Frog Tale (14 page)

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Authors: JT Schultz

BOOK: Frog Tale
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Maybe he was losing his mind or maybe―just maybe, Chloe was here. If she was in his palace then why dress in disguise?

Something inside him brought his stepmother to mind and had a strong feeling more than ever that Ella had to be behind Chloe’s change of heart. He scanned the room again, no signs of the blonde. Where would she have gone? His mind raced. She’d danced with his father. Albert knew something and apparently the blonde feared Ella.

Where would she go?

Where would his father have her make retreat?

Please be here Chloe and talk to me.

He slipped out the front door and slowly walked around to the side of the grand palace to where his office doors resided on the main floor. The room through the windows appeared to be still in darkness.

Strange. Very strange.

He pulled a key ring from his pocket and unlocked one of the doors. Then eased the cool brass handle in his hand, pulling the door open and stepping in. The light fragrance hinted in the air around him he wasn’t alone. His fingers reached for the switch to the overhead light.

“Leave it off.”

He startled slightly and his heart jumped to his throat. “Chloe?”

“Please don’t turn on the light.” The urgency in her voice sent his nerves on edge and he lowered his hand from the switch and stepped deeper into the room. His eyes adjusted to the dimness. The only light in the room came from the soft glow of the moonlight shining in through the glass panes in the door as well of the windows.

I have to admit you’re the last person I expected to see here.” He didn’t mean to come across as terse, but his heart still ached from her rejection. Luciano neared the desk and her curvy form rose from his desk chair.

A heavy sigh filled the room. Her shoulders raised then fell from the inhale and exhale of breath. “I don’t even know where to begin. I have so much to say and…” The emotion in her voice wasn’t hard to miss and his soul took another mortal blow.

“Tomorrow is my birthday. This grand affair is for my sake.”

She turned away from him and the pale yellow light of the moon highlighted the grief on her face. “Don’t let me keep you from you guests. I shouldn’t have even come.” She turned back toward him. “Have a happy birthday, Luc.” The threat of tears lacing her words froze his heartbeats. Her body brushed by him as she stepped toward the office door.

Something was dreadfully wrong. He spun and captured her wrist in his grasp. “Why are you here?” Stepping closer to her, he didn’t release his hold on her and tried to ignore the heat the contact of his skin against hers induced.

“I…” Her head lowered and she sniffled.

“Chloe, please talk to me.”

Her head lifted and she tugged her wrist free from his hand, turned again to the window and his gaze followed her. She remained silent for a moment then turned to him. The light of the moon highlighted her face and he could make out her expression. Sorrow engulfed her pretty features and he doubted he would be able to take much more. She may not have any clue, but she slowly was killing him.

“I came for a couple reasons.” Her fingers lifted to her face and brushed against her cheek.

Luciano wasn’t a fool or an
idiot, yet the love of his life stood shedding tears and he had no clue as to why. “You’re hurting me. You standing here crying, your rejection―”

“I didn’t want to, but I had no choice. She threatened to destroy my family and kill you.” A muffled sob and s
niffle filled the air between them. “When you showed up back in my life I thought all the pain and loss I’d suffered had been worth every year of loneliness. Those days with you were perfect, the nights you shared my bed and your body with me were incredible and I couldn’t risk harm coming to those I love, instead I broke both our hearts in the process.”

Did your father and mine know you were coming tonight, dressed as blonde?”

It was my father’s idea. He suggested I come to you, though I wasn’t sure if my speaking to you would make much difference.” Her voice cracked. “My dad thought me explaining things to you was the best when I told him everything. I made a mistake coming here. Well not to the palace, but to see you.”

Words failed him and he longed to ask the question on his mind. However, he already had a very good idea as to what her answer would be. “Did Ella have something to do with you shutting me out and not wanting to be around me?”

Her hands covered her face and she quietly cried into her palms. “I can’t believe you’d think I’d say no to you so quickly, when I’ve loved you for almost half my life. Who do you think I was talking about just a few seconds ago? Of course I referred to Ella, she is a bitch and, I fear, my worst nightmare.” Another muffled sob filled the distance between them and he stepped over to her.

“Don’t cry, I beg you, Chloe, please. Tell me what happened.”

Her face lifted and her dark tear filled eyes stared into his. “What does it matter? I hurt you and―” She shook her head. “Even this, us alone should wait.”

His patience grew thin. “Answer me two questions. Be honest and pretend for a moment there would be
no bad consequences.” His earlier suspicions pushed him on. “Do you still love me?”

“More than air to breathe.”

He snaked an arm out and yanked her toward him. Luciano expected resistance, instead her body melted into him and her cheek rested against his chest. His soul experienced some comfort as his arms wrapped around her and he held her close to him. “Don’t cry,
il mio cuore

“I don’t want her hurting you, she threatened to kill you.” Her grief filled voice sent a pain to his chest. At least though he could hold her and right now, he needed her more than anything. “Even you touching me could bring you death.” She paused a moment. “What was your other question?”

If there were no Ella, would you agree to marry me? I can handle the answer, so be honest.”

I would love being your wife more than anything else in the world.”

Fierce pricks assaulted his eyes and he struggled not to cry. A difficult thing, hearing how devastated the woman he loved was. He kissed the top of her head and held her for a long moment. “There has to be a way to be together.” His hold tightened and for the life of him, he didn’t want to let her go.

Chloe stepped out of his arms and stared up at him. “The other reason I’m here.”

This time her voice held no grief or sorrow but a certain coolness that caught him by surprise. “What is it?”

