Fifteen Going on Grown Up (11 page)

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Authors: Stephanie M. Turner

Tags: #teen fiction, #9781780888835, #Fifteen Going On Grown Up, #Stephanie M. Turner, #Matador, #young adult

BOOK: Fifteen Going on Grown Up
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“Goodnight Hally. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

He waited until she opened her door, then turned and walked down the path. He looked back and waved as she went inside and closed the front door. For a moment she leaned on the door, then sighed deeply and went to find her mum to tell her about her evening.

Chapter 8

Dana’s Note

The summer holidays slowly moved on with a combination of days and evenings spent with Clia and Corrinne, Wes and sometimes all four of them together. Hally always treasured her time with her friends and never put them off to go out with Wes. He told her one evening that he would never expect her to choose between seeing him or her girlfriends and his maturity was something she found very
attractive. Most boys her own age would be peeved that they didn’t get their own way.

Clia and Corrinne loved spending time with Hally and always pressed her about how things were between herself and Wes. She always told them everything about their dates and found it very comforting to confide in her friends.

One evening the three girls were sitting on the deck in Hally’s garden sipping lemonade. It was another really hot night following a very hot and humid day; storm clouds were slowly building up and the air was heavy with the impending storm. The girls were gossiping about some of their school friends, who was dating whom; who had recently broken up and more importantly which girls had gone all the way with their boyfriends. The conversation lapsed into a comfortable silence for a few minutes. Then Hally spoke.

“You know, there’s just one thing bothering me about Wes.”

Corrinne and Clia immediately sat up straight in their loungers all ears and interest.

“Hals, what do you mean?”

Clia asked gently and with a frown. Up until now, all they had heard about Wesley was how gorgeous he was; how mature he was and how he never tried it on with her.

“Well, I find it strange that he’s never taken me to his house. In fact he hardly ever mentions his family at all”

“Mmm…maybe he’s a bit nervous of you meeting his parents.”

Clia offered as a way of explanation.

“Have you asked him about it?”

Corrinne said matter-of-factly.

“Nooo…to tell you the truth I’m a bit nervous.”

“Mackeller, you dipstick.”

Corrinne announced with a grin. Then all three girls were laughing. At that moment Hally’s mobile rang. She reached for it and saw it was Wes calling; all thoughts of his parents gone from her mind.

“Hi.” She said breathlessly. “How are you?”

“I’m good thanks. You sound out of breath.”

“Oh, we were just laughing about something.”

Hally felt herself blush, glad he couldn’t see her since the topic of their laughter had been him; although not in a nasty way she told herself.

“Ok…anyway I called ‘cos I wondered what you were doing tomorrow. I know we arranged to see each other on Thursday; but my boss just called and told me I don’t have to work tomorrow now.”

Hally’s heart gave a flutter. It did that every time he rang her. She was still surprised that a guy like Wesley would be interested in her, and still felt the relationship was fragile. Her mum and friends had told her it was her confidence, or rather lack of it that made her feel this way; but she couldn’t help it. However, whenever they were together she felt both secure and confident.

“Hally, you there?”

Wes asked. She realised she hadn’t answered him.

“Sorry Wes. Uh…we, that is Corrinne, Clia and me, we planned the pool and then a picnic in the park.”

“Oh, Ok no problem…”

Hally noticed Clia making hand signals to her.

“Just a sec Wes, Clia is doing some sort of sign language.”

She looked to her friend who was now silently wording “Invite him.” She nodded her understanding and turned back to her phone.

“You could come with us, the girls don’t mind.”

She told him.

“That’s great, and listen, leave the picnic up to me. I’m a whizz when it comes to organising
al fresco.

They arranged the time and Wes said he would meet them at her house.

“Well I’ll see you tomorrow. Enjoy your evening with the girls. L…night night.”

He hung up before she had the chance to reply. Her excitement was palpable and her friends caught it quickly.


Said Corrinne.

“Oh, um, crikey.”

Was all she could get out.

“Hally what is it?”

Corrine demanded.

“I’m not really sure, b..but he..he was about to say something and quickly changed his mind. Then he said “night night” and hung up.”

Hally stammered.

“Well what do you reckon he was going to say?”

Clia asked gently.

“He started to say something beginning with el.”

She replied in little more than a whisper.

“What you mean something like elegant.”

Clia asked without really thinking. Hally shook her head.

“No, I mean the letter L, like at the beginning of love.”

As soon as the words were out, Hally blushed to the roots of her blonde hair. Both her friends were speechless. Clia recovered first.

“Wow Hally, that boy is smitten.”

This comment brought all three out of their shock and they burst into laughter. Only, very quickly Hally’s turned to tears as well.

“No, look; I probably got it all wrong. I mean he’s like a grown man, he wouldn’t just fall for me like that so soon. It’s only been a few weeks.”

“Stranger things have happened.”

Stated Corrinne.

‘Stranger things had happened.’ This thought kept intruding on Hally’s mind as she got herself ready for bed. Her friends had left after a lot more deliberation on Wes’ words, or rather lack of them; so Hally kept telling herself. Surely, no way was he going to say what she had thought. But, stranger things had happened. “Like what?” Hally asked her reflection, as she examined her face in the mirror. So far she had been lucky not to break out in a multitude of teenage acne like some of the girls her age. But still, she kept checking expecting an imminent eruption. However, for now her skin remained smooth and tanned.

“Dana and her crew leaving me alone. That’s really strange.”

