Flight of the Eagle: The Grand Strategies That Brought America From Colonial Dependence to World Leadership (133 page)

BOOK: Flight of the Eagle: The Grand Strategies That Brought America From Colonial Dependence to World Leadership
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Eagleton, Thomas
Early, Jubal T.
East Germany; and Berlin Wall; opening & reunification
East India Company
East Pakistan
Eaton, John
Eaton, Peggy O’Neal
Eden, Anthony; and Balkans settlement; on German division; and Roosevelt meeting; and Suez crisis; on Turkish president
Edward VII, King
Edwards, John
Egypt; Aswan Dam; and Camp David Accords; and Israel’s Sinai attack; Mubarak ouster; Six-Day War; and Suez crisis; and Yom Kippur War
Ehrlichman, John
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight D.; achievements; as Anglophile; at Buchenwald; budget discipline; and Castro; and China; and Churchill; and CIA; Cold War de-escalation; and Columbia University; command structure; containment strategy; and Cuban exiles; and D-Day (Overlord); and defense economy; and de Gaulle; and desegregation; domino theory; and Formosa Resolution; and Germany; heart attack; and hostile Congress; and ICBMs; and Indochina; interstate highway project; and Khrushchev; and Korean War; and Latin America; and Lebanon; and Marshall; and McCarthy; and Mossadegh; and NASA; and Nasser; as NATO commander; and Nixon; nomination maneuvering; North Africa command; on nuclear weapons; Open Skies plan; presidential draft effort; public approval; reception abroad; reelection; show of strength; and space program; and
; and Stalin; stroke; and Suez crisis; and Truman; and U-2 fiasco; and Vietnam; in World War II; and Yalta agreements
Eisenhower, Milton
Eisenhower Doctrine
Electoral College; in Bush-Gore election; in Hayes—Tilden election; in Jefferson—Burr election; and three-fifths rule; and vice presidency; and Washington
Elizabeth, Czarina
Elizabeth II, Queen
Ellsberg, Daniel
Ellsworth, Oliver
El Salvador
Ely, Paul
Emancipation Proclamation
Embargo Act (1807)
Endara, Guillermo
Enfant, Pierre-Charles l’
English, William H.
Entente Cordiale
Environmental Protection Agency
Erie Canal
Erskine, David
Ervin, Sam
Estaing, Charles Henri (Admiral), Count d’
European Advisory Commission
European Commission
European Common Market
European Defense Community
European Parliament
European Union
Eustis, William
Everett, Edward
Everts, William Maxwell
Fairbanks, Charles W
Faisal, King of Saudi Arabia
Fall, Albert B.
Farley, James A.
Farouk, King of Egypt
Farragut, David
Fauchet, Joseph
Faure, Edgar
Federal Home Loan Bank Act
Federal Republic of Germany; and Reagan; and reunification;
see also
Federal Reserve; and Roosevelt; and subprime mortgage crisis; Volker policy
Federal Trade Commission Act
Federalist Papers
Federalist Party; divisions among; and immigrants; vs. Jefferson; weakening of; and Whigs
Fenno, John
Ferdinand of Brunswick, Prince
Ferguson, Patrick
Ferraro, Geraldine
Fillmore, Millard; and Know-Nothings
Finch, Robert
Fish, Hamilton
Fisk, Jim
Foch, Ferdinand
Forbes, John
Ford, Gerald R.; vs. Carter; Nixon pardon; as president
see also
Formosa Resolution
Forrestal, James V.
Forsyth, John
Fort Duquesne
Fort Edward
Fort Frontenac
Fort Necessity
Fort Ticonderoga (Carillon)
Fort William Henry
Foster, John
Foster, Stephen
Foster, William Z.
