Fighting to be Free by Kirsty Moseley (6 page)

BOOK: Fighting to be Free by Kirsty Moseley
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He was probably about 20, he had short brown hair, shaven all over into a buzz cut and dark brown eyes that sparkled mysteriously. He was absolutely gorgeous.

“Err, yeah no problem, you’re here now,” I said, playing along.

He turned to the guy smiling and holding out his hand. “Hey, I’m Jamie. You a friend of my girls?” he asked politely.

The other guy stepped back and shook his head, “Nah man, we were just talking. I’d better go find my friend,” he said quickly, nodding his head in the other direction and walking off.

The guy lifted his arm off of my shoulder, and I looked at him gratefully, “Thanks,” I said smiling at him, he smiled and I swear it was the sexiest smile in the world.

“No probs, you looked like you were having trouble getting rid,” he said easily. “I’m Jamie.” He bent down slightly to talk to me, I noticed he was tall, probably 6 foot 1 or something, much taller than my 5 foot 5 anyway. Even though I was wearing 3 inch heels, he still towered over me.

“Ellie,” I said trying unsuccessfully to pry my eyes away from his sex God face.

“What you drinking there, Ellie?” he asked, nodding at my drink.

“Err…’s vodka.” I frowned at it distastefully. He took hold of my hand and pulled me closer to the bar ordering two more vodka shots, I quickly downed the other double that Stacey had bought me, slipping the empty glass onto the bar.

Jamie turned back and passed me a shot glass, he raised his glass at me before downing the contents. I gulped and then did the same, I really didn’t want to drink anymore, I could feel myself starting to feel a bit weightless, which meant I’d drank more than enough to make my head pound in the morning.

I could see Stacey staring at me with wide eyes as she saw me with Jamie, she opened her mouth and fanned her face while mouthing the word ‘hot’.

I giggled and Jamie smiled leaning in, “What’s so funny?”

“My friend thinks you’re hot,” I blurted before I could stop myself. Oops!

He laughed, “Your friend thinks I’m hot? Shit, that means I just spent four bucks on the wrong girl,” he complained, faking annoyance. I laughed, genuinely laughed, which I haven’t done in a long time. “Wanna dance?” he asked, nodding towards the dance floor. Why not I loved this song, whatever the heck it was. It would give me an excuse to touch his sexy body.

“Sure, why not.” I looked at him through my eyelashes, flirting my ass off.

He grinned and took my hand, and pulled me close to his back, as he started to weave through the crowd. I could smell his aftershave, he smelt amazing and I wanted to be closer to get a better smell.

We made it to the packed dance floor and started dancing. I looked him over while we danced, he had on low slung ripped jeans and a checked red shirt, that he wore slightly open at the top and bottom, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I felt someone dancing close to me from behind, Jamie reached out his hands putting them on my hips, pulling me forwards into his body as we continued to dance. He looked slightly pissed off so I glanced back to see another guy dancing behind me, checking me out. I looked back to Jamie, wow the pissed off look suits him.

The song changed and I couldn’t help it I loved this song, I started dancing properly, I was grinding into him and swaying my hips, my chest rubbing against his. He put his arms around me and I felt him slip one of them down onto my ass. I bent my head forwards and brought it close to his neck breathing in his delicious smell, my God what is that smell? It’s incredible.

I could feel him getting aroused against me and damn it was making me so hot for him that I wanted to rip his clothes off there and then. I pulled back to look at him, his face was inches from mine and he was so sexy I thought I must have been dreaming.

He bent his head and brushed his lips against mine gently, so gently that if I hadn’t seen him do it, I would have said he didn’t. He pulled back slightly and looked at me as if waiting for my permission to continue, lust was written clear across his face. My body was burning at the thought of it and my God I wanted him. I rubbed my hands up his hard chest and slipped them round his neck, his short hair felt like silk as I rubbed my hand over it. He shivered slightly and I smiled as I pulled his mouth down to mine.

As his lips touched mine I felt something deep in my stomach, it was a longing, a burning need and it was spreading to every part of my body. He traced his tongue along my bottom lip slowly, asking for entrance. I gladly opened my mouth, he slipped his tongue in and massaged mine, it was demanding, masterful and sexy as hell. If I wasn’t hot for him before, I definitely was now.

He pulled out of the kiss too soon, making me whimper, “Wanna go somewhere?” he asked huskily.

