Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series (24 page)

BOOK: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series
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Pushing the trousers down over her lovely
rounded hips, taking her knickers with them, he lifted her onto the breakfast
bar, spread her legs and placed her feet on the stools either side of him. He
encouraged her to put her hands on the counter top rather than in his hair and
told her to take her weight as he pulled her behind off the surface, making her
come up onto her tip toes on the stools as her body weight rested on her hands.

With her hands taking her weight and her
legs spread to his satisfaction, Paul dropped to his knees, confident now that
she wouldn’t be creating a bald spot in his hair as she pulled it. Cupping her
bottom he moved closer and simply blew on her pussy, watching as it clenched
before his eyes. With a low chuckle, he moved closer still to get his first
taste of her. Clutching her ass tighter, he buried his face in her pussy,
lapping at her folds, taking his time even though his cock had never been more
uncomfortable confined in a pair of jeans as it was at this precise moment in

She came hard, drenching his face, her
legs trembling as he gained his feet and freed his torso from his shirt before
kissing her, reaching for her hands and wrapping her arms around his neck. She
licked her own juices from his chin, nipping his lower lip before following his
gaze to where he was unfastening his jeans, freeing himself from their confines
and pushing them and his boxers down his thighs. He fisted his cock a few
times; he wasn’t going to last long for round one that was for sure.

“Holy shit, you’re huge.” Faye breathed.

“Good job you are wet then.” He answered
as he guided his cock to her entrance. “Hold on to me.” He told her and with
one swift thrust was buried deep inside her.

Hooking her elbows over his shoulders and
sliding her fingers into his hair, Faye pulled his face into her neck as his
cock devastated her pussy with deep, hard thrusts and the odd rotation of his
hips for good measure. She held him tighter as a groan escaped him and his body

Kicking his feet free of his trainers,
jeans and underwear, Paul wrapped her tightly in his arms, his softening cock
still inside her for now and carried her to his bedroom. Placing her gently on
the bed, he bent to remove his socks before dropping down onto the mattress
next to her, arms over his eyes as he stretched out.

“Fucking hell Faye.” He said through a
groan as he fought the urge to sleep.

Laughing, she pulled his arms away from
his face and lent over to look at him. “Don’t say I’ve worn out the mighty Paul

It was his turn to laugh now as he looked
up at her. “Of course not. I’m just trying to work out how round two is going
to go.” Hooking his fingers into her hair he pulled her closer, “first things
first though, get that blouse off then I think it’s high time you worshiped at
the temple of the third leg.”

If anyone else had said that to her, she
would have hit them but this was Paul, sex god extraordinaire. He was stretched
out in front of her in all his naked glory, smiling that cocky, self assured
half smile of his, knowing she would do exactly what he asked. Yes, she saw his
appeal and she liked the glint in his eye and lordy it would be easy to fall
for him but for the first time she fully understood why Suzanne wouldn’t commit
to him. He would rip her heart out and trample all over it and think he’d done
nothing wrong.

She allowed her gaze to roam his body,
sorry, his perfect body, letting her fingers trail where her eyes fell. He lay
still, letting her drink her fill of his visual perfection. She soon brought
her mouth in to play, kissing a trail down to his groin and teasing with
feather light kisses and flicks of her tongue over his balls and slowly
hardening length.

She didn’t take him into her mouth until
he was fully tumescent and even then she didn’t suck, she just lapped at him.

Paul was pondering grabbing her head and
holding it down on his cock. Her tongue was driving him mad. He was preparing
to remove his hands from behind his head when her mouth engulfed him and the
suction she applied had him wondering if she’d swallowed a Hoover, his hips
came up off the bed involuntarily and he found he was gripping the sheet
beneath him like it was his lifeline to reality.

Faye was smiling on the inside. She
excelled at giving head, she loved it, getting the feel and taste of a man at
his most vulnerable. She raked her teeth over the sensitive head and was
pleased when all he did in response was hiss “More” at her, clearly he wasn’t
afraid of her biting his penis clean off! She was surprised when he wrapped his
hand around the base of his cock and squeezed. She paused and looked at him.

“Don’t want to come just yet.” He panted.
“You fucking rock at that but any more and I’ll explode, ride me Faye, nice and

She really felt him deep this way and she
never failed to come in this position. Doing as he asked, she rocked her hips
slowly, her fingertips resting on his chest. The head of his cock pressed
nicely against that sensitive internal spot and she soon felt herself
approaching orgasm even at this slow pace.

