Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise) (17 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise)
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Andy stretched his hand out. “I’m in!”


“I’ll be seeing you in Prairie, Andy.”


The nurse came in with a lunch tray and sat it in front of Andy. He lifted the lid. “This stuff isn’t even food!”


“Andy, you must understand that you have to be healthy in order to take on a business venture that will last for years to come. If you don’t take care of yourself, there’s no point in doing any of this. Katherine needs you.” Francesco stood up, reached over and grasped Andy’s hand again. “I’ll talk to you soon. Enjoy your lunch and get strong. We have lots to do.”


“Yes, Sir!” Andy watched as Francesco left the room. He hadn’t been expecting much out of this life.
Now, I’ll have a new one!




Daniel was walking hand in hand with Katherine in the direction of the hospital. He stopped to answer his phone.




“Father, I’m so glad you called. I have so much to tell you.” Daniel smiled at Katherine.


“Actually I’m in Prairie at the farm, and I have a lot to tell you also. But I wondered if you could fly back to New York with me. In five days the business will be yours, so we need to go to my office. Can you fly back with me?”


“Are you leaving now?” Daniel looked at the curious expression on Katherine’s face.


“I’m driving back to Nashville and having a bite to eat first.”


“Let me call you back in just a few minutes.”


“Is something wrong?” Katherine asked when Daniel hung up the phone.


“Sweetheart, I have to go back to New York. Will you come with me? The final arrangements need to be made regarding Giordano Seas. I don’t want to be away from you.”


“Let me talk to my uncle, then we can go pack our things. I’m not going to live my life through other people anymore.” Daniel bent down to taste her sweet lips. His smile was wide.




Katherine and Daniel walked into the hospital room and heard someone whistling.


“Uncle Andy! You’re very happy today. I haven’t heard you whistle like that since I was a little girl.”


“Daniel, your father is amazing. He’s a great man.” Andy gave Katherine a big hug and shook Daniel’s hand.


“Yes, he is indeed an amazing man. Did he call you?”


“No, my boy, he came to visit me. You won’t believe what he’s offered. Seriously, you’re not going to believe this.”


Daniel and Katherine sat down and listened to Andy recite the words from Francesco. The enormous love and respect that Daniel and Katherine felt for both men was evident.


“Uncle Andy, that’s wonderful! Are you excited?”


“Katherine, it’s been many years since I looked forward to the next day. Now, I’m actually looking forward to the next chapter of my life!”


“And I’m looking forward to mine. I want to ask you if you’d be okay if I left with Daniel to go to New York. He has some business he needs to take care of. You were right, Daniel’s my home. Thank you.”


“Oh?” Andy was clearly puzzled.


“You gave me the courage to open up my heart. I did, and Daniel and I are very happy together. So thank you!” Katherine embraced her uncle, whose coloring had greatly improved.


“Katherine, I don’t need a babysitter in here, I have plenty of them. Go to New York, get married and start a family. I’ve already told you not to waste time with someone you love.”


“Andy, did you want to come to New York and recuperate? We would really like to spend as much time with you as we can.” Katherine noticed that Daniel was wearing his business face. She knew he meant what he said.


“I can’t travel for a few weeks, but when I can I’d love to come and visit. But my home is in Prairie.”


“I can live with that. Seems like you and Francesco have a lot of plans, and I’m very excited for you.” Katherine squeezed Daniel’s hand as she felt a huge burden get lifted from her shoulders.


“I’m not going to close the bar until the other one is opened. That will take some time, but at least the folks will have something to look forward to. Francesco is only hiring people in Prairie, unless the work projects become bigger. Daniel, your father has made me a very happy man.”


“Andy, how about we have someone else do the work at the bar, that way you could just do some management. You also have to eat better, don’t forget.”


“Daniel, I’ll look for someone but I can’t right now. I don’t have any money to pay them!” Andy let out a boisterous laugh, but Daniel didn’t miss the shame on his face.


“No, I’ll hire someone for you. Not unless you have a person in mind.”


“There is a man named Gary Hitchingham. He’s a local farmer who couldn’t afford to keep his family fed. He works three minimum wage jobs to support his wife and four children. They barely scrape by. I’m afraid he wouldn’t make much money working at the bar.”


“He will indeed make money, and so will you. Give me his number and I’ll offer him the job. You’ll definitely live comfortably while we build up that land. Everyone in the Giordano family is taken care of. That includes you.”


“I don’t understand this, really. You and Katherine are only dating, and yet you and your father consider me family.”


“Trust me, Andy. In our hearts, you’re family. But Katherine and I have to get going. My father is waiting for us in Nashville. We’ll call you soon to check on you, and if any problems arise or you aren’t getting the attention you should be given in here, we’ll be on our way back in a flash.”


