Forever & an Engine (14 page)

Read Forever & an Engine Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Forever & an Engine
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‘Gabe,’ I

‘It also
means that I can come home and cook proper meals for you. You’ll have the
cinema to entertain you and when you feel up to it you can swim, which will
help strengthen your stomach muscles. Plus I get to spend every night with you,
watching over you, without rushing backwards and forwards.’

‘Gabe it
seems overkill, plus I’m not happy leaving Lexi alone for that long.’

‘I knew
you’d say that Mia, so I’ve just asked Lexi if she’ll come and stay here too and
she’s said yes. Nothing’s overkill if it means you’re safe and I have peace of

‘You spoke
to Lexi about this before me?’ I frowned.

‘Don’t be
angry with me. I knew that you’d use her as an excuse and I wanted to make sure
that I’d covered all options.’

‘I don’t
believe you sometimes,’ I sighed, exasperated.

‘Mia you
know how I feel about you and I’m really not happy about you staying at the
apartment with all those stairs as well. I asked out of courtesy, but it’s not
up for negotiation. You’ll agree to it to make me happy.’ He had his authoritative
tone on again. I sighed and drank my chocolate, my mind racing. I was half
angry with him and half touched that he cared so much and wanted to protect me.

‘I’m not
happy that you went behind my back Gabe, in future you talk to me before roping
my friends into decisions about me.’

‘Mia ...’
he tried to interrupt.

‘I’m not
done,’ I snapped fixing him with a glare. ‘Have you discussed this with your
father? How would he feel about a girl he and his son hardly know roaming
around his house alone?’

‘You’re not
a girl I “hardly know” Mia.’

‘Gabe, I
could be a kleptomaniac for all you know and you could come back to find the house
empty.’ I looked at him annoyed and was amazed to see he was stifling a laugh. ‘What’s
so funny?’ I demanded.

‘Well it’s
not like you’d get very far with a couple of stitched holes in your stomach, a
locked gate and no form of transportation.’

‘That’s not
the point and you know it.’

‘What do
you want me to say Mia? You want me to apologise for caring about you? For
loving you? Because I won’t.’

‘I don’t
know what I want you to say, I just need you to hear what I’m saying.’

‘I do hear
you, so in future I’ll speak to you first. This is me Mia, I’ll always be this
way when it comes to looking after you, you’re important to me, so get used to
it. I’m already nervous enough about Tuesday, so no more arguments about it
please, it’s done,’ he said firmly. I looked up at him and caught my breath, he
looked so confident on the exterior, but his eyes betrayed his feelings, he
really was worried. I kneeled up in the water and put a wet arm around his
neck. I kissed his lips again and again as he put his arms around my foam clad

‘Why are
you so nervous?’ I asked as I searched his face.

having an operation baby,’ he said with a heavy sigh.

‘And people
have them all the time, it’s a common procedure.’

‘What if
something goes wrong?’

‘Gabe, I
think if anyone should be worried about that it’s me.’

‘I’m just
so scared of losing you Mia,’ he said as he traced the edge of my face. ‘Mum
went into hospital and she never came back out.’

‘O Gabe,
what happened with her was tragic, but this is a routine procedure with
relatively low risk, I’m just as likely to be run over by a bus on my way to
Uni. You have to let me live my life, you can’t keep wrapping me in cotton wool.’

‘I can and
I will. It’s my job to protect you Mia.’

‘Then if it
means this much to you I’ll come and stay, but I’m only doing it to please you.
I’d have been fine at mine.’

‘Thank you
baby.’ He gave me a big smile of relief and kissed my forehead, stroking my
cheeks with his thumbs. ‘So I’ll come over tomorrow night and help you pack and
take you to the hospital in the morning. What time do we need to be there?’

‘8 a.m.’

‘Ok and
what time do you need to be home tomorrow morning?’

‘By 7.30
sorry, I could go back tonight to save you having to take me in the morning.’

‘Mia, I’m
usually awake at six anyway and I don’t want to spend the night away from you.’

haven’t been awake at six the last couple of mornings.’

