Fragrance of Revenge (22 page)

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Authors: Dick C. Waters

BOOK: Fragrance of Revenge
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Chapter 64


She left Ralph in the Emergency
Room where he was still being treated by a doctor and two nurses. He was
conscious and thankful they were both rescued. He could obviously tell what had
happened to his body, but she didn’t share the details of her short captivity
with him.

She wanted to take a nice hot bath
and get rid of the clammy feeling she had. The thoughts of what the captain had
done to her were nothing compared to what he was going to do. She was thankful
for her rescue once again, but was still confused about who was behind it. Max
Gordon was on his way to the hospital to see both of them.

However, right now she needed to
talk with Scott. She was glad she was safe and hopefully would still be leaving
on a plane later this morning. She was told where the pay phones were and
contacted an operator. It was difficult to deal with the original operator who
did not speak English, but she passed her to another one who did. She gave the
operator the number to call and her name to make a ‘collect’ call.

She could hear the phone ringing
and ringing but there was no answer. “I’m very sorry Ms. Strong, but no answer.
Would you like another number?”

She thought of calling her father,
but decided against it. “Would you try it again? It’s 1 am. Maybe he’s still

The phone rang and rang once
again. “I’m very sorry,” the operator said.

“Thank you very much for trying.”
where are you Scott? It’s very early in the morning and you’re not in your
apartment. Are you by any chance with Maggie? Scott I really need to talk with
you. Maybe he is staying at my apartment since he was expecting me home later

She was headed back to the phone
booth to place the call. “Mercedes.”

She looked over and it was Max
Gordon. She went running to him and he caught her and hugged her. “I’m so sorry
you were kidnapped again, but thrilled you were rescued. How is Ralph doing?”

“He’s pretty beaten up and lost
quite a bit of blood. They might have killed him if they continued beating him.”

“Let’s go see him,” Max said.

“They are still working on
patching him up. Can we talk first?”

“Sure. I’m interested in knowing
how you were rescued so quickly.”

“You mean you don’t know?”

“No. I was trying to make some
contacts when I learned you had been rescued.”

“Max, I mean sir, am I still going
home on that flight this morning?”

“You certainly are. If I could get
Ralph to go with you, I would.”

“I don’t think he’s in any
condition right now to make that flight. We have a lot to talk about.”




They were seated in the corner of
the hospital cafeteria and she could feel the coffee cup shaking. “I’m sorry

“It is okay Agent Strong. You’ve
had more than one trauma recently. Would you like to tell me about what

She remembered the ugly part of
her captivity and decided to tell him what he really needed to know. “Max, once
we were brought into that building they blindfolded both of us and took us to a
room. When the blindfolds were removed all that was in the room were two chairs.
It was different from my other abduction because these three men were
disciplined enough to respect my…well, respect my body.”

“Then they didn’t molest you?”

“They didn’t but Captain Chavez
did. Well, he started to but the military arrived before it got carried away.”

“I guess your gut was right about
the captain.”

“Yes, it was. He is the leader of
the gang operating in Maracaibo, but they are not the only gang operating in Venezuela. Here’s what else I learned. The two missing citizens, Helen Scott and Marie
Quinlan, are both still alive. Richard Damelio is alive as well. The women are
indeed being held for sexual purposes, and there are about twenty women from
the US and another fifty from other countries.”

“Why haven’t we known about all of
those citizens?”

“I can’t answer that. The way they
work their captivity is they make the women sign a contract stating that they
owe a considerable amount for their rescue. Their services, and obviously it
relates to sex, earns them money which is applied to their debt. In a fashion,
it looks legal, but was indeed coerced. The captain was going to have me sign a
contract for his earlier rescue, but he was going to keep me at his ranch for
his pleasure.”

She watched Max nod.

“Richard Damelio is being kept at
his ranch also. He is keeping the books on the women and most likely knows
where they are being kept. Helen Scott was the person who was beating on Ralph.
They obviously make them do the punishing instead of being punished themselves.
She looked like she had been through hell, but she was at least alive.”

“Is that it?”

“We were very lucky to be rescued
when we were. Captain Chavez was going to use the threat of more punishment to
Ralph to get me to have sex with him.”

“I have to ask this…did he have
sex with you.”

“Not really. He had his hands on
me, but it worked to my advantage because it slowed him down enough to provide
some of the details I told you about.”

“You did extremely well. I have a
contact in the military, and I’m going to try to find out how they knew where
to find you. More importantly, I’m going to ask for their assistance to capture
Captain Chavez and his men. We need to pursue him quickly to prevent people
from being killed. His ranch sounds like the place to go next.”

