan. It was hardly going to be what could be classed as a cosy family
meal but as he looked at the seating plan he began to see that he could quite
possibly attend. The vastness of the table would permit him to be at one end and
Michael the other. He put his finger over his name and the comment beside it
and looked at his sister. “Plus one?” he asked.

Tessa smiled, “Rumour has it you are
dating Eve Fitzpatrick.”

“Fuck me that got around quick.”

“So it’s true?” Tessa asked and Matt came
to stand beside her, waiting for his answer.

“I’ve taken her out a few times.” He
confirmed. “It’s early days yet.”

Matt laughed, “Meaning you haven’t banged
her yet.”

“No Matt, I haven’t. Makes a welcome
change actually.”

“But.” Tessa pushed Matt away “You’ll come
to my birthday dinner and bring her?”

Sighing, Paul ran his fingers thorough his
hair and looked around at his family, “I’ll ask her if she wants to come but
whether she does or not, I’ll be there.” His family very quickly left him to
his own devices after that. Their mob handed approach to getting him to his
sister’s birthday meal an amazing success.

He took his breakfast of toast and another
mug of tea into the living room and sat with the figures from Norman and the
ones from Niles, his mind a blur with numbers and prospects. Deeply engrossed,
his toast went cold as did his tea. He was seeing double by the time his Uncle
made an appearance and annoyed him by sitting next to him and riffling through
his paperwork, his eyebrows raising as he saw the size of the investment his
nephew was planning to make.

“Paul?” He asked as he pointed to the

Paul took the papers from his hand. “You
saw nothing. My money, my business. It’s sort of legal too so don’t sweat the
small stuff ok?”

“Won’t this leave you rather short on the
cash flow front?”

Laughing, Paul gathered his papers. “Not
in the slightest. Won’t say I won’t miss the money because I will but I’ll get
back about three times what I’ve invested so it’s a short term thing.”

“And a sure bet?”

“Nothing is a sure bet but it’s a
calculated risk.” Standing, Paul looked at his Uncle and deftly changed the
subject. “I see you are being dragged to Tessa’s birthday meal thing.”

“I am.”

“Do you think you and Matt between you are
strong enough to pull me off of Dad if I decide to launch myself at him?”

Coming to his feet, John placed his hands
on the younger man’s shoulders. “You will behave with all the cultured dignity
your Mother raised you with. You will not spoil Tessa’s birthday. I know this because
I know even you aren’t that much of an inconsiderate bastard and because your
Father dotes on his daughter he will also be on his best behaviour. Besides,
Monica will kick both your arses if either of you misbehave so the question
shouldn’t be how strong Matt and I are, it should be how much do you value your
relationship with your sister and Mother?”

Grinning, Paul ducked out from under
John’s grasp. “No one likes a smartarse you know.”

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