‘No, you’re
a bad influence on me. Come on, let’s get to bed, fresh sheets and plumped up
pillows and duvet await us.’

After a
very lengthy and enjoyable missionary love making session, I fell asleep in his
arms. Something that seemed to be coming so naturally.


My alarm woke me at 6.30 and
he was already missing. I put my hair up then pulled on a t-shirt and went
downstairs. I headed into the kitchen and opened the fridge and found myself
some orange juice and reached up in one of his cupboards for a glass.

reaching up like that with no knickers on, you’re just asking for trouble.’

I spun around
and he was leaning back on the kitchen door, a small towel around his waist
looking all wet, delectable and hard. I ran over to him and flung my arms
around his neck and kissed him passionately.

‘I missed
you this morning, where were you?’

‘I went for
a quick swim and had a shower over there. What time is it?’

‘6.35,’ I replied
as I kissed his firm chest.

‘Great, time
for a quickie then.’ He ripped off his towel, reached down and slid his hands
under my t-shirt gripping my bare backside and lifted me up onto his hips and
turned me around against the door. I gasped as I felt his erection graze my
inner thigh and saw the desperate need for me in his eyes. ‘You’re ready for me,’
he smiled as he eased a finger into me.

‘I had nice
dreams about you,’ I murmured in his ear. His eyes bore into me with lust and
it ignited my desire for him as well and he saw it on my face. He pulled his
finger out and sucked it as he watched my reaction, then pushed his hips firmly
against mine, pinning me to the door. I wrapped my legs tightly around his
waist and groaned as he pushed into me hard. There were no pleasantries, no
teasing by kissing my lips, neck or breast and no touching or licking, he
simply needed me right now, this minute and looking at his desperate, gorgeous
face, god did I want him too. He let go of my hips and grabbed my hands from
his shoulders and stretched them up the door until I was as straight as I could
be as he started to thrust in and out of me and bit and sucked on my neck.

‘God it’s
like I’ve not been inside you for days, I needed you,’ he moaned as I felt him
move quickly inside me. He entwined his fingers with mine up against the top of
the door frame and I squeezed them hard as I worked my hips back and forth
flexing my pelvis and clenching my internal muscles as hard as I could. He
started panting on my neck. ‘O god baby, yes like that, keep doing that. I’m so
close, but I need you to come too.’

‘Gabe,’ I
groaned and half closed my eyes. I could sense the urgency in him and when he removed
his  lips from my neck and looked at me, I felt my stomach contract. Instantly
we released our hands and grasped each other’s hair as we tore into each
other’s lips, our teeth clashing as we bit, sucked and groaned. I felt a hand
reach under my bottom to hold me tighter as he increased the intensity of his
thrusts. The roughness of it spurred me to a quick climax, and I cried out his
name as my body fell apart around him.

‘Mia,’ I
heard him groan as his body painted me into the door. His head pulled back and I
felt him give himself up to me over and again. I draped my arms over his
shoulders, which were still moist from his shower, and kissed his neck and
throat again and again before lifting up my head as my breathing slowed to look
into his satisfied eyes.

‘I love you
so much,’ I whispered as I planted a soft kiss on his lips and heard him groan.
‘Gabe what’s wrong?’

‘Nothing, I
still can’t believe you love me. I ache when you say it.’

‘Have girls
never told you that they loved you before?’

‘Yes, the
few I was with for a while, but I just didn’t feel it, it meant nothing coming
from them, but with you it’s like … I can’t describe how much it means to hear
you say it and I’m just in awe that you do.’

‘You’re so
amazing I can’t imagine anyone not loving you Gabe.’ I smiled at him softly as
I ran my fingers through his hair. He leaned in and kissed me tenderly.

