Forever & an Engine

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Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Forever & an Engine
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Forever & an Engine


By C.J. Fallowfield













Kindle Edition


Copyright © 2014
C. J. Fallowfield


All Rights
Reserved Worldwide


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reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or
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This book is a
work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations and places or
events, are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used
fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or
locales is entirely coincidental.


Image Copyright ©


Cover Design by
Kellie Dennis at Book Cover By Design




















Thank you so much for buying Forever & an Engine, the
eagerly awaited follow up to Baggage & Buttons, book two of The Austin


The series is designed to be read in sequence.


Twitter - @cjfallowfield


Where the hell am I? I thought
as I yawned and opened my eyes. I was totally disorientated for a moment, then
realised I wasn’t on the lounge floor where I remembered falling asleep with
Gabe last night, I was in his bed. When I turned my head to the right, I saw he
was face down next to me, fast asleep. I looked at his clock to see it was
nearly ten a.m. and I smiled. I really should take a picture, it was unheard of
for him to be in bed at this late hour, let alone to be asleep. There again
he’d hardly slept all week, he’d had his swimming competition yesterday and
we’d had sex three times last night. No wonder he was tired.

I decided
not to wake him, mainly because he needed the sleep, but also we’d postponed
our discussion about my hospital appointment and pending operation, as well as
the fact that I’d hung up the phone on him, gone out and got drunk against his
wishes and had not kept him updated on my whereabouts. He hadn’t been at all happy
about it when he’d paid for a taxi ride home and located me on my phone’s GPS,
but we’d agreed to not argue last night, so I was dreading a confrontation
about it all this morning. I gently kissed his hair and crept out of the bed
and realised not only had he carried me up and put me to bed, but he’d even
managed to take off my over the knee socks and tie without waking me. I walked through
to his en-suite, surprised to realise that I didn’t feel hung over at all after
my heavy night on the booze, just really hungry, again. I decided it must be
all the sex that made me extra ravenous lately, I must be burning off loads of
calories. I turned on his shower and giggled as I got the wrong combination
again and was blasted into the tiled wall. I put my hands up above my head on
the tiled wall and enjoyed the hard jets of water from above massaging my back.

reminisced about us making love in front of the fire last night. I kept having
panics that Gabe and I were only together because of the passionate lust we
felt for each other, the undeniable mutual attraction and sizzling chemistry.
Last night he’d made love to me slowly, making me keep eye contact so I’d see,
as well as feel, the connection that we had with each other. He was trying to
re-enforce what he kept telling me, that it wasn’t just lust, he really loved
me. Deep inside me though was that little devil that kept telling me that Gabe
was blinded by that initial burst of love and sexual attraction, that I was
unlovable and sooner or later he’d wake up and realise that and leave me, not
to mention the fact that he seemed to see marriage and children in his future
and I didn’t in mine. I sighed and dampened that voice, along with my hair. For
now we were together and in love and that was all that mattered. Day by day,
just like we’d agreed from the start, that was how I needed to look at this.

I dried
myself and secured a towel around me and roughly towel dried my hair. As I
walked through his dressing room I noticed that my bra and knickers were on one
of the dressing room shelves. He must’ve unpacked my bag, which meant not only
would he have found the vibrator, but also the anal beads and lube that I’d put
in there to surprise him, I’d have loved to have seen his face when he found
those. I crept back into the bedroom to find him sitting up in bed.

‘This is
the second time I’ve woken up and you’ve been gone, I don’t like it,’ he said
with a sexy frown.

‘Now you
know how I feel nearly every morning. How did I get from being by the fire, to
waking up in your bed?’

‘You were
completely out for the count. I fell asleep too and woke up at about four a.m. The
fire had gone out so I carried you up. Are you ok this morning?’

‘I’ve no
hangover amazingly. You?’

