Read Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1 Online
Authors: Lisa M. Harley,Missy Johnson,Stacey Lynn,Lexi Buchanan,Rebecca Brooke,Olivia Linden,Jessica Hawkins,R. S. Grey,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Janice Baker
“Do you mind that he gets a little dirty?” I asked Mitchell as I knelt in front of him to help zip up his jacket. His little hand clutched the transformer toy to his chest as if I were going to snatch it away from him. The navy blue and black plastic was his favorite toy and he usually didn’t want to take it to the park for fear of losing it. Mitchell seems to have made a step in taking chances with his most prized possession.
“He’s already dirty. And he’s a boy. Boys are supposed to get dirty,” he explained with a serious expression that only a child could have when trying to convince you of something. I nodded my head and gave him an approving look. At the age of four, he already seemed to have his parents’ knack for persuasion.
Holding his hand, we walked down the sidewalk and across the street to the park. Our security detail, as usual, was Claude, who always tried to make sure he blended in with Mitchell and me. Even though he seemed to be around Gordon’s age, his buzz cut hair and strong features made him appear younger. Since he always accompanied me to the playground, he was dressed to look like a regular father type figure so as not to scare the other parents. Lauren’s usual security detail dressed for display to make sure others noticed she was protected.
When I first started my employment here, before Gordon and I started our affair, just standing near Claude used to turn me on. It must have been my desires to need a man after trying to remain abstinent for so long. Not only that, but his beautiful smile and charcoal grey eyes always warmed me. Add in that he always stood closer than another security person would, just to make it look as if we were a family, helped add to my mini-fantasy. His amazingly toned body usually intensified my little daydream.
“So I overheard that you and Conner met up at the bar last night,” Claude stated as he continued to look around. He rarely looked me in the eyes, but when he did, it always heated me up, even after Gordon seduced me. Claude used to be the main attraction in my fantasies. Maybe if I had focused on persuading him, I wouldn’t have wound up with Gordon. Or Conner.
I swallowed, unsure of how much he really knew what happened in the bar. His disapproving glance at me led me to believe he definitely found out somehow.
I returned my focus to Mitchell and his new playmate he just met. They were shooting their plastic toys down the slides, chatting about the likes and dislikes of their pretend friends.
I didn’t bother looking at Claude as I responded. “We met. He seems very nice.”
was the only word I could think of to describe him without giving away too much or overdoing it.
Claude sputtered, pretending to cover it up with a cough, making me chuckle. “What? You don’t think he’s nice?”
“I’m not supposed to speak of my employers,” he told me as he looked around, grinning.
“You already did,” I teased him as I faced him. I looked up to his strong chiseled face and coaxed him. “Spill it. What do you know about him?”
He crossed his arms and laughed. “I know nothing. Just,” he started to say and then shook his head. I touched his arm and squeezed, feeling his strong bicep underneath his jacket. The things he could probably do with those arms.
“Come on, you have to tell me now,” I cajoled as I fluttered my eyelashes, completely overdoing it.
In the beginning, flirting with Claude was more of a way to pass the time when we were around each other. He always tried to be so stern and my goal was to break him into some sort of smile for the day. He has a very beautiful smile.
Claude looked down at me and uncrossed his arms, placing his hands in his back pockets, as he seemed to consider telling me his information. I glanced over to Mitchell, who was still playing with his new friend, continuing their game.
“Just…just don’t look too much into anything with him. The last girl he wanted to date wound up with her name dragged through the mud.” I stared into his eyes for a few seconds as I pondered the information he just told me. I wasn’t really sure what exactly he meant by that as I tried to process what he said. I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. What had the papers said about her? Who would have revealed such information to the news media?
I was just about to try to find out more information from Claude, when I noticed Mitchell running full speed toward the entrance of the playground. Completely panic stricken, I called out to him as I ran as fast as I could. Claude was way ahead of me, grabbing Mitchell before he reached the gate.
“Conner!” Mitchell called out as both Claude and I turned to what he was pointing his little finger at. Exhaling with relief, we both turned to see Mitchell’s older brother, smiling broadly, his green eyes gleaming with excitement as he called out, “Hey, little bro!”
Mitchell clamored to escape Claude’s strong grip on him. Conner pulled him from Claude’s grasp as he jokingly ordered, “Stand down, guard. I’ve got him.” His eyes laughing as he hugged his little brother. My eyes darted between Conner and Claude, my heart still pounding at Mitchell’s attempted escape. I took a few deep breaths; my hands were shaking at the possibility that Mitchell could have been hurt.
Claude’s disapproving gaze reminded me of our discussion just moments ago. He briefly shook his head as he looked away annoyed. He stalked off to stand aside, leaving me alone with Conner as he coddled Mitchell. The little boy’s face was overjoyed that his big brother was with him.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, unsure if he usually spends time with Mitchell when he’s home from college.
“I came to play with my little brother.” He paused for a moment, seeming to contemplate his next words. He bit his lip and then smiled at me. “And seeing your gorgeous face is a nice benefit,” he teased.
A small cough erupted from Claude and I couldn’t help but turn my head quickly to meet his eyes as he gave me a “remember what I told you” look. I pressed my lips together as I turned back to Conner and his beautiful eyes.
Conner leaned in and whispered, “I’ve been dying to talk to you again since I saw you in the kitchen this morning.” He put Mitchell on the ground, who tugged at Conner’s hand, leading him over to his new friend.
Slowly, I followed both of them to the slide and Mitchell’s friend. Mitchell introduced Conner to his new pal and explained with an animated expression what they were doing. Conner stood back allowing Mitchell to continue to play. Turning toward me, his gorgeous eyes darted to Claude and back to mine.
