Federal Paranormal Unit Bundle: Shape Shifter Paranormal Romance (19 page)

BOOK: Federal Paranormal Unit Bundle: Shape Shifter Paranormal Romance
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“But they were dating casually, weren’t they?”

Amy shrugged. “I suppose. I don’t think that made any difference with Theresa. She’s obsessed with setting a good example in the community. Having little Josh date the daughter of the town weirdo wasn’t part of the vision.”

And probably not part of her future plans either. Cyn wanted to pull out her pad and take notes, but she knew it would stop Amy from giving them any further information if she felt she was being interrogated.

“Do you know of anyone else we should talk to?” She tried to divert Amy from staring at Brock’s muscled body before she snapped at the woman.

“I’d say talk to Josh. He’s the best clue you have.”

“Thanks for coming by, Amy,” She spit through gritted teeth, watching Amy smile flirtatiously at Brock while heading for her car.

“If you need anything, just call me.”

They waved her away. Amy’s red convertible skidded on the road, lifting dust as she did a quick U-turn, flashing red taillights on her way down toward the main street.

Cyn inhaled and grabbed her bag from the SUV to enter her house. After dropping her overnight unceremoniously on top of one of her new sofas, she hopped in Brock’s vehicle.

“Take me to Aunt Clara’s house. You can leave me there and check out the station while I question her.”

“You don’t want me there with you?”

She shook her head. “Clara’s very peculiar. Okay, she’s darned strange, and doesn’t take well to new people. So it’s best if I chat with her.”

“I’ll go talk to the local police and see what they have to say, then.”

She nodded. The roar of the engine snapped her attention to the present and away from the murderous thoughts over Amy Kemp’s staring of Brock.

“So,” he started.

She glanced over to see a wicked smile caress his lips. “So?”

“Married, huh?”

She knew she shouldn’t have said that. Even if he was several yards away he could easily hear her. But the green monster of jealousy had reared its ugly head, and the last thing she wanted was to think of him with any other woman. Especially not a friend of Amy Kemp’s.

“You were eavesdropping,” she chastised. “That’s not something I expected of you.”

He laughed. That rich powerful laugh that turned all her bones to liquid and made her heart beat double time. “I can’t help listening. You know I have sensitive ears.”

“Yes, I know all about the beast and the special skills that come along with it.” She also knew about the incredible sex and unbelievable power only he had. No one could go against him. And she was his boss. What a joke. “I was in a relationship with you, in case you’ve forgotten.” She felt frustrated enough to bring that up. “So I do know about your special skills, your beast, your hearing, your strength. I also know the other side of you.” She watched his eyes turn a bright crimson. “The side your dear mother passed on to you.”


“All those skills. Smell, sight, sound, and here I am,
leader. I really think I’m being punked with this assignment.”


“You have so much strength and power that can help lead this team,” she rambled on, “but I have nothing.”


“Seeing the future in bits and pieces means nothing when you can’t decipher it!”

He slammed on the brakes, put the SUV in park, and turned to her. Breaths pounded in her chest as she watched his red eyes turn fully black. Lord, oh lord, how the sight turned her on. She knew his other beast—the powerful darkness living right below his skin—was pushing to get out. Pushing to be set free. And damn it all to hell, she knew having that part of him in control had burned some amazing memories into her brain.

In the time it took her to take a rushed breath, his face was mere inches away. A buzz started in her veins. She licked her lips, and he clenched his jaw. This was the beast combined with the other side. The side she loved to have come out and play. Combined with his animal, the dark side had given her orgasms worthy of an award or a star in the walk of fame. The scent of his cologne, dark and sensual with just a hint of spice, set her hormones into a frenzy.

She sat there, transfixed by the pure hunger, pure possession in his eyes.

He lifted a finger and rubbed it over her lower lip. “None of those things mean anything to me if you’re not by my side.”

“Brock…” His name sounded like a plea from her lips.

“I want you,” he growled. Deep. Hard.

Her pussy turned ready-to-be-fucked wet. Every cell woke at the sound of his rough words. Worst of all, he knew the effect he had on her.

