Fighting to be Free by Kirsty Moseley (4 page)

BOOK: Fighting to be Free by Kirsty Moseley
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“Hey Brett,” I said with forced politeness, don’t get me wrong I liked Brett but I just didn’t appreciate being forced into something by a threat of violence.

“Hey, Kid. So, I’m just about to send you the list for tomorrow night, be at the warehouse for nine pm. I‘ve done the scouting, should be easy,” he said happily.

“Sure Brett. See you then,” I answered, snapping the phone shut swearing under my breath.

“Problem?” Connor asked.

I shook my head, “Nothing I can’t handle.” I was trying desperately not to look forward to tomorrow night, but I just couldn’t help it, the thought of doing a boost was looking better and better everyday.

My phone beeped and I opened it, eager to see the list for tomorrow night. I stared at the screen shocked, the excitement that I was trying to keep at bay was bubbling over as I looked at the last car on the list.

1) Audi R8 Spyder

2) Alfa Romeo 8c Competizione

3) BMW Z4

4) Porsche Carrera GT

5) Bugatti Veyron

I laughed, holy shit I’m in real trouble. A Bugatti Veyron was an awesome car and the price alone was enough to make me feel weak at the knees, they cost a cool $1.7 million. Even the Alfa Romeo was a rare car, I think there’s was only five hundred of them made. Wow, this boost would be awesome. I could feel myself being suckered back in at the thought of driving them, I really needed to stay strong.

I went for a couple of drinks with Connor after he finished working, he honestly was a great guy.

“Christ, look at her,” he said, nodding discretely as a pretty brunette girl walked in.

“Yeah nice,” I muttered, pretending to be interested. It’s not that I wasn’t interested, I mean jeez this girl was hot and I was a guy for goodness sake, but I just didn’t want to get into anything like that.

I was 14 when I got sent down and I had a lot of attention from girls and even women in their 20’s, but I’d never been with a girl. I couldn’t, I was ashamed of my body. I mean, yeah I was fit and in shape, but my past was clear across my skin and I just didn’t want anyone to see it and ask about it.

No one knew and I wanted to keep it that way, hence no girls seeing me naked. Hell, I’d love to hook up with a girl but I just couldn’t see it happening to be honest. I would probably die a virgin, but that’s cool, I’d already accepted that and was ok with it.

After a couple of hours I made my way home, I could barely sleep that night, it was hard to sleep anyway because of the noise that usually went on until about 2am, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the cars and the rush of adrenalin I would get tomorrow. I made sure I slept a couple of hours through the day too because the boost would probably take all night.

At eight thirty I drove over to the warehouse, trying to rein in my excitement. As I walked in I saw Terry sitting there with another guy I recognised from when I used to work for Brett.

“Hey Rob,” I said grinning. Rob had been on a lot of boosts with me in the past, he was an ok guy.

“Hey kid,” he said slapping me on the back. It was so easy to fit back in with these guys, they didn’t care where I’d been or what I’d done, it was just easy acceptance.

“You on with me tonight?” I asked, looking round for anyone else.

“Yeah, Enzo’s driving, Then me and Terry are with you,” he answered, nodding at Terry.

I looked at Terry, he had a cut over the bridge of his nose and two nice black eyes from where I’d punched him. “Awesome. What happened to your face Terry? Looks bad,” I teased, smirking at him.

He stood up and looked at me warningly, “That’s two Jamie, you won’t get three,” he growled.

“No man, trust me, you don’t want three,” I said, shrugging and turning away from him. If he wanted to attack me he wouldn’t do it from behind, that was a code we had around here, you want to start something, you be man enough to do it face to face. “Ray, where’s my package?” I called over to him, he pointed to his desk and I went over and grabbed the brown envelope off of his desk ripping it open and sitting down to read through it.

Inside were all the details of the boost, the location of each car, the owners routines, any security on the car’s that could be easily viewed by walking past, such as alarms and immobilisers. It also had photos of each car. I stopped at the Bugatti, it was incredible and my hands started to sweat just at the thought of it. It was a nice one too, black with red doors, not even your run of the mil showroom car, this one was custom made. Even the Porsche was awesome and was probably priced at over four hundred thou.

“You see this list?” I asked Ray.

