Flight of the Eagle: The Grand Strategies That Brought America From Colonial Dependence to World Leadership (132 page)

BOOK: Flight of the Eagle: The Grand Strategies That Brought America From Colonial Dependence to World Leadership
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Cavour, Camillo Benso, Conte di
Ceausescu, Nikolai
Cecil, Robert (Marquess of Salisbury)
Central America: canal plan; Castro in; CIA in; Clayton-Bulwer Treaty; Panama Canal; peacemaking in; and Reagan;
see also
Guatemala; Nicaragua
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); on Castro & Cuba; and Eisenhower; in Guatemala; and Iran-Contra; in Italy; on Korea; in Middle East; and Mossadegh; and Noriega; and Portugal; and USSR
Chafin, Eugene W.
Chamberlain, Joseph
Chamberlain, Neville
Chambers, Whittaker
Chamoun, Camille
Chase, Salmon P.; as chief justice; as presidential candidate; and Republicans; as Treasury secretary
Chase, Samuel
Chatham, Earl of.
Pitt, William (Earl of Chatham)
Chehab, Fouad
Cheney, Dick
Chennault, Anna
Chernenko, Konstantin
Chiang Kai-shek; at Cairo Conference; and MacArthur; and Nixon; on Quemoy & Matsu
Childs, Marquis
Chile; Allende in; Pinochet in
China; and atom-bomb calls; Boxer Rebellion; Civil War in; Cultural Revolution; and de Gaulle; demographic challenge; Dollar Diplomacy; economy of; and Eisenhower; and Formosa; Great Leap Forward; immigration from; vs. Japan; and Korean War; Manchuria disputes; and Nixon; Olympic Games in; Open Door policy in; People’s Republic declared; potential power of; on Quemoy & Matsu; Root-Takahira Agreement; Tiananmen Square massacre; and Vietnam;
see also
Choiseul, Étienne-François, Duke de
Chou En-lai; death of; and Dulles; and Eisenhower; and Formosa Strait; and Kissinger; and Nixon
Christopher, Warren
Churchill, Winston; on American power; on Asia; and Balkans division; at Cairo Conference; at Casablanca Conference; and D-Day; and de Gaulle; and European Defense Community; and FDR; on “finest hour,” and Gandhi; on German occupation zones; on Habsburg Empire; “iron curtain” speech; on Lend-Lease; magnanimity of; and Mossadegh; on Munich Agreement; political challenge of; at Potsdam; return to power; as “romantic,” and Truman; and Stalin; at U.S. Congress
Civil Rights Act of 1866
Civil Rights Act of 1875
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Civil War; Anaconda Plan; Antietam; Appomattox Court House surrender; Atlanta; and Britain; Bull Run (Manassas); casualties of; conscription & volunteers; Emancipation Proclamation; Fort Sumter; Gettysburg; Hampton Roads Conference; Murfreesboro; Petersburg; Richmond; secession votes; Seven Days’ Battles; Seven Pines; Sherman’s March; Shiloh; Spotsylvania; and veterans’ pensions; Vicksburg
Clark, Beauchamp (Champ)
Clark, Mark
Clark, William
Clay, Henry; on abolitionists; and Bank of the U.S.; censure of Jackson; and Compromise of 1850; as “Great Pacificator,” loyalists of; as presidential candidate; Senate retirement; on tariffs; on Texas annexation; as war hawk; and Whig Party
Clayton, John M.
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
Clemenceau, Georges
Cleveland, Stephen Grover; and Hawaii; second presidency
Clifford, Clark: on Israel; on Reagan; and Vietnam
Clinton, De Witt
Clinton, George; as vice president
Clinton, Henry
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
Clinton, William J. (Bill); and Bosnia; as career politician; domestic measures; and Gulf War; and Haiti; and Kosovo; and mortgage crisis; NATO expansion; and Northern Ireland; and Oslo Accords; prudence of; and Rwanda; and Somalia; and terrorism; on UN funding
Clive, Robert
Colby, Bainbridge
Cold War; Eisenhower de-escalation efforts; end of; Marshall Plan; and Mutual Assured Destruction; Reagan & Gorbachev
Cole, USS
Colfax, Schuyler
Collins, J. Lawton
Collinson, Peter
Colombia; and Panama
Committee on the Present Danger
Common Sense
Confederate States of America; battle flags of; readmission & Reconstruction; and Tyler
Conference for Progressive Political Action
Conflans, Hubert de Brienne, Count de
Congressional Medal of Honor
Congress of Berlin
Congress of Vienna
Conkling, Roscoe
Consalvi, Ercole Cardinal
Constitutional Convention
Constitutional Union Party
Continental Army; demobilizing of; force size; and militia
Continental Congress; Declaration of Independence; flight from Philadelphia; funding calls; and Paris peace talks; petitions to king; and war debt; Washington’s commission; weakness of
Conway Cabal
Cooke, Alistair
Cooke, Jay
Coolidge, Calvin
Cornell, Alonzo B.
