Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise) (12 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise)
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“I think that’s wise, Daniel. I’ll definitely look into doing something like that. I’ll keep ownership in case Rosie changes her mind one day. She should be part of any decision we do that involves the farm. It may even be a fun project for her that could help heal some old wounds. Did you see her today?”


“No, I don’t think she’s back from shopping. When she arrives we’ll go see the horses.” Daniel couldn’t hide the excitement.


“You like those horses, no?” Francesco smiled.


“I love them. I spent so much time with the two girls it wasn’t funny. I would sit in the barn for hours just talking to them. I think they changed me as much as Rosie and the work on the farm did. They’re beautiful, Father, and I know you’ll fall in love with them.”


“Rosie Lynn Montoose. Who wouldn’t fall in love with her?”


“Father, I was talking about the horses, but yes, you’re correct too.”


“Oh. Yes, well, I meant the horses…” Francesco put his best business face on. “And by the way, while you’re grinning from ear to ear, stop by the study and sign the documents, they’re sitting on the desk. Daniel…”


“You did not! You weren’t talking about the horses. Seriously, you should ask Rosie out on a date. And don’t be changing the topic to business! You’re a great looking man. Just ask her out on a date.”


“Me? Daniel, I wouldn’t know how. Besides, if she said no to me I’d put my head in the sand.”


“Ask her.”




“Tonight. I’m not going to the stable with you two. I want you to go alone with Rosie. Then you ask her.”


“I don’t know, Daniel.”


“Okay, let me know how it goes!” Daniel smiled and winked at his father. After stopping by the study, he signed the papers his father had prepared and left them on the desk for him, then walked upstairs to his room. It felt strange to him to be happy for his father’s retirement and his possible future with Rosie, as opposed to how he would have acted in the past. The old Daniel would have been in cloud nine for all the money he’d have access to.




He stretched out on his bed to try to nap, hoping to shut his mind off. Here it was, Monday, and he was sure that Katherine had went back home. Wherever the hell that was. He didn’t dare call the bar again. That would be three hang up calls on his part. He was disturbed by a knock at his door.


“Daniel, your father received a phone call. He would like to discuss the matter with you in his study.”


“Thank you, Carl.” Daniel walked down the long staircase and went inside his father’s masculine office.


“Daniel, have a seat. I just heard from the investigator. They have found Katherine. There is a girl by that name who fits the profile description living in Michigan. I think you should fly there, my son. Maybe it’s her, maybe it isn’t. But she’s attending the University of Michigan and is living in that vicinity. She stays in a small apartment, and I was told that the neighborhood isn’t very safe in her area. You’ll have to just find her on campus. Promise me, Daniel, that you’ll stay clear of that apartment.”


“I promise. Is the jet done with maintenance?”


“Yes, and I’m sorry about not having it available for you.”


“It’s fine. I will leave as soon as it’s fueled and ready to go.”


“Do you want me to accompany you, Daniel?”


“No, I think this is something I need to do on my own. Besides, you have a woman to ask out on a date!” Daniel gave his father the biggest smile he could.


“Take this file I’m preparing. The fax is just coming in, so hold on for a second.” Francesco picked up the sheet with a photograph. “Is this your Katherine?”


Daniel studied the pictures. The strawberry blonde curls, the green eyes…


“Daniel, is it Katherine?”


“Yes, it is.”


“She’s a beautiful woman. Go talk to her, Daniel. When she meets the man standing before me, not the man that you were, she’ll fall in love with you.”


Daniel nodded and left the study. He packed a bag and included some suits, just in case he got to take Katherine to an expensive restaurant. He didn’t have much else to wear. His order would take a week or so to arrive, so in the meantime, he could pick up a few things when he reached Michigan. Hopefully she wouldn’t slap his face for lying about who he was.
she wouldn’t one-round him for his behavior with Emily and all of his cruel accusations.
efully she’d see a changed man.









Chapter 11




Katherine looked at Marty with a worried face.


“No takers yet?”


“Marty, this is so horrible! What am I going to do?”


“Just have faith, Katherine. Something good will come through.”