“I…” She struggled to find something other than, “please take me now” to say. There was a reason she left, and she wouldn’t—as much as it tore her apart piece-by-piece—change her mind.

Hell. She needed to keep her head. No matter how much she loved him, she wasn’t the woman for him. After clearing her throat a few times, she blinked away the visuals of tearing away his clothes and licking every inch of hot muscular skin.

He ran his hand around the neckline of her tank. She dared not breathe or move for fear of jumping him. The sounds of her heartbeat filled her ears. His lips were so close. So sexy. Her gaze shot down from his gorgeous black eyes to the smirk covering his lips.

“Do it,” he taunted.

She met his erotic gaze, a gaze that broke through all the barriers and turned her need for him into a time bomb waiting to detonate.

“Kiss me, Cyn.” He moved even closer. “You know you want to.”

Hell yes she wanted to. She wasn’t stupid. She’d been wanting his lips all over her body since the last time she’d been with him. For so long he’d been like a drug to her desperate body’s cravings. Addicted. Yes, she’d been hooked on him. On his body. His cock. His mouth, and oh that sinful tongue. His hands and body had helped release more endorphins in her than any amount of chocolate.

The corners of his eyes crinkled. He looked so damn good with that smile. Even if it was to taunt her.

She watched him lick his lips and lost it. One move, and she was on him. The minute their lips met it was like coming home. Instant fire blazed in her core. His tongue drove into her mouth, swiping against hers. Owning. Possessing. Branding. Arousal blanketed her body with a desperate edge. For that moment, her self-control deserted her. She curled her nails into his muscled shoulders and whimpered at the way he rubbed his tongue sensuously around her mouth. And then he was gone.

She bit back a groan of frustration when he pulled away from her. With her entire body throbbing for more of his kisses, she met his gaze. Met the dark eyes and knew by the way his features had tightened, that he had a hard time holding on to his own control.

“I want you,” he whispered in that gravelly voice that made her panties twist into knots. “You’re mine. You always will be.”

She tried to catch her breath. Tried to ignore the truth in his words. Her mind reeled. What was wrong with her? Ten years away from him had turned her desperate. She’d abstained from sex without a problem after him. She knew he was the man, the only man, to fill her heart, body, and soul.

Christ. She couldn’t believe she’d almost torn at his clothes in the middle of the afternoon, in his car.

“Clara’s waiting for me.”

“Why’d you leave, Cyn?”

Sharp pain dug its claws into her soul. She’d left because there was no other choice. And she wouldn’t change things now. “I’ve told you the past is the past. What we had is over. I need to speak to my aunt.”

She held his gaze for a long silent moment, fighting the stronghold his black eyes had her in. It didn’t matter that he wanted her still, or that he probably would give them another chance. What mattered was the future. Other than a co-worker, she wouldn’t be in his.

Tension thickened in the SUV. She watched his hands curl into fists. To know he had so much power at his disposal and not once use it against her just floored her every time she thought about it. Even when she’d yelled and screamed and fought him over stupid things, he’d always been careful with her. Even now, she could see how hard it was for him to pull the power back and keep it under control. He still gazed at her as though she were the most precious thing in the world. That’s why she couldn’t hurt him. Because no matter what, she loved him with everything she had, but it would never be enough.

He turned to the road. Keeping both hands on the wheel, he gripped it in a white-knuckle hold. Without moving his hands from the leather, she felt the light caress of his fingers over her face. The urge to close her eyes and lean into it hit her hard.

“James, please…” She swallowed hard against the raw dryness in her throat. “We have work to do.”

He sighed and started the SUV. The sensual hold she’d felt moments before lightened, and she blinked as though coming out of a dream.

She gave him directions to her aunt’s house, hoping a few minutes away from him would help her rebuild the walls she’d been hiding behind.

“You can leave me here.” She muttered once they reached Clara’s rundown country house. Much like Cyn’s home, it needed some serious repairs. Even the grass had a brownish color to it that screamed of death.