She again spoke to her reflection. With everything going on with Wes, she hadn’t thought about Dana for a while. Now, a small pang of guilt invaded her thoughts. She had worried so much about Dana’s situation at first; but that seemed such a long time ago. She had seen her briefly during the holidays, but Dana kept her distance and didn’t even seem to be that interested in her own friends. Even in the Hotspot, she sat slumped alongside Penny and the usual lads, but had little to say. Hally even remembered one afternoon, Dana simply got up and walked out without a word to anyone. Hally’s mobile beeped indicating a message, and bringing her out of her reverie. Picking up the phone she saw it was from Wes. Quickly she opened the message and holding her breath read it.

hi just wanted to say goodnight and very much looking forward to tomorrow. x x x x x.

Hally read the message several times then quickly tapped in a reply.

me too night night x x x x.

All thoughts of Dana went out of her mind as she pressed the send button. She then settled into bed and let her mind drift into fantasies of Wes telling her he loved her in a variety of settings, all extremely romantic.

The storm that threatened arrived through the night fierce and furious, but had completely passed over by morning. Hally woke to bright sunshine casting tiger stripes across her bedroom walls as the sun filtered through the partially open blinds. After showering and dressing (she spent a long time choosing an outfit) Hally made her way downstairs. The house was strangely quiet. Normally mum would be busy in the kitchen; usually trying to keep Nathan in his seat at the table to eat his breakfast. However, this morning Hally found a very empty kitchen and a note on the fridge.

Hally sweetheart. Have taken Nathan to the summer play scheme and then going straight to your grandparents. Don’t panic, all’s ok.

Love you and see you later mum xxxxxxx.

Hally slowly released the breath she hadn’t realised she was holding. Mum went to see her grandparents every day; but she didn’t rush off first thing in the morning. So for today to be different Hally had immediately thought something must be wrong. Her grandmother’s cancer was rapidly getting worse and the family were sure it would not be long before she had to be cared for professionally. However at the moment, mum and her granddad were doing it between them, but it was getting much harder.

As she made herself tea and cereal, Hally pondered over why her mother had gone out so early. As she ate her breakfast she kept telling herself the note had said all was ok, but she was becoming more and more unconvinced as she ate. Eventually she put down her spoon, took out her mobile and rang mum’s number.

At first, there was no answer; just ringing then the messaging service. Hally shakily rang again and this time mum answered.

“Hello darling.”

“Mum is everything alright. I know your note said so, but I’m worried.”

Hally gabbled quickly to her mother.

“Everything is alright angel. Your gran had a rough night so I came early so granddad could get a bit of rest.”

“What sort of rough night?”

Hally asked suspiciously. Mum sounded a little too bright.

“Oh, she got out of bed a few times but couldn’t get back in again. So, granddad had very little sleep.”

“Shall I come over and help?”

Hally asked, not even considering how it would affect her plans; but mum told her it wasn’t necessary and that she should enjoy her day.

“You don’t have much of your summer holiday left, so have as much fun as you can. We’ll be alright, I’ll see you later. Ok darling?”

Her mum told her. Reluctantly Hally agreed and said goodbye.

She still worried as she got her things ready for the day and when Clia and Corrinne arrived they sensed something was awry.

“Is it Wes?”

Asked Clia after seeing her friend’s distress.

“Oh no, it’s just gran. She’s getting worse really quickly. Mum’s over there already.”

She went on to explain to them what her mother had told her. When she finished Clia spread her arms, palms up and said.

“Well your mum is always really open with you Hals, so when she says everything is fine, then that is exactly what she means. I mean, if it was serious, she would have definitely told you. She’s never kept your Gran’s illness from you in any way.”

Hally realised her friend was quite right and smiling said.

“Well I think I have everything, bikini, towel, shower gel and moisturiser. Have I forgotten anything Corrinne?”

“Um, extra undies, spare top…”

Hally and Clia burst into giggles.


Corrinne asked innocently.

“You just have to be prepared for any event.”

She told them matter-of-factly.

Wes arrived around eleven and the four set off for the swimming pool. They planned to spend a couple of hours in the water then the rest of the day in the park.

“I will have to call in at the Hotspot because I stored the picnic there.”

Wes told them as they strolled to the leisure centre.

“What delights have you prepared for us?”

Clia asked.

“Now that’s a surprise.”

He told them grinning.

After a very enjoyable and amusing (Clia’s bikini top came undone in the pool) session swimming, the four set off for the hotspot to collect the picnic. As they were not eating at the café and since it was lunchtime and busy; the girls waited outside. Wes soon appeared carrying a real wicker hamper. All three girls were surprised, they had simply expected a plastic bag with wrapped sandwiches.

Before any of them spoke however Wes held out an envelope for Hally.

“What’s this?”

She asked. The envelope simply had her name on it.

“No idea. Apparently someone left it behind the counter yesterday.”

Wes told her.

Hally was very curious and wanted to open it immediately, but decided to wait until they were at the park. Besides, there was something about the writing that seemed strange. It was very child like in style and Hally had a feeling she had seen it before, but couldn’t remember where. So she put it in her bag and turned to Wes instead.

“Where did you get that from?”

She asked, indicating the hamper.

“It’s mum and dad’s. They’ve had it for years. Mum said I could borrow it.”

This was one of the few times Wes had actually mentioned his family. Hally felt that strange sensation again that she was missing something but could not figure out what. She pushed it to the back of her mind and smiling said.

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