Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1 (53 page)

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Authors: Lisa M. Harley,Missy Johnson,Stacey Lynn,Lexi Buchanan,Rebecca Brooke,Olivia Linden,Jessica Hawkins,R. S. Grey,Morgan Jane Mitchell,Janice Baker

BOOK: Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1
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It was just Lauren, Mitchell and me in the kitchen. I couldn’t stop daydreaming about my amazing night with Conner. Waking up in his arms was more than I could have dreamed of. I tried to think that maybe it was because I was actually waking up with my lover, like I had always wanted to do with Gordon. However, I don’t think that’s what it was. Conner was warm and caring, caressing me with kisses throughout the night and then waking me with more. I still couldn’t believe he was the same man in the bar the other night. The fact that he was both a forceful take-charge, as well as, a romantic caring lover made my heart stir with something more than just lust for him.

I stared into space as I remembered him mummer that he loves me in his sleep. After just knowing him for two days, I knew it wasn’t possible, but the way he took me throughout the night made me wish it could be true.

Lauren was working on her laptop, when she suddenly popped her head up and an endearing smile appeared on her face. Following her eyes, my heart stirred with excitement just from laying eyes on him again.

“Well, it looks like someone stayed out late last night,” Lauren teased Conner as he walked in. I was thankful she obviously hadn’t heard our lovemaking throughout the night. He was wearing sweatpants and I was happy to see he put a shirt on, remembering how I dug my nails into his back last night. That same delicious excitement swept through me as I reminisced the way his hips pressed against mine that caused me to add red marks along his back. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to wrap my legs around his waist again.

Conner ran his fingers through his already mussed hair. Half of his blonde locks were sticking straight up. Between that irresistible look and the scruff on his face, I pressed my legs together trying to contain the thrill that ran through me.

I glanced away quickly and turned my attention back to Mitchell, who was flinging cheerios out of his bowl with his spoon. I moved the bowl he was missing a little closer, making him squeal with delight when one finally landed in it. Smiling, I hugged him close and whispered, “Nice job.”

Trying to ignore the feel of Conner’s eyes on me, I turned and grabbed my glass of juice. The sweet taste of oranges teased my taste buds bringing me back to a romantic kiss between Gordon and me. It was in the kitchen, right after he drank orange juice. The thought of his mouth to mine and his wife and stepson now standing only a few feet away from me made me swallow wrong. Coughing, I slammed the glass down and grabbed Mitchell’s napkin. Conner’s hand started to pummel against my back, attempting to help me.

Embarrassed, I glanced up to him. His brows pulled together as he asked, “Babe, are you all right?”

With the napkin covering my mouth as I continued to cough, I nodded rapidly while holding my hand up. He rubbed my back tenderly as he kissed the top of my head.

“You gotta be more careful. Can’t have you choking, right?” Chuckling, he walked toward the cabinets, passing Lauren on the way.

Again, I felt like someone was staring at me and I glanced up to see Lauren shooting daggers at me with her eyes. My heart raced as I felt my face redden and I realized it wasn’t just from Lauren’s eyes on me, but also because Gordon had walked into the doorway. Both Lauren and I looked toward her husband as he walked in grimacing, running his hands up and down the cream colored, cable knit sweater he wore.

I hoped no one heard my breath catch, but seeing him in the sweater he wore the first time he kissed me, caused a rush of memories…the way he tasted, the way he held me, the things he said to me. Then the guilt took over as I replayed being with Conner the past two nights. Had I really broken everything off with Gordon? The last time we spoke he was giving me some sort of warning about his stepson.

“Does this look all right for the interview today?” he asked as he started toward Lauren, bringing me out of my thoughts. She chuckled and I watched Conner scrunch up his nose as he walked toward the table, setting his bowl right next to my glass.

“You look like a fisherman, Gordon. You couldn’t find anything else?” Conner teased as he sat down, throwing a sweet grin my way. Then he looked back to his mom and joked, “You married the Gorton’s Fisherman, ma.”

Lauren chuckled as she shook her head. “I think Conner’s right. It might be a bit much.”

