Fire's Ice (11 page)

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Authors: Brynna Curry

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal

BOOK: Fire's Ice
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“I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t pity me, Liv. It is what it is. Others have come from worse. After she brought the demon home, Briella began to change. She’d linked with that thing to save his life. They married and Sorca was born.” Ari smiled down at Raine and saw a glimpse of her niece in the child’s face. “While I hated Briella, I loved my niece so. It broke my heart every time my sister would leave for days to tend someone, or travel to learn a new incantation from one of the other villages nearby. Daemon would go with her and shove the babe into my care. So, Sorca spent most of her time with me. She called me mama. I tried to correct her, but in the way of children, she knew who took care of her. Every time they came back to take her, I didn’t see her for days and it ripped at me.”

“Oh, Arianne.”

“I decided the dark power I possessed could do good. I would teach my sister a lesson, take the power away from her so she’d see the daughter she left behind. And I didn’t know they were still linked. I pulled in part of the demon and it twisted me for a time. Its whispers were seductive. ‘Destroy Briella. Take the child, and why not have the husband too? A glamour and he’ll never know.’” Free of the demon’s influence, the memories turned her stomach now. “I lost Sorca anyway and Sorca lost her parents, for all the good they were. I watched her grow from my prison, age and die while I stayed young. Saw the same with those who came from her, and tried to break Daemon’s wretched spell.”

“But when Devin came to you–”

“I was afraid and I didn’t love him then. It would have been wrong to tie him down when he had no caring for me either.” Ari knew Liv would understand. It felt good to tell another woman things she had held inside for so long.

“You’re in love with him now.”


“Then why haven’t you told him?”

“I’m afraid I’ll lose him.”

“Oh, honey. Trust me. You’d be surprised. Feel that? I think her fever has gone down.”

“No, Liv. I’m sorry. I’m doing everything I can just to keep it at bay.” Sitting beside the head of Raine’s bed in the huge white rocking chair, Ari kept her hands linked between the child and Liv, draining the excess power that was slowly killing the little girl. She didn’t want to focus on Raine’s face, or Liv’s and see the heartache there. She had done so much wrong, how could she ever hope to make it right? Briella and Daemon were gone into the mist. Sorca passed only a handful of years later.

Her eyes roamed to the huge castle painted on the wall beside Raine’s bed. She felt Jack’s love for his children in every part of the room’s structure. Skye was here too, surrounding them in a circle of fantasy with the mural. This whole room had been a gift from Jack and Skye, but it was the beautiful princess in the castle that caught her attention. Trapped. Waiting to be free. Love would free her. A lot like her story.

And in remembering, she realized she could save the child sleeping restlessly beside her. There was one way. She didn’t need to siphon the excess magic. Raine just needed more. More magic. More power. More control. And she knew where to find it.

“Liv.” Her voice was insistent, urgent and Liv jerked to attention, her eyes full of worry.


“I need for you to listen carefully. I think I figured out a way to save your daughter, but I need to be in the dance to do it. Will you let me take Raine there? Will you trust me with her? She can’t fight the fever much longer and I can’t hold it at bay.”

“What are going to do to her?”

“I can’t tell you that.”


“I can’t risk Devin’s interference. Especially now. He’d just needle the details out of you if you knew, and come after me. It has to be just the two of us for the spell to work. There can be no room for error. No mixing of magics, not Devin’s or even your own. Will you trust me with Raine?”

The expression on Liv’s face was one of shock, fear and desperation, but she nodded and Ari saw the woman’s strength. “All right. You made mistakes, Arianne, but you have a good heart. I’m counting on you. Please bring my baby back safe and sound. I would die without her. She’s my life.”

“I know.” She brushed a dark curl out of Raine’s face. Her heart hitched with her own fear, but she knew this was how it had to be. Maybe how it had always been meant to be. “I need to get out of the house unseen. If I’m more than thirty feet away from Devin outside the castle, I’ll be transported back to the dance. It’s part of the magic that keeps me here.”

Liv wrapped her daughter in a blanket and placed her in Ari’s arms. “Jack’s asleep. I’ll distract Devin long enough for you to get out the back door and across the yard. That should be enough distance to get you into the circle. Give me a few minutes, then go.” Liv slipped out of the room, leaving her with Raine.

“All right, darling. Time to play with Ari.” She brushed damp brown curls out of the girl’s eyes.

Raine stirred. “Sweepy. Feel bad. Want mama.” But she snuggled against Arianne’s chest and tangled tiny fingers in Ari’s hair.

“I know, precious. Soon. I promise. I’m going to make you all better so you can play with your mama again, but first we have to take a little trip.”


“It’s a magic trip and you get to be a fairy princess. We’ll both be fairies. How would you like that?”

“Make Aiden a toad?” She giggled softly. “Wibbit.”

Oh, boy. They were going to have a hard time teaching this one
an it harm none
. “Only if he’s really bad and you promise to change him back. Ready?”

“Go. Let’s go.”

She cracked the nursery door open and found the hall and living room empty. Slipping out into the night, she ran across the back yard up the rise toward the dance and felt the moment Devin’s power tried to hold her. Why did it feel like a betrayal to take the next step? Maybe she should go back, but no. No.
This is right. It’s the only way
. “I love you, Devin.”

She clutched Raine tight, closed her eyes, and took the next step and was inside the circle of standing stones. Hidden from mortal eyes by the mists of time, only Devin or Allie could reach them here. Two of the most powerful witches she’d ever known, and both would be coming for her. She had to hurry.