‘No, I’m
good too, but that wasn’t what I meant,’ he said as he watched me walk over. I
wasn’t bringing up the fact that we’d agreed to discuss matters today, if he
was so desperate too, he could, so I climbed onto the bed and straddled his lap
and clasped his face. ‘I feel closer to you now,’ I said as I kissed him. We
had a whole weekend together and I planned on making the most of it and that
included lots of sex and no fighting.

‘Good because
I keep telling you that I love you Mia, it’s not just about lust and sex. So what
would you like to do this morning?’

actually like to do something for you.’


‘I notice
that you’ve your usual morning erection,’ I smiled as I wriggled on top of it.
‘I thought I might relieve that for you with some sex, but I was hoping to let
you fuck me first with my black vibrator, like you wanted to do the other day,
but it seems to have been removed from my bag, along with other items.’

woken up horny,’ he observed, running his fingers down my cheek. ‘Are you
referring to the lube and anal beads?’


‘I put them
in your bedside drawer.’

‘So how
about it sexy boy? Fancy rodgering me?’

‘Yes please,’
he said with a wide grin. I winked at him and undid my towel and threw it onto
the floor. He tipped me off him onto the bed making me squeal and lay down on
top of me and started kissing me. ‘So you really want to play with the black
one?’ he asked. I smiled and nodded and he reached over and opened the drawer
and fished it out and looked at it slightly bemused. I propped myself up on my

‘Gabe, you’re
not jealous are you?’

‘Why would
I be?’ he said as he put it next to his erection and gave me a cocky smile
making me laugh. It was much shorter and had no way near the girth.

‘Show off,’
I teased.

‘So, tell
me what’s so good about this one? Is it the curved tip?’

‘Yes it’s
really fast and once it’s in it hits my g-spot really well.’

than I do?’

‘Not better
no, different,’ I said, embarrassed. ‘It feels dirtier than when I have sex
with you.’


‘I guess
sex with a man and women is a natural thing, battery operated objects are just
for pure enjoyments sake.’

‘So how
often would you use your toys before you met me? Daily?’

‘No, maybe once
every week or two.’

Is that all?’ he asked, looking really surprised.

‘Yes, why?’

‘You want
to fuck me all the time, I figured you’d have used them more.’

‘I can
resist my toys or masturbating Gabe, I can’t resist you,’ I smiled and got a
sparkling one in return.

nicely handled Mia. Spread your legs, I want to see how fast this can make you
come.’ He turned it on and I did a little shake of excitement on the bed as I
parted my legs for him. ‘Mia, are you ever not ready for it?’

‘It’s your
fault Gabe, I’ve gone sex crazy since I met you, you’ve turned me into a

‘Lucky me,’
he grinned. He lay on his side next to me and pressed the mode button to go
through the different cycles, choosing the one with the fastest constant
setting and applied it to my nipples which stiffened up in seconds, making me
sigh happily. ‘Impressive, but I already know that you’re extra sensitive in
that area baby.’ He ran it down my stomach and I grabbed a pillow and put it
under my head so I could watch. He parted me with his fingers and gently put
the toys tip, like a hook, just under my clit and I groaned as the vibrations
spread outwards. He slowly moved it upwards, circled around me and then ran it
back and forth, like he would his tongue and I closed my eyes.

‘O god yes,
that’s good, press it against me harder.’ He did as he was told and I gasped, opened
my eyes and I saw him watching my face. ‘You’re such a pervert,’ I panted.

‘Me? You’re
the one who wants me to fuck her with a vibrator, I’m just doing as I’m told
and enjoying watching your face. Are you trying to hold back so you don’t
offend me?’ he asked looking amused.

‘Yes,’ I
grimaced. He smiled and pressed it harder against me.

‘Don’t. I
know how to make you come, I’m not worried that this can too.’

‘O shit.
Move it around quicker, but keep the pressure,’ I moaned as I relaxed and lifted
my hips up to meet it.

‘Show me,’ he
demanded. I grabbed it off him and went to give him a demonstration, but climaxed
within seconds.

‘O shit
.’ I pulled it away, feeling too sensitive, but felt his hand
close over mine gripping it and he pushed it back down onto me. ‘Gabe … o god,’
I cried. He pushed it hard against me and I came again and lay back trembling
on the pillow as he pulled it away.

