Free Agent

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Authors: Lolah Lace

BOOK: Free Agent
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Lolah Lace


Book 3.5


Erotica Series



Kindle Edition



Published by Lolah Lace

Copyright ©
2013 by Lolah Lace

Cover Image by Konradbak



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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead are entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved.






This novel is considered romantic fiction with erotic elements or erotica. This is for mature audiences only. This book contains adult profane language, mild violence and strong sexual content.




This book is dedicated to my Facebook friends who wanted to see more of the RJ character. So ladies, here is an extra dose of Mason’s nephew RJ. This is just for you.



I would like to send a special thanks to the Amazon and Kindle readers that gave me rave reviews for my Balls To The Walls Erotica Series. 







Listen to me. I swear to Christ, I’m free, no girlfriends, no baby mama, no nothing. For reals I’m not in no relationship with anybody. Sure I date, take a few pretty ladies out to dinner and a movie. But believe me, I don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t know why you don’t believe me. I haven’t found the right lady just yet. I guess I’m not lucky. It looks like my luck has just changed. You seem like somebody I could get to know. I’m single. You’re single. How about I take you out and show you a good time? You name the time and place, wherever you want to go. I got you girl. Oh check it; my name is Robert James Palazzo Jr. My friends call me RJ. You can check my Facebook status. I’m single. So what’s up sexy lady, how about you give up them digits?





I wanted to call Deja but I had to play it cool. I couldn’t act too thirsty. She was a dime. She was used to being sweated 24/7 by whack ass dudes trying to smash. Deja looked like a beautiful baby doll. I have been known to collect dolls from time to time. Deja Holland, I loved how her name rolled off my tongue. She was a sexy Black girl that I had my eye on for a minute. She was fine as hell. Her skin was a creamy shade of milk chocolate brown. She resembled the actress Gabrielle Union but younger. I had to spit my game and hope she likes Italian guys. Who doesn’t like Italian guys?

I can’t wait to climb in between her thighs. That’s how I do. Word at my former high school is she’s a virgin. I haven’t had a virgin in two years and I have to work fast to get with her. I have to lock that up. If Deja goes away to college I’ll miss getting first crack.

Instead of obsessing about the possibility of new booty I should be working. I was sitting behind the desk at the office of my Uncle Mason’s construction business. I was bored and maybe a little horny. Is being a little horny the same as being a little wasted?

The front office door slowly opened. I stopped daydreaming to look up at another beautiful black baby doll.

Guess who’s coming to dinner? Kari friggin’ Fenderson strutted her bangable ass into the office. I know I shouldn’t be looking at my Uncle’s girl but damn. Shorty was a ten. My cell phone vibrated on the desk and shook me out of my illegal fantasy. Uncle Mason would gut punch me for even thinking about his MILF. He’s got Kari under lock and key.

It was only two o’clock. I had glanced down at my cell and I was receiving another text message from Selena. She was my own personal groupie. I hit ignore. Now back to Kari.

How the hell did Uncle get that piece of ass? He’s creeping around on his wife but he’s always busting my balls about where I put my cock. I sat there and desperately tried not to make googily eyes but Kari was friggin’ gorgeous. Does she even know it? Of course she does. Hot girls are always pretending to be oblivious to their power over men.

“Kari, how’s it going?”
I said as I scanned her entire body and got a good look at her tits. If her tits looked this good covered, wonder what they looked like bare. Shit, Uncle Mason is going to bury me alive.

“I’m good.” She smiled like she had my uncle’s cock on her brain.

I watched her as she pranced up to the desk and looked down at me. “Uncle Mason’s in the back.”

Kari was smiling with her lips pressed together. She waltzed right by me like she was on
Dancing With The Stars
. She gets a perfect score of thirty so I might as well hold up my number ten right now. Uncle was about to put the power driver on her. She would be screaming soon enough, hearing that shit makes my junk hard as bricks. She will be screaming,
Ohhhhhh Mason!
How many times I got to hear that shit today.

As soon as I heard the door to the back office close I turned the radio up in the office. I wasn’t trying to sit behind the desk in this office with a rock hard cock. Their little fuck sessions take about an hour or two depending on my Uncle’s stamina. He could bang a long time of an old dude. I guess if you got a
bella nero signora
under you that’s the best friggin’ motivation.

My cell started vibrating again. I knew it was insecure Selena. She was really pissing me off. How many times do I gotta tell her I’m at work? I grabbed my cell, unlocked it and hit the talk button.

“What the fuck is your problem?” I turned the volume down on the radio that played in the background.

Her accented Mexican voice came through my cell. “You ain’t answering my calls.”

“I’m at friggin’ work. Do I have to write the text messages in
? You can’t read friggin’ English. I’m at work. Stop calling me or I will come over there and pop you one right in your friggin’ grill.”

“I only wanted to tell you something.”

“What? Tell me. Tell me. You got
uno, deus
friggin’ seconds.”

“I talked to my girl Teresa.”

“Yeah so?”

“She said she would have a threesome with us.”