‘Much as I’d
love to stay here with you, like this, we need to get you showered and back
home.’ He pulled me back off the door with him and instructed me to get the
handle and carried me up to the shower. He looked at me apologetically as he
lifted me up off him and I felt that horrible cold sensation as he slid out of
me before setting me down and turning on the water. He turned me around and
carefully took my hair band off me, stroking my hair all the way down before spinning
me back around, pulling me under the top shower head and gently washing my hair
for me. I looked up at him, my arms pressed up against his chest and marvelled.
How could someone be so strong and masculine, yet so gentle at the same time?
He caught me looking at him and flashed me one of his amazing smiles and I felt
my insides melt. I had it bad for him, seriously bad and I was gutted our
weekend was over. I’d love nothing more than to spend a few more days with him,
just lounging around, having sex whenever we felt like it. Once my hair was
done he got out, dried himself and winked at me as he went to go and get

I dried
myself quickly, pulling my damp hair into a pony tail and pulled on some fresh
knickers and my outfit from Friday, except for the tie which I shoved in my bag.
I grabbed my phone and hurried down. It was nearly 7.30. and I should’ve
already been home. He was waiting by the open front door and grabbed my bag off
me and whistled and I looked down to see he was erect again.

‘Gabe, we
don’t have time, I’ve got to get changed and catch the bus, Lexi and I have a lecture
at 9 and I can’t miss it.’

‘I know
baby, but if you could imagine the ideas that are running through my head right

‘I can
imagine pervert,’ I smiled as I walked out of the door and he smacked my
bottom. He opened the car door for me and helped me in and groaned and shook
his head as he got a flash of my knickers under my tiny skirt. I smiled as I
watched him walk around to the front of the car, he grinned at me and handed me
a banana as he started the engine.

‘Eat it. I
was planning on cooking you a breakfast until you went all bare arsed on me and
forced me to take you.’ He purred out of the drive as I peeled the banana and
ate some as I watched him navigate.

‘No one
forced you, you do have your own free will you know,’ I mumbled with my mouth

‘Not when
you look like that, or anytime for that matter. You own me Mia, I’ve got no
bloody control over my need for you and please don’t talk with your mouth full
like that, it reminds me of blow jobs and makes me want to stop the car and
fuck you right now.’ I smiled sweetly at him and finished eating, looking at him
surprised when instead of pulling up outside my building, he continued to the
car park. ‘I’m here anyway and I’ve got a free this morning so I’ll drop you
and Lexi off. If we leave by 8.40 you’ll still get there on time. I can make
you a coffee and some peanut butter and butter on toast,’ he smiled.


‘I remember
everything when it comes to you baby,’ he winked as he turned off the engine. I
kept my head down as we walked around to the front door in my tiny skirt as the
occasional car horn and lascivious yell came my way. ‘I don’t know why you’re
embarrassed now Mia, you wore it on Friday night and you seemed to have no
problem showing off your body then.’

‘That was
different, it was dark and I was drunk. I shouldn’t be walking around like this
in daylight, it’s indecent.’

‘At last
something we agree on,’ he said, giving me one of his looks. He grabbed my hand
and led me upstairs and as I put the key in the lock he spun me around and
kissed me with his hands over my hips, his thumbs stroking my hip bones. ‘I’ve
had such a good weekend with you, I wish it wasn’t over,’ he sighed as he came
up for air.

‘So did I
Gabe,’ I sighed, still reeling from his effect on me. ‘It was amazing, but it’s
not like we’re not going to have more. I’m moving in for a whole week.’

better order me a fucking chastity belt then as I don’t know how I’m going to
keep my hands off you until you’re fit again.’ His smile had been replaced by a
frown, a sulky teenagers frown and I laughed. ‘Mia it’s not funny, it’s going
to be the hardest week of my life, in more ways than one.’

‘You’ve got
your hand.’

‘My hand
doesn’t even compare to what I feel with you and I told you it’s not just about
the sex,’ he grumbled as I tiptoed up and kissed him.

‘I can
still do things for you even if penetration’s out of the question.’

‘Mia get in
before I take you again, up against this door.’

I opened it
and called for Lexi as Gabe went to put my bag in my room. She appeared from
her bedroom looking pale and tired.

‘Hey slut,’
she grinned. ‘So how many fucks since Friday have you and Mr big cock made it
up to now?’ I watched some colour suddenly came back to her cheeks and she opened
her mouth in horror. ‘Fuck Mia you could’ve said he was here.’