“Katherine, you need to marry this man. He has a good heart.”


Daniel looked at Katherine’s face as she blushed. That
's exactly what he had in mind.







Chapter 16




When Francesco saw his son’s face, the look in his eyes, he knew it was because of Katherine. Their love for each other was never hidden, and he was happy to finally see his son have his heart belong to someone.


When the jet took off, they discussed the plans for the land, and he even told them about his engagement to Rosie. They wanted to have a wedding on Christmas day because he felt like that would be the greatest gift to one another. They planned it for next year, and Rosie was excited to make her own dress. He asked Daniel to be his best man.


“Father, I’d be honored! I’m so happy for the both of you, and I absolutely love Rosie.”


“So do I, Daniel, so do I. Katherine, I'm so happy you're coming back to New York with us. Remember that you have to make yourself at home. There are no strangers under my roof." He reached over and squeezed Katherine's hand.


Katherine couldn’t help but feel the huge amount of love that was around, within, and for her. When the conversations had quieted down and Francesco closed his eyes, Katherine put the headphones on and chose a music selection. First, she started out humming as she closed her own eyes. Without even thinking about it, Katherine started to sing.


Francesco quickly opened his eyes in amazement. Daniel was falling in love even more. They listened to her gorgeous voice singing without music, at least none that they could hear, with complete perfection.


Francesco stared at his son. Daniel nodded and his smile widened. He looked at his father as he gladly accepted this beautiful nourishment for his soul.


“Canti come un angelo!!” Francesco exclaimed, much louder than he wanted to. He sat straight up and stared at Katherine with his eyes wide and mouth open.


Katherine stopped singing and removed the headphones. Daniel sighed heavily.


“I’m sorry, Francesco, I didn’t hear you. Did I do something wrong? You two are staring at me.” Katherine began to get uncomfortable. Maybe she did something outside of proper etiquette, but Daniel was very laid back. She didn’t understand.


“My father said, ‘You sing like an angel.’ I could listen to you sing forever.”


Katherine blushed and turned the music off. “I’m sorry, sometimes I sing and I don’t even realize it. I didn’t mean to wake you up, Francesco. I know you were trying to rest.”


“Rest?! Katherine, your voice is incredible!”


“I owe Daniel only twelve more songs then!” Katherine laughed.


“I hired a recording studio called
Blue Nights
in Manhattan. Someday I’d hoped to get her in there, but I know she’s not going to go. I won’t even bother to book a date.” Daniel laughed and held Katherine close to him.




When the limo drove up to the estate, Katherine gasped. “You live


“Well so do you, so don’t say anything bad about us to the neighbors,” said Daniel jokingly.


“The horses! They’re here!” Katherine remembered them with fondness.


“Yes, this was a surprise for Rosie, from my father. You can visit them anytime you’d like. They’re such sweet horses.”


“I asked Rosie to marry me right there in that stable. I got down on one knee and surprised her with a ring.”


“You got down on one knee?” Daniel was quite impressed.


“Well, I had a little bit of help from the post, but it was harder getting up. I’d do anything for her though.” Francesco looked at the stable post and smiled. “Soon, it’s your turn, Daniel. Don’t waste time.”


Katherine blushed while Daniel had a smile from ear to ear.


Carl arrived and opened the limo door. Francesco walked inside the house.




Daniel asked Carl which room Katherine would be staying in. He didn’t want to overstep his bounds or cause any disrespect inside of his father’s home.


“She’s staying upstairs. Welcome, Katherine, follow me and I’ll take you to your lovely room.”


Katherine linked her arm in Carl’s as he led her up the stairs. Daniel followed close behind. He was hoping that at least her room would be close to his.


“Here we are,” said Carl as he opened the door to a very large, beautifully designed room.


The first thing that Daniel noticed was the white quilt that had little blue flowers sewn on it. “This is just like the quilt I had on my bed at Rosie’s.” Daniel walked over and ran his hand over the soft fabric.


“Yes, Daniel, Rosie made this quilt for you. She worked very hard and for long hours at a time.”


“Katherine,” began Daniel as he smiled at her, “you will love this quilt.”
She made something special to make Katherine feel at home
. His love and respect for the older woman grew over the heartfelt gift that she’d made. “My room is about six doors down on the right, Katherine. If you’d like I’ll show it to you.”


“Daniel, this is your room too. Your father insisted.”


Daniel stood there looking stunned for a moment, then thanked Carl. When he left, Daniel threw his arms around Katherine so excitedly, that her feet lifted from the ground. “I love you, Katherine, welcome home,” he whispered, with his face buried in her neck.