“How about you keep up the faith for both of us, because I certainly can’t. After the trip to Tennessee, I have sixty-five dollars left. I can’t afford to pay anyone, and if my landlord doesn’t give me a little bit of extra time to fork over rent, I’m screwed.”


“I’d give you money, Katherine, but I spent all my extra cash on material for my sister’s dress.”


“Marty, you’re such a sweetheart. But I wouldn’t take your money.”




It was nine at night after Daniel found a motel room in Ann Arbor. It looked like a typical college town, but he was hungry for more. He rented a Jeep at the airport because the weather was calling for snow. He drove around for a while looking at the city,
looking for Katherine.
He was desperate
He found a little coffee shop and picked a table that had a newspaper on it.


I wonder if she’s still doing karaoke out here.
The thought of her having to feign off drunk men in a bar setting was making him angry.
She’s living in a dangerous neighborhood
. He knew that, as beautiful as Katherine is, she could easily attract men.
God, what if she has a boyfriend?


Daniel began thumbing through the local paper. Every time the bell chimed on the door signaling that someone had walked into the coffee shop, he immediately looked. Just when he was about to put the paper down after reaching the classified section, he saw it. A male model was needed and the applicant had to contact Katherine O’Brian. His hands began to shake. With his phone, he answered the ad via email and used his real name. She wouldn’t know who he was. Daniel went back to his motel room and waited.


At ten-thirty that evening he received a response. They agreed to meet in the little coffee shop he was just in.
She must live close to here
! He said he could meet with her this evening and that it wasn’t too late.


Daniel was a nervous wreck. He made sure he was dressed to the nines.
If she’s looking for a model, then I better play the part.
Feeling satisfied with the way he looked, he headed to the Jeep.




Katherine was exhausted. She had no choice but to meet this guy. He said he didn’t have any photos of himself and the camera on his phone was broken. But he’d agreed to model for free.
Please, please, please be the one!
She slipped on a pair of clean black slacks, a blue sweater, and her faux leather jacket that she found at the resale shop. It wasn’t even warm but it was the best she had. In the strong, cold wind, she walked to the coffee house. She went as fast as she could, even running part of the way. The neighborhood was not the safest, but that’s why the rent was cheaper.


Daniel saw her go in the coffee shop and look around. She picked a little table in the middle, for safety.
Good girl, Katherine.


Climbing out of the Jeep, Daniel pulled the collar up on his wool coat, kept his face down, and walked in.


“Hi, Katherine, it’s really good to see you again. May I sit down?”


“You moved to Ann Arbor?!”


“No, not quite. It’s a long story and I’d like the chance to explain everything to you.”


“I don’t have time for this, John, I’m waiting for someone.”


“You’re waiting for Daniel Giordano.”


“Wait, how do you know that?” Katherine was getting ready to dart.


“I’m Daniel Giordano.”


“That’s your


“Yes, Katherine, and I’m sorry I never told you.”


“Oh I see, so the nice things you said to me to get me into your bed were backed with a fake name so you could leave town and not be found!
You son of a bitch
!” Katherine got up and ran to the door. She flung it open and the cold wind hit her in the face as hard as Daniel’s words.


“Katherine, stop! Please!” Daniel ran behind her.


Out of breath, Katherine reached her apartment door. Her hands were shaking so badly, it took all she had just to hold the key. Aiming it at the keyhole was a different matter. She dropped it twice.


“Katherine, please let me talk to you.”


“There’s nothing to say. I don’t even know you!”


“You do!”


Finally, Katherine unlocked the door and ran inside. Daniel stopped the door from slamming in his face. Katherine picked up the phone as he cautiously stepped in and closed the door behind him.


“Do I have to call the cops, Mr.


“Look, I’ll even stand right here at the door and I’ll open it back up and leave it that way. I want to talk to you for fifteen minutes. That’s all I ask.”


“Then you’ll leave?” Katherine was livid.


“Then I’ll turn around and walk away. You’ll never hear from me again.”


“Okay, start talking. If you even come near me I’ll beat your ass.”


“Katherine, I was a jerk. I grew up being an immature jackass with a lot of money. My father made me grow up and thank God he did. He changed my identity and sent me from a penthouse, driving an expensive sports car, to Prairie Tennessee, driving a beat up pickup and shoveling horse shit. I wanted to tell you who I was for so long, but I was forbidden to disclose my true identity by my father. I had to prove to him that I could make it on my own and learn some things about life. If I had failed, I would have lost the family business. I would have lost all his respect and that would have been incredibly painful for me.”