Paul could feel her getting wetter around
his cock; he watched the flush spread across her face as she worked herself
closer to orgasm. He heaved himself into a sitting position, his mouth taking
possession of each nipple in turn as he clamped his hands to her hips, pushing
her harder down on to him, seating himself deep within her as she came apart.

They didn’t really sleep that night, they
dozed only to wake with hands and mouths exploring. He didn’t know what time it
was while he lay sleepily talking to her as he drew circles on the soft skin of
her upper arm with his finger tips as her head rested on his shoulder. He
couldn’t miss the knock on his bedroom door or his Uncle opening it, dumping a
pile of clothes onto the foot of the bed and throwing the cordless phone in his
direction while saying “It’s for you.” Shortly before backing out of the door.

Faye’s hand had begun to work his cock as
he raised the phone to his ear to greet the caller.

“What the hell do you think you are
playing at?” Suzanne’s voice greeted him.

“I’m not playing at anything. Good morning
by the way.” He answered.

“It’s half past two in the afternoon
Paul.” She sneered. “Don’t tell me Faye is still there.”

Frowning at the phone, Paul looked down
his body as Faye fisted his cock and licked the head. “Didn’t realise it was
that late, explains why I’m hungry. What’s it to you if she is?”

“Are you determined to work your way
through all of Tessa’s friends?”

Paul sighed and took time to push Faye’s
hair away from her face; it was obstructing his view of her mouth sliding down
his cock. “Again, what’s it to you if I do. It’s up to me who I fuck Suzanne,
if you don’t like it then I suggest you stop watching me. You made your choice,
I’m happy for you but that doesn’t mean you have the right to dictate where I
stick my cock.”

“Put Faye on.” Her voice was cold. She
hated being wrong and in this instance she knew she was.

“That’s sort of impossible right now. She has
her mouth full.” He couldn’t help his grin as Suzanne tutted in his ear and
Faye damn near choked on his cock.

“You are disgusting.” Suzanne spat.

“Am I? You didn’t find me so disgusting
when you were taking your turn on me.” He flicked the switch on the phone,
cutting her off as his hand landed on the back of Faye’s head and pushed her
further down on to him.

His stomach growled and he realised it had
been a long time since he’d eaten, food that is! He gripped Faye’s arms and
dragged her up his body before flipping her onto her back and burying himself
inside her, no point in wasting a perfectly good erection in favour of food.
She winced as he entered her making him pause, “You sore?” he asked, he went to
pull out as she nodded but her hands clamped on his backside. He chuckled, “Not
that sore then.” As he drove back into her.

“Just not used to so much action in one
night.” She gasped. She called out his name as his teeth found a nipple and set
up a rhythym perfectly in tune with his cock, nibbling and sucking which had
her spasming around him as release ripped through her before she’d even
realised it had begun.


Chapter Nineteen


Faye watched Paul as he readied himself
for work at the club that evening. He’d asked if she wanted to join him at the
club and he’d drop her home afterwards and even though she loved to get her
groove on in a night club the reality of her current situation was, quite
simply, that he’d worn her out and all she wanted to do was sink into a nice
bubble bath and relax her aching muscles.

He walked her to the door when they
arrived at her flat and kissed her softly as he thanked her for a fantastic
evening. She smiled warmly at him and absolutely refused to demean herself by
asking him to call her. She knew he wouldn’t. They probably wouldn’t re-visit
last night at all but she knew he wouldn’t think any less of her for the things
they had done together just as she expected nothing from him. He was the kind
of man you could call on if you were in dire straits and needed help, he’d drop
everything and be there but he was currently incapable of being a one woman man
and unfortunately that was part of his appeal.

The club was packed as usual but Paul did
notice that his stalker Eve wasn’t paying him the attention she usually did.
While a part of him was relieved that he didn’t have to look over his shoulder,
the prospect of losing an easy lay irked him a little. She was there, ensconced
in a booth with her usual bunch of friends but she was treating him with cool
detachment and he silently commended her for well and truly piquing his
interest by her blatant disregard of him.

Jez left him to close up the club which
gave him the opportunity to sneak in a quick shower in one of the VIP rooms
before heading to his car and making short work of the silent streets of London
as he made his way out of town towards the motorway for his bi-weekly visit
with his son.

He became aware of a beeping noise and a
bright light and thought he’d forgotten to fasten his seatbelt and was being
blinded by main beam headlights coming from the opposite direction. He reached
to flash his lights at the inconsiderate driver but soon pulled his arm back as
pain shot through it. Looking down he saw tape and a plastic tube coming from
his arm. He followed the tube to a bag of fluid suspended above him.

“What the fuck?” He asked himself as he
tried to sit, the piercing pain in his head making that impossible. “Why am I
in hospital?”