“Sir, I’ll be okay, and Ralph
isn’t going anywhere soon. Make your calls and do what you need to do. If we
can get back our citizens and many others, that is what we came here to do and they
are more important right now.”

“Thank you Agent Str…thanks
Mercedes. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I have some things to consider
going forward, but I will be okay. I’ll say goodbye to Ralph in a while, and
pick up my things at the hotel.”

“Forget going to the hotel. We
will take care of your belongings. I have arranged a military guard until you
are on that plane.” He hugged her and left.

Scott might not be okay, unless
he has a very good excuse why he wasn’t home.

Chapter 65


I was only hearing some of what
Mike was saying. My mind was trying to deal with Mercedes’ kidnapping. The
recurring dream kept coming to mind. Melanie’s torturing me and cutting the
arrow into my body caused me to relive the pain. Deep down, I couldn’t shake
the feeling that Mercedes might be suffering the same consequences or worse.

“Scott, did you hear what I said?”

“No, I’m sorry Mike.”

“I said the doctor’s house is
right down the street. Let’s go check it out.”

I was glad Mike was with me,
but I wanted to be with Mercedes. I needed to save her life like she did mine.

 This is your investigation
remember? So, is that what you want to do next?”

“It sounds like the right plan.
Shouldn’t we call the police first?”

“You, who wanted to do this entire
investigation all by yourself, now want to get the police involved.”

“Stupid, huh?”

“Earlier no, now, yes. Let’s go.
Take the revolver with you.”

“Do I really need to do that?”

“No, not really. You can let this
guy, whoever he is, stick his gun in your mouth and blow your brains out.
Asking him not to do that might be a little out of the question. Take the gun
and remember how I told you to use it.”

I reached under the seat and
picked the gun up. “Got it.”

“Good, stick it in your pants and
don’t blow your balls off with it.”

“Tell me that doesn’t happen.”

“Okay, it doesn’t happen.”


“It certainly changes the
perspective on life. Come on Scott let’s go see if our
investigation…correction…let’s go see if your investigation is making any

“Mike, I’m worried about

“That is tomorrow’s problem. Right
now I’m worried about your focus. Wait. Before you open that door.”


“Promise me this is the last
investigation you are going to get yourself involved with.”

I looked at the revolver in my
hand. “I think you’re right Mike. I promise.”

“That makes some real progress for
such an early Monday morning.”

I opened the car door and
wondered if Mercedes, and even Ralph, were doing as well.

Chapter 66


He had mixed emotions about seeing
Alexis. Seeing her beautiful face and body was a dream come true, but seeing
what she was carrying was a different kind of a dream.

“Doctor Adler you don’t look pleased
to see me. Don’t you have to empty your bladder?” She started to tickle him.

“Please don’t do that. Where have
you been? I’ve really needed to go for hours.”

“Why doctor, you have forgotten
all those lessons you learned?”

He started to rephrase the statement,
but she had her finger pressed against his lips. “Maybe more time will change
your focus, or maybe my fingers will help you.”

“Please don’t do that. I’m sorry.
Will you please allow me to go to the bathroom…master?”

“Are you questioning whether I am
your master, or whether I will allow you to go to the bathroom?”

He could feel his anger building.
“No master I have no question about that, I was asking if you would please let
me go to the bathroom.”

“That is much better. I’m sure
since you’re not excited to see me, you will have a much better chance of going
in the bottle.” She put the bottle on his stomach and he felt her fingers
insert him into it. A moment or two later, “Well?”

“I’m having a problem going while
you’re watching.”

She climbed onto the bed and sat
on his thighs with her knees on either side of him. “That must be an
interesting picture. Junior in the bottle and my counterpart just inches away.”
She ran her fingernails of both hands down his waist. “Did I detect some
reaction?” She bent down. “If I keep that up you will have some real problems
Do it.” She slapped him where she just kissed.

He felt himself going and going.

“Oh shit, we have a problem,” she

He felt her slide the bottle to
his hip, but it was impossible to stop at this point. He felt the moisture
running down his hip.

She lifted the bottle and they
both looked at it. “Wow, you really did need to go. Feel better now?”

“Yes, much better.”

“You were a bad boy and wet the
bed. I’ll be right back.”