“So, how did Emily play into this? You’re such a player.”


“Like I said, I was an immature jackass.”


“Say that again…”


“I was an immature jackass. But I’m not anymore. Yes, I used women for sex. I wanted no commitment. I had no feelings for any of them and I didn’t even know their last names. So you were correct in calling me a pig.”


“How am I supposed to believe you?”


“Spend some time with me, let me be your model and get to know me. But I don’t want you staying here, Katherine, it’s not safe. I’ll rent you a room close to campus or on campus if there are openings. I’ll buy you a car. I hate the fact that you’re literally running around this town. I’m afraid that you’re going to get hurt.”


“My apartment isn’t safe? It’s funny, because this neighborhood has hurt me a lot less than you have!”


“If you want, I’ll have you on a plane and you can come and meet my family.”


“Seriously? You think I’d just pick up and leave with you? Oh my God, you’re crazy!”


“Look me up on the internet then. Look up my father, our business, our address.”


“Your fifteen minutes are up. Get out.”


“Okay, here’s my cell phone number, and I’m staying a few blocks down. Call if you want me to help you. If I don’t hear back, I’ll know you want me gone. Take care, Katherine.” Daniel walked out the door as promised and closed it quietly behind him.


Katherine ran to the door and pressed her palms against it. She didn’t know what to think, as part of her wanted to smack him, the other part wanted to believe him.
He certainly dressed like he was wealthy. Having money doesn’t mean you don’t suck as a person.
Katherine was shaken from the moment by her phone.


“Katherine, when do you plan on paying rent? It was due two days ago.”


“Carmen, I’m really sorry. I work this weekend, so I can pay you when they pay me. Is there any way you can wait?”


“How quickly can you move? I have a waiting list of students who can pay for the room. You’ve been habitually late with every payment.”




“I’m sorry, Katherine, but I’d appreciate you vacating so I don’t have to take legal action to have you evicted.”


Katherine felt her heart sink as she listened to Carmen hang up the phone. Knowing there was no way she could get to Tennessee, no way to contact her cousin Jacob, and no way she could survive a week on the streets before her next paycheck, she slumped to the floor and burst into tears. Her dreams were shattered. She’d have to drop out of school.




Marty stared at Katherine’s swollen eyes. “Katherine, what happened to you?”


“I’m dropping out, I don’t have a choice. I just stopped by to say goodbye to you.” The tears, once again, spilled over.


“No! Don’t drop out, okay? We can figure something out. I’ll find a way to get some extra money and I can give it to you.”


“I have to go pack up my things and move out of my apartment. I can’t make rent and I can’t afford a ticket back to Tennessee. I can’t do a damn thing!”


“Katherine, call your uncle.”


“My uncle is barely making ends meet. I can’t and won’t call him.”


“Do you know anyone with money? A long lost relative, perhaps?”


“I’ll keep in touch, Marty. I love you.” Katherine gave her friend a kiss on the cheek and a strong hug. She hurried and walked away before he could protest. She picked up two empty boxes in the administration office after dropping her classes and carried them back to her apartment.




Daniel sat in the coffee shop, checking his phone every two minutes to make sure it was on.
Katherine, please call me!
After an hour, he got up to walk around the campus. Maybe he’d get lucky and find her. He looked up as a screeching bus came to a stop. He saw Katherine struggling to carry a suitcase and two boxes. The driver was giving her problems.


“Look, I have to get on this bus!” Katherine sat her things down as the driver shook his head and started moving forward. She would try to at least make it to a shelter, but she was quite aware that there was a waiting list, and women with young children got first dibs. The shelter was at least ten miles away. She began to cry and sat down on the cold ground. Suddenly, she felt two strong arms around her, lifting her to her feet.


Without thinking, Daniel pulled her into his chest while Katherine wept. The wind was freezing, and he wanted more than anything to get her into a warm, safe place.




“You’re coming with me. Whatever is happening, you can tell me and I’ll make it better.”

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