Oh my god, he’s asking if I want to go have and sex with him! I only broke up with my possessive, controlling boyfriend yesterday, I can’t go have a one night stand with a sexy ass stranger. Can I? I bit my lip as I wrestled with my slutty side that was fighting to break free.

He seemed to sense my indecision and shook his head, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked,” he said, smiling apologetically, looking nervous.

He brought his head down and kissed me again, tangling his hands in my hair as he pulled me closer to him, deepening the kiss. My body was on fire and my slutty side won. I pulled out of the kiss and grabbed his hand. As I started walking towards the exit, I pulled out my phone from my cleavage and dialled Stacy. I knew she’d answer, we always put our phones down our tops when we go out, that way even though you won’t hear, it you’ll feel it vibrate if we needed to call each other or something.

“Hey girl, where are you?” I heard her shout through the phone.

“I’m leaving, I’ll see you later. Stay with the girls, Stace, and don’t drive for goodness sake,” I said loudly, so she’d hear me.

“You’re leaving? With that sexy ass boy?” she shouted, sounding shocked. Actually, I was shocked I was doing it.

“Yeah, I’ll call you later.” I grinned, excitement bubbling over.

I felt his hand tighten around mine as he pulled me to a stop by the coat desk, handing over his ticket, the lady gave him a black leather jacket. “You have one?” he asked, pointing to the desk. I shook my head making him frown, he turned and started leading me towards the exit again.

“That boy is totally fine,” Stacey cooed, I could just imagine her face as she said it and I grinned,

“You’re absolutely right there. Look, I gotta go, be safe, love ya,” I said, as I followed him out into the cold night.

He slipped his jacket around my shoulders and I smiled gratefully, he pulled me towards a taxi cab stand. “Can we go to yours?” he asked, as he pulled me close and starting to rub my arms, trying to keep me warm.

I shook my head, “Can’t, I have a little sister,” I said, desperately trying to think of somewhere. He looked thoughtful for a few seconds then he cringed slightly.

“We can go to mine, but it’s really not a nice place. I mean, it’s a bedsit, I’ve only been there for a week.” He shrugged, looking a mixture between embarrassed and uncomfortable.

“That’s ok, whatever.” I pulled him to me and kissed him again. He trailed his hand down my back over my hips, onto my naked thigh, before coming back up again under my dress, so his hand was resting on my ass. He moaned in the back of his throat and the sound drove me crazy, I wrapped my arms around him tight and kissed him hungrily.

A cab pulled up and he opened the door for me to get in, “Oh shit, I don’t have anything, you have anything?” he asked.

“Anything? Like what a STD or something?” I asked, a little shocked that he would ask that.

“A condom,” he said grinning at me trying not to laugh. I burst out laughing and blushed, holy crap that‘s embarrassing.

“Right, well no, I don’t have ANYTHING,” I said making emphasis around the last word, giving it a double meaning. He laughed too and shook his head before leaning and saying something to the driver.

We drove up the road before stopping at a gas station, where Jamie jumped out and bought what I assume to be condoms. He climbed back in casually, smiling at me and pulling me close to his side.

“So, I’ve not seen you at that club before, you go there a lot?” he asked, cocking his head to the side slightly, looking adorable.

I shook my head, “No, I’m not old enough. My friends dragged me tonight because I’m mending a broken heart, apparently,” I stated, rolling my eyes.

I didn’t realise at first, but he’d jumped away from me like I said I had the plague and was looking at me shocked. What the heck did I say?

“What’s wrong? Don’t worry I haven’t really got a broken heart. Not that it matters to you anyway, but at least I get to have hot re-bound sex, right?” I said giggling. He was just staring at me horrified. “What?” I asked annoyed, what the hell is he looking at me like that for?

“You’re not old enough to get into the club? Please tell me you’re not like 13 or something,” he said, running a shaky hand over his short hair.

I laughed, “I’m 17, I’ll be eighteen in three months,” I told him, laughing as his face relaxed.

“Thank Christ for that, I thought when you said…. oh never mind.” He blew out a big breath, shaking his head, smiling at me looking relieved.

“How old are you?” I asked curious, I would guess twenty or twenty-one.

“I’m 18,” he answered, grinning.

“You are? You look older. I bet you get that a lot, huh?” I asked, as he played with my fingers.