“You’re sure that’s what you want?”

She knew what he was asking, but she wasn’t going there. “Yes. We can cover ground faster between the two. There’s a diner just down this road.” She pointed toward the main street not far from Clara’s house. “I’ll talk to Clara and meet you there in about an hour. I’ll walk it, and we can eat and see what we figure out.”

His brows dipped in a frown of concern. “I can wait for you.”

“No, it’s ok. I’ll be fine, and I’ll see you soon.” She jumped down from the SUV the moment he parked, slamming the door closed.




Cyn knocked softly on the old wooden door. What had once been a pale yellow paint color was peeling from the edges to reveal the opaque wood in need of some tender loving care. The sounds of voices from inside carried through the open windows. She frowned. Clara wasn’t the type of person to socialize with anyone. She knocked again and waited. This time footsteps drew near. She took a slow breath as the door opened with a creaking sound that creeped her out a little. This was her aunt, but it wasn’t like she saw Clara regularly. They were distant. Well, Cyn’s entire family history was all fucked up as far she knew.


Cynthia stared at the woman who could have been a mirror image of…her. With long brown hair and eyes, Clara appeared to be closer to Cyn’s thirty-two than an older aunt. Though she’d attended Iliana’s funeral, she’d been draped in black from head to toe and hadn’t met Cyn’s gaze.

“Aunt Clara?”

“I knew you’d come.” Clara smiled. A small dimple appeared on her right cheek. Very similar to the one Cyn’s grandmother had.

“I want to help you find Roxy.”

“Come inside.” Clara’s soft voice even sounded a little like hers.

It was freaky as hell. She followed the other woman through the old house. Plastic covered sofas in brown flower prints were placed facing each other in the living room. A large wood desk sat by one of the windows with the day’s mail waiting to be opened. Old photos hung on the hallway. Of Cynthia’s mother. Her grandmother and of Clara’s mom Angela.

Wood creaked with each step she took. A photo caught her eye. It was a side by side shot of her mom pregnant and then holding a baby. Something about the photos made her frown. She hadn’t seen that one before, but it looked strange.

“I’ll make tea,” Clara said from the kitchen.

Cyn’s attention snapped to the present. She wasn’t there to reminisce. Besides, that wasn’t really something she wanted to think about anyway.

She pulled out the notepad she carried from her bag and sat down by the kitchen table, laying her paper on the table cover.

“Can you tell me what happened to Roxy?” she asked, watching Clara face away from her to set the tea kettle.

Clara’s hands shook. She shoved them repeatedly into the apron over her long, brown dress. Though Cyn was curvy and not the tallest person around, Clara was heavier, with at least thirty pounds and three inches on Cynthia’s five-two frame. Apparently, she was the short one in the family.

“She shouldn’t have been seeing that boy,” Clara whispered so low she had a hard time making out her words. She wiped at the already clean kitchen counter with a rag in quick strokes.

“Josh Landley?” she said the name Amy Kemp had given her.

Clara’s fingers curled into fists, squeezing the rag. “That boy is trouble. His whole family is. The father. The mother. They’re evil.”

She waited for Clara to continue, but instead of talking, Clara returned to wiping the clean counter.

“Did you have an argument with her? Did something happen to make her want to leave? Has she done this before?”

Clara shook her head in denial. “It was that boy. He did this. He caused this. She was a good girl. Until him. He took her from me.”

The hairs on her arms stood on end. The way she said the words made it sound like her daughter wasn’t just missing.

“How long has she been seeing Josh?” She took notes.

“Too long.”

Not very helpful. It was obvious to a blind person Clara didn’t like Josh Landley. Now she needed to figure out why. And if he could know where Roxy could be.

“Have the police been here yet?”

Another negative shake of the head. “They think she left because I’m crazy.”

Damn. “Did they say that?”

Clara stopped then, turned to her, and cocked her head with a somberness to her features. “They didn’t have to. Everyone thinks I’m crazy.”

Not really what she wanted to discuss. “It’s been more than twenty-four hours, and they still haven’t looked for her?”