He grinned, “Hell yeah I saw it, man I can’t wait. Don’t scratch that car kid, I want to see it in all it’s perfect glory, I‘ve never seen a real one,” he gushed with wide eyes.

“I won’t scratch it. What do you think I am, some sort of half-baked idiot like Terry?” I asked grinning, making Ray laugh. I could see Terry staring at me, he looked like he wanted to rip my head off.

At nine Brett came down and pulled me into a hug, “Thanks for doing this kid, we haven’t been able to go after car’s like this since you’ve been gone. This is a really big score, as you can probably see from the list,” he said happily, he was looking at me proudly.

“Sure Brett, this is it though, right?” I asked, his cell phone rang and he turned away to answer it talking quickly.

He turned back to me a minute later, “Right then boys, get going, do them in whatever order you want as long as they all get here tonight. I have a couple of transporters coming to pick them up at 6am,” he said, slapping us each on the shoulder as he walked back up the stairs.

“You have my old stuff, Ray?” I asked hopefully.

He nodded and went over to his desk, pulling out my grey duffle bag that contained my ‘car stealing kit’ I guess you could call it. I rifled through the bag checking everything was in there and then nodded to Enzo, who led us to his car. I jumped in the front making Terry and Rob ride in the back.

“So, what order we going?” Enzo asked.

I shrugged, “Let’s just go to the closest first, as long as the Bugatti’s last I don’t care,” I said, feeling guilty that I was so excited, I really shouldn‘t be enjoying this.

He pulled out and headed to the nearest car. The BMW Z4. He parked a couple of cars back from it, I turned to look at the guys in the back. “I’ll drive it a couple of streets away, then Terry, you can take it back to Brett’s,” I ordered casually.

He frowned, obviously not liking me telling him what to do. “I wanted the Alfa Romeo,” he growled angrily,

“I don’t give a shit what you want. I don’t want you near me any longer, I can feel your stupidity lowering my IQ with every passing second. I need you away from me as quick as possible, before I forget how to tie my shoes.” I smirking at him, making Enzo and Rob laugh.

“Cocky little shit,” Terry growled.

I ignored him and jumped out, looking around cautiously. It was a deserted street, it was dark, not very many street lights, should be easy.

I made my way over to the car, getting the window bar out, this car had an immobiliser on it apparently. I shoved the bar down the side of the window and caught the locking mechanism and pulled it back out. My heart was crashing in my chest and I couldn’t keep the smile of my face. I jumped in and quickly disabled the immobiliser. There was a steering wheel lock so I grabbed my slide hammer and shoved it into the lock of it, slamming my hand on the end to release the lock. I pulled it off and threw it on the seat next to me, before yanking off the steering column. I grabbed my wire cutters and cut the plastic covers off quickly, sparking the wires and starting the car.

As soon as I heard the car roar to life, I could feel the excitement bubbling up inside. God I’d missed this so much, this high, this rush, the knowing I was so good at something that I wouldn‘t get caught. I pulled out, enjoying driving the car. This car was awesome, but on a scale of what I was doing tonight, it was probably number five, which is why I gave it to Terry. I knew he’d want one of the better cars, and I just wanted to piss him off some more.

I sped down the street, turning my lights on when I was safely off the street, and pulled over after a couple of minutes. I left the car running and jumped out, watching as Terry climbed out of Enzo’s car, walking over, looking like he’d had a stick shoved up his ass.

“Try not to scratch it,” I teased, rolling my eyes and walking back to the other car.

“Kid, I forgot how kick ass you were at this. That was incredible, immobiliser and steering lock, in less than a minute,” Rob said looking at me in awe.

I shrugged, practically bouncing in my seat with anticipation of getting my hands on another car.

“Let’s get to the next one.”

The second car went the same as the first, no surprises, easy, Rob drove that one back to the warehouse and Enzo drove me onto the third. “So I’ll get this one and you can follow me back,” I told him, grabbing my bag and checking everywhere before I jumped out and jogged to the Audi R8 Spyder.

The street was a little bit better lit than the last two, but it was well after midnight now so there was no one around, this was a respectable neighbourhood, everyone was probably in bed ready for their 9-5 job tomorrow. I shoved the bar down the side of the window and opened the lock jumping in, cutting the wires for the alarm and resetting it quickly.

I yanked the steering column off and cut the wires, sparking them, but nothing happened.


