Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1) (26 page)

BOOK: Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1)
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“Nope,’’ I laugh, cuddling up to Allie.

“Well, shit, you shouldn’t. I’ve got a weak bladder,’’ he tells us, giving us a wink once he’s up.

“What are you doing in here anyway? I told you to wait outside,’’ Allie grunts, looking none too pleased with him being in here. I know she secretly likes having him around. Whenever he’s not she’s always messaging him, moaning lightly when he does. She also asks about him whenever Cole’s here and he’s not.

“We’re watching a movie and we’ve ordered a pizza,’’ he informs us and moves onto the bed so that he’s sitting between me and Allie.

“Ugh, you take up too much room,’’ I whine and smile when Cole steps in the room, carrying four bottles of sprite.

“Get comfy why don’t you,’’ Cole grunts at CJ, putting the bottles on the side.

“Put the film on,’’ CJ shouts before Cole can take another step. Cole looks to the side where the DVD has been thrown and growls at CJ, yet puts the DVD in without arguing.

“What we watching? Wha...’’ I squeal. Cole lifts me up before sitting down on the bed, taking my place. I’m about to argue, but then he sits me between his legs and any words that were about to leave my mouth, die on the tip of my tongue.

“We’re watching The Fifth Wave,’’ he tells me, his lips close to my ear causing shivers to run down my spine. My body shudders and he takes it all wrong, thinking I’m cold. He pulls the blanket over us and I cuddle up against him, leaning my head on his strong chest.

“Are you hurt?’’ I ask, realising I never asked him before now and it makes me feel bad, kind of selfish.

“No, Low, I’m good. Prick can’t fight for shit,’’ he tells me and I feel him grin against my neck before placing a gentle kiss there.

God, his lips!

“Uh, okay, good...’’ I nod, my voice hoarse and husky.

“Shush, movie is going to start,’’ CJ whines like a two year old.

“It’s the adverts,’’ I tell him dryly, when I notice the film hasn’t started.

“Best part,’’ he winks and shoves his arm around Allie’s shoulder. She tries to fight him off at first but soon loses the fight and falls into his side, pretending she isn’t happy about. I smile to myself, hoping one day she’ll finally give in and tell CJ she likes him. They’ll be good together. Maybe if I give them a subtle push in the right direction, it will help. I could talk to Allie, maybe...

Cole’s arms tighten around me. “Let them figure it out,’’ he whispers, just as the movie starts.

Not answering, I turn back to the television, staring at in blankly. It’s not just about Allie and CJ though, but me and Cole. I don’t even know what we are. Everything seems to have happened so quickly with us. First we were friends, well, I think we were friends and now we’re more than that. I just don’t know what
is. Since we kissed we’ve kissed some more and it’s been great, more than great.

It’s been explosive.

I just need to know what we are, what will happen after all this Logan mess is sorted. Will he still want me or is he only with me out of sympathy? No! I don’t believe that, I don’t know why I’d even think it.

I want the answers to these questions so badly, I’m just scared that if I ask them that then I’ll lose him. Something about Cole calls to me. It’s not just his extremely good looks that makes him stand out but it’s his kind soul and the mystery that surrounds him. He’s a puzzle people can spend years trying to solve and still fail. When I see him, my heart picks up and my belly flutters. I can’t help the wide grin that spreads across my face whenever I see him or talk about him. I find myself trusting him more than I’ve ever trusted anyone else in my life. I also feel the safest when I’m with him. No one has ever made me feel like that. He’s the main reason I don’t feel homesick, being here, around him, it feels like home.

None of my other boyfriends had ever made me feel the way he does, like I’m walking on cloud nine. As though he’s the lucky one when really, it’s me that is lucky to have him in my life.

My Nan, before she died, bless her soul, used to tell me that everything happens for a reason, that God has a plan.

I may have gone through hell but it brought me to Cole, our paths entwined. I can feel it in my bones. He knows me inside out and so far, none of it has scared him away.

I didn’t think I’d be ready for a relationship ever again. But then, after tonight and the way Cole continually stands up for me, it finally made me see some sense.