Clara stared deep into her eyes. So deep it made her uncomfortable. It was like looking into a mirror. Only a much more disturbing image of what she might look like in the future. “No. They won’t either.”

Okay. Enough chit chat. “Show me her room. I need to search around and see if I find anything that can help us locate her.”

She followed Clara toward Roxy’s room. Clara stopped at the door, as if afraid to enter, and pointed inside. “Everything is still the same.”

A cold chill seeped into her bones, down to the marrow. “Thanks. I’ll do my best to find where she could be.”

Clara gave her another of those searching frowns before walking away. Yeah, it was official. Her family definitely had problems.

Roxy’s room was impeccably clean for a teenager. She must take after her mother. Hell, the whole house was so clean it put Cyn’s place into the pigsty realm. She was surprised there were so few things to indicate a teenager lived there. No photos or anything colorful. The room was decorated in a navy blue that made her scrunch her nose. She loved blue, but the whole set up in there appeared to be out of an impersonal hotel.

Where were the photos, perfumes, knick knacks? Nothing. There was nothing to indicate that a teen had been in that room for a day, much less for years.

She sighed. And did a slow walk around the bed. There had to be something. Walking toward the dresser, she glanced to and fro. The curtains were pulled open, and the sun began to set. She’d need to hurry if she was going to meet up with Brock in time. Stopping in front of the dresser, she glanced at herself in the mirror. A frown marred her brows. Pulling drawer after drawer open, she was careful to search for anything that could give her a clue to where Roxy could have gone. After rummaging through all the drawers, she knew there was nothing. Frustration started to mount inside her. There was a reason the girl was gone. She had to find out what it was. With a sigh, she sat down at the edge of the hard bed. How could Roxy sleep on that thing? It was rock hard.

She glanced over to the bedside table. An angel figurine and the usual children’s guardian angel prayer on a plate stood facing the bed. The angel wasn’t just any angel. It was a figurine of archangel Michael defeating Lucifer. By far one of the weirdest things she’d ever seen on a bedside table. Then again, her whole family was more than a little strange.

With a gentle tug, she opened the single drawer on the bedside table. Graded exams and papers filled it. The scores were perfect. Roxy was a very smart girl. Paper after paper she saw proof of her intelligence. When she was done going through them, a pile sat on the bed next to her. Staring at the empty drawer brought her another sense of sorrow. This was her cousin. She’d never really taken the time to get to know the girl.

A dull throbbing took hold of her chest. If only she hadn’t been so caught up with how her family history had affected her. Maybe then she’d have made an attempt at closing the distance with Clara and Roxy. But the reality was, Cyn had the constant fear of living the life her mother had. And she worked really hard to keep the demons at bay.

“Where are you, Roxy?”

Ready to put the papers in the drawer, she noticed the bottom of the drawer was a lot higher than it should be. But it appeared to be perfectly put together, without any edges to pull or hidden cavities. Swallowing hard at the quick beating of her heart, she yanked the drawer out of the table. And flipped it over. Jackpot.

A hollow underside on the drawer allowed for Roxy to have a book holder with a journal hidden away from prying eyes. Probably her mother’s. Finally, something to show for the girl. Glancing over her shoulder, to make sure she was still alone, she removed the journal carefully from the plastic holder.

She shoved the journal in her bag and hopped to her feet. A moment later, Clara, wearing a black piece of lace on her head, jerked opened the door.

“I’m going to church service now.” The sad smile she gave Cyn, with her lips quivering, tugged at her heart.

“I’m going too. I’ll go check out the police station, and then see about talking to Roxy’s boyfriend.”

Clara glanced away, stepping away from the entrance. “It’s his fault she’s gone.”

Poor woman. “Don’t worry,” Cyn said, leaving the room and heading down the stairs to the front door behind Clara. “I’ll find out where she went.”

* * *

Brock walked into the small police station having already noted how under equipped the place was. The front door was open, and only one person manned the place.

“Can I help you?”

