Fractured Truth (31 page)

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Authors: Rachel McClellan

BOOK: Fractured Truth
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It was a pleasant dream.
All of my friends were there, sitting on picnic benches in the middle of a green field. Guardians hovered near the perimeter keeping watch. Everyone was laughing and having fun. Up above me a single red balloon floated overhead. Sophie laughed, and I looked away from the balloon. She was handing out sack lunches, smiling and talking to the girls. She looked up and winked at me. I smiled back. It was a beautiful place, and I breathed in deeply.


I looked up into the sky just in time to see the red balloon pop.

“Wake up!”

The sky turned black and lightning flashed.

“Liam?” I heard his voice but couldn’t see him.

“You’re going to have to hold your breath. Can you do that?”

Rain fell from the sky and girls began to scatter, knocking food and flowered wreaths to the ground. Why would I need to hold my breath? I squinted up into the sky.

“Here we go, Llona. Hold your breath.”

The whole scenery changed as the heavens opened, unleashing a giant, dark wave. I opened my eyes. The world was black. I thrashed and kicked. Water. I was underwater. It pressed upon me on all sides and went into my nose, making me panic even more.

Strong arms wrapped around me and held me tight. The embrace was familiar. I created a Light ball and expanded it so I could see my surroundings. Liam was hanging onto me and kicking his legs hard. We were in the slimy tunnel again, my arms occasionally scraping the sides of the narrow tunnel. My memory returned just as quickly as my dream had ended.

Cyrus! Was he dead? I looked at Liam and thought,
Is he dead?


I dropped my head to his shoulder in relief while he kicked us forward through the tunnel.
It’s over. Finally we can
—my thoughts were interrupted. My lungs were burning, like really burning, and all I wanted to do was take a breath. I closed my eyes and concentrated hard to think of something else.
Stay calm. Tessa will be back soon.

Liam gave me a squeeze, while he continued to kick us forward, but I couldn’t look at him. I didn’t want to see the water, reminding me of how desperately I needed air. I determined right then and there that I hated water and never wanted to go swimming again. My lungs felt like they were collapsing within my chest, shriveling up like a worm in the sun. This was the worst part, and I didn’t want to go through it again, but I had to take a breath, despite knowing that only water would come into my lungs.
Just a few more seconds
, I begged.

The ball of Light I’d been maintaining to see our way through the tunnel began to flicker. I couldn’t do it anymore. My mouth opened, but instead of water, warm lips pressed to mine, making me forget all about needing air.

The kiss was tender and his lips moved against mine until he had opened my mouth. Every part of me warmed and tingled, but then something I didn’t expect came into my mouth.


Liam’s warm breath filled my lungs, relieving the burning sensation. This wasn’t a kiss. He was giving me his air. I opened my eyes, strengthening my glowing Light, just as he pulled away, smiling gently.

What did you do?
I thought and began to kick my legs to match his pace, although his seemed to be slower now. I even felt his grip around me relax.

He raised his hand and smoothed my swirling hair back. I searched his face for understanding. On his forehead, blood from a deep gash bled into the water. It was a lot of blood, too much. Liam’s eyes fluttered and his legs stopped moving. He had given me the last of his strength.

I pressed my palm to his face.
Stay with me.
I pushed the words to him and tried hard to stay calm. Unlike me, he didn’t have Light inside him to keep him alive long after he ran out of air. And even though he was half-Vyken, he was still part Enlil, so I wasn’t sure if drowning would kill him or not. I didn’t want to find out. What could I do?

A new thought gave me pause. Even my legs stopped moving, which made us simply drift through the tunnel.


I could give him some.

I quickly looked myself over and found an open wound on the underside of my arm. When I glanced up, Liam’s eyes were closed and his arms were floating up. I took hold of him and pressed my arm to his mouth.

I thought loudly.

His body jerked as if I’d waken him from a dream. It took him a few seconds, but eventually I felt his tongue against my skin. He gripped my arm tightly and began to drink as if a man dying of thirst.

I let him. If it would save his life.