* * * *

Liv had roused him from his nap and now Devin sat with her at the kitchen table drinking coffee. “Don’t think I can’t see right through you, Liv. You may have your thoughts blocked from me, but you are up to something. You’ve barely left Raine’s side for a moment and now you’re force-feeding me coffee and cookies. What’s going on?”

He didn’t miss her shaking hand as she set the pot back on the warmer. “Nothing, just wanted some company is all. Raine is asleep. Arianne is with her. I can’t do anything but sit and stare at them both, so–”

Devin felt the tug on his power like yanking on a leash. Hell. “Ari’s gone.” Blast it all. At least he knew where to find her, but who was with Raine? He jumped up, causing the chair to fall in his wake, and flashed into the nursery. Ari wasn’t the only one missing.

Flashing back to the kitchen, he corned Liv. “What have you done, Olivia?”

“What I had to do to save my daughter, Devin. I trust Arianne. Maybe you should learn to do the same. There can’t be love without trust.”

“Who said anything about love?”

“You. Every time you look at her. The way you touch her hand, her face. Even the way you say her name. It radiates from you. Did you really think we couldn’t tell? She makes you happy. I know in my heart this is right. Just wait.”

“I can’t risk them, Liv. I can’t.”

* * * *

Arianne leaned against the king stone and felt the power pulsing through the ancient rock. She would use Brie’s circle to aid in the spell. Cradling Raine in her arms, she looked down into the child’s fevered face.

“Ready to play?”

“Play with Awee. I be pwincess.”

“So you shall, sweetie. I promise. Now, then. Just close your eyes so the fairies can work their magic.”

The child closed her eyes and Ari began to chant. The wind picked up and spun around to circle them, whipping their hair around. “Time and control is what you need and you shall have, precious.” She spoke from her heart. “All my power I give to thee, Raine Elisabeth Roarke, all my magic three times three. A never-ending circle of love to protect thee. As I will, so mote it be, precious girl.” And she repeated it twice more before kissing the child’s forehead, which was cool to the touch. She expected to feel weak, but she felt…free.

“All better?”

“Play! I pwincess.” Raine climbed out of her lap and tugged on her head. “Want mama! Play!”

“Absolutely. Let’s go find your mama.” She walked across the circle with Raine’s hand in hers and together they stepped through the standing stones. Free. She couldn’t feel Devin’s power or the dance holding her. Finally, the choice was hers, and she knew exactly what she wanted. She took a deep breath of night air, picked up Raine, and ran for the cottage.

* * * *

Devin opened the front door, Liv hot on his heels. He heard Jack come out of his bedroom, before he stepped outside.

In the moonlight, he saw Raine and Ari running toward him. Dark curls flying out behind them, the ancient woman and young child. “She’s free.” Why did that make him more afraid than anything else? Raine zipped past him and into her mother’s arms. Liv picked her up and hugged her close.

“There’s my baby girl.”

“I no baby. I pwincess! Da! Da!” She squirmed down and darted toward the house where Jack stood in the open doorway.

Liv crossed in front of Devin and up to Arianne. She shocked him by hugging the woman as hard as she had her daughter. “From this day until the last, I count you a sister of my heart, Arianne. A thousand thank-yous.”

“I feel the same. You are so blessed, sister. May you always be so.”

“You are blessed and you’d be crazy to let this gorgeous man get away from you.”

She turned to Devin and kissed his cheek. “Don’t be a stranger. We miss your handsome face, cousin.” Then she walked into the house.

“You’re free of Daemon’s magic and mine.”

“Yes. Are you angry with me?”

“No.” Hurt that she hadn’t included him, confused, but not angry. “Irritated you didn’t clue me in, but not angry. How?” He took her hands in his.

“I realized draining Raine’s magic wasn’t the answer. She was rebuilding it too quickly. What she really needed was her own control over the magic, something that would have taken years to learn. Time she didn’t have. The answer was so simple, if I could take away magic, then I could give it away as well. And so I did. I gave mine to her.”

“You gave Raine part of your power?” Stunned at her sacrifice, Devin watched her blush, embarrassed by her kindness. After all the years of waiting, knowing what Daemon’s spell and destiny had in store for him, and dreading every moment of the future, he would never have guessed he could love her with the intensity he felt now. Now that he could lose her.

“No. I gave her all of it. She’ll need someone to teach her the right way to use the magic, so it doesn’t twist her as I allowed it to change me. But I know we’ll be there to guide her. No matter the cost, her life was far more precious. I guess love really did free me from the spell, though not as I expected.”

We’ll be there to guide her
. She was staying for the child. Thank God, he still had time to win her heart.

“Nothing changes your life like a child. Allie taught me that.” Devin took her into his arms. “You are the most amazing woman. I love you, Ari.”

“Ah, a mortal woman now. I doubt I could even stir the air.”

“I’ll teach you.”

She smiled, remembering the last time he told her that. “Will you, now?”

“Mmm-hmm. There’s a lot to learn.”

“Just one other thing to settle first.”


“I love you, Devin McLoch, all that you are, were and will be. Laird, witch, thief and teacher. You are my heart, my life.” A single tear trickled down her cheek–hope, love and faith.

Devin caught the tear tight in his hand, turning her declaration of love into a bright pear-shaped diamond on a solid gold band. “And I love you, Arianne Farrell. Will you be my wife? Make a future with me?”

“Yes.” She gave him a wicked smile as he slipped the ring on her finger. “Let’s go home. We have some unfinished business to attend to.”

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