The night I ran out of the house she threatened me before you and my dad…”

His hands slid up her back and savored the feel of her beneath his touch. “Go on.”

“You won’t believe me.” She hung her head and despite the softness of her voice, he had caught the hint of fear.

Try me. I did get turned into a frog, I’m a little more open minded than most.”

She looked back at him, inhaled deep then sniffled. “Her eyes glowed red as she walked away with your father.”

He released his hold on her and stepped back. “No…” A voice screamed in his head.

Turning her back to him, she stared out into the night. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me.”

It’s not that I don’t believe you.” If what Chloe said was true, they had a serious problem on their hands. However, the red glowing eyes did explain a great deal. His mother’s death and Chloe’s terror where his stepmother was concerned were good places to start.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled the back of her body close to his frame. Luciano lowered his mouth to her ear. The fragrance of her perfume intoxicated his senses. “My darling love, do you remember the bedtime story I told you so long ago?”

She nodded but didn’t say anything.

“A very wicked witch by the name of Ramona turned me into a frog. She had glowing eyes and held the position of counselor to my mother. Only she was old and homely, but her eyes glowed red the night she changed me. When you told me, you had nightmares… Do you still dream of the blue dragon with the blood colored eyes?”

Her head hung. “Why do you think I have dream suppressants?” She turned in his arms and stared at him. His hold tightened. “Do you think I am dreaming of the witch?”

Luciano didn’t know the answer. “I’ve never seen her turn into a dragon or anything else, but how can she be the elegant and beautiful Ella?”

“Glamour spell or potion.” Her eyes closed and her long lashes fluttered open again. “It’s possible she killed your mother. I mean how strange your father remarried so soon after the death of your mother?”

I have wondered for years but I had no proof. I know my father believes Ramona killed my mother, but to fathom she is Ella is a lot to swallow.”

Luc, I am terrified. I questioned from the moment you came back in my life if you being turned into a frog and my nightmares were connected. The day Ella’s eyes burned crimson, I didn’t doubt any longer and terror became my new blood type. I hurt you. I killed both our hearts and risked you hating me, not to mention I’ve been more miserable than ever without you.”

Her last words touched his soul and his lips curved into a small smile. “I could never hate you,
il mio cuore
.” He held her snug with one arm and carefully wiped the traces of her tears away. “Do you think there is a chance Ramona is Ella?”

She shook her head. “I can’t help but wonder."

The more he thought about everything, he became afraid. “Chloe, you can’t stay here. I can’t risk her getting a hold of you.”

Her eyes held remorse. “Luc, I love you and I had you leave me twice, yes the second time was my own doing but I’m here now and will do anything to stay with you.”

You broke the curse. I fear for your safety. If she knows, Chloe, you’re the one…” The woman was his everything, didn’t she understand?

I’ve faced her demonic presence in my worst terrorizing dreams.” Her hands caressed his face and her simple touch flamed his body.

His groin tightened and desire seared his soul.

“I’m not leaving you, I would die for you.” Her voice wavered slightly, despite the whispered tone.

Her words ignited his body, she pulled his face toward her, and her mouth claimed his in a hungry kiss. Arms tightening, he drew her hard against the hard bulge in his pants, she moaned softly against his tongue and he slid his hands over the firm fle
sh of her backside. He needed to be inside her―now. Hoisting up her skirt, he savored the feel of her skin, while her hands undid his tuxedo jacket and reached for the buckle on his pants.  His fingers curled around the soft lace of her g-string and swiftly tugged it down, knowing that the delicate fabric would pool at her feet. Her pelvis pressed against him as she stepped out of the moist fabric and nudged the scarce excuse for underwear to the side. His pants came undone and he deepened the kiss as her soft touch teased his hardness over his boxers before tugging them and his pants down, springing his arousal free.

A soft moan vibrated against his tongue and grasping her
gently, he eased her against the wall. Her back pressed against the smooth surface while he shifted his hold then gently lifted her legs around his waist. Need pulsed through him and though he wanted her with a fierce desire, he wanted her ready. He raised a finger and stroked her wet folds.

Another soft whimper deepened the kiss and his finger soaked from her lust. His mouth never left the sanctuary of her lips and he couldn’t stand another moment
, he needed to be buried deep inside of her. Tilting her forward he inched closer and allowed her body to sheath his length. He groaned and her arms laced around his neck. Her head rose. “I love you.”

And I you.” He panted. Possessiveness grew with every move made inside her tightness. “Be my wife.” His strokes between her wet walls picked up speed and his thrusts gained power, he couldn’t get deep enough into her―closer to her, yet the yearning drove him onward with more momentum. His gaze locked with hers and he didn’t know how much longer he could hold off his release. A sharp intake of air and her wet walls clamping around him tight was all he needed. He slammed into her with all the love and desire in his heart and soul. Her head fell back with the tremble of her shoulders. His muscles tightened and his climax emptied into her hard and fast Groaning he leaned his head down and captured her mouth in a brief kiss. “I can’t live without you in my life.” His voice rasped and his hold on her tightened, he would never let her go. Whether she knew it or not―she was completely his. “And without you I turn back into a frog.”

Hugging him tight, she regai
ned her breath. “The main reason I came is to kill the witch.” She eased away from him, glanced down at her thong on the floor, revealed only by the moonlight then looked up and stared him in the eyes.

For a fleeting second his world seemed to be uncertain. “Chloe, what is it?”

Despite the dimly lit room he noticed her throat rise then fall. Her breath caught in her throat. “The question is, if need be, will you slay the dragon?”  

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