Fifteen Going on Grown Up (10 page)

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Authors: Stephanie M. Turner

Tags: #teen fiction, #9781780888835, #Fifteen Going On Grown Up, #Stephanie M. Turner, #Matador, #young adult

BOOK: Fifteen Going on Grown Up
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“And what if he? well you know, being older.”

She asked hurriedly. Mum smiled, put her glass down and put her arms out to her daughter. Hally crossed to her mum, sat down and let herself be comforted. Stroking her daughter’s hair mum spoke gently.

“Baby, if he is a nice boy he won’t even give you that worry. You will know quite quickly what he is hoping to get out of the date. Just remember, always, it is your choice and decision. Never allow yourself to be pressurised into anything. Only go with what you feel comfortable with, and remember, if things go wrong we can come and get you.”

They stayed like that for a short while, Hally letting her mother continue stroking her hair.

“I think he is a nice boy.”

Hally said matter of factly.

“He just seems open and honest.”

She sat up and sipped her juice. Mum smiled and sipped her own drink.

“Sometimes you can just tell can’t you?”

She asked her mum who nodded and kissed her daughter on the cheek.

“Yes, sometimes, but still be careful.”

Late into the night Hally awoke from a dream. She couldn’t quite remember all of it and the bits she could were fading quickly. She lay still concentrating on what she could remember. There was a vague recollection of Dana chanting something at her and of Wes laughing and pointing at her. When she turned to the mirror that seemed to be hanging in front of her, she saw the reflection of a heavily made up girl that didn’t look anything like her.

Hally threw off the cover and walked over to the window. It was a very hot night and everything outside was silent. As her eyes adjusted to the dark she saw the time was a quarter past three. She opened her window wide and breathed the summer air deeply. Standing still and quiet she let the remains of the dream flow from her, and as she stood quietly she heard a slight rustling in the shrubs below her window.

Carefully and as quietly as she could, she leaned out of the window and looked into the plants. At first she couldn’t see anything, the shrubs dark against the moonlight. Then she heard another rustle and a little snuffle and emerging from the shrubbery she saw a hedgehog. She watched with a smile on her face as the little animal quickly scurried across the lawn and disappeared into the darkness of the rear of the garden. Hally kept watching for several more minutes but she didn’t see the hedgehog again. However, the pleasure of seeing it completely wiped out the fear of the dream and Hally returned to bed and soon fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

Chapter 7

Holiday Romance

At six thirty in the evening Hally sat at the kitchen table desperately trying to control her nerves. All day she had managed to contain her excitement and keep busy wishing the time away. Corrinne and Clia had spent
most of the day with her and together they had decided on her outfit for the date. Now she sat waiting and wondering if Wes was going to enjoy her company or decide she was just too young to have as a girlfriend.


She said out loud to the empty kitchen. Mum and dad were in the study, and Nathan was due home from his friend’s house at the same time Wes was due to arrive. That thought set her nerves jangling. Nathan was bound to cause chaos; he always did when he came home. She smiled to herself knowing she was thinking too harshly about her little brother. Nobody could dislike him; he was just a very active, normal little boy. She was just so unsure of herself and the confidence she had found yesterday had now deserted her.

Just before seven Nathan came running through the back door, diving for the fridge at the same time the front door bell rang. Hally tried to get up and get to the door first, but Nathan managed to whiz out of the kitchen clutching a carton of juice and opened the front door.

“Hello, who are you?”

Nathan asked nonchalantly. Wes looked down at him and was about to speak as Hally arrived behind her brother.

“He’s my little, (rubbing the top of his head) very annoying brother.”

Hally managed before Nathan could utter a word.


Nathan sputtered, as Hally gently turned him away from the door and pushed him back down the hallway. Nathan turned and walking backwards called out.

“I’m telling mum.”

Hally giggled, the nerves melting away.

“Hello, please come in.”

She stood back as Wes stepped into the house.

“Come through to the lounge, or we can go into the kitchen. Would you like a drink?”

Hally gabbled as she led the way. Suddenly she stopped and Wes bumped into her. He put his arms out to steady her just as she jumped out of the way and ended up sprawling down the hallway. Completely red faced and embarrassed her one thought was that her decision to wear jeans was absolutely right. Her face became an even darker shade of red when she imagined the scene if she had chosen the denim mini instead. Oh what a sight then; with her knickers displayed thirty seconds after he had arrived. However, sighing deeply and trying to regain some composure; Hally got to her knees. As she was about to stand up, strong arms were lifting her to her feet.

“Are you alright?”

Wes asked her gently. He had a very small smile on his lips but his face was all concern. Hally felt herself melt and started blushing all over again.

“Uh, yes, I’m fine, thank you. Oh crikey, you must think I’m a right klutz. First the café now…”

She didn’t finish the sentence. Wes was fully smiling now and still holding her.

“No Hally, I don’t think that. Believe it or not I’m just as nervous. But still, it’s a great ego boost when a girl throws herself at your feet.”

She could see he was trying not to laugh and this made her giggle; then they were both laughing. Hally’s nerves again disappeared and she very lightly tapped him on the arm with her fist.

“Excuse me Wesley…”

she began, which made him laugh even louder.

“Oh telling me off now are you?”

They were interrupted from continuing by Nathan charging back into the hall, heading for the stairs.

“Hah, you two are gonna kiss aren’t you.”

He announced bluntly. Mum was following behind him.


She said in a warning tone. Nathan looked at his mother with downcast eyes.


He began, but mum’s look quieted him as she pointed up the stairs. Without another word he trudged up the stairs as slowly as he could.

“Why don’t you two go into the kitchen; your dad is just making some drinks.”