Becca, Rosie and Allie have all had something taken from them, not just me, and if I’m going to help each of them I need to practice what I preach, show them that they can love again, be touched again and go out with other people and have fun. The second Cole kissed me in his room that night a few weeks ago I knew no one would ever be able to set my body alight the way he does. It’s another reason I know we’re meant to be, why I’m not doubting myself or questioning why I’m not scared of him.

Only time will tell if he feels the same way as I do.



Something bad is going to happen. I can feel it in the pit of my stomach, in the centre of my being. It’s screaming at me to stop this, to not let anyone go through with it and find some other way to get a hold of that box.

“I don’t think you should do this. I’ve got a bad feeling about tonight,’’ I voice out loud to Cole as I finish tying the back of his Scream costume up.

He pulls the mask off his face, resting it on the top of his head and pulls me in for a hug.

“Low, it’s going to be fine. After tonight you’ll never have to see his smug face again,’’ he tells me, but it does nothing to calm my raging nerves.

“It’s not that. I just have a really bad feeling, Cole. I don’t think we should do this. We need to figure something else out,’’ I plead.

“Willow, it’s just nerves talking. We’re going to be fine,’’ CJ tells me.

I look to Allie who has just finished with Alex’s makeup. He’s going as a zombie from The Walking Dead. He looks pretty gruesome and unrecognisable. It’s the only relief I’ve felt all night. I know he’ll never be recognised looking like that.

“Yeah, okay,’’ I give in, yet something still swirls in the pit of my stomach and I feel like I’m going to be sick at any moment.

“Your Mum is coming tomorrow isn’t she?’’ Cole asks, distracting me.

“Yeah,’’ I smile, excited to see her. It feels like her last visit was a dream. With everything that was going on it didn’t feel like I was actually present that weekend. I’m just glad she was able to get a couple of days off work to come down again so soon after already having a weekend off. She said she has some news to share with me but mostly wants to see how I’m doing. She’s still pretty upset that I never went home to recover or to try and change schools.

“Concentrate on that, Low. I promise, nothing will happen,’’ he tells me.

I nod my head, twisting my hands in my lap. Nothing about tonight was ever going to feel right, I know that. What we’re doing is insane but we have to, there’s no other way. It could be months, years even, before we get any solid evidence if we don’t get this chest. I just pray that my predictions are right and something, anything, is in there, giving us what we need.

“What do we do when we get the chest?’’ Jane asks, dressed in a french maid costume, the side of her face dripping with fake blood. She looks hot as hell and when I first laid eyes on her, with her barely there outfit I thought Cole would be checking her out but he didn’t even so much as blink in her direction. At least I can trust he doesn’t have a wandering eye. All of my other boyfriends checked other girls out openly, it bothered me all the time.

I shake my head, ridding any negative thoughts as I turn to Jane. “Bring it back here. I can get it open,’’ I explain.

“Won’t the police just think you stashed it there?’’ Alex asks and I blink, I hadn’t thought about that and I begin to panic, realising he could say we did.

“Oh God! You need to look through it, see if there’s something in there and then call the police,’’ I tell them, and stand up pacing, the bad feeling in my stomach intensifying.

“Calm down. We’ll do this right. I’ve called my uncle already and he’s going to be outside waiting with his partner,’’ he tells me, something I didn’t know, until now.

“What?’’ I ask wide eyed. “They’re going to know if the police are there,’’ I shout.

“Hey,’’ Cole calls, demanding my attention. “They’ll be in plain clothes and in their own car. For the love of God, please calm down. I can’t take seeing you like this.’’

“Okay, okay. Call me the minute you have something, though. I can’t sit here wondering what’s going on,’’ I tell him, giving him a warning look.

“We will, I promise,’’ he tells me and brings me in for another hug. I wrap my arms around his middle, holding him close. I breathe in his spicy scent and the second I do, my body relaxes, melting against him.

“Everyone ready?’’ CJ calls, his voice muffled behind his mask.

“You could wait to put that on,’’ Allie mutters, eyeing the mask warily.

I chuckle and have to admit, they all look freaky. Cole didn’t want to dress up, saying no one would ever dare question him being there but when he saw how against the idea I was he gave in, saying he’ll wear a mask, just no makeup. In fact, he was pretty adamant about that condition.

