Fifteen Going on Grown Up (14 page)

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Authors: Stephanie M. Turner

Tags: #teen fiction, #9781780888835, #Fifteen Going On Grown Up, #Stephanie M. Turner, #Matador, #young adult

BOOK: Fifteen Going on Grown Up
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“Gran wants to meet you.”

“Ok. Whenever you want.”

Corrinne and Clia glanced at each other, then quietly took their drinks into the garden. Hally noticed her friends disappear and was very grateful to them.

“So how come you are not at work?”

She asked him.

“Well it was really quiet, and since school starts in a couple of days and I will have to reduce my hours anyway; my boss said I could leave early since I was doing him a favour today. So I thought I would surprise you instead of ringing.”

“Well I think you got the surprise, seeing me looking like an overripe raspberry.”

She told him. Wes laughed and pulled her to her feet.

“You look gorgeous.” Which made Hally blush on top of the tear induced redness. “Let’s go into the garden with Corrinne and Clia.”

Not long after, mum came home with Nathan in tow. As they came through the garden mum said hello to everyone as Nathan kept up a stream of chatter about what he had done at play scheme. In between, mum was able to invite the girls and Wes to stay for dinner and still respond to Nathan. The sun was still warm and Hally began to feel better about everything. Wes was his normal self and she was able to put her fears and doubts to one side.

Over dinner the conversation turned towards Gran. Mum had already brought dad up to date and told him all about Nurse Mildred, so the discussion was fairly light, which was just right with Hally. She didn’t think she could stand bursting into tears again. Casually the subject of Wes meeting her was raised. Hally still had a little twang of nervousness about this; but Wes seemed relaxed and keen. He had completely won over her parents during the weeks she had known him and he chatted animatedly with both of them. But still he never seemed to mention his own family.

“Do you have any grandparents?”

Mum asked as she served dessert. Nathan was already rapidly spooning his into his mouth, keen to get to his play station.

“No, unfortunately, both sides died a few years ago. It’s just mum, dad, me and well, my parents’ little surprise.”

Hally looked up suddenly, as did both Corrinne and Clia. This was something new and she was a little taken aback that he had not told her before. Mum smiled.

“How old?”

She asked. Before Wes had a chance to answer, Nathan chimed in.

“Please can I get down from the table.”

He was so sweet and polite, Hally felt like hugging him. Usually he would gobble his food as fast as possible and gabble out the request to leave the table. It seemed Wes was having an influence on him too. Mum gave him permission and even more unusually, he pushed his chair in and walked from the kitchen. However, it seemed he couldn’t contain himself after that, because they heard him thundering up the stairs to his room. They all laughed then turned to Wes for his answer.

“She’s just turned two.”

“That must have been a bit of a shock to your parents to have such an age gap.”

Mum commented. Hally sat feeling stunned by this information, and made a mental note to question Wes as to why he hadn’t told her about his very little sister.

Hally got the opportunity a little later. Corrinne and Clia had both gone home, mum and dad were in the study chatting to friends on the internet and Nathan was still in his room. Hally was curled up on the sofa with Wes’ arm around her watching television. It was very comfortable but Hally couldn’t help the nagging feeling in her mind that Wes was keeping secrets. As casually as she could she said.

“So what’s your sister’s name?”

He paused before answering.

“Ellie, well she’s really Eleanor, but I, we, call her Ellie. It’s much sweeter, and she really is very cute.”

He was just as casual with his reply, but Hally still felt something wasn’t quite right.


She didn’t get any further.

“Uh oh. The full name. Am I in trouble?”

He asked with a big grin on his face. Hally gave a little laugh.

“No of course not. It’s just, well, you have never taken me home and I hardly know anything about you. I mean it was a huge surprise to find you have a teeny tiny sister. Why haven’t you told me before?”

Hally gabbled all of this out in one breath. She felt a little embarrassed but looked right into his eyes waiting for his reply. She felt him take a deep breath then he replied.

“My parents are a little over protective, but you’re right I should have introduced you to them. I have told them about you, I’m just nervous about you meeting them.”

Hally didn’t give him time to say any more before she jumped in worriedly with.

“What, won’t they like me?”

“Hey, it’s ok. Of course they will like you. I… it’s…well, my last girlfriend took off and…like I said they are over protective.”

Wes stopped speaking and looked away. Hally was extremely confused. Of course parents were over protective, but this seemed very odd. Wes had gone very quiet and didn’t seem to want to look at her.

“I’m sorry. Have I said something wrong?”

She asked tentatively. Wes looked down at her and she felt a jolt through her heart as she saw moisture in his eyes. She could feel he had tensed against her too. She reached up and placed a hand on his cheek.

“What’s wrong?”

She asked in a small soft voice. Wes covered her hand with one of his and tried a small smile.

“I’m the one who should apologise. This is not your fault.”

A thread of fear went through Hally; but before she could speak, Wes continued.

“I went out with this girl for like two years and mum and dad thought the world of her. Everything was fine, then she told me she didn’t want to be with me anymore. Just like that. No reason, she just turned cold and nasty. My parents were as cut up about it as me. Then we heard she and her family moved away. She was my first real girlfriend and well; I haven’t had a serious relationship since, until I met you. I mean I went out a couple of times with a couple of girls, but that’s all. So as much as I want you to meet my family, I suppose I’m scared.”

Hally felt overwhelmed by this information and at first couldn’t think of what to say. Then taking a deep breath she asked.

“So, are you over her?”

Hally felt Wes relax next to her, but he tightened his hold around her.

