Fragrance of Revenge (18 page)

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Authors: Dick C. Waters

BOOK: Fragrance of Revenge
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Chapter 50


For once she could no longer get
the doctor to respond to her urgings. In fact, he was exhausted and falling
asleep. That was fine for her because Chris should be here at any minute. She
went to the front door and watched for a car approaching. She wondered if she
should get dressed or just greet him this way. Her mind was busy mapping out
her plan and she decided this was her best strategy. Finally, she saw
headlights enter the driveway.

She wondered if Chris was going to
come to the front door or the back. She felt her heart beating. What if this is
not Chris.
Who else would visit? Her mind quickly went to the hairdresser.
She has seen the hairdresser, and she was very attractive. I should ask the
doctor if he taps her. Regardless, if it is her she looks like she could be

She heard the sound of somebody on
the front porch and too bad it was only Chris. She unlocked the door and opened
it, but stood out of sight. Chris entered the hall apprehensively. Once he was inside
the front door, she pushed her hip against it and put her hands around his
eyes. He almost collapsed. “Surprise.”

“Thank God it is you.”

“Are you sure?”

He put his hands behind him and
she felt his hands roaming over her naked body. “Oh yeah, I’m sure.”

She reciprocated and realized he was
showing some signs of excitement. He started to turn around. “No, just stay
where you are.” She unzipped his pants and touched him.

“What about the doctor?”

“Would you rather see him?” She
grabbed his belt and unbuckled it and slid it out of his pants. Then she
unbuttoned his pants and let them fall to the floor. She slid his briefs down
next. She heard his rushed breathing. For the next few minutes they stood
pressed together touching and caressing.

“Stop,” she said abruptly. He
continued touching her. “Stop, I said.” She squeezed him with both hands and
his knees started to give out. He stopped and she heard him catch his breath.
“Now listen to me. On the third floor I have a surprise for you. There’s only
one room on the third floor and it has a king size bed in it.”


“Go up there and take off all of
your clothes. Get on the bed and put your ankles in the ropes at the bottom and
put one wrist in a rope at the top of the bed. I’ll give you five minutes to do
that. When you are done, close your eyes and wait for me.”

“I don’t know about that Alexis.”

She reached, moved her hand and
could tell his words were hesitant, but his body was saying something entirely
different. “I want you to remember why you’re here. We have hours and days to
be together. You are going to love it as much as I will. Now go before I send
you away.”

Without saying anything he stepped
out of his pants and headed up the stairs. “Chris?”


“You also have a very nice butt.”




When she came in the room, the
only light was the afternoon sunlight coming in the windows. She avoided
looking at him and went to each window and pulled down the shades. Then she
turned the light on.

Chris had done exactly as she had
commanded and had his eyes closed. She was sure he peaked, but that was his
secret. She came over to the bed and ignored what she really wanted to look at.
She slid the slip knot tight to one ankle and then the other. Then she slid the
slip knot tight to the one wrist he had put in that rope. She headed to the
other side of the bed, but leaned down and blew on him causing him to bounce.

“More bounce to the ounce. You
look excited to see me, or better said, you look excited not to see me. You
will soon.” She continued to the other side of the bed and slipped his wrist into
the remaining loop and cinched it up tight. She could see the beads of sweat
already forming on his torso. “Warm up here huh?”

“Yes,” he responded and pulled on
the ropes.

“They aren’t too tight are they?”

“Just a little.”

“Good. Well Chris, here we are.
Or, better said, there you are.” She studied his body. He was much better built
than the doctor. “Did you open your eyes?”


She knew he was telling the truth
or he would have reacted to the belt over her shoulder. “Keep your eyes closed,
I’m doing a study.”


“I’ll tell you later.” She climbed
onto the bed and sat down on his thighs. “Why are you so excited?” She could
see moisture forming which was not sweat.

“Anticipation, I guess.”

“What are you anticipating?”

“I felt how excited you were downstairs.
You’re up to something.”

“Yes, and so are you.” She leaned
down and blew on him. She heard his sigh. She wanted to do more than that, but
needed to pace herself. She lifted the belt off her shoulder and dangled it.
She touched the tip of the belt to his ears, nose, lips, chin, neck and then
watched as his body reacted to touching it to where she knew he would enjoy it
the most. “You like?”


