Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1)
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“I don’t get why people don’t agree with it. Having Liam brought into our lives was the best gift anyone could have given us at the time. He might not share the same DNA as us but he’s a part of us. He has his dad’s brains,’’ she smiles wistfully. “And my loving nature. It’s hard to explain something that is bonded so strong.’’

“And then you had Mia? What was your reaction when you found out? What was Cole like?’’ I ask, rambling them off before I forget, getting lost in their life.

“Yes, Mia,’’ she chuckles. “I was around five months before I even knew. I went into hospital with mild stomach pains and when they ran some blood tests it came back that I was pregnant. I was so shocked. The first person I told was Liam. He had been so grumpy,’’ she chuckles, her eyes distant, remembering a memory. “He told me he didn’t want a sister or a brother. Secretly, I think he was worried we would love him less, which wasn’t the case.’’

“How did you handle that?’’ I ask, amazed. Cole is so close to his sister it’s hard to believe there was a time he didn’t want her around.

“Easy. We took him to the next scan. They wanted to keep a check on things since I had some minor problems during the pregnancy. High blood pressure,’’ she tells me when she notices my worried expression. “He was so fascinated. He stared at those ultra sound pictures for weeks after. He’s still got them actually,’’ she grins and I have to grin back, finding it adorable that Cole would keep such sentimental items.

“So he was happy?’’ I ask, smiling.

“Yeah. He helped with everything and kept promising to protect her and not let anyone ever hurt her,’’ she shrugs, her eyes watering a little.

“This is going to sound really rude but these are the questions that people will want to know,’’ I warn her, wanting to back out. “Did you love Mia more because she was yours biologically?’’ I ask.

Jackie grins. “I love them equally. I don’t care what anyone says to me, blood or no blood, there is never a person or a thing in this world that can make you love your child less. They are both ours. The second I had Mia and held her in my arms for the first time I had the exact same feeling I had when I held Liam for the first time at five years old. It felt like I was being handed the world, the most precious gift anyone could ever receive.’’

“What about other people in your life?’’ I ask.

“No one really treats them differently, love wise. Yes, Mia gets a lot more attention now but I think it’s the age gap between the two. Mia did get spoiled a lot too but I think that’s because she’s the only girl in the family. Both Frank and my side of the family all have boys.’’

“What about Cole? Did he change towards her or did anyone change towards him?’’

“My God, he wouldn’t let anyone near her. I knew I’d have trouble with the men in my life protecting her but a fifteen year old Liam was not the one I was expecting to be the worst. He helped bath her, feed her and even helped some nights when I would struggle to get her to sleep. He was so good with her. He has always been such a quiet boy, reserved and standoffish, but I think that has more to do with his time before he came to live with us,’’ she tells me and I feel as if she confided that last part to me and I have to cherish her honesty and confidence in me so I don’t bother writing that part down. It gives me an insight to Cole, even if I don’t know what happened to him before he moved in with them. Maybe one day he’ll confide in me and tell me everything.

“Do you know what happened to him before he came to you?’’ I ask, gulping.

“No. We were told he was neglected and had no other living relatives. He remembered though. He suffered with nightmares afterwards and never trusted a lot of people. He could only be around me and Frank and close family.’’

I shake the disturbing thoughts of what his life was like before, not wanting to go there. “Okay, so if you could give advice to couples in a situation where adoption was their only choice but what were having trouble deciding, what advice would you give them?’’ I ask.

“I’d ask them to think about the reasons why they want a child. Is it for appearance sake, just because it’s the next step or because it’s what they want? For us, we wanted a child to shower with our love. We wanted to raise a family, knowing we created such a beautiful, kind, honest person. We wanted to be able to share our life with another part of ourselves. Secretly, I also wanted the love a child has for their mother and Liam gave me that and more the second he stepped into my arms. It sounds selfish but I couldn’t help but breathe in his love. And my God, the memories we have shared over the years... There’s nothing that could have compared to that. I couldn’t imagine life without him.

“For someone to want a child so badly, it shouldn’t matter how the baby or child is conceived but how he or she is loved. The bond between Liam and I is just as strong as the one I have with Mia, nothing could break that, not DNA, not adoption papers or even other people’s remarks. We’re a family and that’s all we ever wanted to be and Liam made that happen.’’