He was worried now as to what she
might be up to. He heard the water running in the bathroom and then she came
back in. He noticed how comfortable she seemed to be walking around without

She climbed back on him and had a
wash cloth with her. “Problem solved.” He felt her wiping his hip and just
under him and then she came back and washed other parts. She was doing it very
gently and his body was reacting to her attention. He felt the cloth now raking
at his body and cried out. “Was I not doing it correctly?”

He thought about the correct
answer. “No, you were doing it okay.”

She quickly resumed the treatment.

“Owe, that hurts.”

“Not good my dear doctor.” She
took the wet face cloth and struck him across the face and then back again.
Then she was striking him across his chest and then stopped suddenly.

He gave thanks she stopped hitting
him knowing where she was headed and the pain it would cause.

“You can open your eyes now. I
stopped.” He opened his eyes and regretted it. She had managed to pick up the
belt and had the end right in front of his eyes. She touched his nose lightly
from one side, and then hit the other. He felt her pick up speed and with every
hit it hurt more. She was now hitting the side of his face, lightly at first
and then with more force.

His eyes were closed and he felt
her body lean down onto his. She kissed his nose and then his cheeks. “Pain and
pleasure doctor. You must know the difference by now.”

He knew where this was going and
felt her sit up.

“Well, what a surprise. You
wouldn’t have thought that junior would be sticking his head up to see what the
noise was. However, he’s more than looking around, he looks pretty focused.”
She leaned down and kissed him there. “I just love how it has a mind of its

He felt the pain from her nip. It was
a mixed blessing.

“Do you want me to stop?”

He didn’t answer and he quickly
regretted it. She hit him hard twice with the belt. Then quickly put her lips
and mouth against him. “Do you want me to stop?”

He didn’t answer her and felt the
pain followed by a soothing kiss.

“Do you want me to stop?”

He realized the pain was getting
more severe and the kisses more focused. He could hear her asking him questions
but he was not answering—he couldn’t.

When the pain was almost to the
point he couldn’t hold back yelling any longer, he felt that special warmth of
her body as it engulfed him. He realized she was more excited than he was.

He looked up at the window and saw
two men looking at them, and another standing naked in the doorway. It was
Chris, but he had no idea who the other men were.

“We have company Alexis.”

“I know, he’s been here for a long

“No, not him. Look up at the

Chapter 67


Heads turned in our direction and
they obviously looked shocked to be discovered.

“Scott this is not what I expected
to see. Two naked people having sex and one tied to the bed,” Mike said.

“Make that three people. There’s
another standing at the doorway.”

We already knew one of them was
the blackmailer since the gold Pontiac was parked in the driveway. Now we knew
it wasn’t the older man tied to the bed. I had no idea what our next action
was. “Mike what do we do now?”

“Well, if we call the police to
have the blackmailer questioned, it will become public knowledge about what he
was doing and what Stephen’s secret was.”

I watched the woman climb off the
man and stare at the window.
It was Melanie.
I knew that couldn’t be,
but her face and definitely her body were what I remember from my captivity in Boston. The naked man tied to the bed brought visions of my own captivity.

Mike was saying something, but it
sounded like he was far away. I had no idea what he was saying. I had an urge
to get to my feet and run. I watched the woman grab the straight razor and
point it right at me, and remember Melanie cutting the arrow in my body.

Mike said something, but I was
frozen in place.

The man tied to the bed must be
Doctor Adler and she must be Alexis, Melanie’s twin. I couldn’t hear what he
was yelling, but he was pulling against his ropes.

She lowered the razor and turned to
the man on the bed. She stepped over to the bed and waved the razor in front of
his face and then grabbed him between the legs. The panicked look on his face
was replaced by pain and I looked to see her remove his manhood. She held the
bloody parts in front of his face and then turned and held the parts up to us.

I felt Mike move and he was
running to the front of the house. She turned back to the man whose groin was
covered in blood and leaned towards him. She paused and must have said
something to him. I saw her hand with the razor move from one side of his neck
to the other. She sliced his throat. Blood was spurting everywhere.

The other man, who was holding the
bag of money from the drop-off, came running over to her and yanked her away
from him, and then pulled her out of the room.
All I could think of was that
could have been what I looked like when Melanie had me captive. I thought of
Mercedes and her being kidnapped and wondered if she was suffering at this very

I knew I should be moving, but I
couldn’t move. I watched the helpless man losing his grasp on life. One minute
he was satisfying Alexis’ needs, and the next he was being killed for some

There was some noise behind me and
when I turned I briefly caught the image of a rock being swung at my head. I
heard the sound it made and then the lights went out.

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