“You’re easy.” She could see how
he was enjoying the light touching. “Open your mouth.” He did as instructed and
she guided the leather tip of the belt into his mouth. “Suck on it.” He obeyed
and she couldn’t help smiling. She fed more of the belt into his willing mouth,
and finally caused him to gag. “If you want me to do this to you, show me what
you want me to do.”

She could see his tongue moving
against the leather, and soon he was almost pulling the belt out of her hand.
He started humming and then biting. “Is that what you really want?”

She had learned some things with
the doctor and put them to good use now. The combination of pain and soothing
caresses made him a willing participant.

Many minutes passed and she loved
what she was doing. He fluctuated between liking what she was doing and
regretting it. However, she was lost in her control and realized it was hard
not to punish him severely.

“Alexis, stop…please stop. You’re
hurting me.”

She stopped. “Finally. I thought
the study was going to go on for ever. I have to admit, I learned some things
about myself, but I also learned some things about you. Now, close your eyes
you need to be rewarded.”

Two men in the same house at
the same time in the same condition, but neither of them was who she really
wanted. They were just practice for when she would have who her twin had lusted
for. Maybe she is more like her twin than she realized. She thought it was
Chris, but it was truly Scott. Wouldn’t he be surprised when Melanie showed up
once more? He would do anything she demanded if Mercedes was threatened. Her
plan was indeed forming.

She liked this way too much,
and knew the study was over…she could indeed keep men and even better be able
to kill them. However, only after she sucked out their life.

Her father deserved a much
different treatment.

Chapter 51


It was bitter sweet, but he
realized he needed to share some things with Alexis. He wondered if he would be
able to walk after what she did to him. He had studied psychology in college,
but realized there wasn’t really a future in it. However, he knew enough about
her behavior to know he was on dangerous ground.

He was still tied up; make that, in
a dangerous bed in a very dangerous position. She was cuddled up against his
body, and he wasn’t surprised he wasn’t having any reaction to it. He could
tell she had fun doing all those things to him, and he enjoyed most of them. He
knew she wasn’t going to do anything life threatening to him, or she wouldn’t
have the new toy to play with anymore.
A part of him wondered if she would
get tired of all of these games, and then what?

She had finally let him make love
to her. Well, it was more she made love to his body. It wasn’t about his need,
it was more about how to satisfy her craving. She was the beautiful, sensuous,
but wicked witch. He was glad she didn’t have a broom or she might have used
that too. However, he soon would have a problem.

He was going to have to leave to
pick up the drop money. How was he going to explain that situation? He looked
at his wrists and he was going to have to wear long sleeves to hide the rope
Was she going to untie him? She did ask him to take the week off.
He knew what he needed to do.




“Alexis.” She didn’t respond. He
kissed her on the ear and whispered, “Alexis.”

She stirred and opened her eyes
and looked at his, and then down to where her thigh was across his body. “Don’t
tell me you’re ready again.” She moved her thigh. “No, from the looks of it,
you won’t be ready for hours, if not days.”

“Alexis, we need to talk.”

“That is something we haven’t

“Alexis, I need to tell you some
things.” He pulled on the ropes. “Please Alexis, untie me. I need to talk to

“No Chris, I like things just the
way they are. Have you ever been this sore?”

He sighed. “No, this is definitely
a first. If you won’t untie me, I still have to tell you some things you need to

“I think I already know them.”

“This is about your father.”

“Okay, you have my attention. What
do you know about my father and family?”

“Please don’t get upset with me,
but I think you need to know some things and maybe we can team up to get you what
you deserve.”

“You have my interest, but you’ve
had everything else.”

“I feel at risk being tied up and
about to tell you these things.”

“Do you think I
really could

“It crossed my mind somewhere

“Good. I’m not untying you yet. I
have some other plans for our time together. Start talking or I will start
hitting.” She reached for the belt, but stopped short of picking it up.

“Okay, but I want you to promise
that you will untie me if you appreciate what I’m telling you.”

“I thought contracts were made
with free men…you’re not really in a position to negotiate.”

“Your life is going to change in
the next few minutes.”




It took over an hour to convey the
details as he knew them. She was quite interested and didn’t interrupt him once.
As time went on he felt more at ease telling her the details. He started with
her arrival at the facility within days of her birth, why she was sent to the
facility and what her father knew and what her mother didn’t. He told her who
her father was and what he has contributed each year to keep her at the care
facility. He also told her about the doctor’s role in her care since she
arrived at the facility.

