Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1 (11 page)

Read Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1 Online

Authors: Lisa M. Harley,Missy Johnson,Stacey Lynn,Lexi Buchanan,Rebecca Brooke,Olivia Linden,Jessica Hawkins,R. S. Grey,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Janice Baker

BOOK: Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1
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Chapter Eight

The rest of the week passed in a blur of classes, study, and paperwork for my appeal. I had attended a hearing, but had not received any word yet on the outcome. Thinking about leaving made me anxious. Even though Max had hinted he wanted us to continue this when I got out, I wondered how being outside would change us.

As Max passed back our English assignments, a note slipped from mine.

Meet me at our tree after class

I smiled to myself. The poor boy couldn’t stay away from me.

Shoving the note in my pocket, I took my books back to my room. It was hard to believe, but I was getting used to this place. This offered me more of a home than most of my previous foster families had combined. I never thought id ever be saying I was glad to have been sent here, but I was. Not just for Max, either, but for myself.

“You’re going to be caught out. I hope you realize that.”

I looked up and saw Sherry perched on my bed, her eyes narrowed into tiny little slits. Sighing, I threw my books down and shook my head.

“Why can’t you just leave it? Why do you hate me so much?”

She laughed. “You think I hate you? This isn’t hate. Trust me, if I hate you, you’d know about it. I

“Then get off my case,” I replied through gritted teeth.

“You think he really cares about you?” she laughed again. “Trust me, I’ve been there. As soon as you’re gone, it will be another stupid bimbo who will fall for the same lies. Trust me, I’ve been there.”

I froze as her words shot through me. My heart began to pound as I wondered… was she talking about Max?

She snorted and shot me a look.

“No, not him. But given the chance, he’d be just like all the others.” I nervously took a step toward her.

This girl, who had made my life a living hell for the last three weeks, was telling me what exactly? That she’d been raped? Taken advantage of? Was it here, or somewhere else?


“Don’t. Just fuck off, okay? I don’t need your pity; I don’t need you pretending that you give a shit about me, okay? Anyway, I’m here now, so it doesn’t matter, right?”

She pushed past me, and stormed out of the room. I sat down on the edge of my bed, my heart racing.

What the hell had that been?

All her behavior was starting to make sense. I was no psychologist, but I could recognize a cry for help when I saw one.

In the distance, I could see him under our tree as I walked toward him. Sherry was still on my mind, and would be until I’d spoken to Max about it. Us getting caught was the furthest thing from my mind right now.

“Hey you.” He smiled up at me. My heart jumped when I saw the single red rose he was gently rolling between his fingertips.

“Seriously? This is your idea of being inconspicuous? Do you often carry roses around?” I teased, sinking to my knees in front of him.

“Only when I have pretty women to give them to,” he said, chuckling as I hit his arm. Leaning in, I kissed his lips. He handed me the rose and smiled.

“I have some news,” he said.

“Oh?” My heart pounded. Why did I get the feeling I wasn’t going to like what I was about to hear?

“You’re being released tomorrow,” he said softly.

“What? I am? How?” I sank back on the grass in shock. Was this good news? Or bad? I had no idea how to take it. Two weeks ago I would have been doing cartwheels across the laws upon hearing this. But now? The thought of leaving made me sad. The thought of leaving him made me sad.

“Yes. I think you will officially be told in the morning.”


“This is good news, Maya.”

“Is it?” I said.

Because I was failing to see how. I had no real home, no family and nowhere I wanted to be, other than with him.

“I’m sorry. It’s great news, I’m just a little shocked.”

He looked at me nervously. Was there more? Because I didn’t think I could handle more right now.

“Maya…I want to ask you something. I won’t be offended if you say no, but I’d love for you to say yes.” He paused and stared at me.

“You need to ask for me to answer,” I chuckled nervously.

He rolled his eyes. “I’m getting to that.” He sighed and breathed out heavily. “Okay. What would you say if I asked you to move in…” my heart jumped as I hung off his words. “…with my sister.”


“Huh?” I said, confused. That was not where I saw that heading.