“Oh my Hally. I am so over her. Even before I met you. I came to realise that she wasn’t a very nice person. Moving here made me realise lots of things. We discussed moving away from Oxford to give us all a fresh start and it has worked out really well.”

He then leaned down and kissed her, and that was all the reassurance she needed.

The weekend went by in a haze of spending time with the girls, Wes and getting ready for school on Monday. The first day back always made Hally nervous. She had a fear of everything being different and more difficult, but this year there was a big difference. As usual she met Corrinne and Clia where their roads joined but Wes was there too.

As they all entered the school gates, the usual teachers were present but Dana wasn’t. At first Hally didn’t even notice, Wes was holding her hand and quite a few girls were looking on with interest. However, Corrinne gave her a nudge when she saw Penny Cuthbert coming toward them.

“Hey, have you seen Dana?”

Penny asked in what she obviously thought was a tough voice, but to the others just seemed childish. Before Hally answered, Clia cut in.

“Now why oh why would we have any idea where your mistress is?”

They all laughed except Penny who looked from one to the other with a very confused expression.

“I… what, what is that supposed to mean?”

Without replying they all laughed and walked away from her making their way to their favourite bench.

The day was uneventful. The usual welcome back assembly, sorting timetables and teachers lecturing them on how important this year was going to be. Hally briefly saw Wes during morning break, but as he was in sixth form his timetable was a lot more flexible and he would have more study time than lessons, so she wouldn’t be seeing much of him actually at school.

What was strange was not seeing Dana at all. She often skived some lessons, but was nearly always at school at some point during the day, even if it was only to meet up with her friends at lunchtime. Hally felt a small pang of guilt for not trying to contact her after her note, but as Corrinne told her, their summer had been busy and enjoyable. Why should they spoil any of it on the likes of Dana who had only ever given Hally grief. With this is mind Hally put Dana out of her thoughts and instead thought how good this school year was going to be. She had Wes and it looked like at last she would have no more trouble with Dana and her gang.

Chapter 10

Mr Austin

The new term was indeed busy and though not particularly stressful the workload was quite intense. Hally’s favourite subject, English proved to be challenging but interesting. The students were given a list of books that they would be reading throughout the year and a list of recommended reading that
would support the set books. Several of these, Hally had already read as had Corrinne and Clia, so re-reading them was recreational rather than studious. Mr Austin, their English teacher was very pleased with this and sent letters home to all their parents congratulating them on their dedication to the subject.

However, in class Mr Austin treated the girls the same as all the other students. He had been very aware of the problems Hally had incurred from Dana and her friends, and although none of these girls were in the same group as Hally, he knew what they were capable of outside the classroom. Still, he knew Hally was one of his brightest students and that English was her strongest subject, so he was determined to give praise where it was due.

This became very evident at the beginning of the third week back in school. The students had been given a writing assignment. They had to compose a poem about dread, and Hally had chosen her Gran’s illness as the topic of her poem. She wrote straight from her heart and was given an A star grade. On top of this Mr Austin asked if he could read it out in the year group assembly. Hally agreed, but felt very embarrassed.

It seemed very strange to hear someone else reading her thoughts to her peers. At the start there were a few snickers from Penny and her group but a scathing look from Mrs Wateley quietened them very quickly. As he read on, Hally glanced around and saw her peers were giving her work their full attention. It might have had something to do with the way Mr Austin read it out, but they all seemed really moved by her poem. Even the boys, who usually stared at the floor seemed interested. When he finished reading there was a moment of silence then applause. Hally felt herself blush, then an overwhelming sense of pride.

“Well done Hally. That is an excellent piece of work.”

Again there was applause. After, as they were leaving to go to lunch several people passed Hally and complimented her. She had always been able to write well but this was the first time it had been made public and shyly she enjoyed the moment.

Wes was waiting for them when they came out, and Clia launched into a detailed account of the assembly. Wes hugged Hally and told her he was very proud of her. Then he whispered in her ear.

“Can you come and meet my family this evening?”

Hally felt herself glow with pleasure and quickly nodded. She only hoped the meeting would go as well as the assembly.

Hally dressed carefully for the visit to Wes’. She had told mum all about it and how nervous she was. Mum had held her and tried to reassure her but knew Hally would only feel better once she was there. As arranged Wes called for her at seven and hand in hand they walked across town to where Wes lived. Hally was actually surprised to find he lived quite some distance from her home, and chatted comfortably about in on the way. Wes explained that they had chosen the house because it was old and had a huge garden. His dad was a builder and his mum although a trained accountant did interior design as a hobby, so between them they had begun renovating.

As they got nearer, Hally began to feel tense. Wes sensed this and put his arm around her. But as they turned the last corner and Hally saw the house her nerves disappeared. It was gorgeous, not because it was huge, but because it was set behind wrought iron gates; surrounded by lawns and shrubs and bordered with big old trees. These were just beginning to change colour and the reds, oranges and gold of autumn glowed in the evening sun.

Wes took Hally around the back of the house explaining that they rarely used the front door and Hally gasped when she saw the rear garden. It was big and open and overlooked the fields on the edge of the town. Hally had lived in the town all her life but didn’t even realise there were houses like this. She and her friends mostly stayed in the newer part of Colingford, but silently she resolved to find out more about her home and to encourage Corrinne and Clia to do the same.

Wes led Hally to the backdoor and her nerves flooded back. She was sure his parents would either dislike her or think she was too young. As she stepped through the door she saw a wide open, but modern kitchen and a small, round, dark haired woman tending pots on the cooker.

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