Cornwallis, Charles, Lord
Coughlin, Charles E., Father
Coulson, J.E.
Cox, Archibald
Cox, James M.
Coxey, Jacob
Crawford, William H.
Crittenden, John J.
Croce, Benedetto
Crockett, Davy
Cronkite, Walter
Cuba; and Angola; Bay of Pigs; and Berlin; Castro revolution; FDR policy on; and Gorbachev; independence of; López attack;
explosion; missile crisis; and Ostend Manifesto; and Platt Amendment; rebels in; and Spanish-American War; and Watergate
Cumberland, William August, Duke of
Cumming, Thomas
Cunningham, Andrew
Curley, James Michael
Curtis, Charles
Custer, George Armstrong
Czechoslovakia; Communist coup in; and Hitler; Soviet invasion of
Czech Republic
Czolgosz, Leon
Daladier, Edouard
Daley, Richard
Dallas, George M.
Daniels, Josephus
Darlan, Jean François
Dartmouth, William Legge, Lord
Daugherty, Harry M.
Davie, William
Davies, Joseph
Davis, David
Davis, Henry Gassaway
Davis, Jefferson; as Confederate president; pro-slavery resolutions; as secretary of war
Davis, John W
Dawes, Charles Gates
Dawes Plan
Day, William R.
Dayton, William L.
Dean, John
Deane, Silas
Dearborn, Henry
Debs, Eugene V
Decatur, Stephen
Declaration of Independence; and Constitution; and French Revolution; on Indians; and Jefferson’s gravestone
Declaration of the United Nations (Atlantic Charter)
De Gasperi, Alcide
de Gaulle, Charles; ambitions of; appeasing Arabs; blaming America; at Casablanca Conference; and Churchill; and Cuban missile crisis; on D-Day; death of; “dictatorial personality,” ; and Eisenhower; and Fifth Republic; and Free France movement; and general strikes; and Germany; and Kennedy; on MacArthur; and NATO; and Nixon; and Roosevelt; Stalin on; in U.S.; and U-2 fiasco; and Vietnam
de Lattre de Tassigny, Jean
Delors, Jacques
Democratic Party; Chicago’68 convention; and Clintons; on gold standard; and Jackson; lack of convictions in; on League of Nations; racial attitudes; radical 1972 platform; and Reconstruction; slavery division; and southern vote; and Tammany Hall; and Vietnam
Deng Xiao-ping
Dependent Pension Act
De Valera, Eamon
Devers, Jacob
Dewey, George
Dewey, Thomas E.; and Eisenhower
Diaz, Porfirio
Dickinson, Angie
Dickinson, John
Dieckhoff, Hans Heinrich
Diem, Ngo Dinh; and Buddhist monks; murder of
Dillon, Douglas
Dinwiddie, Robert
Dirksen, Everett
Disraeli, Benjamin
Djilas, Milovan
Dobrynin, Anatoly
Dodge, Henry
Doenitz, Karl
Dole, Robert
Dole, Sanford B.
Dominican Republic; debt crisis in; military intervention in; and Trujillo
Donelson, Andrew
Doolittle, James A.
Doubleday, Abner
Douglas, Helen Gahagan
Douglas, Stephen A.; and Clay; and Kansas-Nebraska Act; and Lincoln debates; on “popular sovereignty,” as presidential candidate
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Dubček, Alexander
Dukakis, Michael S.
Duke, James Buchanan
Dulles, Allen; and Bay of Pigs; and United Fruit Company; and Vietnam
Dulles, Avery
Dulles, John Foster; and Chiang Kai-shek; and Chou En-lai; criticism of; and Egypt; and Germany; on Korea; successes of; as uncongenial
Dumas, Charles
Dunmore, John Murray, Lord
Dupuy de Lome, Enrique
Duquesne, Abraham
Dutch East Indies
Eagleburger, Lawrence

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