After helping to unpack Katherine’s things, Daniel led her downstairs by the hand and into Francesco’s study.


“Francesco, I can’t thank you enough,” Katherine said. Her words just seemed to be stuck in her throat. She wanted to say more, but the last thing she wanted to do was to break down in front of this kind man. Everything that Francesco and Daniel had done for her and her uncle was overwhelming her.


“Katherine, you’re family. My son loves you, therefore I love you. Rosie is on the way in from visiting the horses. She’s really looking forward to seeing you both.”


“And here I am!” Rosie walked in at the exact moment and threw her arms around Daniel. “I’ve missed you so much!”


“I’ve missed you too, Rosie. Father told me about the engagement! I couldn’t be happier. I love you both so much.”


“I always wanted a son like you. I can spoil you more frequently now, Daniel.” Rosie winked and patted his face.


“Speaking of spoiled, that quilt you made…it’s a replica of the one that was in my room on the farm.”


“I knew you liked that quilt. When it burned in the fire, I had to make another one. It’s just like the old one, only a little bit bigger.”


“Rosie, thank you.” Daniel kissed her cheek and wrapped his arms around her. “Do you know Katherine?”


“I’ve seen her uncle a few times, but I wasn’t able to get out much. Nice to finally meet this special girl I’ve heard so much about.” Rosie gave Katherine a nice hug.


“Likewise! I’ve heard such beautiful things about you, Rosie. Through Daniel, I feel like I already know you. You’re one amazing woman.” Katherine smiled, meaning every word she said.


“I imagine you two are simply starving.” Rosie always had to make sure that bellies were full.


“Three…” Francesco laughed.


“Four,” laughed Rosie as she headed off toward the kitchen. Rosie had grown on the chef and he treated her like an equal, even asking for her advice.




Francesco had made good on his promise, and all of Andy’s bills were covered. The bar was paid for and no one bothered Andy anymore. Francesco had arranged for a limo to take him back to Prairie, and the bar had thrown a big welcome back party. Andy was deeply touched by his friends. Francesco wanted to allow Andy to inform his friends of all the new plans. They were well received, especially over prospects of new jobs.


Now that Daniel had taken over the company, Francesco had more free time to devote to both Rosie and Tennessee. He had formed a committee for the projects in Prairie and held monthly meetings so the townspeople could be directly involved. Francesco convinced every official in the state to help out and was even successful at getting other wealthy businessmen to pitch in.


Andy had already started his list of people to hire for positions. Francesco gave him full rein of that. The excitement in the small town was starting to bloom, and hope was returning to Prairie.




Daniel phoned Katherine the day after he took over Giordano Seas and said he’d be late and was tied up at the office. She hoped he wouldn’t have to be late every night, but understood if he did.


Daniel left his office on the twenty-eighth floor and stopped at his secretary’s desk.


“Are you on your way home, Mr. Giordano?”


“No, I have to be someplace. If Katherine should call, could you tell her I’m in a meeting? I need to pick her out a Christmas gift.”


“What a lucky gal.” Sylvia was fifty-nine and a romantic at heart. She smiled as Daniel headed for the elevator.




With a face full of excitement, he walked into the office of the top jeweler in New York.


“Here it is, Daniel, I finished the design last night. Is this what you wanted?”


“Marcus, you outdid yourself. This is exquisite. Katherine is going to love it. Is the engraving done?”


“Yes, and it’s ready to go. Do you need me to wrap it?”


“No, I’ll take care of it. You did great work, Marcus. Thank you so much.”


Daniel climbed into his new pickup truck and drove home. He was hoping he’d be able to contain his smile until Christmas arrived.




Katherine sat on the side of the bed, staring down at her forty dollars she had left.
What am I supposed to buy for forty dollars? This is horrible!
She didn’t have enough money to get anything for these sweet people, let alone her uncle.
I have nothing to give to them
. She cried a long time. When she heard Francesco’s booming voice greeting Daniel, she fled for their huge adjoining bathroom and climbed in the shower. She didn’t want him to see her tear-stained face. Even though she knew she wasn't under any obligation to give gifts, she wanted to do so, especially with all that she'd already received.


She always sang in the shower, so she knew she had to act normal. She lifted her voice and sang, trying not to let her voice crack with sorrow.


Daniel walked in the room and heard the sounds that he loved so much. He didn’t want to interrupt her, and he was sure she’d stop if she knew he was listening. He sat in a chair and let the beautiful sounds flow through him. When he heard the shower turn off, he rose to his feet and walked to the bathroom.


“You should sing your words and never worry about talking. Honestly, it’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard. Your voice is such a treasure to me.” Daniel wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her passionately.


Then it hit her. She’d have to get busy and be very sneaky, but she had the



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