Fox, Charles James; and naval blockade
France; and Algeria; and American Revolution; British defeat of; and Canada; and Civil War; Colbert’s economics; Communists in; and Convention of 1800; declining power of; and embargo; on European Defense Community; Fifth Republic; general strikes in; and Genêt’s privateers; German occupation of; greatness of; in Indochina / Vietnam; and Jackson; and Kellogg-Briand Pact; liberation of; and Louisiana Territory; and Mexico; Monroe in; and Morocco; Napoleonic Wars; and Panama Canal Company; Prussian defeat of; Resistance in; Revolution of 1848; and Rhineland occupation; in Seven Years’ War; ship seizures by; Spain invasion; and Statue of Liberty; and Suez crisis; and Texas; Third Republic instability; transitory government in; Vichy regime; XYZ affair;
see also
French Revolution
Franco, Francisco
Franco-American Treaty of Friendship
Franco-German Friendship Treaty
Franco-Prussian War
Franklin, Benjamin; as abolitionist; on American potential; and Braddock; on Canada; and Committee of Safety; and Constitution; constitution proposal; death of; and Declaration of Independence; diplomacy in London; esteem for; FDR comparison; and France; grand council proposal; on Intolerable Acts; at Paris peace talks; and Penn family; as polemicist; and son; on Stamp Act; on Townshend taxes
Franklin, William
Franks, Tommy
Franz Ferdinand, Crown Prince of Austria
Franz Joseph, Emperor
Frederick II (the Great), King of Prussia
Frederick William, King of Prussia
Freedmen’s Bureau
Free Soil Party
Frelinghuysen, Frederick T.
Frelinghuysen, Theodore
Frémont, John C.
French and Indian Wars. See Seven Years’ War
French Revolution; and Terror
Freneau, Philip
Frick, Henry Clay
Friedman, Milton
Fries, John
Fuchs, Klaus
Fugitive Slave Act; and
Dred Scott
Gadsden Purchase
Gallatin, Albert; and War of 1812
Gambier, James, Lord
Gandhi, Indira
Gandhi, Mahatma
Gardner, Augustus
Garfield, James Abram
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Garner, John Nance
Garrison, Lindley
Garrison, William Lloyd
Gates, Horatio
Genet, Edmond Charles (Citizen)
Geneva Accord
Geneva Convention
George, Walter
George I, King
George II, King
George III, King; demonization of; domestic opposition to; on Franklin; intransigence of
George V, King
George VI, King
Gerasimov, Gennadi
Germany: banking collapse in; Berlin blockade; Berlin Wall; Federal Republic recognized; Kennedy’s Berlin speech; and Khrushchev; Kristallnacht; and NATO; as naval & colonial power; Nazi rise; occupation zones in; rearmament of; reparations by; reunification of; and revenge; and Samoa; as semi-giant; unification of;
see also
East Germany; Federal Republic of Germany; Prussia; World War I; World War II
Gerry, Elbridge
G.I. Bill of Rights
Gibbon, Edward
Giddings, Joshua
Giraud, Henri
Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry
Giuliani, Rudolph
Gladstone, William Ewart
Glaspie, April
Godkin, Edwin L.
Goering, Hermann
Goethals, George Washington
Goldman, Emma
Gold Rush: Alaska; California
gold standard; Hoover on; repeal of
Gold Standard Act (1900)
Goldwater, Barry M.
Gomulka, Wladyslaw
Gone with the Wind
Gorbachev, Mikhail; and arms reduction; and Bush; coup against; and Cuba; and German reunification; on “human face” of communism; on satellite states; and Soviet disintegration
Gore, Al
Goulburn, Henry
Gould, Jay
Gousev, Feodor
Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of
Graham, William
Grand Army of the Republic
Grant, Ulysses S.; in Civil War; and Lee surrender; as president; and Sherman
Granville, John Carteret, Lord
Grasse, François Joseph Paul, Count de
Graves, Sir Thomas
Great Britain; and Alaska border; appeasement by; Bank of England; and Bering Strait; and Canada; capitalism in; and Central America canal; Chatham colonial bill;
attack; on Civil War; Communist spies in; and D-Day; and debt; debt claims by; on European integration; and Falklands; Franklin in; and French rivalry; Glorious Revolution; and Guatemala; and Hanover ; and Indian tribes; individual rights in; “Intolerable Acts,” and Iraq War; and Japan alliance; and Korean War; and Latin America; maritime impressments by; and Mossadegh; and Pacific Northwest; and Pax Britannica ; political dissent in; Quebec Act; representation in; and Samoa; Settlement Act; and slavery; social reform in; and Soviet defectors; Stamp Act; and Suez crisis; taxing power; terrorism in; Townshend taxes; and War of 1812; and Webster policy; and West Indies;
see also
American Revolution; Seven Years’ War; World War I; World War II

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