Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1 (32 page)

Read Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1 Online

Authors: Lisa M. Harley,Missy Johnson,Stacey Lynn,Lexi Buchanan,Rebecca Brooke,Olivia Linden,Jessica Hawkins,R. S. Grey,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Janice Baker

BOOK: Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1
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The next morning Sylvia smiled through her third yawn in a row. Too happy to complain about her exhaustion from the three hours of sleep she received. It was probably a good thing that the work she did for her father was a breeze, for her. Otherwise, his books might wind up looking pretty unbalanced. She actually looked forward to the filing she had to do before she left for the day. Another activity that would allow her to sit back and recount the previous night. Doug, the office manager, kept eyeing her suspiciously, and she wished he would mind his damn business. She was tired of his pseudo flirting, despite the lovely picture frame of his girlfriend sitting on his desk.  Doug would be sure to mention her condition to her father, once he arrived from his morning duties at the ranch, so she tried her best to keep her love hangover under wraps.

“Wanna do lunch today?” Doug’s voice startled Sylvia out of her daydream.

“What? Um, no thanks. I’m not hungry yet. You go ahead,” she stammered.

“C’mon Sylvia. My treat,” he insisted. Just as she was assimilating another rejection, her father stepped into the office.

“Hey Syl, let’s go,” he instructed. Thrown off balance by her father’s request, she hesitated.

“Where are we going?”

“Sheesh! Lunch woman. Let’s go, let’s go!” Harry Davis was mostly a patient man, but when he had something on his mind, his patience slipped a few notches.

“Ok! Sorry, Doug. Maybe some other time,” she threw over her shoulder as she followed her dad outside.

Once in her father’s truck, the ride to their destination was silent. In a moment of panic, Sylvia wondered if somehow he knew her secret. They tried to be careful, but what if they were found out? No, her father would be furious if he knew what her and Finn were up to. Her finger twitched with the longing to tap on the door frame she rested her hand on, but that would give her away, so she remained still.

After a short drive, they pulled into Moe's Diner. This is where they used to come for lunch together the summer before she went away to school. Sharing their favorite dish of bacon cheeseburgers with smothered fries. If they were feeling really risky, they would add a banana split to the meal. Even though they were pretty distant right now, Sylvia and her father were once close.

She followed her dad to their usual both. Watching as he settled into his seat and grabbed two of the plastic menus, sliding one across the table towards her. Sylvia smiled at this gesture, enjoying how he was pretending to give her a choice, when they both knew what his intended plan for lunch was. Once the waitress came to their table, he placed an order for the usual, lifting an eyebrow at Sylvia to see if she was in agreement. She simply nodded and smiled, sliding her menu back towards him.

For the first time, in a long while, she studied her father’s features. He looked pretty much the same, except for the extra tension lines that creased his forehead. There was also happiness in his eyes. A lightness that Sylvia hadn’t seen in him for a very long time, and it made her feel conflicted. She was happy that her dad was finally happy again, but guilty of what she was doing behind his back. Not enough to make her stop, but just enough to make her think.

“So how you doing, Syl? With the move back home and everything,” her father started in.

“I guess things are falling into place. Just needed some time to adjust,” she answered.

“Yeah. I know there were a few changes for you to get used to. You’re so damn quiet, I never really know what’s going on with you,” Harry stated. Sylvia  glanced down at her straw, twirling it between her fingers, hoping to hide the proof of her mischief in her eyes.

“Things are a lot different, but I’ll be okay,” she finally responded.

“And is this what you want?” Harry asked. “To stay here? What about school?’

“I was thinking about attending the local community college, bring my grades back up and then I can think about going back,” She lied. She didn’t want to go back anymore than she wanted to suck her burger through a straw. Especially now, with her and Finn.

“Oh. That’s great hun. Thanks for really taking this all in stride. I thought you were angry with me,” her father continued. “Since you haven’t really been talking to me, and you say even less to Dorothy and Finn. I was just hoping that we could work on that.”

“Work on that?” she reiterated. What did her father have in mind. As she was pondering his last statement, their order was brought to the table. Sylvia munched on a few fries as she waited for her father to continue.

