Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise) (13 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise)
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“Nothing can make this better!”


Daniel led her to his Jeep, put her boxes and suitcase in the back, buckled her seatbelt for her, and then drove to his motel.


“Why are we here? I’m
going to sleep with you!”


“We aren’t going to sleep, Katherine. I’m going to get you a nice, hot cup of coffee and make you put some warm food in your stomach, then we’re going to talk.”


Katherine leaned her head against the cold window and let him find a parking place in peace. She had no more energy to fight, and eat? When was the last time she’d eaten anything?


Daniel found a spot in the parking structure near his motel, then gathered Katherine’s belongings and led her down the block and through the lobby.


“Sir, you are paying for a single occupancy,” said the manager when he saw the woman and her belongings.


“Well, then charge me for two.” Daniel wasn’t in the mood for his petty behavior.


“How long do you plan on having this
stay with you?” The manager was sure that the rich man had found himself a companion for the hour. He wasn’t running that kind of establishment.


“If this place was for sale, I’d buy it just to fire your ass. I’ll settle the bill when we leave.”


The guy looked at Daniel, but spoke not another word.


Daniel was staying in a suite. He set Katherine’s things in the corner and picked up the phone to order room service. He didn’t know what Katherine wanted, so he ordered many things. By the look on her face, she didn’t know much of anything. She looked absolutely numb and lost.


“Katherine, let me take your jacket. These blankets will be warmer. If you’d like, you can take a hot shower or bath.”


? That’s the first thing you can come up with?” Katherine angrily got up and headed for her belongings.


“Look, it’s obvious that you’re in some kind of a bad situation. All I want to do is help you. If you’d like, I will get you a room of your own. If you’d prefer a house, I can get you one of those as well.”


“Wait, you’d get me my own room?”


“On whatever floor you want if there’s a vacancy.”


“I’ll be honest with you. My choices are living on the street, or living on the street. I don’t feel comfortable staying in a room with you. If you can get me a room I’d appreciate it, and in due time I’ll pay you back. If you need the money now, then I’ll be on my way. I’m down to fifty bucks.”


Daniel picked up the phone and rented another suite. It was located around the corner at the far end. He also told them to provide her with anything she wanted and that all bills were to go to him.


“There, it’s all settled. I’ll run and grab the key at the desk and you wait right here.”


Daniel went outside the room. As soon as Katherine heard the elevator ding, she went digging.
How did he find me?
Opening his briefcase, she stood shocked when she saw a picture of herself crossing the street on campus.
What the hell?! That son of a bitch had me followed? Oh my God!
Every detail of her existence was written neatly on three pages.


As quickly as she could, she grabbed her boxes and suitcase and headed out of the suite. She ran as quickly as she could to the elevator.
Come on, come on, come on!


The doors opened and Daniel stepped out and looked down at her. She was breathing hard, her eyes were wide, and she was shaking.


“Katherine, what’s wrong?” Daniel was afraid that something had happened to her while he was gone.


“You had me followed?! What kind of a freak are you? You’re some stalker!”


“I had an investigator look for you. Do you know how hard I tried to find you? I tried to get to Tennessee on Thanksgiving but I wasn’t able to get there. I looked you up online and there were too many women with your name. If you would feel more comfortable, I’ll call you a cab to take you to the police station and we can talk
. I don’t care where it is. I just want to talk to you.”


“We can talk in the lobby of the motel. If you even do one thing out of line, I’ll scream. You got it?”


“Deal,” said Daniel. “I’ll do whatever you want me to do. I’ll carry your things.”


“Fine, let’s go and get this over with.” Katherine started to walk to the elevator. Daniel stayed outside in the hall.


“Are you coming or what?” Katherine spat.


“I don’t want you to feel like you’re in harm’s way. I’ll take the next elevator. Just don’t run off on me.”


Without saying a word, Katherine hit the down button, then walked in the lobby and sat on one of the sofas.


Daniel stepped out of the elevator and approached Katherine, who sat glaring at him with her arms crossed in front of her.


“I’ll be right back.” Daniel walked over to the desk and asked that all the food from room service be delivered down to the lobby instead.


“Katherine, why are you leaving town?” Daniel asked as he sat in the chair that was facing her.


“Look, I ran out of money, I couldn’t find a model, and I couldn’t pay rent. I got thrown out today and I had to quit school. Why do you care?”


“If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t have flown out here, and I wouldn’t have gone to such extremes to find you.”


Room service arrived with two carts. Daniel moved the coffee table between them. “Thank you, that’ll be all,” said Daniel as he gave the two young men a nice tip.


