Free Fall (Free Fall Vol. 2): (Loving Summer #7: The Donovan Brothers #4)

BOOK: Free Fall (Free Fall Vol. 2): (Loving Summer #7: The Donovan Brothers #4)
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A Contemporary
Adult Loving Summer Novel



Fall #2

Published by THE EDGE

THE EDGE is an imprint of
Sparklesoup Inc.

Copyright © 2015 Kailin Gow


All Rights Reserved. No part of
this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in
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Irvine, CA 92604

First Edition.

Printed in the
United States of America.








y mouth went dry as I
remembered, despite being in a beautiful grand bedroom of some kind of mansion,
being straddled by a very handsome muscle-bound man who was nicely dressed,
that I was a prisoner.

shuddered as he began unbuttoning my blouse, grabbed my breasts in his hands,
and began rubbing them, his thumbs making circles on the tip of each one.
“You’ve got beautiful breasts,” he said, moving his mouth close enough to begin
devouring them.

grit my teeth. “Please don’t go there,” I said.

stopped and shakily got up from me. “You’re right. I shouldn’t get involve with

you want from me?” I asked.

are Nat Donovan’s lover?” he asked.

heart began beating quickly as I remembered why Nat had to change his identity
in the first place, had to pretend he was dead, and go into hiding…he was being
chased by some hacking crime ring that dealt with far more dangerous crimes
than hacking.  So…that was why Nat had his head bashed?

haven’t seen him or heard of him in years,” I said. “He just disappeared, and…”
I had to take a deep breath, “We dated in college once, but that was years
ago…I’m a doctor now, and now, it’s over. I moved on.”

the man said, placing his hand on the middle of my chest. His eyes bore into
mine as he said, “How do you feel about Nat Donovan?”

I answered that I cared, this man with the black dragon tattooed on his bald
head, this man whose large strong hand is positioned right where he can plunge
into my chest to tear out my heart…would end my life right here. 

asked again, how does Nat Donovan make you feel?” he said, observing my face,
looking straight into my eyes.  He was no ordinary man, and if I lied, he would
know it.  This was a man who was used to questioning countless amount of
people, and even killing them.

I thought of my life with Drew, my love for Drew, and I cleared my throat.  “I
said, I moved on. Whatever I feel for him was gone years ago.”

man moved his hand across my ribs and close to the tip of my breast before
bringing it to my chin to cup it tightly in his hand.  “You are either lying
about how you feel about Nat Donovan or you’re very excited to have me touch
you.  For your sake, you better wish it’s the latter.”











was still a little wobbly from my head
surgery as I tried to get up, tearing off all the medical attachments that was
still on me.  “I need to get to Summer,” I said to Rachel, who stood next to
me, trying to calm me down.

now,” she said. “The nurse said she’s getting the doctor to see if you’re well
enough to get discharged.”

don’t have time for that. Summer is in trouble. She could be tortured, beaten,
or worse as we stand here talking.”

Rachel looked at the door.

happened to the rebellious Rachel I used to know who would pull off stunts like
that Astor dumping Summer publicly gig for the press? Where is her sense of

grown up, Nat, and I’m now in the public eye as an actor, like Astor.  Every
move I do, everything I say, can be found in the tabloids if I’m not careful,

Donovan,” I said, grabbing her wrist. “Aunt Sookie would be scolding you for
how you turned out. Look, Summer is in trouble. Summer, our Summer?  This isn’t
the time to be having tea and biscuits. Get me out of here. Now, before the
nurse returns…”

eyes blinked twice, as though she was waking up from a hypnotized state. “You’re
right. What was I thinking? They’ve got Summer, and we have to get to her
now.”  She took off her floor-length silver faux fur coat to cover me up,
reached into her Birkin bag for sunglasses, and a hat.  I gave her a “you’ve
got to be kidding me look” before I went along with it.  “Sorry, Nat, it’s all
I have. And they don’t have your clothes here.” She opened up her bag again to
pull out a drawstring bag.  “Here’s my flip flops. I keep one pair in my purse
in case I have to get out of my heels. I keep them extra large so it should fit

I said, taking the flip flops and putting it on my feet. “Why does this remind
me of scenes from any movie featuring an escape from a hospital, sis?”

Rachel laughed. “I just did a film where my character had to escape from the
hospital so she stole clothes from the staff’s locker to run outside so she can
experience just one day outside of the hospital before she dies.”

sad,” I said. 

was,” Rachel said. “It was a tragic romance but ended up with an amazing happy
ending. Can’t give away the twist in the end but it is a feel good, and I
almost got my first Oscar nomination for it. It’s called the
The Break for
, from a novel and based on an incident from the author’s true life.”

