Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1) (25 page)

BOOK: Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1)
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“Okay kids, calm down. If I have to separate you I will,’’ I warn as we arrive outside the food place called Chicken Palace.

“He started it,’’ Allie frowns, pouting her lips.

“No I didn’t,’’ CJ starts and I roll my eyes.

“You won’t get an ice cream if you keep misbehaving,’’ I tell them both, knowing how much Allie loves her food, especially ice cream.

“C’mon, before momma bear starts biting heads off,’’ Cole laughs.

“Okay,’’ Allie shrugs, stepping inside, making sure the door closes on CJ. 

CJ mutters something under his breath as he follows, standing behind the line of people waiting to order.

“You are such a sore loser,’’ Allie argues, rolling her eyes at him.

“No, I’m not,’’ CJ defends, pouting. “We were going easy on you two, anyway,’’ he tells her.

I burst out laughing, shuffling forward as the cue moves down.

Allie and CJ continue to bicker back and forth and my laughing becomes louder and harder. A cold wind breezes through the takeout place as another group enters, all chatting and laughing drunkenly. My guess is that they’ve all come from the bar down the street. Apparently it’s a go to place for Whithall university students since the main club got shut down.

Too busy reading the food menu above the counter; I miss the sudden silence and tension around me until it’s too late.

“See boys? Already opening her legs for some other poor fucker. Rape, my fucking arse,’’ Logan sneers and my eyes close tightly, a wave of dizziness hitting me, causing me to lose my balance.

Cole reaches out and steadies me, giving me a brief glance to check that I’m okay. His expression is hard and I know it’s not aimed at me but at Logan. I close my eyes again, not able to turn around and address Logan’s comment. I’m not ready. I’ve managed to avoid him around the university, never bumping into him. It worried me at first. I had thought I’d bump into him everywhere but it seems lady luck managed to throw me some luck after all. Either that or he’s been playing mind games with me this whole time, waiting for the perfect opportunity.

“Knew the sket was lying, mate. Had no doubt,’’ Alec speaks up, a bite in his tone.

Hearing his voice beside Logan’s is like the knife Logan shoved into my back being twisted. I’ve not seen him either since the ‘incident,’ another reminder of that horrible, nightmare of a morning. He’s not been on my radar to be honest though, what he did is insignificant compared to what Logan did to me.

“What, got nothing to say, babe?’’ Logan taunts, and hearing him call me babe has my stomach curdling, twisting up in knots.

“Unless you want another arse kicking, I suggest you fuck off, right now,’’ Cole growls menacingly, taking a step forward.

“Yeah? Touch me again and I won’t hold back on pressing charges this time,’’ Logan says smugly, sounding so much like his father it makes me sick.

“Yeah?’’ Cole says, moving further away from me. I’m still facing away with my back to them all. I can feel all their prying eyes on me, judging me, waiting for my reaction. My breathing picks up and my head begins to swirl, a headache forming.

Clenching my fists, I take in a deep breath, remembering the words Jackie had said to me about controlling my triggers. Hearing his voice feels like reliving that nightmare of a morning all over again. His smell, the feel of his hand on my breast and the way he acted, like a stranger.

Breathe in; one, two, three...
Counting onwards I begin to feel my panic attack start to calm and I manage to take in a breath without struggle or the urge to claw at my chest.

When everything around me begins to clear, I hear arguing and feel warm hands touching my face. Opening my eyes, Allie’s face comes into view, a worried expression upon her face.

“Are you okay?’’ she asks, flickering a worried glance behind me.

I nod my head, jerkily. “Yeah,’’ I tell her, shakily.

The sound of wood splintering jolts me away from Allie and I spin around, coming face to face with the horror before me.

CJ has Alec pinned to the wall by his throat. My eyes flicker briefly to Alec, surprised that I feel nothing when I look at him. Yeah, I hate him for what he did but that’s all I feel when I think of him, well, that and disgust. The left side of his face is red from where someone has clearly punched him.