Katherine’s eyes lit up as the plates were uncovered. Prime rib, turkey, two kinds of salad, steamed vegetables, potatoes, and all the works.


“If you’d like something different, let me know and I’ll order it for you,” said Daniel as he lifted a plate for her and filled it with some of everything.


In his entire life, he had never seen a woman eat like she was eating. Katherine saw him watching her and slowed down her chewing.


“What?” Katherine’s cheeks blushed.


Daniel’s heart melted. “Katherine, when was the last time you ate? You look much thinner to me.”


“I’m not sure.”


“We can fight if you want, but you’re not living like this anymore. I’m even willing to fly you to Tennessee if that’s where you want to go. But this is done!” Daniel was so angry. Not at Katherine, but at himself. He should have done more to find her right away.
I should have acted better than I did to begin with.


The silence between them was much appreciated by Katherine. She was afraid of the situation, but even more afraid of having to live on the streets.


“Daniel, I appreciate all of this, and yes, I do get hungry, but I’m not your problem.”


“No, because you’re not a problem. I’m doing this because I care about you. Do you want to go back to Tennessee? I can’t stomach going back there for a while, some horrible things happened at Rosie’s Farm.


“I drove by the farm and saw the barn burned to the ground. I was so worried that you had gotten hurt.”




“Well, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”


“I didn’t get harmed, and Rosie and her horses are safe. Rosie lives with me and my father now.”


“Rosie Montoose?”


“I had gotten quite close to her. She became like a mother to me. The farm meant a lot, as it helped me to stop being a selfish prick. I owe her so much and I couldn’t stand the thought of letting her lose her farm or being lonely and possibly harmed.”


“I didn’t go back to Tennessee until Thanksgiving. So I wasn’t there when the fire happened.”


“I know, I looked for you. I even went up to the bar. When your uncle told me you left, I felt like my heart was ripped out. I called there a few times just to get information so I could find you. All I wanted to do was have the opportunity to tell you I was sorry. I called three times and hung up. I heard you singing in the background on Thanksgiving and I tried like hell to get there. The family jet was down for the weekend and all regular flights were booked. Don’t tell Andy that it was me.” Daniel chuckled some and Katherine finally let herself smile.


“You knew it was me singing?”


“Katherine, I could pick out that beautiful voice of yours even in a crowded concert.”


Katherine felt her cheeks beginning to blush. “I’m so full. Thank you for the meal, Daniel.” Katherine stood up and put her hand out. She had to get out of there because she was beginning to feel like she did that night in the meadow. She would figure out a place to stay.


“Are you leaving?” Daniel got very worried. “Please, don’t leave…”


“I have to go and figure stuff out. Everything in my life just got turned upside down. I can’t go back to Tennessee. I’d feel like an even bigger failure. It’s the second time I’ve left school.”


“You can stay here, Katherine. You have your own suite. I promise not to even knock on your door. But you aren’t sleeping on the streets and going without food. It’s not happening as long as I’m alive. On this issue, I won’t take no for an answer.” Daniel picked up her boxes and suitcase and held the elevator door for her. “Do you feel safe enough being on an elevator with me?”


Katherine nodded and stepped inside. Daniel made sure he kept his body facing the doors. When the door opened, Daniel walked to the suite, opened the door, and set her things just inside. He immediately stepped back into the hall.


“You know where my room is, or you can leave a message at the desk if you need to reach me. Do you still have my cell phone number?”


“Yes and thank you. I'll make sure I’m out by eleven tomorrow morning. Is that check out time?” Katherine looked around to find a sign with something posted.


“Check out time is when it happens. But you aren’t living outside. I won’t budge on this, Katherine.” Daniel looked into her eyes with his brow furrowed and his eyes full of worry.


“Okay, but I want to pay you back for the room and everything. Do you think we can work something out?”


“Yep, I know exactly what I want for repayment.”


“Are you kidding me?!” Katherine instantly became furious.


“I want you to sing for me. I’ll let you know when and where.” Daniel winked and closed her door.


As he walked to his room, a thought occurred to him.
She wasn’t even dressed for this weather.
He headed down to the lobby. Giving the manager a hundred dollar bill, the man behind the desk looked suspiciously at Daniel.




“If the woman I was with, Katherine O’Brian, leaves the hotel with her belongings, I’m to be notified immediately. I’m going shopping and should
be back in a couple of hours.”









Chapter 12




Daniel found the mall in Ann Arbor and, with the help of a sales clerk about the height and size of Katherine, he was able to pick out several items that would provide warmth for this girl who had occupied his heart and thoughts for so long. He purchased nothing that even hinted that he could have ulterior motives. He bought her new luggage and even some warm winter boots. He picked up some candles and bubble bath from another store and would have those delivered as a complimentary package from the motel. Daniel wanted to do so much more for her, but was at a loss. Although he didn’t know how to help her with her classes, he was certain that he had to find a way. But, if she’d already dropped out…then it hit him.