I grinned. “I’m sure you were good in it. I’ll have to see it when this is all
over.” I patted Rachel’s hand. Although I was worried about Summer, I had to be
proud of Rachel and how she’d turned out over the years.

grinned and said, “I’ll show you the film. I have lots of copies of it. But
first, let’s get out of here.”  She tied her jet black hair that had a purplish
streak through it into a ponytail, and took the blanket from my bed.  “Now stay
close to me, and pretend you’re me. Try to avoid looking at anyone.”

sis,” I said. “You lead.”

took a deep breath and opened the door, looked up and down the hallway before
throwing the blanket over my hat and head, and pulling me close to her in a
huddle while we make our way through the hospital. 

stopped us and said, “Miss, where are you going?”

Kat Fremont,” Rachel said. “The actress Rachel Donovan’s publicist.”

I see,” the woman said. “And that’s Rachel Donovan?”

I’m trying to get her out so she won’t be seen by the paparazzi. She hasn’t
taken a shower yet and her hair’s a mess. She doesn’t want to be seen in public
this way.”

understand,” the woman said.  “Just head that way and it will take you out to
the back of the hospital, which our staff goes through.”

you so much!” Rachel said, “Got to get Ms. Donovan to hair and makeup for her
scenes soon. If you’ll excuse us…”


sure,” the woman giggled. “I’m sure she would like to be on her way as quickly
as possible.”


Rachel said before she and I sailed by the hospital admin. and headed quickly

you know where you’re going?” I asked.

she said. “As soon as I get my bearing. Oh, there’s the parking lot.  I see my

guided me to her car – a silver Audi, and before she can sit in the driver’s
seat, I took her keys and plopped myself down. “Sorry Sis, but I’m driving. No
time to waste.”

Rachel asked, throwing her hands up in the air.  “The old Nat hasn’t changed.”
She threw me an angry look that became a beaming smile.  “I missed you, Nat,
you don’t know how much!” She wanted to hug, but I motioned for her to get in
the car through the passenger side first before we hugged.

missed you, too, Rachel,” I said genuinely. I did, and I couldn’t help holding
back my own emotions. “Now hold on tight.”

backed the car out of the parking lot and took the highway, zigzagging through
traffic and headed towards Malibu. “Nice car,” I said. “Pretty grown up. I
would’ve thought a yellow Ferrari would be more your style.”

I said, big bro,” Rachel said, squinting a little, which reminded me of her
twin Drew when he squinted, “I’ve grown up.”

know,” I said, a little sadly. “I’m sorry I missed seeing you grow up. But
maybe that’s a good thing in a way, that I was away.  It helped you and Drew
step up to help run Donovan Dynamics and to start taking care of Mom.”

flashed me a look of pure anger before she spoke. “Nat, I’m going to pretend I
didn’t hear that because you obviously do not know the depths of how much
everyone missed you to say such a thing. Your disappearance was not a good
thing. And, believe me, sooner or later, Drew and I would’ve grown up and taken
responsibility for our family business and Mom.”

glanced at her. Of course she had a right to be angry. I left without a word,
except for what Lamar, my FBI Handler briefed them on, and I didn’t come back
after years.

for your information, you could’ve just asked Drew or I to step up instead of
doing your disappearing act. Instead of being that strong but silent type who
shouldered everyone’s burdens. Nat…” she sighed, “if you only knew how much
everyone loves you, cares for you…we could all have stepped in. That’s how it
goes with us Donovans. Including Summer. That’s how it is with all of us. If
Aunt Sookie was alive, she would be telling you that.”

took a deep breath before turning to face Rachel. She was right about all of
that, especially what Aunt Sookie would say.  But this was different, and I had
to let Rachel know. Sometimes men keep things to themselves precisely for this
reason…their moral sense of responsibility, their obligation to family and
sense of honor and duty. What I learned and saw that day I got my father
released as a hostage was the day I realized, I would do anything to protect
what’s mine, especially my family. And that includes Rachel, Drew, Mom and Dad,
and Summer. I didn’t know if Rachel would understand, but I had to tell her now
so she can somehow put all that hurt behind her and accept me for who I have

I understand your hurt, but believe me, this was about me. This was something I
had to do myself, Rachel. What I saw…what I’ve done when I went to bring Dad
back from his trip; it changed everything.  I saw men risk their lives to stop
this crime ring. These men even risked their lives protecting me so I can
accomplish my mission.  I had the skills to do what I had to do, but I didn’t
have the skills and strength to protect myself.  Other people had to protect
me, and they all nearly got killed because of it. Rachel, there is something I
learned from all that, and it is that there is a greater cause, a greater need
than all of us. And sometimes in order to keep those you love safe and be able
to enjoy the freedoms that we have, you have to make these sacrifices. And now?
Rachel, I can fairly and honestly say, because of my sacrifice of leaving
everyone to go do what I had to do, the world is a little safer.”