Gordon gave a half smile at the teasing he was receiving and then pinned his gaze to me. “What do you think Angelina?” Gordon surprised me by asking. Startled, I looked briefly at him and then toward Lauren, feeling my cheeks increase in crimson.

I shrugged not wanting to really answer. “It seems fine to me,” I said quietly as I glanced back down to pay attention to Mitchell. Conner placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed. Between the look Lauren had just given me, my lover and his step-dad watching me, panic flooded me. I quickly brushed Conner’s hand off me and stood up quickly.

“I should get Mitchell to school.” I tugged at him as he reached up, silently asking me to carry him.

“Please make sure that he’s back here by one for the interview,” Lauren called out to me as I hurried out of the kitchen. I felt like all eyes were on me and I wasn’t sure how I felt about either man at that point. I didn’t want to love Gordon anymore, but seeing him again and feeling guilty for having sex with Conner had me completely confused. Do I even love Gordon anymore?
Especially seeing him in that sweater that brought back a flood of memories and sensations. I wanted his warm arms wrapped around me and a sensuous kiss from his lips.

And then there was Conner. Young, hot, sexy and full of charming wit. The conversations we had in just the past two days were probably more than I ever had with Jacques or Gordon. The sweet, caring way he spoke to me as if he were truly interested in what I had to say left me wanting a deeper relationship with him. I carried Mitchell to the door and helped him slip his sneakers on as I continued to wonder what my true feelings really were for his older brother.

It seemed to be more than just lust. He makes me laugh and I truly enjoy being around him. I huffed out loud as I realized it’s only been a total of two days, if that.

“What are you thinking about ‘Lina?” Mitchell questioned me as he tilted his head. His sweet little face made me smile and dismiss my silly thoughts of his brother.

“I was thinking that we need to get you to school. Ms. Dillon said you’re making a special project for your parents today,” I reminded him and also diverting my attention from my odd love life. I pulled him up to standing as I stood too. Grabbing his little hand, I inhaled deeply as I reached out for the doorknob.

“Hey wait!” I heard Conner’s anxious voice. Just hearing his tone made me smile and I bit my lip, attempting to contain my excitement. I turned quickly to see laughing deep green eyes. Just seeing the warmth in his eyes caused my heart to flutter as I watched Conner jog toward me. I tried my best not to glance down to the crotch of his sweat pants, but my eyes immediately wandered there, knowing he preferred going without underwear. I shook my head quickly as I flicked my eyes back to his.

As if he knew my thoughts, he chuckled. His brows perked up seemingly amused by my timid glance. Adorable dimples appeared with his grin and I couldn’t take my eyes off them.

“I was thinking that after you drop off Mitchell, we could go for some coffee or something?”

I chuckled as I questioned his intentions, “Or something?”

The alarm in his eyes was endearing as he stuttered quickly, “I just meant to hang out. Nothing,” he stopped and glanced down at Mitchell before his eyes snapped back to mine and continued, “like that. You know…just, well, just to talk. Maybe.” I tried my best to contain my elation knowing he wanted to spend more time with me and not just to have sex.

I beamed and nodded my head. “I’d like that.”

He smiled back at me and then wrapped his hand around my neck, gently pulling me toward him. My breath hitched as his soft lips met mine.

“Eww! Did you just kiss her?” Mitchell spat out with disgust breaking us from that sweet moment. I rolled my eyes as I shrugged at Conner.

“Yes. I did. And when you grow up, you’ll realize how awesome girls are.” He glanced at me as he added, “Especially if you find one like Angelina.”

Blushing, I averted my eyes quickly as I grabbed Mitchell’s hand and turned to leave. “We’ll head out when you get back from dropping him off,” Conner called out to me.

Butterflies danced in my stomach as I placed Mitchell in his car seat and buckled him up.

“I like it when you’re smiling, ‘Lina,” Mitchell told me. “Maybe Conner should kiss you more often,” he exclaimed and then giggled. I laughed and ruffled his hair. Maybe he was right. I definitely would not be opposed to that.





Spending time with Conner, just talking and laughing, was more than I could ever hope for from someone. Just the easygoing nature, his boyish mannerisms were all too endearing and I couldn’t help but have a permanent smile on my face.