The word threesome was like a tranquillizer dart in my heart. All my annoyance was over. “You serious or you shitting me?”

“No I talked to Teresa and she down.”

“Teresa with the humongous fun bags?”

“Yeah papi, the one with the big tits but...”

I knew it was too good to be true. “But what?”

“Teresa is a virgin.”


“No really, her family is strict Catholic so she said you can only stick her in her ass. You can’t bone her in her pussy.”

That’s fine with me. “When is this ménage gonna happen?”

“Teresa is down for tonight. She can sneak out the house tonight.”

“What time?”

“We can be at your place at eight o’clock.”

“If you’re late I’m not letting you in.”

“I got to see if my brother will let me use his car. Are you going to give me gas money?”

“Don’t I always give you friggin’ gas money?”

“Yeah but sometimes you be trippin’ and shit.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about yo’ cheap ass.”

“Get the fuck outta here. You and your big tit friend wash your friggin’ asses before you show up to my place.”

“I always wash my ass. You’re an asshole.”

“Whatever, I don’t wanna smell no friggin’ taco sauce on your friggin’ pussies.”

“Fuck you. You spaghetti eating motherfucker.” She squawked.

“Whatever mamacita. Don’t be late. I can’t stay up all night. I got work in the morning.” That was a lie but Selena tries to Bogart her way into my life and monopolize all my time.

“Okay, I love you.”

Fuck love! Yeah right, you just love my doggystyle. “Later.” I hung up. Selena had a banging body and a mad head game. That’s the only reason I kept her around. She was dumb as hell but she was DTF at the drop of a hat and she would do whatever I told her. So I had her on speed dial.

I started doing the purchase orders because it fell on me today. Mike decided he was leaving early to pick his kid up from school. The school nurse called and said Brandon was vomiting or had a fever or something.

When I was in high school I loved going to see the high school nurse. I had a special connection with Nurse Jackson. Maybe I should go pay her a visit. She gave me a five hundred dollar watch for graduation. It’s been a minute. I should call first. Maybe she’s married now.

I was daydreaming about the first time I showed Nurse Jackson my junk. Her eyes bugged right out of her head and her mouth dropped open. She was a dark brown thick black lady. She had dreadlocks before everybody else started rocking them. I still don’t know how old Nurse Jackson was or is right now. She refused to tell me her age. I didn’t care. I was so horny in high school I thought I would explode if I didn’t have sex at least every other day.

I was reminiscing real hard for a good thirty-forty minutes when the front door opened. I looked up and there stood Tess, my uncle’s wife. What the fuck? I turned the volume up on the radio without her noticing. She was skin and bones. Was Uncle Mason feeding her? 


“Hi Tess.” I stood because I was panicky. “How’s it going?”

“Great.” Tess was slightly smiling and slightly frowning. I call it smowning. .

I returned her smown with a nervous smown of my own. I was smooth as hell but this was a little bit out of my league. Uncle Mason is banging his girlfriend in the backroom and his wife is just a few feet away.

“I see Mason’s car out front. Is he in the back office?”

“No, he’s out in the warehouse.” First thing I could think of.

“Does he have his phone on him?”

“I don’t know. He should.” 

“I called him a few times and he didn’t answer.”

“It’s hard to get reception out in the warehouse and Mason doesn’t like for us to ride the equipment with any electronic devices.” I started rambling on to buy me some time.

“Oh, I called him like three or four times.” Stalk much? “I just wanted to ask what he wanted for dinner and maybe take him to lunch.”

You’re a little late Mrs. Rizza. Mason has already had lunch. He’s was probably eating Kari’s blackberry pie at this very moment.

“Tess, I can just go back to the warehouse and get him.”

“You would do that?”

“Yeah, just have a seat over by the window.” Far away from the wall connected to the backroom and far away from the door that leads to the backroom. “I will just be a few minutes. I’ll walk back there and get him.”

“Thanks RJ.”

“No problem Tess.” I grabbed my cell off the desk and jammed it into my pocket. I causally watched Tess as she grabbed a magazine from the small end table. I strolled out the front door hoping for the best, hoping my Uncle and Kari didn’t come walking out the backroom and right into Tess.

As soon as I was out of her line of sight I took off running to the edge of the building. I ran inside the fence just as a flatbed truck full of plywood was being hauled in through the gate. I beat the pavement running around the building to the backdoor. I was texting Uncle and running at the same time. But he was balls deep in pussy and apparently couldn’t drag his ass to his cell to respond to my 911 texts.

My rapid sprint got me back there in record time. I jumped up the stairs slightly out of breath.  I couldn’t bang on the door. I was afraid Tess would hear it. Instead I tapped on the door hard enough for Uncle Mason to hear but without using all my strength. It took a few seconds when I heard someone approaching the door that lead to the back lot. The same door I was standing at with a modest amount of panic.

Uncle Mason opened the back door in his friggin’ birthday suit. He was balls and junk out. Shit dude, he wasn’t done yet? This was embarrassing and he looked like he wanted to beat the shit out of me.

“Uncle Mason.” I had to talk before he did.

“What the fuck?”
He growled.

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