I turned to
see him looking amused in my bedroom doorway and grimaced and mouthed ‘
at him.

‘Well Lexi,
I’m sure Mia will correct me if I’m wrong, or fill you in later as she seems to
do with everything private we share, so I may as well tell you it was thirteen times
and I’m flattered to know she’s reported that I’m big.’

‘Shit sorry
Gabe, it’s just girl talk you know.’ She looked at me and I smiled at her. ‘I’m
going to go and hide in my room until I’m less embarrassed, which could be
another month from now.’

‘Lex, come
into my room with me, I need to change and get my notes together. Gabe was
going to make a coffee and some toast if you want any?’ I asked and she shook
her head. ‘Gabe?’ I looked at him, nodding to the kitchen door and he smiled
and walked past us, kissing me on the head as he went and I dragged Lexi into
my bedroom and shut the door.

‘Lexi,’ I

‘I know, I’m
sorry, how was I supposed to know he was there? Seriously thirteen times?
Obviously not unlucky for some,’ she looked at me, impressed.

‘God Lex he’s
unstoppable and I just want him all the time,’ I grinned as I dug out my tight
blue jeans, white trainers and a white and navy stripped slouch top.

‘Well I
need to hear all about it, but it’s already 8 o’clock.’

going to drive and drop us off so we don’t need to leave until twenty to. I can
fill you in on me and my weekend of debauchery later. What’s going on with you?
You look pale. Are you feeling better than yesterday?’ I got dressed as we

‘I think
so, I had really bad stomach cramps and sickness yesterday, but today I feel a
bit better. I’ve started packing for our stay, were you really mad?’

‘Yes,’ I
shot her a look to confirm that.

‘Sorry Mia
but I agree. It’s no good for you eating just pizza when you’re trying to
recover, plus if we don’t go there, you know he’s going to end up moving in
here, so why not be in his big house with a cinema to entertain us?’

‘I know, he
should’ve just spoken to me about it first, not you. I hate it when he makes decisions
about me, without me. It’s maddening.’

‘Mia, I
think where you’re concerned there’s nothing he wouldn’t do.’

‘I know. It
just feels a bit much sometimes.’

‘Anyway it’s
going to be pretty awesome having 24/7 access to a cinema and pool. O crap,
tell me you’ve not had sex in the pool?’ she exclaimed. I grinned at her.

‘Cinema too

You’ve put me right off now you slut.’

We looked
around as there was a knock at the door. ‘You can come in,’ I called and smiled
when he arrived with a cup of coffee for us both and my toast.

‘I’ll wait
in the lounge while you finish your discussion about my libido,’ he winked as
he headed out.

‘So come on
Lex, dish the dirt on you and Doug and your date Saturday?’

We sat on
the bed as I ate my toast and sipped my coffee.

‘It wasn’t
a date, just a get together, but we had a good time, he’s a laugh. He’s asked
me out on a formal date tonight, but I said no.’

‘Lex. Why?
If you like him go.’

‘I can’t
not in my state.’

‘Lex come
on, he doesn’t know and doesn’t need to. Surely you can go a date without having
sex if that’s what’s bothering you.’

‘I don’t
know, you tell me Miss drops her drawers on the first date Page.’

‘Well yes,
but I started out intending it to be only about sex so that’s completely different.
You agreed to try and date and go steady without rushing the sex, so why not try
with Doug?’

‘I don’t
know,’ she sighed. ‘There’s just loads of pressure.’

‘What pressure?’

‘Ermmm I’m
pregnant, I like him, he’s your boyfriends best mate and I don’t do
relationships. Anything else you think we could throw into the mix to make it
extra complicated?’

‘Lex look
at me. I didn’t want a relationship or sex, I tried something new and I’m so
happy. I never thought I’d feel like this with a guy, let alone so quickly.
Please just try, go out with him tonight and see how it goes.
For me
,’ I
gave her my best pout and big blue eyed look and she laughed and covered her

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