I slumped down in the seat and ran my hand under the dash, looking for the kill switch. A lot of nice cars had them, it had to be here somewhere, it was basically a little switch that was on the car that stopped the gas from getting to the engine. I wouldn’t be able to take this one if I couldn’t find the switch. Damn it, this wasn’t in the package!

I slid down into the foot well, looking all around but it wasn’t there. Fuck it, it had to be under the hood. I popped the hood and looked around to make sure the street was still clear. This was taking way too long! I grabbed my torch from my bag and jumped out, shrugging at Enzo who was looking at me with wide eyes. I yanked the hood up, leaning over, running my hand over the outside of the chassis when my hand grazed something. Oh thank God for that! I pressed the switch and let the hood down easy. Kill switches are really effective as long as you keep them out of sight, what was the point in having one if you have it where a guy like me can find it easily?

I grinned and headed back to the drivers side, shutting the door quietly and sparking the wires again, laughing as the car started up. I would get to drive this one, I pulled out and headed back to the warehouse, I turned the stereo on and couldn’t keep the smile off of my face as I drove down the street.

My cell phone rang, I snapped it open, “Yeah?” I asked, wedging it between my shoulder and ear, “What the hell was that? Kill switch?” Enzo asked, laughing.

“Yeah, fucking stupid place to put one, but yeah. I’ll see you there, ok? I’m gonna see how fast this car can go,” I said, grinning as I snapped the phone shut and pressed my foot harder on the accelerator really letting go, there was no one around so the road was deserted.

After about ten minutes I pulled into the warehouse with a loud screech, grinning as Ray rolled his eyes at me. “You even have your license?” Ray asked, laughing.

I nodded, “Yeah, I did it in juvie, passed with flying colours.”

He shook his head, “Who the hell in their right mind would give you a license?” he teased.

“Right, no time for chatting, I’m eager to get the Bugatti. Rob you come for the next one,” I said, as Terry stood up.

Terry frowned angrily at me, “I want to come! It’s the Porsche next, right?”

I nodded smirking, ignoring Terry. “Yeah. Rob, let’s go.”

“We have the key for this one,” Enzo informed me, throwing it in my lap,

“Yeah? You buy it?” I asked. Wow ,maybe I should have just let Terry come and get this one on his own, it wasn’t even a job if we already had the key.

“Yeah, Brett’s got someone inside the Porsche showroom. Once we got the VIN number it was easy,“ Enzo said smiling. (Authors note - VIN number is a Vehicle Identification Number - each car has it’s own one and once you know it you can buy a key for the car from the manufacturer).

Taking the Porsche was easy, the only thing it had was an alarm, so I sent Rob back to the warehouse with it, and headed to see the car of my dreams.

“Oh shit man, I’m so excited,” I said to Enzo, as we made the forty minute drive to where it was being stored inside a warehouse ready to be shipped out. The car was brand spanking new and hadn’t even been more than two miles on the test drive.

Enzo laughed, “I’m not surprised, that car is freaking awesome. Listen kid, you ever get tempted to just take the car and leave? I mean, that car’s worth so much money, you could just take it and go sell it to someone else for so much. Why give it to Brett like this?” he asked, curiously.

I laughed, “I could do that, but I wouldn’t live long enough to spend any of the money though, right? Brett would have me strung up by my balls.” Hell yeah that had crossed my mind, it hadn’t stopped crossing my mind since I got the list, but I had to do this for my Mom as well.

He pulled up outside the warehouse, “See you after then, Kid. Good luck,” he said frowning looking a little worried.

I pulled on a pair of latex gloves and pulled my hood up, there were security camera’s here that I’d need to disable. I ran over to the electricity box on the street and grabbed my dent puller, shoving it into the lock of the box and pulling it hard, making the lock pop completely out. I pulled the cover off and looked at the hundreds of wires that gave electricity to about a four block radius.

I dropped my bag on the floor and pulled out the schematics for the box, Brett had someone everywhere so getting things like this that told you which wires controlled each building was easy. I found the one I wanted and cut it quickly, glancing over at the warehouse, I noticed that the lights went off and the cameras stopped moving. I’d probably have about two and a half minutes before the generator kicked in, I’d have to be fast. I shoved the cover back on the box, people always laughed at me when I did this but I didn’t want to leave it off, what if some kid came along in the morning and got electrocuted or something?

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