Forbidden (Star Crossed MC Lovers, #1) (12 page)

Read Forbidden (Star Crossed MC Lovers, #1) Online

Authors: Sierra Rose

Tags: #biker, #motorcycle club, #motorcycle romance, #forbidden romance, #contemporary romance, #mob romance, #romantic suspense, #romance, #new adult & college, #new adult

BOOK: Forbidden (Star Crossed MC Lovers, #1)
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"Got a new tat because my girl told me she would lick it. I figured it was in the proper place for licking." He chuckled.

"What is it?" I wanted to know so badly.

"You'll see soon. You're going to love it." He winked.

"If that's my name..." I gave him a hard stare.

"Hush and take that off. Now." He tugged at the front of my bra roughly.

I reached behind me and undid the bra, letting out a groan as I tossed it aside. "Why is this the perfect place for licking? I thought you liked for my tongue to go lower."

He sat up and pressed his lips to my breast, flicking his tongue over my nipple as he cupped my butt and massaged it slowly.

"Oh I do, but if you're licking my lower abs, then most likely my cock's going to get in the way. He'll steal the show... at least that was the plan."

I laughed and hugged him tightly; pressing his face between my breasts and reveling at how good it felt to be in his arms. The air around us was the perfect temperature and the only sounds I heard were those of the night creatures that roamed the forests.

"I like it." I took his head in my hands and forced him to look up at me. "I'm so glad you want me."

"So much, Lena. More than you know." He pulled me down and kissed me again. "Take your pants off and get back up here. I need to feel you."

I nodded and moved back, standing up on the table and tugging my jeans over my hips.

He did the same and worked to get a condom on as his eyes moved up to watch me slide my panties down my legs.

"Do you still have the white ones?" I smiled and moved back to his lap.

"Mhmm... but they're mine now." He took my hips in his hands and let out a sound of appreciation. "Fuck, you're so hot."

"All yours, handsome." I rolled my hips and cried out as he entered me, the pressure of his size so wickedly good.

"Oh fuck." He lifted his hips and finished filling my body, his chest and abs bunched up as he started to work me from beneath. "I've imagined this a million times."

I pressed my hands to his thighs behind me and closed my eyes, wanting to memorize how incredibly well we fit together. His thumb brushed over my clit and I cried out, jerking back up.

"Did I hurt you?" He stopped suddenly, rubbing his hands down my thighs as his expression filled with concern.

"No. It was just intense. I've touched my own clit before, but never has a guy tried to." I shrugged and rocked forward, not at all in the mood to talk.

"Then they were fucking idiots. Lean back like you were and lift your hips a little. I'll fuck you from down here. Just enjoy, Lena."

I nodded and bit at my lip as I followed his instructions, not quite sure anything would be different with him than it had been the other times I'd had sex, but I wanted to try.

He pumped in and out of me rhythmically; the sound of his grunts filled with the smell of our sex drove me toward the brink of orgasm quickly. His thumb brushed by me again and I cried out, unable to help myself.

"Just keep still, baby. Take the dick and I'll do the rest." His voice was low and gravelly.

I opened my legs wider after the third stroke he applied; I exploded, my groans growing louder as stars appeared in my vision. There was no way I could stay still.

I dropped my hands on his chest and rocked against the ecstasy he offered, my hair draped across his chest as we continued to give and take from one another.

"So beautiful, Selene," he whispered.

He sat up, forcing me back a little. He wrapped his strong arms around me and turned us, dropping his legs to the bench below and tightening his fingers on my hips.

I pressed myself against him and concentrated on using my body to bring him to come with me the next time. Our lips touched, and Lucky trapped the back of my head, holding me in place as his thrusts became harder and faster.

"So close, baby," he groaned against my lips and pressed his tongue into my mouth.

I sucked at his offering, as he emulated the deep thrusts of his cock inside of me. I bit down on his tongue and he cried out, stiffening and digging his nails into my ass.

"Come for me, Lucky. Explode, baby." I whispered against his lips and he dropped his head back and let out a guttural cry as he came.

I worked him until he forced me to stop; the sound of us gasping for air forced chill-bumps down my exposed skin.