To my right, more grunting and growls grab my attention. Two staff begin shouting at Cole and Logan to get out, that they’re calling the police but neither Cole or Logan look like they’ve heard a thing over the sound of fists hitting bare skin.

“She’s a fucking slut,’’ Logan snaps, blood dripping down his lip and smothered all over his teeth.

“You’re a fucking rapist,’’ Cole spits back and is hauled back by two lads. One moves to Logan, pulling him back and the other struggles to hold Cole back, and in the end, he gets knocked back. I’m surprised when he just shrugs, not seeming to care if he attacks his friend again.

“You think you’re gonna get away with this?’’ Logan spits.

“Yeah, I really do,’’ Cole snarls, not backing down.

“You hit first, dickhead,’’ CJ grunts, looking disgusted.

“I’m going to bury you,’’ Logan growls shrugging his mate’s arms off him.

I’m stood frozen, my eyes on Logan now, taking him in. I can’t believe I never noticed how slimy and evil he looks before. There’s darkness behind those eyes and never, not once did I notice. I feel like a fool.

Noticing that I’ve finally turned around, his face changes, his lip curling in disgust as his eyes rake me up and down, causing a cold shiver to run down my spine.

“You want to tell them the truth? I was your friend for years and you’re gonna ruin my life by spreading rumours?’’ he asks, actually having the nerve to look insulted.

I blink back tears, shaking my head. “You raped me,’’ I tell him, something he already knows.

“No, I fucked you, there’s a difference. You felt guilty the morning after because of Alec and you knew I was going to tell him the truth. You made it up thinking he’d believe you,’’ Logan says, sounding believable. His manipulation skills aren’t going to work with me. I know him now, better than
even realises. I know the true monster that lives under that skin, showing a clean cut, rich boy.

“You want to shut the fuck up,’’ Cole snarls and he goes to take a step towards him. Moving quickly, I grab his arm, stopping him.

“Please, he’s not worth it. Don’t get into trouble because of him,’’ I plead, knowing now that I need Cole more than I realised before. It has nothing to do with the fact that he’s been my comfort since my world was turned upside down but because I really do like him. I like being around him, even when he’s silent and broody. He’s great and loyal and has a huge heart. He may come off like a grizzly bear, though, deep down, he’s just a cuddly bear.

“See she’s got you wrapped around her little finger. Careful, she might accuse you of rape too. Then again, with you I wouldn’t be surprised if the allegation was true,’’ Logan taunts again and my blood boils.

Hearing him place Cole in the same category as himself snaps something inside of me. Cole doesn’t have chance to take a step for him before I’m flying at Logan, my fingers digging into his face, scraping down, skin getting trapped in my nails.

“You bastard. Don’t you ever say anything like that about him again. You’re a rapist,’’ I scream, slapping and punching him with all my strength.

“Willow,’’ Cole shouts and I feel his hands try to grab me but I move, pushing Logan backwards. He falls over a chair and I land next him. The fall doesn’t stop my assault though, I punch out, slapping, kicking, hitting any part of him that I can reach, not feeling anything but raging anger.

Strong arms wrap around my midsection, it doesn’t stop me from reaching him. I keep hitting out at him, angry tears streaming down my face, clouding my vision.

“You’re a monster, a fucking monster, you prick. You raped me. You were supposed to be my friend but you’re nothing but a fucking evil monster,’’ I scream, my breathing coming hard and fast. “I hate you. I fucking hate you.’’

“Calm down,’’ Cole rumbles.

“No. I won’t calm down,’’ I tell Cole, before facing Logan again, my eyes scrunching up with disgust. “You’re going to wish you never met me. I’m going to ruin you, I’m going to...’’ A hand covers my mouth, stopping me from revealing what we’ve all got planned.

My body sags against Cole’s, feeling drained and foolish for letting him get to me and nearly revealing everything we’ve been building to get him sent down.

“Like I care,’’ Logan sneers, pushing his friend that tries to help him out of the way.