“WOW!’’ I breathe out, utterly stunned and silently glad that I recorded the conversation so I could take better notes later. I’ve never heard anyone speak so strongly about it before and it warms my heart knowing he was given to such a loving couple, one that gave him unconditional love.

“So there you go. That’s our story. I don’t know if Cole will be okay with the story being published though,’’ she tells me, frowning.

“Be okay with what?’’ Cole asks as he steps into the room, causing us to jump.

“What is it with you guys? Do you tip toe everywhere you walk? Bloody ninjas’’ I chuckle, holding my hand over heart again.

Cole looks at me confused but I wave him away. He sends me a small secretive smile and I feel my face flush. When his eyes reach his mum he takes a step closer, a strange look crossing his face.

“Hey, you’ve been crying, what’s wrong?’’ he asks, his body turning rigid, looking around the room for threats.

I have to smile, seeing his protective side and I can see the love Jackie was talking about moments ago in his eyes, the way he’s worried about her; he has a huge heart underneath that rough exterior.

“Willow has a project she needs to complete for class and needed some help finding a story. I was telling her about the adoption and our past so she could do a story on that but to talk to you first. Would you be okay with her writing it, son?’’

“Um,’’ he says looking uncomfortable and I butt in, needing to support his wishes if he doesn’t want to have it out there in for people to know. Knowing what I know, this story is everything I was looking for.

“It’s okay. I can change the names and have Professor Moby agree to keep my references quiet.’’

“No, it’s fine. Just don’t use any last names. People won’t guess it’s me your writing about if you call me Liam and my mum Jacqueline,’’ he tells me but he still doesn’t look happy about it.

“I can find something else,’’ I tell him, dismissing the story.

“No, Low, it’s fine. It just surprised me that’s what you two were talking about is all,’’ he admits.

“Does he always talk this much around you?’’ I ask his mum, making her chuckle.

“He’s such a charmer,’’ she winks at me, getting up from the sofa. “I’m going to put dinner on. Would you two like to stay for dinner? Frank should be home soon too,’’ she smiles.

I look to Cole who just shrugs, seeming in his own world so I face his mum, giving her a bright smile. “We’d love to.’’

“Great,’’ she beams.

When she leaves I move everything off my lap and get up and walk over to Cole. He surprises me when he pulls me in for a hug, his head resting in the crook of my neck, breathing me in.

“Are you okay?’’ I whisper, still surprised he’d show this kind of affection with his mum in the next room.

“Yeah,’’ he croaks out, never pulling away from me. “I forget sometimes that I’m even adopted. My life before wasn’t good and I guess hearing it brought up some old memories, one’s I wanted more than anything to forget.’’

“Do you want to talk about it?’’ I ask, not wanting to pry, yet, needing him to know that I’ll always listen to him.

“No, not really,’’ he grunts and squeezes me a little tighter before pulling away.

“Okay,’’ I sigh, pulling back so I can see his eyes, eyes that never seize to amaze me, always taking my breath away. “So, dinner with the rents,’’ I grin. “Next you’ll be asking me to marry you,’’ I tease.

His eyes sparkle, a deep chuckle rumbling from his chest and he leans down, kissing the tip of my nose. Tingles shoot through my body and I can’t help the silly grin that crosses my face.

“MOM! Cole loves Willow,’’ Mia shouts, giggling. Cole turns his attention to her, a teasing glint in his eyes. Mia notices and starts stepping backwards slowly, her eyes wide and on Cole.

“Oh, I’m going to tickle you to death,’’ Cole warns, taking slow, creepy steps towards her. She squeals, her face full of excitement and horror before she speeds off squealing, Cole fast on her heels. He catches up to her in a few long strides, swinging her upside down and poking her in the ribs with his index finger, making her squeal with laughter.

“No. Put me down. Put me down,’’ she laughs.

“Never,’’ he rumbles and straightens her up, planting a kiss on her cheek.

I watch in awe, amusement and something else, something I’m not ready to admit, not now, not yet. It doesn’t stop my eyes shining with the emotion and I know Cole sees it because when he gazes my way, his eyes reflect the same emotion back at me, knocking the wind out of me.