“Yes. Work on it. I have a request. Can you be nicer to Finn? He’s had it rough since his dad passed away, and Dorothy is worried about him. Maybe, just talk to him. See what he’s into. I don’t know how to reach him, and maybe since you guys are close in age, he’ll talk to you.”

Sylvia didn’t know whether to laugh, or panic. Was her father really sitting here asking her to become friends with her step-brother because he thought it was a good idea? Or was this some sort of a set up? She searched his face for some trace of ire, or consternation, but he just looked reproachful. This certainly made things interesting.

“Ok, dad. I’ll do what I can.” Sylvia laughed internally at her private joke.

“Great! Thank you so much. Why don’t you head home after lunch, start your weekend early. I’ll deal with Doug,” he ended with a wink.

As she drove home, blasting her Lissie CD, Sylvia couldn’t stop thinking about Finn. Compounded with the request from her father, she was plagued with doubts. They would be under a watchful eye to be friendly, so their original plan to pretend to be ignorant of each other’s existence was a no-go. Now they would have to be extra careful. Taking full advantage of her father’s offer, she decided to pay Finn a special visit. She knew she wouldn’t be able to wait until later that night to see him.

Finn was having a shitty day, and was looking forward to starting his weekend. He had been dealing with a deficient vendor all day, demanding to get the service they were contractually obligated to perform, or sever the contract. Making that demand began a game of phone tag. He looked at the time, hoping that he wouldn’t have to stay too late dealing with this mess. His mother was already home, starting on dinner, so he was at least free to let the curses fly as he pleased. Just as he slammed down his phone, after getting voicemail again, he heard the main door to the small office trailer open. Thinking maybe his mother forgot something, he sat back and waited for her to walk into the back office. His eyebrows shot up when Sylvia walked in.

“Sylvie. What are you doing here?” He asked, pleasantly surprised. Sylvia sauntered over to him, holding out her surprise. The lunch she covertly ordered while out with her dad, and picked up after she retrieved her car.

“I brought you lunch,” she chirped. Leaning over the desk to give him a kiss. She wasn’t at all surprised when Finn pulled her into his lap.

“Well aren’t you just the sweetest,” he said between kisses to her throat and chin. His hands where all over her, touching and lightly squeezing her.

“And I’m not done yet,” she purred seductively. Before Finn could ask what she meant, Sylvia was sliding out of his lap and positioning herself, kneeling in front of his chair.

“Sylvie,” he groaned. Wanting to tell her to stop, but not having the capacity to.

“Shhhh. Last night you had your way, today I get mine,” she explained. Her hands were slowly unhooking his belt, and then opening the zipper to his jeans. Finn watched in agonizing anticipation as she released his throbbing erection from his boxers and kissed the tip gently before sucking him deep into her mouth.

“Sylvie,” he breathed on a shudder. She was so unpredictable. One minute she seemed worried about them being caught, and the next she was fisting his cock and sucking it so far down her throat he had to hold back from furiously fucking her face.

“Mmmmm,” she hummed around his length. This wasn’t something she had ever done, at least not like this, but she had been thinking about doing it to him all day. On the ride over she decided she didn’t want to wait. She loved the way he felt in her mouth, his scent, and the way he groaned as she pleasured him. As she sucked him in deep again, she felt him shaking, and tasted his precum on her tongue. She knew he was close.

“Yeah, baby use your tongue. That’s it,” Finn panted in between grunts and gasps for air. Sylvia just sucked harder in response, stroking the length of him as he became more rigid in her hands.

“Jesus! I’m gonna come. Sylvie,” he growled. Moments later he was jetting his release down her throat, holding her head still has he thrust his last few strokes into her mouth. He crumpled back into his seat, staring at her in wonderment, as she swallowed every drop of him. The sight of her making him grow hard again.

“Come here,” he commanded in a low drawl. Sylvia’s heart rate increased at the hunger in his eyes. She climbed into his lap, straddling him as he steadied her waist, guiding her down onto his waiting hard on. A sharp stab of pleasure jolted her body, causing her to gasp, and grip his shoulders for support. Finn’s eyes were dark with lust, desire and adoration, and Sylvia warmed beneath his gaze. There were no words between them as he slowly rocked her up and down on his cock, one hand anchored to her hip, and the other hand unbuttoned her top.