He laughed at my reaction.

“I like you. A lot. But we have only known each other a few weeks and I want to take things slow. My sister lives near a community college that offers GED classes. You’d get along great with her. She’s five years younger than me, and according to her,
more fun.”

I began to laugh. Was this really happening? Could this sweet, beautiful guy get any better? I doubted it. Rocking forward onto my feet, I grabbed his face and kissed him.

“You are amazing.” I shrugged. There was no other word for him. “Thank you.” I added sincerely.

“One other thing…” His eyes narrowed mischievously. “I’m working a double tonight. Care to spend the night with me?”


Sneaking out of my room is it easier than I thought. Sherry took so many drugs in the evening that she was passed out before her head even hit the pillow. I mentally run through the directions Max had given me, praying I didn't stuff them up.

Eventually I found myself standing outside the staff quarters. It was just where he said it would be, outside, and opposite the quadrant.
Did he say the one on the left?
I'm sure he said left. My heart pounded as I stepped closer to the door, wrapping lightly. For about ten seconds, I was freaking out that I had the wrong room.

What would I say? How was I supposed to explain being out of my room, and outside at one in the morning? Just then, the door opened.

Thank fucking Christ.

Max cracked open the door to further and let me in, wearing only a pair of sweat pants. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I leaned in and kissed his bare chest. He smiled as he shut the door, locking it with the chain.

“We’re good until six, but we better off getting you out of here a little earlier. We wouldn't want to jeopardize your release,” he whispered with a grin.

I'm getting out. I can't believe I'm getting out.
I was on the verge of tears.

Why I was I suddenly so overwhelmed with emotion right now? I’d avoided thinking about this all day, and now it was like my mind was going crazy. Part of me was sad, another part terrified, another excited… And all these emotions were fighting to be in control.

“Come and sit down,” he whispered leading me towards the bed. “I don’t want you collapsing on me. Well, not like this anyway,” he joked. I laughed in spite of myself, sitting down on the edge of the bed. I thought about everything and tried to think about nothing.

The world seemed easier when I didn't think

“Here,” he said.

I took the cup that he held out to me and looked inside. Juice. I drank it down and forced myself to relax.

“It will be fine, I promise. You have me this time, okay?”

I smiled at him, realizing how lucky I was. Even if we didn’t work out, I didn’t doubt that I had a friend for life in him. Setting the cup down, I wrapped my arms around his waist.

“Thanks,” I murmured, looking up into his eyes. He gazed down at me, desire burning in his eyes. I gave a small nod, letting him know I was okay.

“We need to be quiet,” he whispered, pushing me back on the bed so no screaming, okay?

“I'll try my best,” I chuckled.

Propped up on his shoulder so he was facing me, he leaned in and kissed me. His lips crushed against mine, in perfect sync. My whole body tingled, loving the way he felt that against me, loving the feel of his fingers as they brushed the hair from my face.

His lips touched mine again, as his fingernails slowly trailed down my neck, and down between my breasts. I sighed, just the sensation of his nails against my bare skin was almost enough for me to reach orgasm.

My back arched, as his fingers moved over the lease of my thong. He was teasing me. Every movement, every touch right now was a tease.

“Oh,” I gasped, as his nails ran over the wet fabric between my legs that separated him from me. He brushed aside my underwear and slipped her finger inside of me. “You,” I gasped, “I want you inside me.”

He kicked off his sweats and crawled between my legs, his erection already pressing at the entrance of my wetness. I swallowed, my fingers clutching at his sides as he eased himself inside of me. God that felt so good. I was so damn wet and aching for him. He slammed inside me, his momentum increasing as a film of sweat glistened over his skin.

“You feel amazing.”

He gasped, his legs tensing as he impaled me, his warm release spraying inside me. Sighing, he pulled out and fell onto the bed beside me as I snuggled into his arms.

He kissed my hair as we snuggled on the bed, making the most of our last night together. He eventually fell asleep, as I lay there, wide-eyed and awake.

Tomorrow—or today—was the start of my new beginning.