Rookie. He could smell the kid’s eagerness a mile away. Not to mention the way he tried to add authority to his voice.

“James Brock, FBI. I called earlier.” He pulled out his identifications and showed the officer.

The kid’s eyes went wide, and a new interest sparked. “I spoke to you, sir. Kevin Waters.” He shoved out a hand for Brock to shake. “You wanted to know about Roxy Santos.”

“I understand she’s missing.”

The kid shrugged his scrawny shoulders. “Yeah, but with a crazy mom, I would be too. Sheriff thinks she’s just rebelling and hanging out with some friends for a few days.”

Right. Sounded like sheriff wasn’t doing his job. “Has no one taken into account that this girl has never been missing before?”

Waters shrugged again. A slow sizzle started in Brock’s hands. He knew the dark side was pushing the angrier he got. But he couldn’t help it with incompetents like Waters and the Sheriff assuming the girl was with friends and not bothering to search for her at all.

“Sheriff Kemp thinks she’ll show up in a day or two, and her momma is being…” he raised a hand and motioned a finger in circles by his ear. “Nuts,” he whispered.

“What if she’s not with friends?”

Waters went bug eyed. “Then she’s really missing.”

Fucking hell. If this was the kind of police force they had in Holy Oaks, he and Cynthia were on their own.

“So…” Waters stared him up and down. Taking in Brock’s much larger build and height. “You here to find her?”

“Unless you know where she is?”

Waters shook his head. “Nah. But her boyfriend might know. Josh Landley. Or her ex-boyfriend, Luis Gomez. She kept going back and forth between the two.”

Interesting. Brock leaned forward, hunching his frame to take away some of the intimidation he scented from the kid. “How do you know this?”

“My cousin, Carey Torrent, she’s dating Luis now. But she used to go out with Josh before.” He grinned. “It’s like they just decided to switch partners suddenly, and Josh and Roxy hooked up and Carey and Luis.”

“Do you know why?”

Waters pulled out a stick of gum and popped it in his mouth. “Nope. They’re kids,” he said as if he were that much older. “Carey said she got tired of Josh, and apparently Luis and Roxy were on a break. Whatever that means.”

“Anyone else you think would know where we can find Roxy?”

Waters chewed his gum with his mouth wide open. He did a perfect imitation of a cow eating grass. “She did some cleaning for the Landleys. It’s how she hooked up with Josh.”

“And you know this?”

“I told you. Cousin. Carey. She was always complaining about that girl. Everything she did bothered her.”

“Thanks for your help.” He turned to go when he heard Waters call out to him.

“Hey, wait, I have another question.”

Brock mid-turned and glanced at the young officer. “What?”

“What happens if you don’t find her?”

He didn’t detect any actual evil coming from the kid. Just curiosity. “We’ll find her,” he said. “You can bet on that.”

Marching out of the station, he noticed the sun had gone down in the time he’d been chatting with the rookie. Cynthia filled his mind. Her soft brown eyes and that smile that made the blood sizzle in his veins. The animal inside him wanted near her. The wolf he carried paced restlessly. And the beast from his dark side, it wanted her naked as soon as possible. Both liked their mate’s presence. Her scent and that intoxicating aroma whenever she was aroused. So yeah, he was going to run over to be by her side, even if he broke a few speeding laws.

He pressed the speaker phone and dialed the one person he needed to talk to on his team.

“Brock?” Donovan’s voice was strained.

He knew it was almost her time to go. “How’s that case?”

“Done and handled. But…” He heard her mutter a curse. “Brock, I have to go. Vega already knows. It’s getting worse, and I can’t be here. I can’t be near

“I understand. Do what you have to do. Call if you need us.”

She sighed on the other end of the line. “Thank you so much. I’ll be discreet and keep to myself.”

“What about—”

“Keep him away,” she ordered. “I can’t handle this with him around.”

Brock shook his head. He’d known Jane for the three years that she’d been on his team, and she’d never changed her mind. It would catch up to her one day. But that wasn’t Brock’s business.

“Okay. Be careful.”

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