“Are you seeing him?” Conner asked as he tilted his head toward Claude. His smile faded and his eyes seemed to be more serious. Seeing his facial expression so deliberate, I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Seeing who?” I asked as I looked around, knowing all too well he meant Claude.
He took a step closer to me and touched my waist, squeezing just enough to force me to look into his eyes. “I know you really do have a boyfriend, but you didn’t want my mom to know. I get that. I won’t out you, I just want to know what I’m up against.”
“Up against? What makes you think you have a shot with me? You’re engaged, don’t think I haven’t forgotten that bit of information.”
“I told you in the kitchen, I’m not engaged. I never asked her. Mom wants me to propose to her in a year or two because it’s the perfect match between two powerful families. I’m not into that bullshit. I’m just playing Mom’s game until college is over with.” He hitched his other hand around my hip, gripping me tightly and pulling me closer. “Now tell me, who is ‘he’?” He had this small smile, almost smug, but it was still kind of sweet. Almost protective over me.
With Gordon being Conner’s step-dad, regardless if we’re still together or not, I could never let him know my secret. I pried his hands off me as I shook my head, letting him know he’ll never know the truth. I stepped back just as I saw a flash in the distance and I squinted my eyes, trying to get a closer look.
“Reporters,” Claude sternly said as he walked over to us, standing in front of where the flash came from. “I suggest you don’t touch her again,” Claude instructed Conner with an annoyed inflection. Conner quickly threw him an angry glare and then focused his attention back toward me.
“So it is him,” Conner shook his head as he frowned. “Is it because he’s an older guy? Or maybe you like the protective type.” He took a step closer and pulled me against his hard body. His hands ran through my hair, gripping me tightly just as he did when he fucked me hard last night. He roughly grazed his lips against my cheek as his words tickled my ear. “Let’s see how jealous we can make him. Maybe he’ll fuck off. Does he know how I thrust my cock into you last night?” I inhaled sharply and the small brush of my breasts against his chest sent shivers through my core. I swallowed, attempting to try to contain my elation as he asked, “does he excite you like I do?”
“Lina, come help me push Tinder!” Mitchell called out, causing me step away from his brother. I glanced at Claude, who was giving me a smirk. The small shake of his head, made me wonder what he thought of all this. Quickly composing myself, I walked over to help Mitchell and…Tinder.
After Conner and I chased Mitchell and his friend around the playground, and some small talk with his new friend’s mom, it was time for lunch. I’m sure the child’s mom was wondering why I was there with two men; both of which at some point in time I touched flirtatiously.
Once we returned to the house, I made lunch for all three of us in the kitchen. Claude met with the other security men, probably to discuss the upcoming interview tomorrow.
“So, what’s your favorite color, Angelina?” Conner asked right before he took a bite of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Mitchell had insisted we all eat the same thing because it would be more fun that way. I watched a dollop of deep purple jelly fall from Conner’s sandwich onto his plate as he put down the half sandwich.
Conner’s comforting tone made me feel like I was speaking with an old friend. It seemed so different than with Gordon. It was easy going with Conner just having lunch together. Thinking back, Gordon and I rarely had time for lunch with one another since we were so busy sneaking around. Something as simple as eating lunch with Conner just felt enjoyable.
“Red,” a small voice called out through a mouthful of food. I looked down at Mitchell and laughed. Every game we’ve played together, he already knew I would always choose red.
“That’s right. Red. Very good memory, silly.” I wiped his mouth as I made a funny face at him.
“Really? That’s funny,” Conner remarked, shaking his head.
I wondered if he was making fun of me so I asked, “Why would that be so funny?”
“Because it’s Conner’s favorite color too!” Mitchell called out enthusiastically while he laughed.
“It is?” I asked the little boy as he grinned up at me and then looked up at Conner who was nodding.
“It’s the most meaningful color. The broad range of feelings the color evokes from people is astounding.” The tone of his voice turned sincere and passionate. I watched his expressive hand gestures as every emotion he felt came through while he continued to explain further. “It shows love, passion, but it can also show hatred or anger. It’s the color of love and yet, at the same time, it can represent the fires from hell.” His green eyes deepened with intensity, but there was something more to it. Something, I couldn’t figure out.
“You sound as if color means a lot to you.”
“My big brother is an artist. He’s going to be the best in the world. Well, mom says he can’t be, but
say he can.” Mitchell proudly stated as his little eyes pulled together to make sure I realized how serious he was. I glanced up at Conner and noticed his cheeks were…ironically, reddened just like our favorite color.
“You’re a painter?” I asked, completely surprised that a man seeming to be on the path toward government relations would be an artist.
“Yes. Well…” He sheepishly grinned as he turned back to his sandwich and moved it around his plate. “I’d like to be, but I have to study politics. It’s just something that I’ve toyed with.” He turned to Mitchell and ruffled his hair. “It’s supposed to be a secret between us guys, but
likes to blurt things out!” He tickled his little brother who was giggling and trying to pull out of his brother’s reach.
“Do you have any finished paintings?” I asked above the laughter. Conner stopped tickling Mitchell and went back to poking at his sandwich.
“A couple,” he sheepishly answered, averting my eyes.
Mitchell jumped off his stool and tugged at my hand. “I know where they are!” He continued to pull me to standing as I looked back at Conner. He looked slightly tormented, as if he were debating what to do.
“Do you not want me to see them?” I stopped walking as Mitchell continued to pull my arm toward the door. His little body was attempting to drag me with everything he had.
“Well, I do. I just…you probably won’t like them. I’ve never really shown anyone, well, outside this family.”
Moments later we were viewing his beautiful paintings in Conner’s room. He had them hidden in the back of his closet and a few of them had to be dusted off. I smiled as I viewed them. I wasn’t really a connoisseur of art, but my father had taught me a few things to look for when we would occasionally visit an art museum when I was little.