A voice he didn’t recognise answered “You
crashed your car.”

He turned in the direction of the voice,
dismayed to see a uniformed police officer standing at his bedside. “Shit. Is
anyone hurt?”

“Luckily, no, just you and a crash barrier
and I’m afraid your car is a goner.”

“What happened?” Paul asked as he
struggled to sit up. He gingerly felt around his face, relieved that only his
head ached and there was only a small tender spot on his forehead.

“I was hoping you’d tell me that.” The
officer responded.

“I remember locking up the club then
driving out of town then I woke up here.”

Making notes, the officer then looked at
him. “Do you work late every night?”

“No. I work through the day Tuesday to
Friday. Friday and Saturday night I work at Jokers night club. I had a heavy
night Thursday night, didn’t get much sleep and worked tonight. I didn’t feel
tired, I guess I was.”

“It’s highly likely you fell asleep at the
wheel then.” The officer murmured.

Paul nodded. “Shit.” He shook his head,
trying to clear the fuzziness residing there. “I could have killed someone.”

“I’m not going to molly coddle you here Mr
Jensen. The only reason you didn’t was because of the late hour. Had you left a
few hours later, the consequences could quite possibly have been catastrophic.”

“I understand. What happens now?”

“We will have to wait for the results of
your blood test, standard procedure; we need to determine whether or not you’d
been drinking.” The officer started.

“I don’t drink when I’m working.” Paul put

“I think at the very least you will be
charged with is driving without due care and attention.” The officer finished
his original sentence.

“I think that’s fair.” Paul shrugged; it
was then that he felt the bruising across his shoulder and chest. Pulling the
hospital robe forward, he peered down the inside and saw the perfect imitation
of his seat belt etched into his skin.

The police officer made a few more notes
then left as Monica entered the room, telling Paul that they would be in touch.

Monica busied herself laying out his
clothes on the bed before looking at him. “You will be the death of me.”

“Sorry Mum. I didn’t do it deliberately. I
need to call Carmen.”

“I’ve done it. She was very concerned but
said to tell you to take your time and go up when you are able.”

“Thanks.” He reached for his clothes. “Any
idea when I can go home?”

“The doctors have said this afternoon but
they will want to examine you first.”

He was out of hospital and back home
within the hour having made a complete nuisance of himself. He hated hospitals
and being confined in a bed, it took him straight back to boarding school and
the punishment he received there. He spent the day resting, feeling the
bruising across his chest and hips with every breath and minute movement.
Before starting his shift at the club, he stopped by the police impound yard to
clean his belongings from his car and arrange the destruction of it.

Officer Emily Holland joined him as he
surveyed his car. From the state of it, it was nothing short of a miracle that
he’d come out of it with only bruising, a true testament to the build quality
of the vehicle.

“My poor car.” He lamented as she stood
next to him.

“It’s only metal. You were very lucky.”

“I know. It was stupid of me to drive. I
should have got a few hours sleep before getting in the car.

“I hope you’ve learned your lesson.” She
looked up at him, frowning.

“I have. In future I will sleep before
attempting to drive to Gloucester. I’m going to be charged aren’t I?”

“Undoubtedly but as things go and because
no one else was involved, it’ll be classed as a minor traffic offence, you’ll
get points on your license and probably a hefty fine and of course, we’ll
charge you for removing and storing your vehicle until you have it destroyed
but I imagine the blow to your ego is of far more consequence compared to the
one to your wallet.”

He laughed at her comment and instantly
regretted it as the bruising once again made itself known. “I won’t miss the
money. I’ll miss my car, I loved that car. Now I’ve got to find another one.”

She patted him on the arm as she turned to
leave, “I’ll see if I can find the time to let my heart bleed for you.”

Once arriving at the club, he went
directly to the manager’s office. He wasn’t due to be in that evening on
account of the fact that he should be in Gloucester. Jez took one look at the
darkening bruise on his forehead and, after telling him to sit down, grasped
the wrong end of the stick and gave it a vigorous shake.

“What’s that bastard done to you now?” He

“Huh? What? Oh! No. Not him, I did this
all on my own. I crashed my car. Apparently the steering wheel punched me in
the head.” He lifted his shirt, “And seatbelts actually work!”

“Jesus. Are you sure you’re ok?”

“Yeah, I’m sore but fine. Car is a write
off though.” Paul lamented. “Which sucks by the way.”

“Why are you here? You should be resting.”

“I rested all day, I’m bored, figured I
might as well be here.”