With Light being drained from me, and Liam’s air now exhausted in my lungs, my vision faded. Liam was still drinking with his eyes closed. I turned my head and lowered it to his. Just before my own eyes closed, a figure swam toward us from within the darkness. I prayed it was Tessa.

My prayer was answered.

As soon as Tessa touched me, my lungs relaxed as if injected
with oxygen. I opened my eyes. Liam’s body too seemed to be relaxing as air transferred through me to him. His eyes opened and met mine. For a second he looked confused, as he was most likely tasting blood on his tongue, and then he glanced down at my arm, which was still pressed to his lips. He reared back in shock, hitting his head on the tunnel behind him.

It’s okay
, I thought to him.

What have you done?

Saved your life.

Tessa jerked us both on the shoulder and motioned for us to swim forward. We took hold of the rope trailing behind her and followed her back. Because I was weak I simply held on and let myself be dragged forward.

Once again I was reminded of how terribly long the tunnel was, and, even after we came out of it, Tessa had us swim farther before we finally surfaced. When we did, Liam looked at me but didn’t say a word as he helped Tessa and I up onto the bank. I stumbled, almost falling, but Liam steadied me. Tessa looked just as exhausted and was panting heavily.

“Are you okay?” I asked her.

“Aaron was heavy. That’s why it took me so long to get back to you two. We had to have Kiera and Mrs. Crawford help us get him out of the water.”

“How is he?” Liam asked, his voice hard and laced with anger, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t directed at Aaron.

“May’s with him.”

I swallowed the growing lump in my throat. He’ll live. He has to. I looked around. “Where is everyone?” The warehouse was far behind us. Several fires were burning, lighting up the night sky.

“Back at the car. We need to hurry and let Dr. Han know that we were successful. Mostly.”

I tried to pick up my pace but had to lean into Liam for support. His whole body was rigid beneath my touch. Fine. He can be mad. I only did for him what he did for me.

As soon as she saw us, Kiera waved from the driver’s seat of the van and then said something into a cell phone. I could only assume she was talking to Charlie or Dr. Han.

When we reached the van, Liam and I looked in at Aaron. He was sprawled across the middle row while Mrs. Crawford held her hands above his chest, Light shining from beneath them. May was cradling his head in her lap, tears rolling down her bruised cheeks. The image filled me with both anger and sadness.

Behind them, Sophie was huddled with the other girls, speaking gentle words. She smiled at me and mouthed the words, “Thank you.”

I nodded my head in acknowledgement. “I can help,” I said to Mrs. Crawford and attempted to climb into the car. Tessa jumped into the front passenger seat next to Kiera.

“You can barely walk, you stubborn girl,” Liam said. He lifted me into the van and climbed in next to me. Because there were no seats available, we squished together on the floor.

“How’s Dr. Han and his group?” I asked. “Do they need any help?”

“Nope. They’re pulling out and will meet us back at Lucent.”

Liam said, “Any casualties?”

Kiera took a moment to answer. “I didn’t ask.”

By the time we arrived at Lucent, Aaron was breathing deeply, but he was still unconscious.

“I’m sorry, May,” Mrs. Crawford said. “I’ve done all that I can.”

“He seems to be doing better,” I offered.

May smiled through her tears.

Liam opened the door and helped the girls out, including Sophie. Ashlyn and several others came running out of Lucent despite the late hour. She found Valerie and hugged her. Abigail and other teachers met us also; Ms. Hady was among them and she looked genuinely concerned. Maybe my suspicions of her were unfounded.

Sophie and the girls were surrounded and met with a barrage of questions, but most of them went unanswered. “Let us rest first,” Sophie said to them. She winked at me as they all walked by me and into Lucent.

After Aaron was escorted away on a stretcher, Liam and I helped May from the car. She was limping on her left side.

“You’re going to be okay, May. We’re home now.” I hugged her as tight as I could.

“I’m so tired,” she breathed, her head resting on my shoulder.

“Let’s get you inside with the others. You can rest there.”

“By Aaron.”

“Of course.”

Just then the remaining vehicles arrived.

“Talk to them,” May said. “Make sure they’re okay. I can go inside by myself.”

“Are you sure?”

She nodded. “Come see me when you can.”