Looking up at him, the back of my eyes begin to burn, my eyes watering. “Please be careful,’’ I plead, needing him to be okay and to not get into trouble. I wish I could do something other than sit at home and wait. I feel useless.

Leaning down he surprises me with a kiss. His lips feel soft against mine and when he deepens the kiss my knees wobble, my core tightens and my belly flutters with arousal which surprises me even more. When he pulls back I’m breathless, completely speechless.

“Be back soon,’’ he promises and makes his way out of the front door. I’m still standing stock still in the front room doorway, stunned. My fingers brush lightly against my bruised lips, swollen from his kiss when everyone begins to pile out after him, with silent goodbyes.

“It’s going to be okay,’’ Allie tells me but I know she feels the same dread that’s been choking me. We both woke up feeling it and it’s hovered over us all day like a storm cloud.

“It’s not. We can’t sit here and do nothing. Something doesn’t feel right,’’ I tell her and when I look at her, she looks away with a guilty expression. “What’s that look for?’’

“I... Nothing. Let’s watch a horror movie to help distract us,’’ she tells me, biting her lip. It’s when she fiddles with her glasses that I know for a fact that she’s hiding something.

“Allie, please, don’t hold out on me,’’ I beg grabbing her hands. When she proceeds to stay silent I give in, the tension suffocating me. “I can’t stand around and do nothing. I’m going. I’m sure I have something in my wardrobe that can sneak me in,’’ I tell her, not needing her approval. I rush down the hall to my bedroom and for a second I think Allie is following to stop me, instead, she walks into her bedroom.

I’m rummaging through my wardrobe when she walks in. I give her a quick glance before turning back to her sharply when my eyes catch the two black bags she’s holding. I eye the two bags suspiciously in her hands, giving her a questioning look.

“What is that?’’ I ask, wondering if Cole gave her handcuffs to restrain me or CJ, it seems like something he’d have lying around.

“They’re Halloween costumes. I got them after the meeting we had in the library,’’ she explains, looking nervous as she eyes me sheepishly, waiting for my reaction.

“But you knew we couldn’t go,’’ I remind her, wondering why I’m wasting time arguing with her instead of getting ready and hightailing my arse out of here.

“I know. I just... I don’t know. I guess I wanted to be prepared for anything,’’ she shrugs. “Are you sure you really want to do this, though? It could ruin everything if they notice us.’’

“Us? I can’t let you come,’’ I argue quickly, not wanting her in harm’s way. I couldn’t live with myself if anything ever happened to her.

She scoffs, looking at me insulted. “Willow, I need to help, you of all people should understand that. I can’t sit back anymore, and I’m not letting you go in there alone. You can either let me come and help or you can carry on tearing through your wardrobe for something to wear,’’ she argues back, blackmailing me, waving the costume bags, taunting me.

I grin, shaking my head. “How much you have grown,’’ I tease ignoring the nerves fighting through my system.

“Let’s do this then.’’

“What have we got to wear?’’ I ask, wondering how she managed to snag outfits without me knowing. The girl hates shopping unless it’s for food.

She grins mischievously and I have to bite back a groan. This can’t be good. Not good at all.


*** *** ***


“Are you sure about this?’’ Allie whispers as we walk through the dimly lit car park. My skin is crawling being back here, nevertheless I keep going, keeping my head up, trying to come across confident, confidence I don’t feel.

“Yeah. We can’t back out now,’’ I tell her as we walk up the path. Someone has fixed the lights which is good. The thought of having to walk through here in the pitch black scares me senseless. I don’t show it as we make it to the block of apartments.

The second the door opens the heat and music hits me and I gulp, wondering for the first time if this was a good idea.

“Oh my God, is that their party?’’ Allie whispers, shifting awkwardly in her suit. “How did I let you con me out of that outfit,’’ she whines and I giggling into my hand.

“You look hot and I never talked you out of it, my boobs didn’t fit in it,’’ I remind her, eyeing her skin tight, leather cat suit. It clings to her body like a second skin, showing off all of her luxurious curves. If it weren’t for the fact we were on a mission I’d totally make her show that outfit off around town. The cat mask she’s wearing makes her eyes pop out even more than they normally do. We were actually lucky she had a spare set of contact lenses in her drawer. She hates wearing them but she does on the odd occasion where she knows her glasses will get broken or get in the way, like they would have with her mask on.

