Ford: The Dudnik Circle Book 1

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Authors: Esther E. Schmidt

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“Ford” The Dudnik Circle #1

By Esther E. Schmidt

Copyright © 2016 by Esther E. Schmidt


All rights reserved.


No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, without permission in writing from the author.


This book is a work of fiction. Incidents, names, places, characters and other stuff mentioned in this book is the results of the author’s imagination. Ford is a work of fiction. If there is any resemblance, it is entirely coincidental.

Ford might be considered a dark romance. So a warning comes with this book. It’s not a typical light and fluffy, it’s closer to a dark and twisty romance.

Ford is not intended for readers under the age of 18, and anyone who is unable to read books containing, kidnapping, murder, and assault. Do not read if sexual situations, violence and explicit language offends you.

Cover design by:

Esther E. Schmidt

Christi Durbin

Everyone sees our friendship. Except we are the ones who feel the love and warmth. Fucking love you, Bitch.


Chapter One


Did you just fucking moan on me?




The music is banging as liquor flows. With my back against the wall, I watch the people around me in this shithole bar. I’m here for one reason and one reason only: to get some sexual-takeout.

I indulge myself the pleasure once every three months. Yeah, I need it every damn day, but the cleanup is a bitch. Like I said, I indulge myself four times a year. Four women a year. It’s a fifty-fifty thing. Half end up in the ground, while the other half beg for more but get a stash of cash and a kick to the curb.

To be honest… I like the ones that end up dead afterward; less trouble to deal with and I prefer closure. Besides that? I like the struggle. Listening to them beg, watching the terror in their eyes while I make them come. I quite enjoy shocking the hell out of them. Most can’t handle it and threaten me after we’re finished playing. That right there is their mistake. And that’s when they end up dead.

Someone bumps into me, making the vodka in my glass slosh over the rim.

“You okay, Ford?” My right hand, Yegor growls as he reaches for the woman who spilled my drink.

The moment he spins her around, I take her in. Long strands of black hair that would tickle her ass if she were naked in front of me. A good handful set of tits and a great ass to grab onto. Her lips are deep red; the same color that leaks out when I slice a person’s throat.  Beneath the dark eyebrows and lashes that match her locks, the brightest blue eyes focus on me.

“Let go of my arm or my fist will connect with your nose, mister.” Her voice carries a promise.

I think I’ve just found my fun for the next two days. And I will fucking bet this one won’t be breathing when day three comes, but fuck… my dick was hard the moment I saw her face. Seeing the determination in her eyes before her body takes action, I grab her wrist mid-swing and pull her against my body.

With her back to my front, I lean in next to her ear. “None of that,
Angel Moy

“Cut the crap and let me go, Slick.” Just the sound of her feisty voice makes my balls tighten.

My free hand reaches between us, grabbing what I need out of my pocket. “What’s your name,
Angel Moy

“Well it ain’t
Angel Moy
, that’s for fucking sure. It’s
, so prepare yourself.” She growls while she’s fighting my hold.

Bringing the syringe close to my face, I pull off the cap with my teeth. Spitting out the cap, I place my face next to hers. Biting down on her earlobe, I jab the needle into her sweet body. She gasps but it’s over before she realizes what just happened.

Normally, before the needle hits their skin I ask them, “Do you consent to one night of me bringing you to extreme climax?” The second I hear, ‘Yes.’ I knock them out so I can bring them to my house safely.

Handing the syringe to Yegor, he picks up the cap so nothing is left behind. I lift my little Angel into my arms and carry her out of the club without any questions. Thanks to an overabundance of drunk people, the action raises no flags. In their eyes, I’m just the caring boyfriend who is taking his passed-out drunk girlfriend home. Little do they know…

Didn’t you get the hint yet? I’m not a nice guy. I’m a guy you need to fear. Hell, I sell fear. We call it protection, but in the end… fear is what they want in return for their payment. We take care of threats, any gangs, enemies or distasteful situations our clients may find themselves in. I’m Grigory ‘Ford’ Dudnik, head of The Dudnik Circle. The Russian mob if you care to label shit.