had to turn my face to stare out front while I drive. We were getting close to
our destination, and I had to alert my guys at my base that I was pulling up in
a silver Audi so they wouldn’t shoot us down.  I gritted my teeth. Damn. I
didn’t have my phone with me. Whoever bashed my head in, must’ve taken my

Hopefully, one of my guys figured out I was out of commission and had done a
wipe of my phone.  Speaking of phones, I needed one and I needed one fast. “Um,

was speechless. I looked over at her and almost flinched.  She was crying
silently.  Great big tears were running down her cheeks, smearing her eye
makeup and making her eyes look like raccoon eyes.

I said softly, my heart wrenching seeing my kid sister crying. “What’s wrong?”

just.  I’m so ashamed, Nat. Here I was only thinking about me and how I felt,
when you were out there running, hiding, having to go into dangerous situations
to protect us, to keep our family safe.  I can’t imagine what you had to go
through. I don’t even know how to catch up with you, to ask you what happened
all that time you were gone.”

know,” I said. “It’s awkward for me, too, especially when I came back and saw
Drew with Summer.”

still love her, don’t you?” Rachel said.

have to admit, it would take a lifetime to get over loving Summer. And then how
could I ever stop? A part of me will always love her. She’s a big part of my
life and who I am. Just like you and Drew. Just like Aunt Sookie, Mom and Dad…”

the same for me,” Rachel said. “Summer will always be special for me too. And
now she’ll be my sister for real.”

thought of Summer…her smile, her laughter, and kisses, and then her going
missing. Damn that last part about her going missing. I gunned the car.

The Dragon has her, then I can’t be wasting any more time.


got off the highway and took the side streets up to a grey modern
warehouse-like building compound, almost nondescript from the outside and
surrounded by gates and fences. Inside, though, I knew was an oasis, complete
with a courtyard and garden, waterfall koi ponds, and gazebos for subtle
reflection. My guys needed a place like this, especially after the kinds of
missions they’ve been on with me to find and ferret out each and every one of
the crime ring bosses.  It was the most dangerous job in the world, and most
times, if you don’t have a way to cope with what you’ve seen or been through,
you would lose it.  So, we always provide a peaceful place like the Oasis, as I
called it (kinda like Aunt Sookie and Summer’s place called the Pad), to chill

the Oasis Courtyard, were individual units – global security, domestic, etc.
Each housing and being supervised by a manager.

behind those units was my private headquarters. I lived where I worked. It had
become a way of life for me, mixing the two together.

are we?” Rachel asked as I pulled up to the gate, about to punch in some
numbers.  I noticed the cameras at the gate zoom up to take a look at who was
in the car. It was my smart zoom cam, which was more sophisticated than an
ordinary security camera.

headquarters,” I said. “This is where I live and work. This is also where I house
a few of my guys. All ex-military, all highly-trained in security, cyber-crime,
and more. This is Andrew Knights Industries.”

out,” Rachel said. “Really? The fastest growing security company in the world?
You’re almost as big as Donovan Dynamics.” She eyed me warily. “No wonder
you’re doing so well. With you behind it…or are you working for or with Andrew

promise and swear to secrecy all of what you’ve seen and will see or hear or
you will be under the watchful eyes of the FBI and others?”

looked alarmed at first but eased up when she realized how vulnerable it would
be for them, if she didn’t swear to secrecy. “Yes,” she said.

then, I can tell you, and you are the first and perhaps only one outside of
here who would know. Not even Summer or Drew knows this about me.  I am the
Andrew Hocking Knight, one of the youngest and newest self-made billionaire
from the tech industries to make Forbes.”

fight crimes,” Rachel said, “like a real life superhero. Nat, you are so
amazing!  Even though you’re now Donovan Dynamics’ competitor, I’m proud of
everything you’ve accomplished. Amazing!”

wait until you see the inside. I have my Oasis in the courtyard and my own
place. It’ll remind you of something.”

Rachel asked. “I can’t wait.”


gate opened, and I drove into the compound straight into a garage that had
scanners all over which scanned the license plates of vehicles as they parked
in the guest parking, and a camera that snapped a photo of people as they got
out of their cars.

our photos were taken, and the vehicle scanned, the door from the main building
opened, and a swarm of massive men wearing full gear surrounded us pointing
their guns at us. “Hands up!” one of the men shouted.

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