I lay there, listening to the sound of him snoring. For the first time in my life, I was excited about my future. I felt like a child at Christmas. I had no idea what the future held for me, but I couldn’t wait to find out.


Chapter Nine


The process of being released was bittersweet.

I felt safer here than I had all my life and while the future hold promise the uncertainty of it all was terrifying. I almost wished I were serving my full sentence.

Surprisingly, despite being eighteen, they refused to release me without the presence of an adult.

“But I am an adult,” I argued.

“Yes, but its protocol, Maya. We can't just release you. We need to be sure you're being cared for. Can someone that can pick you up?”

Sure, just let me just call Max down here.

“I'll call someone,” I sighed.

I picked up the mobile that had just been returned to me, praying there was still credit on it. Digging his number out of my pocket, my fingers shook as I punched in the digits. This would be the first time we’d have ever spoken on the phone.

“Hello?” He sounded half asleep.
Shit. I’d woken him

“Hi, it’s Maya.” I could almost hear him sit bolt upright in bed. I smothered a giggle. “Sorry to bother you, but they won’t release me without an adult. Even though I’m
.” I shot the office clerk at death stare. She glared right back at me.

“Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about that. I’ll get my sister to pick you up. It will be a good icebreaker, a way for you guys to get to know each other,” he chuckled.

Oh, I was glad he found this funny.

“Fine. Thanks,” I grumbled.

“Oh, and Maya? I’ll see you at home.”

. My knees almost buckled underneath me. That sounded

Home. I finally had a home.




Try Me


Stacy Lynn


Edited by

Taylor K Editing Services





In the six months since I joined McMillan Holdings, I learned it only takes one small, seemingly inconsequential moment for life to be picked up, tipped upside down, and shaken like a snow globe that leaves your feet spinning for traction amidst a whole new realm of uncertainty.

Who knew that it would take one knock on Jack’s door to run straight into the only woman I had ever loved, find out I had a son, and then find out that same woman was in love with my new boss, Jack McMillan. To top it all off, I learned how big of a dick my dad truly was. It gave me great satisfaction to blackmail the bastard’s ass and get him to step down from his Senate seat mid-term and make sure he had nothing to do with anyone I cared about ever again.

The problem? I was a fucking hero and I still didn’t get the girl. I knew it would happen. You couldn’t be within five feet of Jack and Emma together and not feel their attraction for each other. But even after she told me
‘no’ to trying to be parents together for Logan’s sake - and mine, really – a small part of me held out hope that she’d choose the better man.

aybe she did. It just so happened that, in her eyes, I wasn’t him.

Which stung like a bitch three months ago
, and it didn’t make me feel any better now.

Not when Jack was
in my office, sitting in a chair across from my desk, and waiting for me to react to what he had just told me. What he had just asked me for help with.

re you going to say anything?” he asked me, one eyebrow raised, looking like the cocky son of a bitch that he was. But damn it if he wasn’t also a good guy, an even better boss, and shit – even I had to admit he thought Logan walked on water.

I just hate
d sharing my kid with him. I hadn’t known Logan existed until a few months ago, and I wanted to spend all my time with him. Instead, I only saw him a couple weekends a months and a few nights a week. Emma was generous with me seeing him whenever I wanted considering we didn’t have a formal custody arrangement set up, but it was the fact that I had to ask in the first place that stung like I had knocked over a wasp’s nest.

“Are y
ou asking for my blessing, Jack?”

“I don’t need it.” One side of my lips twitched up in a half-smile at his arrogance. “I just didn’t want you blindsided by it. And I’d like your help.”

I snorted. “You want
to help you propose to my ex-fiancée? That’s a pretty low blow even for you, isn’t it?”

Jack and I
normally got along, but there were times when I’m sure both of us were tempted to pull out our dicks and compare to see whose was bigger. This was one of those times.
I hated thinking about the fact that Emma actually knew who would win that competition.