Yeash, I’m in trouble!



My Friday nights used to be spent partying with friends or when my mum wasn’t working they would be spent with her at the cinema and eating our own body weight in junk food and ice blasts.

Never did I expect to be sitting in a library waiting to conspire against someone I once considered my best friend. The person that now turns my stomach, just thinking about him or hearing his name revolts me.

“When is Jordan coming?’’ I ask Allie, wringing my hands in my lap. I’ve tried so hard to keep my nerves at bay but I’m finding it hard to keep control of my emotions. I have so much riding on this plan. If this fails, if we’re caught, then there is no chance of us ever taking him or Jamie down.

“She’ll be here in ten minutes,’’ Allie answers, giving me a curious look. “Everything is going to be okay,’’ she tells me, not a flicker of doubt in her eyes.

I’m glad it’s just us two at the minute. Everyone else should be here any second. The only reason I’m early is because I decided to walk with Allie to work. Alex has promised to cover for her if anyone asks why she’s sat down talking to me and the others for which I’m thankful for. I don’t think I can do this without her at my side.

“CJ’s here,’’ I say, my body jumping a little from the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

“Oh, yeah,’’ Allie says but something shifts in her eyes and I have to bite back a grin. One day she’s going to have to admit she has the hots for CJ, the sexual tension between those two is sometimes suffocating.

“Hey, Cupcake; Low,’’ he nods, swinging the seat around so he can sit on it backwards. “Cole’s just finding a space to park the car,’’ he informs us and he looks over, noticing my twitchy behaviour. “Chill. Everything’s cool.’’

I nod my head, my movement’s jerky. I feel Cole the second he walks through the large wooden oak doors. Tingles shoot up my spine and my body slumps, finally relaxing.

“Cole,’’ I breathe, shooting up from my seat, taking a step towards him.

His face pinches with concern when he notices me and in two long strides he’s by my side, his hands cupping my cheeks.

“Hey, what’s wrong?’’ he asks, looking at me deeply.

“I’m scared. What if something goes wrong? He’ll know what we’re up to and he’ll be more careful. We’ll never get another shot at this,’’ I panic, clutching his biceps.

The door opens again but I don’t pay attention. I know Becca is bringing Rosie, and Allie has got Jordan and the other girl Jane to meet us to. We picked the quietest time to meet up, knowing Rosie won’t be good with a large crowd. We’re still worried how she’ll react to Cole and CJ as both lads are huge.

“Nothing is going to go wrong, Low. I won’t let it. He’ll pay for what he’s done, I promise you. Now, take a deep breath and relax,’’ he tells me, his voice husky and gentle.

“Is everything okay?’’ a worried Becca asks, looking between me and Cole.

Rosie stands behind Becca, her face stricken with fear. She’s still pretty banged up and I want to wince when I see her, though, I don’t. I just can’t stomach seeing her in pain or anyone for that matter. It’s why I’d be crap at being a nurse or doctor.

“Yeah,’’ I choke out. “Hey, guys. Rosie, Becca, this is Cole, over there is his friend CJ, the lads I told you about?’’

“Hey,’’ Becca waves, shrinking back a little when she sees how big they are.

“Hey,’’ Cole says, softening his voice the best he can. “Come sit down. You can sit between Allie and Willow,’’ he suggests.

Rosie lets out a whimper, catching Cole’s attention and I watch in fascination as he takes a small step towards her, his hands held up in the air.

“I’ll never hurt you. I know I’m a bit on the big side, but I have never or will ever, hurt a woman. I swear to you on that. I’m here to help but if you’d feel more comfortable with me and CJ not being here, we can leave,’’ he tells her, gently and I melt more towards him, if that’s even possible.

She seems to be lost in thought, staring at him with wide eyes. Shaking her head, she grips onto Becca’s hand, seeming so small and broken it hurts. “You’re friends with Willow?’’ she asks, her voice small and shaky.

“Yes,’’ he smiles, and to prove a point I take his hand, surprising him and myself.