I hugged her again.

Van doors opened, and the chaos began.


Lycans and Guardians exited the
vehicles. Many of them were hurt, and the ones who weren’t were trying to help the injured. Liam darted forward to assist.

I searched the crowd, looking for those I knew and cared for the most. I spotted the few Guardians I’d grown close to, specifically Mason and Alex. Mason wasn’t moving one of his arms, but other than that they both looked fine.

Petros and Arik were there too. Liam was speaking quietly to Arik, and by his expression Liam must have been telling him about Aaron. Beyond them I saw Charlie. He was moving like I was, as if he was extremely weak. He was standing at open van doors while two Guardians helped someone out. My heart dropped when I saw Dr. Han.

I stumbled forward. “Let me through,” I said, pushing aside those in my way until I reached him. “Dr. Han?” I touched him lightly on the back. Sweat, mingled with blood, dripped from his face. Parts of his clothes had been burned off and much of his skin was covered in blisters.

He barely raised his head. “You did it,” he breathed.

“Thanks to you guys.”

“We need to get him inside,” Charlie said. “Good work, Llona.”

I stared after them as everyone but Liam went inside.

“I should go in too,” I said but dropped onto the steps instead, exhausted.

Liam paced in front of me. “Why did you do it?”

I looked up at him. “You know why.”

“But just because I sacrificed for you doesn’t mean you have to for me. It doesn’t work that way.”

“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, Liam. When two people care for each other, they sacrifice.”

He sat next to me, shaking his head. “You offered me the most sacred thing about you, and I took it.” He tugged at his hair. “I will never forgive myself!”

“Enough with the drama. You didn’t take anything. I gave it to you. And you were sort of passed out, so it’s not like you had a choice. Besides,” I leaned my head into his shoulder, “you gave me your air, the one thing keeping you alive.”

He shrugged my head away and turned toward me. Staring into my eyes, he said, “But I saw the pain you were going through. You’ve already been through so much. I didn’t want you to have to suffer one more moment.”

At this, I smiled. “But we did it. We killed Cyrus, which means the rest of the Vykens will probably scatter. We’ll try to kill them of course, but an end is in sight.” I hoped that Christian would be one of the Vykens who scattered.

“But where was the Shadow?”

He voiced the thought I didn’t want to share. “Maybe helping Vykens outside?”

“Instead of protecting its master?”

“I don’t know. I’m just glad it’s over and, after we destroy the rest of the Vykens, we can try to live a normal life.”

The corners of his mouth turned up. “I’ve never wanted one until now.”

I stared at his lips, remembering the way they had touched mine. Had he only been trying to give me air? He noticed the direction of my gaze and looked down at my own mouth. His hand rose to my cheek and gently touched where
Cyrus had scraped it against the wall. I slowly closed the space between us.


I sat up straight and glanced to the open door. Kiera was standing in the doorway, her face reddening. “Sophie’s asking for you,” she said quickly.

I took a couple of deep breaths, grateful for the interruption. What was my problem? This was hardly the time to be crushing on Liam. “I’ll be right there.” I waited until Kiera was gone before I said to Liam, “I’d better go.”

He stood up and took me with him. “Me too. I want to see Aaron.”

As soon as we entered Lucent we parted ways. To locate Sophie, I followed the sound of voices. They were coming from a room I’d never been in before. It was about the size of a classroom and looked as boring too. In the back was a stack of boxes pressed against the wall. The six girls we’d rescued were sitting on chairs, teachers and friends surrounding them.

As soon as I stepped through the door, Ashlyn rushed me and wrapped her arms around me. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she said.

I hugged her back. “No problem.”

After a few seconds she let me go. “How is everyone?” I asked.

Sophie came up next to me. “They’re going to be just fine. I knew you’d come back for us.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you.” I took hold of her hand. “How are you feeling?”

“I’d feel better if we could get these girls taken care of.” She glanced to her left. “Abigail?”

Abigail looked up from a girl she was examining.

“Do we have rooms ready for these girls yet? This is no place for them to rest.”

Abigail huffed. “We’re doing the best we can. At least three rooms are ready.”

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