He pressed kisses over the sore spots along my chest, as if he could heal them with his sweetness. He was healing me... he just didn't know it.

The need to tell him that I loved him rolled over me, but I let it go. Now wasn't the time. We'd made a commitment to each other and we could start there.

"Is it bad that I want more already?" He smiled and lifted his face to me as I pressed my lips to his.

No. It wasn't bad. Not at all.

I broke the kiss and stood up, moving off my man and walking toward the lake.

"What are you doing, Lena?" Lucky called after me as he cleaned himself up.

"Washing off. Want to join me?" I took a few steps into the lake and clenched my teeth together. How the hell was it so much colder than it was just a few days before?

"Is it cold?"

"Nope." I turned to face him and put on my most convincing face. "Jump off that old rock. I dare you."

?" He walked over and got up on the rock, his sexy body before me in all its glory, and damn, was it glorious. "Wait... it's not cold right? I'm trusting you."

"Well, you shouldn't, but yeah... it feels great. Stop being a pussy and jump in."

I waded in farther, stifling the need to run screaming from the icy cold liquid.

"Surely a girl that just made love to me wouldn't lie, right?" He lifted his eyebrow and chuckled.

"Get in here or I'll take off with your clothes again." I laughed at the deadpan expression I got. "I'm kidding. It was a joke. Jeez. Get in!"

"Alright. I'm coming for you." He got a running start and leapt off the rock as I ran toward the shore as fast as I could.

"Cold!" I screamed and moved to gather up my clothes.

The yelp that left him as he emerged from the water told me I was in trouble.

He came out of the lake and I ran for the forest, one leg in my pants and the rest dragging behind me.

"You little shit! My balls are the size of dimes." He stopped by a large tree near me and let out a verbal shiver. "I'm going to get you and spank your ass."

"Please?" I jolted out in front of him and screamed as he reached out and caught me in his arms.

He walked me back to the lake as I kicked and screamed, promising to do anything if he didn't pull me into the icy water.

"Anything?" he asked and stopped at the edge of the dark water with me in his arms.

"Nope. Dunk me in the lake and let's get this over with." I smiled, feeling freer than I had in years.

"This is going to be fun." He walked out into the water and let my legs go, pulling me close and pressing his lips to mine as I screamed.

The need to race out of the chilly lake was swept away by the desire to taste more of his kisses. I melded myself to the front of him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

He broke the kiss, but stayed close, his thumb running softly up and down my face.

"Promise that you won't do what you did last night. I'm falling in love with you. I can't lose my heart over something stupid like drugs... I can't lose you for any other reason than you deciding that you can't love me, too. Or you do and then fall out of love with me. Anything else would destroy me completely."

"I promise." I tucked my face against the side of his neck and breathed in deeply, loving him beyond what words could express anyway. It wasn't a quick fling or something that just happened, but four years of watching from a distance and wanting so badly to move closer.

"If something happens, you just text me 9-1-1 and I'll come find you, okay? We'll add that weird app that lets us find each other." He moved back and stared down at me with intensity in his gaze. "You live in a dangerous world, Selene. Tell me you'll let me in as much as you can. I want to know that if you need me, you'll let me know. No questions asked."

"I will, Luck. I promise. No more talking." I lifted to my toes and kissed him again, taking to heart every promise he'd made that night.

“I’m going to be there for you, always, to the best of my abilities.”

With him soon to be a Stone Wolf, I had some serious decisions to make, but that was the future. I wanted to stay locked in the present and ignore all that was to come.

It felt safer that way.

Chapter 14


he night before had been magical. I didn't want to take Selene back to her grandmother's place, but eventually I had to. The way she clung to me as we rode down the back roads of our sleepy town left me no doubt. She was falling in love with me, too.

I stopped in front of the house and scooted forward, letting her get off, but staying seated myself. I needed to get back to the clubhouse. I was due in the bar at eleven and needed a nap before starting my shift.

I pulled off my helmet and took hers as a smile lifted my lips.

"Come here and kiss me, girl." I reached for her, tugging her toward me as she pretended as if she were prepared to deny me.

A feminine giggle left her as I snuggled into her neck and sucked at her flesh.