Digging out his cell phone, he called Carl.


“Daniel! It’s a pleasure to hear from you. Did you find Katherine?”


“I found her. I’m surprised she even let me speak to her, but so far so good. I need you to do me a favor. I want you to find the top school for fashion and design in New York. I need that information as quick as you can get it, and I need the use of a recording studio.”


“Very well, Daniel. But I have heard you sing, Sir, and no offense but—“


Daniel laughed and hung up the phone. He definitely didn’t need to wait for those comments to come out of anyone’s mouth.




Rosie rode in the back of the limo with Francesco to go to the trainer’s home. She was so excited to see Patches and Daisy that she smiled for the entire drive.


“Rosie, see? I told you there were other horses here in this area. A couple of them have race horses, very expensive ones.”


“Francesco, I can’t wait for you to meet my girls. You’re going to love them. Maybe they aren’t the cream of the crop in some people’s eyes, but they’re my babies.”


Francesco only smiled. He didn’t want to make his feelings slip out. 
I’ll love them because I love you.


The trainer, Amos, met them in the driveway and shook Francesco’s hand, and tipped his hat to Rosie. “You have two of the best mannered horses.”


“Thank you, Amos. Are you sure they’re okay? They didn’t get burned did they?”


“No, I have a groomer on staff, and the horses were cleaned up well and there weren’t any burns on them. The vet's report said their lungs are in good condition as well. Are you ready to see the ladies? I know they’re ready to see you.”


“Oh there they are!” Rosie spotted the horses out in the pasture.”


“If you wait right here I’ll go get them for you.” Amos headed for the fence but Rosie ran in front and went through the gate. With her loud whistle, the two horses’ heads went up and their ears were open and wide. They came running for her. The love between them was clearly evident to both Amos and Francesco.


“Francesco, come and say hello!” Rosie was grinning from ear to ear. Each horse was given kisses, pats, and hugs.


“Rosie, they are so beautiful,” Francesco said as he stepped inside the gate and enjoyed their presence. “I can’t wait to get them home! It shouldn’t be more than a few days, Rosie. Then you can see your babies anytime, day or night.”


There was some small talk between Francesco, Rosie, and Amos. The horses had been washed and well groomed; their coats were shiny in the sun. Francesco saw Rosie shiver and had to get her out of the cold.


“Let’s get the horses in the barn. I don’t like you standing in the cold.”


“The horses like it out here, Francesco, and I’m okay.” Rosie gave him her best smile. When she did, he looked into her beautiful blue eyes.


“Rosie, I know I’m lousy at this. But you are a beautiful woman. You’re a good woman. I know I’m old and everything, but—“


“Old? Francesco, you’re only a few years older than I am.” Rosie laughed.


“Would you like to go on a date with me? I can take you anyplace in the world, and we can have dinner, go dancing, see a play. Whatever you’d like, whatever you want, it’s yours. Please say yes, Rosie. I’m a good man who can make you so happy!”


“What I would like is some time alone in the kitchen. I’ll make us a nice dinner, then we can go into the front room and you can dance with me. Would you like that?”


“Rosie! Yes!” Francesco threw his arms around this woman who fit so comfortably in his embrace, then without a second thought, he softly and briefly kissed her on the lips. “Does this mean that you’re mine?”


“Yes, Francesco, I’m yours. I’ve liked you since I met you.”


“Me? You like me?” He was feeling twenty years younger.


Rosie patted his cheek, nodded her head, and then turned to say goodbye to the horses. She was trying as hard as she could to get her cheeks to stop glowing red.


Francesco stepped beside the limo and pulled out his phone.




“Hi, father, is everything okay?”


“She said yes!”


Then the phone call ended just as fast. Daniel smiled and laughed.
Go you, Pops!


Daniel’s heart grew heavy even after the good news from his father.
If I wouldn’t have royally screwed this up, I could be making that phone call to you. I’d rather spend the rest of my life alone than go through it without her.




Katherine lay back in the bubble bath and let out a long sigh. Her apartment didn’t have a tub, just a shower, and it was so small. She hadn’t had a relaxing bath in a very long time. The little complimentary bottle of bubble bath wasn’t enough, but would have to do. She’d only seen rooms like this in magazines. Never in a million years did Katherine believe she’d ever get to stay in one.
He must be paying hundreds and hundreds of dollars a night, if not more.