“I know, it’s a surprise to me too, but I can’t get rid of this one,’’ CJ teases, gesturing to Allie. “Started stalking me and everything,’’ he says, rolling his eyes and I watch as Rosie’s lips twitch. She nods her head at Becca, and together they take a seat at the large round table. I take a seat next to Becca, letting her know how thankful I am for her being here.

“Jordan, the blogger, she should be here any minute,’’ I tell them and they nod, seeming to still be wary of CJ and Cole. However, with CJ’s light-hearted banter, it’s hard not to relax around him.

“Allie,’’ a girly voice squeals and I wince at the sound bleeding my ear drums dry.

“Hey, Jane,’’ Allie greets, getting up from her seat and hugging the bright, bubbly girl. She’s wearing short shorts showing the bottom of her bum cheeks off and I have to lean back in my chair to kick CJ, stopping him from drooling over her. He winces but when he realises it was me he sends me a wink. Turning my attention back to the girl I have to ask myself how the hell she isn’t freezing her arse off, literally. Not only is she wearing short shorts but she’s also wearing a crop top showcasing her stomach off. The denim jacket she has on reaches under her boobs, the sleeves long though, they’re not thick enough to protect her from the cold outside. The ankle boots that she’s wearing are the only item of clothing that she’s got on that I would even consider wearing in this weather. Does she even realise it’s nearing the end of October and its freaking freezing outside? I’m actually starting to wonder if her sanity is in tacked and if Allie has the right person.

“Hey, everyone, this is Jane, Jane this is CJ, Cole, Willow, my best friend who I told you about and this is Becca and Rosie,’’ Allie introduces, a smile on her face.

“Hi everyone, I’m so happy to meet you. I’m really sorry for what’s happened,’’ she says and I didn’t know it was possible but her voice dropped so low, so soft, it was like another person was talking. It’s soft, like a lullaby.

“Thank you,’’ I smile and listen as everyone says their hellos.

Minutes later the large, heavy oak door opens again and I turn my attention to the entrance. A girl a few years older than us walks in, her short, black, pixie hair style gelled so it’s spiking up in all different directions. She has her lip and nose pierced and has tattoos sporting her arms and neck. Chains hang from around her jeans, the rattling of keys echoing around the room as she steps towards us with purposeful strides.

My eyes widen when I realise that this is Jordan. She’s nothing like I expected her to be and when she walks right up to the table with confidence; I have to lean back, my head banging into Cole’s shoulder.

“Shit, those pricks need a broom shoved up their arses,’’ she sneers, her eyes softening when they reach Rosie.

“Hey, I know you,’’ Jordan says and I notice Rosie’s cheeks flush, embarrassment flooding her face. What is
all about? My question is answered when Becca looks between the two, light dawning on her.

“Are you
Jordan?’’ she asks, breathless, a look of amazement on her face.

“Yeah. I’m the one who saved Rosie here from the dogs,’’ Jordan smiles but loses it when a thought occurs to her. “Now I know why you didn’t call me,’’ she whispers.

Oh my God, Rosie’s a... Holy crap! I never saw that one coming. Looking at Rosie again, my heart hurts even more for her. It’s obvious she likes Jordan but with everything that’s happened it’s stopped her from reaching out. Something tells me there is more to her liking Jordan though, if Becca’s reaction is any indicator.

“She told me,’’ Becca said, still looking up at Jordan in wonder.

“I’m sorry,’’ Rosie whispers, and from her shoulder movements I can tell she’s twiddling her fingers together, nervously.

“It’s okay. We can get a coffee anytime when you’re up to it,’’ Jordan smiles gently and Rosie’s cheeks blush further, making me inwardly smile.

I just hope we can get Rosie’s strength up enough that she reaches out and goes on a date with her because even though the two look like total opposites, I can’t imagine the two not fitting together.

“Okay,’’ Rosie nods and looks to Becca for advice? I’m not sure, but a look passes between them, sort of like Rosie is seeking approval or permission.

When Jordan takes a seat next to CJ, he grins. “You got any nude girl pictures on your phone of ex girlfriends?’’ he blurts out and Jordan turns to him and rolls her eyes.

“Jackass,’’ she mumbles before pulling a folder out of her bag. “Are you Cole?’’ She asks, actually addressing Cole.