Yegor opens the door to the limo so I can drape the black-haired angel over the backseat. I’m slightly frustrated I couldn’t drive my Ford F350, but I never use it when I’m on the prowl. It’s only four times a year, better to be safe than sorry. Climbing inside, I lift her head and sit down. Yegor closes the door and gets in the front seat. His eyes are fixed on my angel through the rearview mirror.

I push the button that guides up the window between us. He needs to focus on driving and not on my Angel. Looking down at her sleeping face, my heart skips a beat. Her pale skin stands out with the black silk surrounding it. Those long lashes need to fucking flutter when she looks up at me with my dick in her mouth.

The groan that leaves my throat surprises me. I never put my dick in a chick’s mouth. Like I said, I indulge myself four times a year but I have rules, standards if you will. Every time it’s different; never the same type of girl and every bitch handles herself differently when I put them in this situation. But the one that’s out cold with her head on my lap walked right into it, into me. She took the decision out of my hands and fuck,
she’s perfect

Toying with the edge of her turtleneck sweater, I see faint lines hiding underneath. Leaning forward, I reach for the knife in my boot. Holding on to the fabric, I slice open the neckline, revealing tattoos. Not wanting her naked just yet since I still need to carry her into the house, I leave it how it is now. Just barely showing a hint of cleavage.

Gently rubbing my finger over her throat, it freezes on the ink on her collarbone. It’s a Russian doll tattoo. Either my Angel likes the way it looked when she got it or… she has a background.
. Let’s hope it’s just part of the whole old-school tattoo thing she’s got going. I know of only one particular gang who uses a Russian doll as its signature, and I really don’t want to go there.

If she’s attached or linked with another Russian gang, I could have inadvertently started a war. I shake my head and with it the thought floats away. I don’t fucking care, she’s mine now. My finger trails down the swell of her breast. God, she feels so good.

When the car slows down and makes a right turn, I know Yegor is driving up to the mansion. Those twenty minutes it took to get home were not enough to admire her. Oh, what the hell am I talking about? The moment I take her inside my home is when the fun begins.

The car door opens and I get a good grip on that fine body before I lift her to my chest and carry her out. Yegor walks in front of me, taking the steps two at a time, and opens the door. The moment I’m inside, I turn my attention toward my right-hand man.

“That will be all for tonight. No interruptions.” I keep my eye on him long enough to see him agree to my words before I head up the stairs.

Yeah, up the stairs. Weird choice, I know. Normally, I have the basement set up. It’s an easy cleanup with the cement floors and ceilings. Each time I have to make the lethal decision I add a new skim coat of cement after the major cleanup. You know, just to be sure there isn’t a trace left on the surface.

Something tells me I’m going to need more than two days with the woman I’m holding in my arms. That will most definitely be a first, but hey, there’s a first time for everything and if I can get a few extra days of indulging myself… let’s just say I won’t argue with my dick on that subject.

When I enter my room, I cross to the large bed and lay her down. I step back to admire the view. Damn, she looks so perfect in my bed. That black hair spread over the wine-red sheets.

The room is decorated in Victorian style. The main colors in here are white, wine red and gold. Even the floor is white with a stroke of red around the room. Taking another step back, I turn and make my way down to the basement. I need to gather my things and get to work before she wakes up.





My eyes are heavy but I need to open them. What the hell happened? I try to move but my limbs are tied. Finally, my eyes follow the command my brain gives them except nothing changes. I’m positive that I’m blindfolded by the feel of it. A little thrill washes over my body. Dammit. A person should be scared shitless in this position, and yet I’m turned on.

Well, this is interesting; assessing my body, I can tell that I’ve been frog-tied. I’m lying face down, and my legs are bound ankle-to-thigh and my wrists are each tied to my ankles. Slightly moving my hip to make sure that…yeah, I also have a crotch rope.

I moan at the feel of the rope through my pussy. It’s stupid, I know. But believe me…  I’ve been wanting this, Shibari; rope bondage, for so long and the two who dared to do this for me… yeah, let’s just keep it at one word. Disappointment.

“Did you just fucking moan on me?” I hear someone move around me. “Fuck. I knew it.” I recognize the rough voice with a hint of a Russian accent, but nothing clicks.