“You can’t work the bar or the floor like
that.” Jez told him. “Looks like it’ll be a baptism of fire in the ticket booth

“Oh come on. I’m injured and a little
shaken.” Paul laughed. “Have mercy on this poor boy.”

“Mercy, my ass. You could have stayed home
dumbass and spared yourself the indignity of having to be front of house.”

Hauling himself from the chair, Paul made
a show of hanging his head and shuffling from the office, mumbling “Nobody
loves me.”

Two hours later and Paul was wishing he’d
stayed at home. He was bored out of his tiny mind. He was seriously berating
himself and questioning his decision to work when the dark haired beauty that
was Eve appeared in the window in front of him. She gasped when she saw his
bruise and asked what had happened, laughing at his explanation that steering
wheels and heads should never meet, ever.

She disappeared into the club but returned
after having her complimentary free drink to talk to him some more. Out here in
the ticket booth, there were only the muffled sounds of music from the club
thanks to the thickly padded doors separating the foyer from the body of the
club and it didn’t take long for him to be completely smitten with her posh
drawl and delightful laugh.

He quickly came to the conclusion that she
was a nice girl, probably far too good for him but that wouldn’t stop him from
getting to know her better. He noticed she lapsed back into cold detachment
whenever anyone entered the club but when they were alone she was warm and
vivacious and he was becoming increasingly annoyed with the glass that was
separating them.

Serge closing the outer doors to the club
signalled that it was once again up to capacity and Paul was free to leave the
booth. Telling Eve to stay where she was, he wrestled with the door at the rear
of the booth, fell through it when it finally released and joined her out
front. He wasn’t too keen on entering the throng in the club, his bruises were
truly beginning to ache now and the thought of getting jostled filled him with
dread but the fact that she had paid her entrance fee made him obligated to
escort her into the club. Luckily, the hefty door man took the time to clear a
path for him and deposited him on a bar stool before shooing the person on the next
stool away and offering it to Eve.

She leant forward so he could hear, “He
scares me.” She nodded towards Serge.

“He scares me too!” He grinned. He
encouraged her to bring her stool closer, leaning over was hurting him and he
did not cope well with pain.

Even though she was there with her
friends, finding Paul in the ticket booth with a large dark bruise on his
forehead had given her the courage she’d needed to talk to him on a one to one
level. He was everything the papers made him out to be, funny, charming and
extremely confident with a hint of arrogance that appealed greatly to her.

She’d had the best in life from the moment
she was born and although she had been expected to find a nice rich, society
husband after her debutant ball, her father’s recent bad decision making had
made her an unappealing option to the usual high society men she mixed with.
But as the eldest daughter, she was under increasing pressure to ease the
burden. This led her to look outside her circles for an acceptable replacement
potential spouse.

 Paul wasn’t quite of the same class as
her and would never be accepted into the circles she fraternised with but his
business acumen, drive and as she had managed to discover, healthy bank balance
had made him the perfect candidate for husband material and, he’d look good on
her arm as long as he didn’t open his mouth.

They talked nonstop until her friends came
by and pulled her away. She pressed a piece of paper with her telephone number
into his hand, telling him to call her if he could. He watched her leave before
looking down at the number, counting the digits. He hadn’t been given a fake
number yet but there was always a first time. She was totally out of his
league. If anything happened between them and it came to meet the parent’s
time, they would hate him on sight. He grinned, knowing parental distaste would
only drive him to be completely obnoxious in their company and make for a
fireball of an argument and terrific make up sex. This was one telephone number
he would be sure not to lose.

He left it three days before he called
her. She was a little brusque with him on the phone but that only served to
make him want to see her more. They arranged to meet for dinner and a movie.
He’d written down her address and told her he’d pick her up before realising he
didn’t have a car. Sitting at his desk he ran through his options. There was
always one of the work vans available but that had to be a last resort. As he
continued to pay the bills for the Escort, he was well within his rights to
borrow it for an evening but knowing his luck, the thing would break down and
she would think it was a deliberate move. That left him with having to ask
either his Mother or Uncle for the use of their cars. While Monica’s BMW was
nice, John’s Jaguar had far more class but would his Uncle part with it for one

Disappointment filled him when he arrived
home that evening. His Uncle wasn’t home. Glancing at his watch, he realised he
had a good few hours before he had to collect Eve so he busied himself with
showering, paying a few bills and leaving a cheque for the cleaner who was due
in the morning, growing more impatient with each passing moment. He was about
to arrange for a cab when his Uncle arrived home. The man looked exhausted,
which was good for Paul as the likelihood of him heading out tonight was slim.

BOOK: Father & Son: Book two of the Jensen Family Series
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