After forty minutes of soaking, she got out and put the lotion, also complimentary, all over her body, then combed out her freshly washed curls. Katherine sat beside the large windows and looked out over the city.
He hasn’t tried anything with me. Maybe he’s really not a creep. He’s had plenty of opportunities to try and get me in bed, or worse. But he’s been nothing but a gentleman. I can’t let myself fall for him though. I can just see his rich behind jetting all over the world and sleeping with women. He probably has kids he doesn’t even know about. And all he wants in return is a song? He probably doesn’t even like my singing.


Katherine sighed long and hard as she heard a knock at the door. She let the towel fall and threw on a terrycloth robe, another little perk from the motel. She looked through the peep hole and couldn’t see anyone.


Daniel had dumped the wrapped packages in one of the bags on the floor and had to hurry and pick them all up before she opened the door. But she didn’t open it, and Daniel became instantly worried. He knocked a little harder.
Maybe she’s sleeping. I should let her get some rest.


He turned to leave when he heard the door unlock from the other side.


“I picked up a couple of things for you. May I come in?”


“What kind of things?” Katherine didn’t know what she should do. Looking at his wind-tossed hair, his red cheeks from the cold, and his dark eyes, was making her feel things she knew would do nothing but get her into trouble.
Just like last time.


“I can stand by the door if you’d like and we can leave it open.”


“No, that’s okay. Just give me a few minutes to put some clothes on.”


Daniel watched the door close and heard the familiar lock clink. He sat all the bags on the floor beside of him, as his arms were feeling the strain from carrying them so far. He couldn’t believe how far away he had to park. He tried to keep his mind on his mission to help her, but seeing Katherine with wet curls and the white guest robe on made him stir.


“Okay, come on in. Do you need help?”


“That’s okay, I can get them. Have a seat, Katherine, I have a couple of surprises for you.” Daniel gave her a big smile.


Katherine raised her eyebrows and suddenly felt like a little girl on Christmas morning. Daniel handed her the first wrapped present. He had waited for twenty minutes for someone to come and help him at the gift wrapping area, and no one showed. Frustrated, he stopped at a local store on the way to the motel, and wrapped everything himself in the back of the Jeep.  They looked like he wrapped them too.


Katherine smiled as she looked at the stack of packages. Her heart rose with warmth. “Did you wrap these?”


“Yes, I’m sorry they look so bad. I’m not very good at it. It was cold and the wind was blowing. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!” He laughed even though his embarrassment was evident.


“They’re beautiful.” She didn’t know what was making her feel more wonderful. The fact that he wrapped all of these things himself or that he was embarrassed because he didn’t think they looked good enough for her.


She carefully opened up the first box. It was a full-length, very soft, baby blue wool jacket. She had never seen a more beautiful coat. Standing up she tried it on. “Daniel, this is gorgeous! You picked this out?”


“I found a sales clerk about your height and size, so she tried them on. But I picked everything out. Do you like it? Does it fit okay?”


“Daniel, it’s perfect! I needed a warm coat, I didn’t have one. Look!” Katherine slowly turned around. It fit perfectly. Her strawberry blonde hair on the baby blue coat, her green eyes…Daniel’s breath caught in his throat.


“Katherine, you look incredible! Here open these, I’m so excited!” He left the luggage he purchased in the Jeep so Katherine would be less inclined to run. Daniel wasn’t sure who was having more fun. The boots fit perfectly, and the hat, scarf, and gloves matched her coat. He was sure the warm, yellow pajamas would fit her. He also found a soft pale yellow robe. He purchased jeans, socks, and sweaters, and could have shopped all day but he didn’t want to risk the time and have Katherine slip out of the motel.


She was so excited that, without forethought, she ran to Daniel and threw her arms around him.
His smell.
Quickly, Katherine backed up. “Thank so much for everything, Daniel. It was very kind of you.”


Daniel wished more than anything that she hadn’t let go of him. The warmth of her body, the way she felt in his arms, took him back to the first night he got to hold her.


“Do you think we could talk for a few minutes? There’s a couple of things I want to say to you. I promise I won’t stay long.”


“Sure, I don’t mind.” Katherine slipped off her new coat and stepped out of her boots, then sat on a chair.


“Don’t be mad at me for this okay?”


Oh God, here it comes.
Katherine braced herself for the incoming seduction line.


“I want you to finish school, Katherine. I’ve made some phone calls to the best fashion design school in New York. It won’t cost you anything and you’ll have a very nice place to stay. You’ll get all the privacy you want, and you don’t ever have to see me.”


“Daniel, are you serious?” Katherine was shocked. She totally didn’t expect this kind of offer. “I don’t have money, Daniel. You’ve been very generous but I can’t let you do all of this.”

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