It was time for the interview and I stood in the doorway peering in, just in case Mitchell needed me. I barely heard two words the pretty blonde reporter asked the Winchester family, but my eyes remained focused on Conner. Sitting more upright than when we had coffee earlier, he was still obviously more relaxed than the rest of the family. As if he’d been doing this his whole life.

Mitchell fidgeting finally tore my gaze from Conner. Lauren clasped his hands tenderly, yet firmly, silently asking him to stop. He looked up sweetly at his mom and nervously smiled. The reporter told Lauren that if Mitchell wishes to go play, he could. She mentioned having a young child of her own and knowing how difficult it is for them to remain still, especially boys. Lauren thanked her and looked over to me. I began to take Mitchell’s hand so I could lead him out as I heard the reporter softly ask, “Is this your nanny for Mitchell?”

Lauren smiled proudly and nodded her head as I felt my heart beat faster wondering why she would ask about me.

“Would it be possible for her to stay for a moment? Is there someone else who could watch Mitchell for a moment, perhaps?” Lauren had a perplexed look on her face as she told me to ask Mrs. Crowley, the housekeeper, to watch him for a moment. I quickly scooped Mitchell up, my heart beating furiously as I wondered why on earth the reporter would want me in there.

After speaking with Mrs. Crowley, I hurried back to the living room, where they held the interview. I stopped right at the door unsure if I should just walk back in. I tried not to fidget, like Mitchell, but unsure of why I was asked to return made my palms sweat and my nerves were on high alert.

Gordon sat next to Lauren, the two of them looking like the epitome of a perfect married couple until I looked a bit closer. Gordon seemed like he was furious as I watched him trying to contain himself. Lauren’s expression turned colder as her eyes darted to mine, as if she were angry with me for some reason. Panic flooded me that she found out about my affair with Gordon. Then I looked to Conner who was sitting slightly off to the side, his eyes flicked over to mine. Some sort of apology was written all over his face and I couldn’t figure out the whole scene as I slowly approached.

“Ah, Angelina, right?” The beautiful blonde reporter asked me and I forced a smile, knowing how important this interview was to Lauren and her campaign. The reporter sat upright in the flowery paisley print chair, her legs crossed and angled like a professional with notes in her hand to complete the picture. I nodded to her as I slowly entered the room, unsure of what I was walking in to. The urge to turn and run was very strong and I fought it with every step I took.

She gestured with her hand to the seat next to Conner and smiled. I sat down, careful not to make any further movements or look at anyone.

“How long have you and Conner been seeing each other?” She asked me with a smile so huge I could see a sparkle dazzle her tooth from the extra lighting for the cameras.

My heart caught in my throat at her question and my fake smile dropped immediately. I glanced quickly at Conner, unsure of how to answer as he leaned forward and cleared his throat.

“We aren’t seeing each other,” Conner spoke slowly and carefully as he warily glanced at me and back to the reporter. I swallowed and tried my best to keep my hands steady. I was shaking so badly that I couldn’t even hold a thought. I kept my mouth shut, knowing if I spoke it could be misconstrued. I had overheard Gordon telling that to Mitchell over and over again; thankfully, he didn’t use those words.

The reporter pursed her lips together and gave a snide smile as if she knew a secret. I was pretty sure she did have one based on her whole demeanor changing. Her posture became more upright as she reached down for a photo in her lap. As she held it up, I also noticed there were several more photos behind it. Her head tilted just a little as if daring me to look at the photo.

I gasped and felt the blood drain from my face as I stared at a picture of Conner and me at the bar the first night we met. His body was in between my legs and his hands were thrust through my hair. My arms were wrapped around him, my hands clutching at his shirt obviously pulling him closer to my body. As if that wasn’t enough, she then placed that one down in her lap to reveal the next photo. This one with Conner’s hand along the side of my breast and we were very clearly becoming more intimate. With each picture she showed, it was obvious that when the last one showed us outside of the bathroom door, what our full intent was. If she had flipped the pictures, it could have been a frame-by-frame movie of our first meeting.