Snapping back to the present, I shake my head. I need the fog to clear. What was the last thing I did, how the hell did I end up here, like this? Not that I’m complaining but for all I know it’s a tiny ugly old dude that has me… wait… Moving around a bit, I feel everything is quite comfortable. I should be terrified, and yet desire flows through my body instead of fear.

“Remove the blindfold.” Trying to keep my voice even and to please him, I grit my teeth and release them before I add, “Please, sir.”

“Fuck. Me.” He growls out each word.

“Well, most of the time that comes next with this shit. Now remove it so I can see.” The words are out of my mouth before I think things through. Dammit. So much for pleasing him.

To my surprise, the fabric that blocks my vision is softly lifted. Blinking a few times, my eyes move away from the view of white boxers hugging a huge bulge and find a long mirror on the wall next to me. I admire the position he put me in as well as his handiwork.

After a moment, my eyes slide to him. He’s studying my face. I’m sure he’s trying to get a read on me; I’m clearly going nowhere and all of this must be to scare the crap out of the girls he captures.
I’m not like other girls
… and yeah… I get the feeling he’s done this before. His reaction to my moan earlier and when I asked him to remove the blindfold the correct way? Yes. I know so. With this in mind, I might as well enjoy myself.

“Your style is very distinct. Tell me, did you have your eyes closed when you tied me up?” I can’t even keep the genuine awe out of my voice. I have definitely lost my mind.

He squats down in front of me and shakes his head slowly. “I’m not going to tell you,
Angel Moy

His gaze is still fixed on me when a memory clicks in my mind. Grigory ‘Ford’ Dudnik is the man standing in front of me. They call him Ford since he drives a modified Ford F350. The thing is like a tank on wheels, just like him. He’s a hairy tank, though… lots of chest hair, although he’s trimmed his beard very nicely into a little goatee. He’s covered in tattoos, even on his hands. I didn’t know that little detail before, but now I’m adding it to my mental rolodex. How do I know the other things, and more? Because Ford is part of a gang, mob, mafia if you like… and yeah, so am I.

Clearly, that little piece of information is lost to him since I wouldn’t be here if he knew it.

“Well, now,
… Get on with it then. I’ve got other things to do, places to be, and all that happy crap. Let’s see if you’re good for an orgasm or two, so I have something to remember you by because I never intend to see you after this.”

His smile is as deadly as I’ve been told he is. Inching closer to my face, he whispers. “You seem to know me without an introduction; care to introduce yourself?”

Instead of going against the grain, I am going with the flow of everything he throws at me. What the actual hell is going on with me? My cheek brushes along his when I tilt my lips toward his ear. “No, I’m good.” My tongue darts out and flicks his earlobe.

In one swift move his hand is cupping my jaw in a tight grip, his nose inches from mine. The corner of his upper lip curves up and I’m sure it’s a muscle reflex. Like when a wild wolf bares his teeth.

“God, that’s sexy.” Shit. I need control. This is going all wrong. “Sorry. It’s the crotch rope I tell you, it’s too damn arousing. Can’t concentrate. Go on with being mad and villain-like. I’ll play nice, or the helpless little… nah, I’ll just play nice.”

He stalks around me, like a predator circling prey. With my thighs tied and tucked underneath my body, my ass and pussy are up in the air. The feel of his finger sliding over the crotch rope is sending shivers all through my body. Strangely, I can’t wait for him to fuck me, or at least give me more. I need release; the sooner, the better.

“You just ruined it, Angel. I’m just going to fuck you now.” Before I can get one word out… like ‘Yes!’...I see him reach for a knife on a nearby desk.

Shuttering my face from showing any fear of what he might do, I see his eyes twinkle as he takes me in.

“I’m going to have a lot of fun breaking you.”

The smug bastard’s got another thing coming if he thinks I break easily.

“I’m not sure you’re gonna be the one having all the fun, but have at it,
.” Yank his chain and stick a feather up his ass. I’m good like that. He won’t know what he’s got in front of him until I kick him in the balls and have them come out through his nose.

The cold steel of the knife is pressed between the rope and my body. One tug and the crotch rope falls away. Next thing I know, something big and hard fills me up in one stroke. Fuck, that hurts. I clench my teeth to hold back any noise. I’m no longer a virgin with him buried deep inside me.

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