"Stop it, Luck. My grandma could be watching."

I pulled back and leaned over, winking like someone

She jerked back like she had been popped. I couldn't help but let out a belly laugh.

"You ass." She turned back around and slapped at my chest before I pulled her in again for another long kiss.

"You ass." I brushed my nose by hers. "What're your plans later today?"

"To be with you." She nipped at my lips. "I'll be here for the rest of the day. Come over for dinner tonight and let Grandma meet you?"

"What? No." I pulled back and reached behind me for my helmet. "We're keeping us a secret until I can figure this thing out about us being on opposite sides of the fight, Lena."

"Everyone but Grandma can be kept in the dark. I already told her about you." Lena shrugged and walked backward, the girl far too fucking cute for me to be too upset with her.

"Alright, but if she tries to bury a hatchet in my back tonight, you better knock the old granny over." I laughed as her eyes widened.

"I'm going to get you good for that, Lucas Morrison."

"You're already one up, toots. It's my turn and it's gonna hurt so good..." I let out a moan like I was already enjoying the taste of victory on my tongue.

"Get out of here. You ain't nothing but bad news."

"Damn right, woman." I winked and pulled my helmet on before turning my bike and heading back home.

The sun woke up just before I pulled into the club house. I couldn't help but sit on my bike for a minute and watch it. Deep crimsons and burnt oranges danced across the sky, the majesty of it leaving me breathless.

For the first time in my life, things seemed to be headed in the right direction.

I was done with my father and his beatings. School was over and I was ready to work my ass off to save up for my shop. I'd get there... no doubt. The guys were giving me a place to stay, a job to make money, and somewhere to belong.

"And now, Lena." I inhaled deeply and got off my hog, letting the peace of all that I had wash over me in huge waves.

Walking quietly into the lodge, I turned to see Rusty, Knife and Blade sitting around a table in the center of the bar.

"Look what the cat drug in, boys. Our youngest hang-around done got him some kitty cat." Rusty chuckled and wagged his eyebrows at me.

"Who is she?" Blade asked. I ignored them both, choosing humor over honesty.

"So, are you guys still so young at heart that you've been up all fucking night, or so damn decrepit that you woke up before the sun?" I lifted an eyebrow and moved toward my room. I had to have sleep. My adrenaline was running out and if I didn't make it to my room, Selene's drug rush would have nothing on me. I'd be slurring and promising the world to anyone that would give me a pillow.

"Who's asking, boy?" Knife jabbed, the smile on his face making it obvious that he was teasing me.

I looked around, playing the part and shrugged. "Me, I guess."

"Get your ass in bed and we'll wake you up just before your shift. Don't let no woman's sweet ass steal your dream, alright? Ain't nobody worth all that shit." Blade tapped the table in front of him and watched me with concern.

"Now, now..." Rusty started, a smile on his aging face. "If the sweet ass is worth it, throw caution to the wind and dive in deep."

"Oh, I dove in deep." I grabbed my crotch, much to Blade's dismay. "Night boys."

I walked into my room to the loud laughter I left behind and our president commenting 'I love that stupid boy'. A smile lifted my face, but was quickly consumed by a loud yawn. I pulled my t-shirt over my head and kicked my pants off before face planting on the bed.

Pain roared through my lower stomach and I jerked over onto my back.

"Fuck." I pulled the gauze up to look and see how the tat was doing and as expected, it was scabbing over. Selene could make it feel better as soon as it healed.

I had a feeling my new obsession could make anything feel better.


ho is she?" Blade slapped his hand over my shoulder and squeezed hard.

I spun around on my heel and tensed up. "Just some girl from school that I met at the party the other night. She loves bikes and dick. Okay?"

"Yeah. Just be careful, alright?" He lifted his eyebrow at me.

I wanted to shoot back that I was a grown ass man, but he'd been too good to me to disrespect him. Blade had shown up each and every time I needed help, without fail. The man had some kind of radar that told him to come when I was in danger or hurt.

"Yeah. Okay. I will." I nodded, keeping my tone neutral and moving down the bar to take another order. It had been a long shift, but it kept me busy. Selene hadn't texted yet, which told me she was busy, too, or she was still sleeping.

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