The room was silent as Conner sat up and casually placed his hand over the back of my chair. Crossing his ankle over the other leg, he sat back nonchalantly as if the whole world hadn’t just found out that we had sex in a bar bathroom.
Oh mon Dieu, my mother might see this.

“Considering this is something that is between two consenting adults and obviously you’re showing this purely for titillation purposes, what does this have to do with my mother’s re-election?”

“Well, actually, I was just about to get to that,” the reporter smugly stated. I shifted in my seat, completely unsure of what to say or do. I stared down shamefully as tears welled up in my eyes. Conner’s hand cupped my shoulder and he squeezed gently. I couldn’t look at anyone. I just wanted to leave. “I believe that most everyone knows your intended future with Mary Rothford. Should we assume you are broken up
or is this just a one night fling with the nanny?” My breath hitched at her remark as my head jerked up to look at her. She curtly smiled at me while tilting her head.

“Were you led to believe there was something more between you and Conner? Or did you not know about his girlfriend? The same girlfriend that he accompanied to the fund raising banquet just last night.” A shooting pain stabbed my heart hearing that he was with her last night before he came to me. I already knew that when Gordon reminded Conner about the banquet yesterday, but hearing that comment from the reporter made me feel as though he were intimate with her before me. Was Conner playing me too? Or was he really finished with Mary? Questions and doubts filled my thoughts and coupled with the photos the reporter just produced, my stomach rolled with nausea.

“All right, that’s enough. There really is no reason for this,” Gordon interrupted, attempting to keep his voice calm. I briefly looked back at him and his cold stare at me spoke volumes. Although I couldn’t tell if it was because I was obviously with Conner or because I may have just drawn negative attention to his wife’s campaign. Regardless, he was extremely upset.

“Actually, there is a reason for this. Senator Winchester, were you aware of your son and nanny having a relationship?”

“I wasn’t aware of this. However, I, uh, fully believe that my son has his right to privacy, as does my Au Pair.”

“Were you also aware that your
Au Pair
posed nude for a photographer?” I felt bile rise up my throat and I swallowed hard trying to keep it down as the reporter then produced more photos…of my body. I was just about to protest those could be of anyone until she arrived at the last one. The black and white photo showed a woman clutching her bare breast, her head tilted back as if in pure ecstasy. As I gaped at the picture, there was no question that it was me.

I couldn’t take anymore nor did I know what I would even say. Completely ashamed to even look anyone in the eyes, I fled the room. What was even worse was hearing the reporter make a snide remark about having a “very naughty Au Pair” and laughing about it as she said it.

With each step I took up the stairs, my shame and embarrassment increased. As I slammed the door to my bathroom behind me and knelt at the toilet, I knew this would be the end of my job here. Even if they did keep me on, I don’t think I would be able to face anyone again. This was all going to be on national television.

As I gripped the sides of the toilet attempting to empty out my shame, I heard a knock. As I flipped through the entire ordeal in my mind, I didn’t want to answer it. I continued to sit there just staring at the white porcelain with tears pouring down my face. I’m sure it was Lauren wanting nothing more than to fire me and call me all sorts of names. I lay down on the cool tile wanting nothing more than to become non-existent.

A very familiar woodsy scent filled the air, bringing me back to just hours ago when the world didn’t know of my scandalous lifestyle. Conner sat down next to me on the floor and pulled me to his chest with his strong arms. I pressed my face into his chest and continued to cry my tears of humiliation.

“Shh,” he whispered as he kissed the top of my head, hugging me tighter to his body. “It’ll be okay. Things like this blow over quickly. She’s a new reporter and just wants to make a name for herself.”

“It won’t blow over for me. It’ll follow me the rest of my life. I’ll never be able to watch children again,” I cried as the realization hit me just from saying the words. Conner didn’t respond which confirmed my fears. He knew it also.

He took a deep breath as he tenderly kissed my lips. “Hey now. Crying over it isn’t going to make it go away. Come on. Mom wants to see you in her office. Whatever happens, you need to know that I’m here for you. Really, I am.”

I knew he probably wouldn’t be there for me after I speak with Lauren. Why would she ever want her son to be with someone like me?

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