‘That was
twice in under a minute Mia, I’m not sure even I could do that to you.’

‘Gabe it’s
two short sharp bursts of orgasm, there’s no build up and no lasting pleasurable
sensations. I’d rather you give me one orgasm with everything else that comes
with it, than have ten off this,’ I uttered as I tried to come back down from
my high.

‘You should
go into politics Mia, you’re handling me very well this morning.’

‘Not yet,
but I plan to any moment,’ I winked making him laugh.

‘Can I try
it inside you as well?’

please, but when you’re done I need you inside me, I’m addicted to you Gabe and
over eight hours without you has me in withdrawal,’ I sighed and was rewarded
with another Austin smile. It seemed he’d forgotten his frustrations with me
yesterday, we could just enjoy each other for the whole weekend and I planned
to enjoy him as many times as I could. He tested me first with his finger.

‘Good, you’re
ready, but you’re not as wet as you usually are for me, which is nice to know.’
He leant in and kissed me as he moved the vibrator back down and used his
finger to guide him. ‘Ready baby?’

‘Always,’ I
giggled. He slid it inside me and I clenched tightly around it as he twisted it
around and it buzzed.

‘Tell me
when Mia.’

I yelled. ‘There … there … don’t twist it anymore it’s in the perfect spot. O
god, you can slowly move it in and out … yes … like that so you keep rubbing
over my g-spot. Shit.’ I could feel the vibrations radiating out from that one
internal spot, making my back arch and my legs tense.

‘How good
does it feel baby?’

‘Good, but
your dick’s so much bigger it leaves the … o shit just there … it leaves the
sensation for so much longer. God I’m nearly there, push the base downwards to
angle the tip more.’

‘Like that?’

‘No that
was up, I said …

‘You said
down, like that,’ he laughed, as I looked at him through half closed eyes. ‘You’re
nearly there again I can tell.’

‘Yes,’ I

instead of using a finger on your behind, I want to insert this is that ok?’

I screamed as I climaxed again. ‘Take it out, please take it out, I need a

‘So you
like that idea?’ he said as he pulled out the vibrator and turned it off.

‘Yes, yes I
do,’ I panted. He moved quickly between my legs and sunk into me taking me by


‘Yes,’ he
groaned, his face contorted with pleasure.

‘Fuck me
hard please.’ He did as he was told, grunting with every slam as I cried out. I
had to reach up behind my head to find the end of the mattress to grip onto
while my eyes rolled into the back of my head. He let me climax again before
pulling out and flipping me over. I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees,
perspiration clinging to me and I twitched as I heard him start the vibrator up

worry, I’ll lubricate it first.’ He ran it backwards and forwards, through my
cleft making me moan as he twisted it round and around. ‘Ready?’

‘Yes please.’
I jerked as I felt him move the vibrating tip upwards towards my butt and he
gently circled it and I groaned. I felt some pressure and again my instinct was
to push against it, but I took some deep breaths and relaxed and felt it slide
up into me easily. ‘O god Gabe.’

‘How does
it feel?’

good, the vibrations are amazing inside, so much more sensitive than with the
beads. Ooooo … try twisting it …
.’ I felt him gently withdraw it
nearly all the way and then push it back again and I bucked against it.

‘You’re so
horny baby.’

‘Horny and
dirty, I can’t believe I’m letting you do this to me it’s so wrong,’ I panted.

‘Does it
feel wrong?’ he asked as he circled, pushed and pulled at the same time.

‘Noooo it
feels good,’ I sighed, my nerves were tingling with pleasure.

‘Sorry baby,
but I can’t wait I need you so badly.’

‘Leave it

‘Are you

‘Yes, I
want to see if the vibrations do anything for you as well, if you can feel them
too.’ I looked back and saw him position himself behind me. With one hand on my
lower back he put his thumb on the end of the vibrator to keep it in place and
with the other he pulled my hip back and eased himself into me.

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