“It keeps riding up my arse,’’ she whines and I slap her arm away, stopping her from pulling the material away from her arse.

“Stop making me laugh,’’ I giggle, knowing we need to be serious right now.

“Sorry, bat-woman,’’ she groans, rolling her eyes.

Yeah, my costume is pretty badass. My mask is the shape of the bat and my black leather costume is the shape of a skater dress, only mine has the bat symbol in yellow on my chest. I’ve got black leather boots on that reach just past my knees and fish net tights on. I wish the costume Allie has on fitted me because at least it covered more of my body, well, everything except my boobs. They popped out of that bad boy outfit like they were bursting to be free.

“Remember to keep your phone on vibrate, don’t take any drinks from anyone and don’t look obvious. If Cole or CJ spot us before we get this done then we’re in bigger shit,’’ I remind her as we near the hallway.

“Okay, you too. Good luck,’’ she tells me, before slipping into Cat woman, sexy mode. We know we’re going to have to act the part, not bring attention to ourselves by acting weird and quiet, we need to blend in which is what we’ve planned to do. Act drunk, flirtatious and socialise with other groups.

Heading through the hallway is harder than the last time I was here. There are more people leaning against the walls this time, wearing outrageous costumes. One girl is basically wearing a coconut bra and a thong with a hula skirt. How the hell is that a Halloween costume? It’s for a bloody beach party.

We shuffle our way through the crowd, making it to the door still attached to each other’s side. Allie gives my hand one more squeeze which is signal that she’s spotted one of the lads. My eyes flicker around the room and I spot the Scream and Chuckie costume straight away. How the hell they haven’t been kicked out is beyond me. They’re not blending in. They look like two doormen ready to kick out drunken idiots. Their postures are rigid, their eyes scanning the room, acting way too obvious.

On further inspection of the room I find Jane over by the sofas, shaking her French maid ass in front of lads sitting on the sofa. My heart picks up and adrenaline pumps through my veins when I see it’s Alec, Logan and Jamie. All three look enthralled by her dancing, egging her on as loud as possible. I have to look away, bile rising in my throat.

“Where’s Alex?’’ Allie calls, leaning up so she’s talking in my ear.

“I don’t know,’’ I shrug and look around the room once more, trying to find him. I pull her further into the room, dancing and shaking my hips as much as I can to blend in. I know I’m being paranoid but something doesn’t feel right. I’m already on edge but the minute I step fully into the room, I swear eyes follow every step I take, causing my breathing to pick up.

When I walk pass the kitchen, I find Alex being pestered by a group of girls, a group of lads in the corner laughing at him.

I look to Allie with wide eyes and I want to rush over to Cole and demand why he hasn’t helped the poor lad. It’s obvious he can’t get out of there and that he’s the brunt of the joke.

“Stay here, I’m going to get the chest,’’ I tell her, praying hard that Jane came through and managed to drug each of them. I want to get out of here as soon as possible, preferably before I pass out or have a major panic attack.

“No, not yet, dance a second,’’ she tells me, pulling me against her and grinding her body against mine.

“What are you doing?’’ I ask, feeling amused.

“CJ and Cole just looked our way,’’ she whispers in my ear. “I thought they recognised us for a second there.’’

“Oh no! Have they?’’

“No! No,’’ she rushes out. “Right, it’s clear. Jane is distracting the slime balls and Cole and CJ are on lookout. Uh oh,’’ she says all of a sudden, her body tensing up.

“What?’’ I squeak, too scared to turn around. My whole body is a bundle of nervous energy. I’m so fucking scared we’re gonna get caught.

“Two lads have just moved over to CJ, trying to take his mask, it doesn’t look friendly. We need to move now if we want to get this done,’’ she tells me and I push away from her, wobbling my way down the hall, acting drunk. It’s not even hard to fake. My legs feel like jelly along with my whole body. A couple of lads whistle and eye me up as I move down the hallway, moving towards Logan’s room.

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