“Alexis here is what is most
important. I hope you are ready for this.” He studied her, and she seemed
interested. “Alexis you had a twin sister. She was a beautiful child and turned
into a very beautiful woman. You have that same beauty…you’re strikingly
gorgeous. However, as you know, you were covered with hair as a child. What
nobody really knew is that it was not permanent. Your beauty today shows that
you should really be in the world you were denied.”

He continued. “Your father pays
for your care each year and pays the doctor separately to maintain his secret.
He also has been paying an extra amount recently to keep his secret.”

He felt her reaction as she pushed
herself up on her elbow and stared directly into his eyes.

“Alexis I have been blackmailing
him for weeks now. There is supposed to be another money drop tonight, which I
need to pick up around midnight. The money your father is paying to keep you at
the care facility, along with the payment to the doctor to maintain the secrecy
is really your money. The extra money I’m getting from him is really your money

“How did you learn about my

“Good question. I came here once
for Doctor Adler and discovered his hidden files. I made copies of them and when
I finally reviewed the copies, I learned about everything I told you.”

“What else?”

He took a deep breath. “Your twin
sister was committed to a mental institution. When she was finally released her
behavior got worse. She and some other young women took revenge on some young
men. They were kidnapped, tortured and dismembered while still alive. One of
those captives was rescued by your other sister, Mercedes.”

“What was my twin’s name?”

“Melanie. Here’s an interesting
twist. When Mercedes and some others rescued the young man, Melanie jumped into
Boston Harbor. She was thought to have died in the ice cold water as it was
the middle of winter. However, she survived somehow and resurfaced months

“I’m confused.”

“Resurfaced was a bad choice of
words. She underwent plastic surgery in England. She killed her surgeon and
managed to get to Bermuda. There she built a dungeon like facility and eventually
lured several men and held them captive. Some of those men were found murdered.
However, a number of them were rescued. The same young man your sister Mercedes
rescued was one of the remaining prisoners and was rescued.”

“What was that person’s name?”

“Scott Tucker.”

“I don’t understand why she was
holding the men prisoners. Was she asking for ransom money?”

“No, she was holding them it
appears for sexual services.” He felt her thigh move and her fingers touch him.

“So, that is kind of what I have

He realized the impact of what she
asked. “Alexis, we’re just mutually agreeing to this arrangement…right?”

“I don’t remember any real
agreement. You just did as I instructed you to do. I didn’t put you into these
bindings. You put yourself into them. Well, other than the last one.”

“Yes, but that made me unable to
get untied.”

“That Chris is a very brilliant
observation, but a very stupid predicament.” He felt her hand teasing him, but
worse he felt his body reacting to it.

“Alexis please.”

“Please what?”

“Please let me explain my
thoughts.” He was being distracted and knew he needed to get this out quickly.
“Alexis, we can have all of your father’s money. He’s rich and you should be
entitled to all of it.”

“How do you figure that?”

“The only family you have left are
your mother, your father, and one sibling, Mercedes. If they were out of the
way, you are the next of kin and would inherit all of the family money. You
could go anywhere you want and do anything you ever wanted to do.”

“Are you saying to kill them?”

“You’re the one who has been
punished for all of these years. You’ve missed out on a childhood, school,
family fun, boy friends, holiday adventures, and other things. Aren’t you kind
of pissed off about being basically held a prisoner all of your life?”

“Well, you’re in a fine position
to be talking about being a prisoner. I see you’re starting to enjoy my

“Alexis, what I’m trying to tell
you is that I can help you get what you deserve. Then we can have each other
for the rest of our lives, and we can live in luxury.”

“What about the good doctor?”

“Funny you call him the good
doctor…isn’t he one of the worst of the bunch? Hasn’t he kept you from having
your own pleasure and keeping you for his?”

“Are you suggesting something?”

“Maybe he needs to be the first to
regret what he has done. Don’t you feel violated?”

“I don’t think I can kill him.”

“Well, your sister didn’t have a
problem keeping men for her sexual pleasures and then disposing some of them.
You’re half way there.” Her lips found his body. “Owe, that hurts. Alexis,
please stop.”

She said something against his
body, but he wasn’t sure what he heard. It sounded like ‘shot.’ His mind wasn’t
on the money pick up any longer.

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