She watched his handiwork, while he exposed her breasts one at a time before latching onto one of the aching peaks. Sylvia let out a tortured cry as Finn nipped and suckled her nipple, looking into her eyes with a sexiness she could compare to no other. He watched her, humming in encouragement as she moaned in response to his ministrations. He shifted his pelvis, allowing for a deeper penetration, causing their arousal to build into a state of frenzy. Sylvia was now working her hips in tandem with his. Meeting each thrust with a slam that caused him to jerk with pleasure with each contact.

When it became too much, Finn grasped her hips with both hands, and then stood up. He held her up this way, bouncing her on his shaft. Then he laid her on top of his desk, after swiping any important documents out of the way. He pushed her thighs apart, spreading her wide as he pounded into her. The sight of her sweet juices coating his dick, as it dipped in and out of her, set his climax in motion. He knew she was close too, feeling the way her body was gripping him tighter and beginning to spasm around him.

“You look so fucking good. Look at you, taking my cock,” he growled. Sylvia was moaning so loudly, he wasn’t even sure she heard him.
 Finn leaned forward, increasing the friction between their bodies, and she immediately orgasmed. He followed her lead.

“Damn, babe. What are you doing to me? Huh?” Finn wasn’t expecting an answer. He knew exactly what she was doing to him. Slowly unravelling him.

Sylvia, enjoyed the fuzzy haze of her afterglow. The hard desk beneath her was inconsequential, compared to how she felt. Her body was warm and tingled all over. Finally opening her eyes, she found Finn staring down at her.

“Well, now I’m really hungry,” he joked.

“Then it’s a good thing your smoking hot girlfriend brought you lunch,” Sylvia quipped.

“Remind me to thank her after you leave,” he teased.

“Jerk!” Sylvia clamped him in a vice grip with her thighs, trying to hold in her laugh as Finn, chuckled deeply.

“Just kidding, darlin’. You are the only smoking hot babe bringing me lunch,” he said as he leaned in to kiss her. Just as it was starting to take a turn for the intense, Sylvia pulled back.

“Your lunch is gonna get cold, and I’d rather not get caught spread eagle on your desk. Not how I want to start my weekend.”

Finn pulled her up to a sitting position, reaching into one of his desk drawers and pulling out a pack of wet towelettes. He carefully wiped between her legs before straightening her clothes, and doing the same for himself. Sylvia watched in appreciation as he took care of her, not figuring him to be the nurturing type. She smiled at him when they made eye contact, and kissed him as a thank you.

Once they were both as clean as they were going to get, Sylvia laid out his lunch for him. He relayed how rough his morning had been between bites of his burger. Despite having had lunch already, she still swiped a few of his loaded fries, happy that her metabolism could still handle her eating that way. Finn seemed to be enjoying his burger, and she found herself really enjoying their time together. He was so business like it shocked her, and he was grateful when she helped him organize his computer files that housed the vendor listings. Then they played a few of his computer games. Before she knew it, it was almost time for him to end his work day.

Lounging back in his chair, Finn watched as Sylvia left his office. They both agreed that it would be suspicious if they returned home at the same time, especially when she had gotten of off work hours earlier. A warm smile spread across his face as he acknowledged how much better his day had gotten since she stopped by. Far from the mute that he had originally taken her for, it turned out that she was not only thoughtful, but funny and efficient.
 A lot more mature than he expected, which was a relief. The last thing he wanted was an irrational, reckless girl pretending to be a woman. Sure, she was a little sad or slightly serious, but he could live with that.

Then his thoughts took a turn. What were they doing? Would it make things harder now that they seemed to be taking things beyond the physical? Even though, there was no helping that because he wanted her to be his. It was only her fear of hurting her father, and his concern for the damage that it may bring to their parents relationship that he agreed to keep things a secret. He hated that part, because he didn’t want to hide his budding feelings for her. Sylvia was special to him, and the world should know about it.

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