“Yeah,’’ he rumbles, eyeing her up for measure and not sexually either, but like he can’t seem to figure her out.

“Can you give this to your uncle? It’s everything I have and it’s a little too detailed. People sent more than I cared to know about,’’ she says sadly, a dark look passing in her eyes.

He nods his head, taking the folder and I know once we leave here, I’m going to beg him to take it straight to his uncle. There is no way we can have that lying around and I don’t think I can stomach knowing what’s inside it either.

“Okay, did you find out when the next party will be?’’ Cole asks, and the tension builds around the table, everyone’s bodies locked up tight as they wait for her to answer.

“Yeah, Halloween is the next party which isn’t that far away. You have two weeks,’’ she winces. “A friend of mine said it isn’t just in his flat, it’s in a few other rooms on their floor too. There are four apartments involved altogether. Two are facing off from each other and the other two are further down the hall, also facing each other. It’s going to be huge since the local uni bar got shutdown over the weekend.’’

“Crap! Too many people there will make it harder for us,’’ Cole winces, running his hands through his hair.

“Not really,’’ CJ says, leaning forward, elbows resting on the table. “Better coverage for us if you think about it. The more people there, the better we can hide,’’ he shrugs.

“It also means more people are likely to see you,’’ Allie comments, sighing.

The look on Rosie’s and Becca’s faces look defeated already and I know I have to do something soon before they lose faith in us doing this. They’ve risked so much already.

“We’ll go in costume,’’ I blurt out and everyone stops, turning towards me and I flush. “What? It will be Halloween, everyone dresses up,’’ I tell him, glancing at Cole.

“You’re not going anywhere near that party,’’ he growls.

“Like hell. I am going,’’ I tell him sternly.

Jordan interrupts him before he can argue back and he gives me a look that tells me we’ll be talking about this later.

Yeesh, he’s bossy.

“That’s great. Perfect. Just make sure it’s covering your faces and don’t let on to anyone your going. If he knows you’re close with Willow and Allie then they’ll know you’ll be up to something,’’ Jordan says, looking around the group.

“So, like, what’s the plan?’’ Jane asks and not for the first time do I realise her name really doesn’t suit her. She looks more like a Candy or a Gretchen.

“We need you to drug two people. We’ll send you pictures of them to your mobile,’’ CJ tells her and I already know why the pictures weren’t brought along to our meeting. We didn’t want Rosie, Becca or myself to get a flashback of what happened.

Rosie is suffering the most since she remembers every detail of what Jamie did to her and as sick as it might sound, Becca and I are lucky that we don’t remember. Rosie is walking around with a constant haunted look in her eyes; you can see by a second glance that she remembers everything that violently happened to her.

“I got that part but where do I get the drugs? I know who they are too. My friend who finished here last year warned me to stay away from them, now I know why,’’ she tells us, her eyes narrowed. “I can’t wait to put them in their place.’’

“We don’t need to be there do we?’’ Rosie asks quietly, her fearful eyes glancing around the table, looking ready to bolt.

“No,’’ I tell her gently, shaking my head.

She breathes a sigh of relief and movement catches my eyes and I glance over to Jordan, noticing her body is tense and her expression worried as she eyes the delicate girl sitting one seat away from me.

“I’m looking into the whole drug thing. Since neither Cole or I have done drugs before we’ve been finding it hard to get a hold of what we need,’’ CJ grunts and from the corner of my eye I see Allie move and on further inspection I see her eyes grow glassy at the news CJ just shared. I have to admit, I also find it comforting neither of them have done drugs.

“I can help with that,’’ Jane speaks, an evil smile reaching her lips. “My brother knows all kinds of people and he doesn’t live around here. From the anti-drug protest we did last year I already know who most of the dealers are around here and they’ll already be at that party. Plus, a girl getting drugs like that will raise suspicion.’’

“Yeah, Logan and Jamie,’’ Jordan sneers. “They’ve been selling drugs for years, taking over from the last bunch of assholes that did it before them. If you can get the drugs we need from your brother somehow it might actually be safer. That way, word won’t get around that someone else other than them are buying it,’’ she explains.

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