I try to go for him again, seeing that look causes the anger inside me to build and build. No one has ever made me get this angry before, ever. I want to kill him, to scratch his eyes out and strangle the life out of him. It sickens me to know that I am able to think of such thoughts but they’re there, and they’re not going away.

“Let’s go,’’ Cole whispers. On wobbly feet I take a step forward, nearly collapsing to the floor when I do. Cole picks me up, carrying me bridal style out of the chicken place, away from him and his smug fucking face.


*** *** ***


Back at our apartment Cole takes me straight to my room before leaving me alone to get changed. I’m still shaking, my hands more than anything. I can’t seem to calm myself down. Everything that was said and done in the fast food joint keeps going over and over in my head like a broken record, wondering what I could have said or done differently. The truth is though; I have no idea what I would have done differently. Would I have still attacked him? No clue! What I do know is that I would have liked to have said a lot more to him. I have so many questions, questions I know he’ll never willingly answer, not truthfully anyway. I want him to admit what he did to me and tell me why, why he would do this to girls, it’s not like he doesn’t have girls throwing themselves at him.

Quickly removing my coat and clothes, I slip on my fleece, moon and star pyjamas before sinking down onto my bed, my head falling into hands.

More tears fall and a sob breaks free along with a laugh. I’m going insane, that must be the reason for my erratic behaviour. It’s the only logical explanation to why I’m laughing and crying like some lunatic.

A light knock on the door grabs my attention. Allie walks in, a concerned expression painted on her face. She’s been nailing that expression a lot lately and I’m worried it’s going to be a permanent fixture on her face. She’s too pretty to get wrinkles so early on in life.

“Hey, can I come in?’’ She asks quietly.

“Yeah,’’ I nod, shifting on the bed so that my back is against the pillows.

Sitting down on the edge of the bed she gives me a once over, probably trying to read my mental state. “Are you okay?’’

“If you’re worried I’m going to start screaming and smashing my room up then you’ve got nothing to worry about,’’ I tell her, although half of me is wondering myself if that’s what I’m on the verge of doing. I don’t feel sane right now, not after what I just did, not after seeing

“No! What happened back there was pretty intense,’’ she says softly.

“I know. I can’t believe I did that,’’ I admit, my hands still shaking now that the adrenaline has wore off.

“I’m proud of you,’’ she blurts out and my head snaps up, wondering if I heard her right.

“What? I nearly told him what we had planned. I could have ruined everything, Allie and for what?’’

“You didn’t, though. You stood up for yourself, something I never did when it came to him. I wish I had half of your strength, Willow. I... I can’t even tell you how proud I am,’’ she admits, sadly.

“Yeah?’’ I ask, my lips forming into a small smile.

“Did you see his face? He looked like he pooped his pants,’’ she tells me, a small giggle escaping her.

“Really?’’ I ask, actually feeling better about going psycho.

“God, yeah. He never saw you coming. He was too busy eyeing muscles out there than to watch out for you. I swear, he’s going to have scars down his face,’’ she chuckles.

That does it, I burst into a fit of giggles and Allie moves above me, hugging me to her. “I love you,’’ she laughs.

“I love you too,’’ I tell her, half laughing, half crying as I pull her down on me, holding her tightly.

“Hey, it’s going to be over soon. We’ve got this,’’ she tells me and I nod against her shoulder, still not letting her go.

“Is this just a twosome or can anyone join in?’’ CJ teases, walking into the room. I catch him moving quickly through the room and before I can warn Allie, he’s on us, his heavy weight squashing us into the mattress.

“I can’t breathe,’’ I laugh, trying to wiggle free.

“Get off me,’’ Allie screeches and when I catch her gaze, she’s bright red and not from being squashed. I wink at her before reaching around her and tickling CJ, trying to shove him off.

He squeals like a girl the second my fingers dig into his ribs, rolling off the bed and landing on the floor with a thud. “Anyone ever tell you that you should never tickle a grown fucking man?’’ CJ grunts as he gets up off the floor.

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