Jack swiped his tongue across the front of his lips and grinned. Some days I admired his business skills. Other d
ays, I wanted to beat him to a pulp, pick up my – er, his – girl, and carry her off caveman style along with our son. My own family was pretty fucked up and I had loved Emma. The night she told me she was pregnant, I had wanted to hop on a plane that very second and take her to Vegas and get married.

The thought of what would have happened if I’d done that haunt
ed me in my dreams.

“I don’t need your help
with Emma, smart ass. I take care of her plenty.” And the bitch of it was that he really did. Jack treated Emma like a damn queen. She deserved it. It just didn’t make the sting any less painful for me. “I’m asking you to take Logan for the night after the wedding so I can have some time alone with her. Then bring him back to the condo early the next morning so he can be there, too.”

I closed my eyes to erase the
image of Emma naked, sprawled out on a bed, and making love to…someone other than me. Then I walked to the bar on the other side of my office and poured two glasses of Scotch. Jack took one from me and watched me as I threw mine back in one gulp, relishing in the burn of the alcohol as it slid down my throat.

“I can do that.” I wasn’t invited to Macy and Tate’s wedding. I had known Macy in college since her and Emma were best friends, but being at their wedding and watching Emma with Jack and Logan together as one big happy family was too much for me to d
eal with. “It’s not a problem.”

Jack nodded and then blinked his eyes. He had to know how hard this was for me. I also knew he wasn’t
trying to be a prick about it.

“Emma’s pa
rents are in town for Christmas,” he started, clearing his throat with the subject change. “They want to invite you over for Christmas Day dinner.”

Because that’s exactly how I wanted to spend Christmas. Me, Logan, the
soon-to-be-engaged happy couple, and the even happier grandparents. Lovely. No way in hell would I survive.

“Thanks, but I have plans after I drop Logan off.” I got Logan
for Christmas Eve and had promised Emma that I’d have him to their apartment first thing in the morning so he could have Santa visit me at my house and theirs, too.

“Do you?” h
e asked, tossing back the rest of his Scotch. He placed it on my desk and stood up, not waiting for my answer.

I didn’t give him one. We both knew I was
spending the holiday alone, but alone would be better than spending it with Emma’s family as an outsider and having to share Logan’s attention with Jack all day.

Fuck me.




“Get your ass out here.” I could barely hear Dean’s voice through the background noise of the bar he was in.

I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off.

“So help me God, Marcus. It’s New Years Eve. Get your ass out here before I show up at your place and drag you out.”

“Not feeling it, Dean.”

He heard me. He just ignored me. “Be here in twenty. I got someone I want you to meet.”

I rolled my eyes when I heard the sounds of the club turn into deafening silence. The asshole had hung up on me. Christmas may have come and gone, but he knew I was being a miserable son of a bitch about Emma’s upcoming engagement. Was it insane that I knew about my ex’s pending engagement before she did? Since Dean and his brothers were at a club just a block from my condo, he wasn’t shitting me about dragging my ass out. We had actually become decent friends in the last couple months – once we got over the awkwardness of the fact that I was still in love with the woman he had gone out on a date with.

I sat on the couch in my living room and stared out at Chicago. Clubs were going to be insanely packed and loud and I didn’t want to put up with the bullshit.

I also didn’t want to spend another damn day in my condo, alone, wishing I could have done shit differently. Wishing I would have been a better man. Wishing I would have known my dad was a lying, cheating asshole. Wishing I would have believed Emma against everything else I’d heard.

I sighed, rubbing my hands roughly through my hair. I had to get over Emma. She would never again be mine.

With that thought in mind, I grabbed my keys and my coat and headed out to meet Dean, his brother, Daniel, and whoever else was with them. My guess was Dean’s girlfriend, Harper, and some of her friends were there, too.

Not that I wanted anything to do with Harper’s friends. If they were anything like her, they were probably quiet and reserved. Not a bad thing for Dean. Just not the type of girls to get me out of my slump.

But the best way to get over a girl? Get another one under you.

At least I wouldn’t ring in the New Year alone. And maybe I’d have a better memory to cling to in the upcoming nights once Emma and Jack were happily engaged.

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