“Occasionally, but I’ve never heard it from someone as beautiful as you.” He leant in and kissed my neck lightly.

I couldn’t help but laugh at his effort, “Jamie, you’ve got me in the cab, we’ve just stopped to buy condoms and you’re still trying to impress me with corny one liners. Trust me,
not necessary,” I said, tilting my head back to give him better access to my neck.

He laughed and pulled back to look at me, “Maybe I want to try out my best lines on you,” he purred sexily, making my heart melt and my stomach get butterflies.

“Wow, that was your best line? Jeez stud, seriously? That was the corniest damn thing I’ve ever heard,” I said laughing.

He faked hurt putting his hand over his heart, “Ouch Ellie, that hurts. I’m really trying over here! So what would impress you? What’s the best line anyone has ever used on you?” he asked, looking at me curiously. I thought about it for a few seconds running through all the bad pick-up lines I’d heard, oh I got one!

I grabbed a handful of his shirt and pulled him closer to me, so my face was inches from his. “How about this one: did you just fart? Because you just blew me away,” I said, laughing my ass off.

He burst out laughing and it was the sexiest laugh I’d ever heard, it made my heart beat faster.

“Someone used that on you? Oh my God that’s too funny,” he said, still laughing. He wrapped his arm tight around me grinning, jeez he’s easy to talk to.

After a couple of minutes easy chatting and flirting, we pulled outside a really crappy building.

There was graffiti everywhere, women hanging out on the street corner eyeing Jamie with a seductive smile. He grabbed my hand and helped me out of the cab, pulling me close to his side, whilst looking around cautiously, he looked a little tense. Once inside the building it got even worse, there were cracks in the walls and more graffiti, saying things I wouldn‘t dare say in front of my mother. There was even a homeless guy asleep on the floor in the hallway.

I cringed into him, a little scared, maybe this isn’t such a good idea. “I thought you said this wasn’t a nice place,” I joked, making him chuckle.

He hurried me up the stairs and we stopped outside the door, I was suddenly really nervous. I was starting to feel a little stupid for coming to this crappy part of town with a complete stranger, for sex. Jeez, this wasn’t me, I never did anything even remotely reckless in my life, I was always the sensible one.

The door finally opened and he ushered me in. His room was totally bare, he literally had nothing, there was a dresser with a chair, a bed and a chest of drawers. There was not one photo or anything to say that this room was even being used. I heard him shut the door behind me and I turned to watch him lock us in with three locks on the door. I gulped and couldn‘t help the shiver that ran through me, yep definitely stupid Ellie, you’re about to get murdered, beaten and used, and probably not in that order.

He turned and looked at me when he was done with the door. I don’t know what my face looked like, but he suddenly looked sad and hurt. “You want to go? We don’t have to do this. I’ll call you a cab,” he said softly, making no moves to come anywhere near me as he pulled a phone out of his pocket.

If he’s saying I can go then maybe he’s not such a bad guy after all, and my God he’s so hot. I took a step towards him and he just watched me cautiously not moving, maybe he was afraid he’d scare me or something, he looked really nervous. This gave me some confidence back, so I closed the distance and pressed my body to his.

“I don’t want to go. Just don’t hurt me or anything, ok?” I said jokingly, but actually half serious.

He smiled, “I won’t, I promise.” He brought his lips down to mine softly.

As soon as he kissed me, my body started longing for him again, worse than in the club. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he stepped into me, pushing me against the wall gently and running his hands down my body, making me tingle. He got to the bottom of my dress and slowly started pulling it over my head, his fingers trailing along my body as he did, it felt like he was trembling a little. He dropped my dress on the floor and kissed me deeply as he ran his hands down my body slowly, making me burn with need. I unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off of his shoulders, he flinched slightly.

His body was amazing, toned and had the outlines of a six pack but not too defined, just perfect. He had lots of small scars over his abs and chest, probably from fighting or something, looking at the place he lived in. I trailed my fingers over them, wondering if he was in trouble a lot, he stiffened and I heard him suck in a sharp breath. He was watching my face, looking really unsure for some reason. I pulled his mouth back to mine, he moaned a little in the back of his throat making me so hot I’m surprised I wasn’t on fire. I could still feel the alcohol sloshing around in my system, urging me to do something I’d never done before, something I wouldn’t dare do if I wasn’t wasted.

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