Twenty minutes later Hally and Wes were on their way into town. Hally found herself chatting happily as they strolled along, and when Wes took her hand in his it seemed the natural thing to do. Her dad had been friendly towards Wes, and when mum came back downstairs with a slightly subdued Nathan, they sipped coffee and chatted. Now they were walking hand in hand and Hally felt completely at ease and very happy.

“So, what would you like to do?”

Wes asked, swinging her arm gently.

“Well, it’s a really warm evening, so…”

Hally didn’t know what else to suggest and felt herself getting embarrassed at her lack of decision making. However Wes didn’t seem to notice; instead he chipped in.

“OK, how about a drink at the Hotspot and then maybe go to the park. I could get some left over bread and we could feed the ducks.”

He suggested. This seemed like a really good idea to Hally, although the thought of being at the Hotspot with a boy in the evening was a little daunting. There was bound to be people there who would not be happy that Wes had chosen her.

The café was as Hally expected quite full. Surprisingly though there were very few people she recognised. She spotted a few girls from the year above her and they gave her curious, but not unkind looks. There were a few boys from her year and a couple from her form. She said a small hello to them and then Wes was asking what she would like to drink. Quite a few people spoke to him as he went behind the counter and got their drinks himself. Some laughingly joked about bringing his date to work, but he made it clear he wasn’t working and would not be serving them.

They sat by the window sipping their drinks and chatting comfortably. Hally had no attack of nerves, nor did she spill or choke on her drink. She had a small moment when the door opened and Penny Cuthbert walked in with a boy Hally didn’t recognise. Hally was surprised Dana wasn’t with her, they always hung out together. Penny gave her an evil look; then without a word she walked to the counter and started chatting to some other older boys. The boy she was with seemed to know these boys and before long they were all laughing loudly.

Wes looked at the group with a frown. Hally was about to ask why when he spoke.

“That group are heading for trouble.”

“What do you mean?”

Hally asked.

“From what I’ve heard they were all part of that thing with Martin Cob. Somehow though they managed to get away with it. Gave each other alibis or something; just goes to show there’s no loyalty among thieves since they didn’t help out their mate Martin.”

“You must hear a load of gossip in this place.”

Hally replied. She hoped he hadn’t heard any about her. He smiled at her warmly and said.

“Yes I do, for instance, I know about the trouble you had at your party. I had only just started working here and a few guys came in and I overheard them talking about this really cool party that a couple of girls tried to ruin. I sort of asked a bit about it and they told me who you were. I got the impression that they sort of fancied you.”

Hally felt the blush spreading up her face. She felt a mixture of shock and embarrassment. None of the boys she knew fancied her, or at least she didn’t think they did. She was a bit lost for words. Before she could work out what to say, he spoke again.

“So, when I gave you back your jumper I asked some of the customers in the café if they knew who you were. A girl said your name was Hally and it clicked you were the girl whose party the boys had spoken about before. I knew then I wanted to get to know you; and luckily for me you came in here yesterday.”

Hally sat for a few seconds unable to speak. To cover this up she sipped her drink slowly. Finally she felt able to speak normally.

“So, you knew my name already when I saw you yesterday. Why didn’t you tell me?”

She wasn’t annoyed, just curious.

“Well I didn’t want to freak you out. You know you might have found it a bit weird; a complete stranger calling you by name. Then, you seemed so nervous, I didn’t want to scare you off, so I let you introduce yourself. Actually, I liked that because you got your confidence back really quickly and I …”

Wes stopped as Hally began giggling.

“Now you’re the one who’s gabbling.”

She told him confidently. Then they were both laughing. When their laughter subsided to a comfortable silence, Hally spoke shyly.

“Actually I fancied you the moment I saw you. I just didn’t have a clue what to do about it. Then Clia called a friend of her brother’s and she told her who you were. So we sort of planned to come in here yesterday so I could see if you were here and somehow get you to notice me.”

Hally couldn’t bring herself to look up, instead she studied the drink in her glass. Then she felt Wes’ warm hand cover hers. She finally looked up and was thrilled to see he was smiling warmly.

“What are we like?”

He asked. Then they were laughing again. Hally felt like she had known him for months rather than a few days, and it felt so right being with him.

Later, armed with a large bag of bread they strolled through the park; chatting and feeding the ducks. Wes explained that his dad had moved jobs and since he had to re-sit his A levels anyway was quite happy to move to a new town. Hally didn’t think she should ask why he failed his exams this soon into their relationship, but made a mental note to ask about it sometime. She did however tell him all the details of her party and the full story behind it. She even felt comfortable telling him about her past problems with Dana and her gang; blushing furiously when she told him about the name calling. Wes stopped walking, turned and looked down at her and took her hand squeezing it gently.

“Well you certainly don’t have to worry about any of that now.”

He gently told her as he looked into her eyes. For a panicky few seconds she thought he was going to kiss her then and there; but he just smiled as if he could read her mind, and still holding her hand carried on strolling around the lake. She didn’t know whether to feel relieved or disappointed, but it felt nice to have him holding her hand.

At just after ten thirty they arrived back at Hally’s house. Now the nerves came back strong. Should she ask him in, would he expect that? She had no idea. However once again Wes seemed to know the inner turmoil she was feeling and saved her any embarrassment.

“Well Hally, I have to get home now. It’s been a really wonderful evening. Can I see you again?”

She was both shocked and excited. She actually hadn’t thought beyond this evening, and now he was asking to see her again. It just hadn’t crossed her mind that there would be more dates. She didn’t know why, it just hadn’t entered her head. Now she smiled and nodded. He leaned down towards her and gently took her face in both his hands. He then slowly kissed her on the lips. It was soft and brief and when he lifted his head and looked at her he was smiling.

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